All ratings for Conni59
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Response: No worries! Wishing you continu d good health❤️
Response: You are welcome
Response: Yay! Glad you like it. I’m ready for Spring…often we jump right into Summer!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the positive comments! It was definitely a little different!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: Glad you like it! ❤️
Response: You are most welcome❤️
Response: Thank you so much for the positive comments! You are very welcome❤️
Response: You are welcome!❤️
Response: I’m glad everything works! ❤️
Response: Yay! You are welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: ❤️wishing you a happy and prosperous new year!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: You are welcome! Happy Holidays.
Response: You are welcome. Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: You are welcome. Yard debris and a 4 day power outage, could’ve been worse as was the case for many.
Response: You are most welcome💕
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the sweet comments.
Response: My pleasure. I am some better, ongoing problem 😝
Response: You are quite welcome
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thank you for such a wonderful response❤️ I am so happy you are pleased! I hope you get to Scotland. I want to go back. It touched something deep inside even if I have no Scottish DNA
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the positive comments. Loved Scotland❤️
Response: You are welcome. I loved Scotland as well!
Response: you are welcome <3
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: Thank you for the positive comments! I am happy to continue participating. I actually ordered several books about yokai from Amazon.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Yay! You are welcome! ❤️
Response: 🤣❤️👏🏻 love that show 🤣 you are welcome!
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: You are so welcome❤️
Response: Think now for your kind words. Glad you like the idea washi!
Response: You are welcome❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome! Fun swapping with you.
Response: ❤️ you are welcome!
Response: Welcome! ❤️❤️❤️
Response: Love those things LOL!
Response: You are welcome. So fun to make! ❤️
Response: Yay! I love UNICEF cards. I used something called spackle over in the area where you get all the painty texture things. I am obsessed with it for snow 🤣 Happy Holidays. Did you know there are at least 17 holidays this season?!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: you are welcome!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Great movie❤️ Happy Holidays.
Response: My pleasure! Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: ❤️my pleasure❤️
Response: You are welcome. Peace and love to you as well❤️
Response: My pleasure! ❤️
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: Aww…wonderful❤️
Response: Oh dear! What can I do to make up for the extra postage due? One never knows what the postal service will do! I generally add too much postage if I can’t get to the PO. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Response: ❤️ the cardboard swaps are great fun. Wonder what the postal workers think 🤣
Response: Quite welcome❤️
Response: Glad you like them! ❤️
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: Thank you for your most kind words…means a lot! ❤️
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the positive comments ❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welxome
Response: You are welcome. Fun swap!
Response: My pleasure. I do enjoy this season and all the fun atcs.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the positive remarks. I love doing quirky atcs!
Response: You are welcome. Swapbot since 2017. I’m in other groups and have always had pen pals/people I swap with and exchange mail with. Postcrossing since 2006ish although I haven’t kept up lately!
Response: You are very welcome. Fun to create !
Response: My pleasure and thank you for the positive comment!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the positive comments❤️
Response: My pleasure. I’ve read it a few times and watched the older PBS version and the newer one on Netflix.
Response: You are most welcome!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. I always enjoy decorating the envelopes!
Response: He is one of my favorites! ❤️
Response: Aww! Such a nice thing to say! you are very welcome.
Response: Awesome, you are welcome!
Response: Thank you for the positive comments. I love doing the small art😃❤️
Response: True! You are so welcome.
Response: Me too! You are welcome!
Response: You are very welcome!❤️
Response: You are welcome! Enjoy the season❤️
Response: My pleasure! I do love creating smalls!
Response: Happy you are pleased. I usually do a pile of painted pages and cut them down as needed!
Response: Quite welcome. Great to see you on the swaps!
Response: ❤️I have an over abundance of washi tape 🤣 pleased to send swaps to you. Spoiler: you will be seeing more from me shortly!
Response: You are welcome! It was fun!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Yay! You are welcome!
Response: I love those National Day of "holidays" So hilarious!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the positive comments!
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: I thought that was hilarious as well. I didn’t have a lot of anything due to heat.
Response: This makes me very happy!❤️
Response: So happy you are pleased ❤️
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the positive comments! ❤️
Response: You’re welcome.
Response: You are welcome. I ❤️ book page art. I enjoy pulling random words and highlighting or blackout poetry. So many options!
Response: My pleasure! ❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Aww, thank you ❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: Glad you like them. I am amazed at the number of people collecting 70s decor now!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the wonderful comments. Enjoy your Summer :)
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: My pleasure! ❤️
Response: You are most welcome! I really enjoy the tearing process :)
Response: l Blueberry muffins always a good idea LOL!
Response: You are welcome. So yummy and comforting!
Response: You are welcome
Response: Glad you
Like them!
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: Aww! You are welcome ❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: You are welcome. It gave me great pleasure to put it together!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: You are so welcome, I loved making and sending it :)
Response: Thank you for your kind comments. So happy you are pleased with the atc, inchie and other bits.
Response: Oh good! You are welcome. Fun swap!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are quite welcome! Thanks for the background story!
Response: you are welcome, glad you like it.
Response: You are welcome. We have not traveled much lately either. Happy Trails!
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome :)
Response: My pleasure. So fun to make! Thanks for the sweet comment❤️
Response: You are very welcome❤️
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: Totally understand! You are welcome :)
Response: You are welcome :)
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Obsessed 😆. You are welcome.
Response: Glad you liked everything. Quite challenging!
Response: You are quite welcome. Thanks for the positive comments. Always looking to improve!
Response: Indeed they are 😋
Response: You are welcome. Really enjoyed putting it together.
Response: Such an enjoyable swap. I am happy you are delighted! ❤️
Response: My friends just laugh when I claim their cardboard 🤣
Response: 😍 you are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the feedback. And oops on the Chinese text!
Response: My pleasure! Hope your year of the rabbit is peaceful and prosperous!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are welcome. As long as you are happy…I am happy ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: 🤣 such a fun swap!
Response: They are delish! You are welcome❤️
Response: You are welcome. It was great fun
Response: My pleasure. Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the beautiful comments. So happy it touched some wonderful memories!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for sharing about your cats. I love the quirky personalities of them😺
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. I love anything hazelnut!
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: So relieved you received it! Fall is my favorite season.
Response: Whew! I am relieved! Thanks for being patient!
Response: My pleasure…I love nature and the written word❤️
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. I enjoyed making it!
Response: You are so welcome. I’ve done this myself which is why I now reach out 😃
Response: Yay! Glad you like it all.
Response: It’s an acquired taste. I’m not sure I’ve acquired it yet 🤣
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: You are so welcome. Thank you for the positive comments!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: Yay! You are welcome!
Response: You are so welcome. Thank you for such a glowing response!
Response: You are so welcome. I hope there was no postage due!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: Yay! I guess the original disappeared into the multiverse🤣
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are quite welcome!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: :) Glad it arrived! Cool Swap
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: She was super fun to create. So happy you are pleased!
Response: My pleasure! ❤️
Response: Crazy mail, at least you got it this time❤️
Response: Glad you like it! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: 😃 glad you like the hunk!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the kind words!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for your kind comments.
Response: You are welcome. Travel is one of my favorite themes
Response: You are welcome. Do love some dragons!
Response: You are welcome, so glad you received the swap! Fingers crossed for the others!
Response: You are welcome! Fun swap! I love unusual napkins at gatherings as well. I usually snag an extra one for art 😀
Response: You are welcome! Fun swap!
Response: It is a beautiful story❤️ I love to read and enjoy all things book related!
Response: I’m so glad. Thanks for the positive response ❤️
Response: Those National Days of totally crack me up! Now that you’ve reminded me, I need some chocolate 😻
Response: Yay! Glad you like it. I’ll have to refresh my memory on the win this year. It’s been a crazy time for us!
Response: You are quite welcome. Moving is always emotional! Glad the atc helped.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Enjoy!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are welcome and thank you!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thank you so much for the positive comments. I really appreciate it! You are very welcome.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome❤️
Response: Yay! You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: Aww! So glad you like her. Those are Yokai stickers. One of my granddaughters is into all things anime and Japanese.
Response: You are so welcome! ❤️
Response: My pleasure! ❤️
Response: You are so welcome ❤️
Response: You are so welcome. Master boards may be my new obsession 🤣 have to improve you know!
Response: My pleasure! Very fun to jump out of one’s comfort zone!
Response: You are welcome! I find myself trying new things so I can have a cool chunk of cardboard after 🤣🤣🤣
Response: You are welcome! Love the National Days 😆
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: LOL! Those “National” days can be hilarious!
Response: My pleasure! ❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart ❤️
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the heart~
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: You are so welcome! ❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are welcome and thank you for your positive comments!
Response: You are too kind! I’m glad you like them. ❤️
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the positive notes!
Response: You are welcome! Happy New Year to you as well.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. I love gelli printing! I usually set up an extra table and do a big batch. I experiment with all sorts of color combos, some I love, some not so much! It is a quick way to get interesting backgrounds. I also use the painted papers to make die cuts. Complete the cart transaction you won’t regret it!
Response: ❤️🎄Happy Holiday Season to You!
Response: You are welcome! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! Happy Holidays!
Response: My pleasure! Merry Christmas!
Response: You are so welcome! Merry Christmas!
Response: You are welcome! Happy Holidays!
Response: You are very welcome
Response: You are welcome and I totally get the disorganized part. I fee like I am always playing catch up! ❤️
Response: My pleasure. Happy Holidys!
Response: You are very welcome
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Tou are welcome! 🍁🎃
Response: You are most welcome 🍂🌾🍁🍄
Response: Yep! Can’t keep those around here 🎃
Response: 🎃 you are welcome, also glad to give you a laugh!
Response: You are welcome
Response: The parades are all around you. Always one in motion. It was an amazing experience! Glad you like the atc and pc.
Response: You are so welcome :)
Response: You are welcome. Happy you are happy :)
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are welcome. I love making these tags
Response: Such a fun swap! Glad you can enjoy the extras.
Response: You are welcome. I really enjoyed making the pc
Response: Thank you for hosting this amazing swap each month. My pleasure to find unusual cardboard and send it ❤️
Response: You are so very welcome!
Response: You are quite welcome!
Response: My pleasure! Enjoy the season!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: thought I responded? You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the wonderful comments!
Response: Welcome! I drink a lot more hot beverages in Fall and Winter!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: 🤣🤣🤣 I love this swap!
Response: You are welcome! I love to embellish 😁
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: My pleasure! I love this chunk swap.
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad you are pleased!
Response: You are welcome. Cat lover here ❤️
Response: You are so welcome and thank you!
Response: You are so welcome. Thank you for being patient with me!
Response: ❤️ you are very welcome!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are very welcome🌻
Response: Glad you like it. Fun swap!
Response: 🤣🤣🤣you are welcome!
Response: You are welcome and thank you ❤️
Response: My pleasure. I love this swap!
Response: My pleasure! Love the winged things!
Response: My pleasure! Enjoy!
Response: You are very welcome. I enjoy playing around with photos.
Response: Indeed, they were huge.
Response: My co workers were laughing about me wanting the top of the cookie box 🤣❤️
Response: You are welcome! My pleasure.
Response: I am so pleased! It was a bit of a stretch for me but fun!
Response: I enjoyed this swap. I use paint sample cards as well! Happy Creating :)
Response: You are very welcome! This was a fun swap. It is one of the magazines that can be used over and over.
Response: That pleases me ever so much! It was such a fun swap!
Response: I do miss travel, perhaps that will open up a bit more. Enjoy the Spring.
Response: You are welcome. It is warming up quickly here. Gathering all my outdoor supplies :)
Response: Oh good! Hope you are enjoying Spring!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: My pleasure. Mushrooms are a favorite theme of mine. Love to eat them too!
Response: You are welcome. I love those bear hug cards!
Response: You are welcome 🥰
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Indeed, you are welcome :)
Response: I know! I am so ready to travel. Wanderlust! With Covid and my Mom being on hospice we didn’t go anywhere for a year.
Response: Too big? The stamp came with some cartoonish monster stamps. It has several bubble like stamps.
Response: With this swap you have to look carefully LOL. I put all of my chunks into a handmade book. Love it. Showed my husband so he wouldn’t think I was crazy.
Response: You are welcome. Happy Spring!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for checking!
Response: Yay, you are welcome.
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are so welcome! I really enjoyed this swap. It was something new to try. I am so happy you love her. Thank you for the positive comments
Response: Secret weakness. I love lemon, thanks for the tip!
Response: Yay! I was surprised by how much green I had!
Response: Welcome! Fun swap
Response: OMG must have detoured somewhere. So glad it arrived!
Response: My pleasure. Bees are one of my favorite subjects!
Response: You are welcome. That is odd! Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well.
Response: You are very welcome.
Response: Happy Dance! You are welcome.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it! Happy Wandering.
Response: Yay! So much fun!
Response: You are so welcome. It was actually something I wanted to try so I am glad you are pleased. It was quite fun to make. I received a flat scene from my partner and I loved it so I am very sure yours is great and you did plenty! Best wishes in the coming year!
Response: You are welcome. Best wishes for the coming year!
Response: No snow in South Carolina, just rain. All the best to you as well!
Response: You’re welcome. Enjoy the holidays.
Response: you are welcome!
Response: Glad you like it! Merry Christmas!
Response: You are welcome! Happy Holidays!
Response: Happy Dance! Merry Christmas!
Response: You are welcome! Happy Holidays!
Response: You are so welcome.
Response: You are welcome! I really enjoy the chunk swap ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Happy Holidays ❤️
Response: 😁 so glad they suit you💜
Response: You are welcome! I enjoy the photo swaps.
Response: You are welcome. Be Well
Response: I am was challenging! You are very welcome~
Response: I’m so pleased! I love these vintage Halloween swaps!
Response: I probably will not 🤣 I have purchased wine based on the bottle too...some hits and misses 😳
Response: Yay! Thanks for the heart. It was a fun swap.
Response: Aww! You are so welcome!
Response: You are welcome. All is not lost I passed them on 😂
Response: Very welcome. This is one of my favorite swaps. I love to embellish and I have a thing for crows, ravens and Halloween.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Oh yay! I had so much fun making tags...I may have a new obsession 🤣
Response: You are welcome! Happy you are pleased!
Response: You are welcome :)
Response: LOL! You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for your kind words!
Response: You are so very welcome! I love bees!
Response: welcome, welcome, welcome :) thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome. It was a fun swap :)
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: I love words in art. Happy to be of service LOL!
Response: You are very welcome. So glad you like her!
Response: I must admit I’m a bit obsessed with highlighting words and blackout poetry LOL. Stay well and safe.
Response: I’m afraid I have a new addiction LOL! I have been using various text for Halloween at atcs. So happy you like my first attempt.
Response: It’s a perfect word! Glad you like it!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the positive comments!
Response: Yay! You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! 😍
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: I enjoyed the swap! Covid not so much!
Response: My pleasure! Enjoy ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you like them 🥰
Response: My pleasure, I enjoy riddles, the cornier the better!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are quite welcome. I would love to go back to South Africa.
Response: I am so glad all arrived! Thank you for your patience!
Response: Fantastic! You are very welcome!
Response: One of my favorite flowers! It was my pleasure to make it for you!
Response: You are welcome. Vintage is one of my favorite themes!
Response: Fun to use up bits and bobs! ❤️
Response: I am so happy this one arrived!
Response: You are welcome. ❤️
Response: Welcome! Love this fun swap!
Response: You're welcome. Love this swap. I think the stamp is hilarious :)
Response: You are welcome! This swap is always a favorite for me.
Response: You are welcome. I hope we see improvement everywhere! It is a crazy time!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: My pleasure! I have tons of rubber stamps so I am making the effort to use them!
Response: Haha...chocolate is addictive for sure!
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: My pleasure! So happy you are enjoying everything!
Response: You are very welcome. I love these “chunk” swaps!
Response: Sounds fantastic!
Response: You are very welcome! I am so pleased ❤️
Response: You are welcome. I found him and several other creatures at a Edisto Bookstore in Edisto Island SC.
Response: My pleasure, I enjoyed making it for you!
Response: Yay! You are very welcome.
Response: Thank you! I appreciate your kindness re the measurement!
Response: You are welcome. I do love stamps, postal and rubber stamps!
Response: Oh shoot I forgot which riddle I sent 😂
Response: My pleasure! Enjoy ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Cake is always good 😀
Response: Welcome and thanks for hosting!
Response: Thanks for hosting! Always a fun project!
Response: Glad you received it! Fun swap!
Response: Oh that makes me happy!
Response: You are welcome! My pleasure
Response: You are welcome. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
Response: My pleasure and you are very welcome ❤️
Response: My pleasure! Enjoyed the swap!
Response: You are welcome! I got a set of them and I’m not sure where!
Response: It has been brutal! Thanks for the heart
Response: I’m always happy when a swapper is happy! It was my pleasure. The new stamp I ordered online. I think you can google address stamps and several companies will come’s been so long I don’t remember exactly which one I used!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the heart too
Response: Happy you like it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: No worries. Life has been a little nutso on my end as well!
Response: LOL, I know right?! Didn’t realize they were healthy “ish” 😂
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Hope all is well.
Response: My pleasure...hope you enjoy
Response: Yay! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: I am so happy to be able to put this together in a way that is meaningful to you! Hopefully our paths will cross again. You’ve given me a
few ideas for my art journals!
Response: I do enjoy collage and a painted background ❤️ Fun swap
Response: You are welcome. Fun swap
Response: Glad you like it. Trying to get my photo mojo back! Fun swap.
Response: I thought the swap was great fun! Glad you enjoyed the atc and stuff. I have been limiting my trips to Hobby Lobby and such because I have so much stuff!
Response: Glad you like them! And you are very welcome.
Response: Yay! Was concerned because it was thin and unusual!
Response: Yay! Glad it arrived this time!
Response: I’m am so pleased. It was a bit of a challenge!
Response: I drink sparky when I need a little zing. Usually drink a generic brand 😀
Response: The canvas does present a different perspective for consideration! Love doing them.
Response: Welcome and it was a pleasure ❤️
Response: I am so glad you love mermaids!
Response: My pleasure! Sorry for not responding sooner ❤️
Response: I apologize that I haven’t acknowledged here! It is y pleasure to send something you enjoyed ❤️
Response: Yay! It was fun to do!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the fun swaps
Response: It was my pleasure! I am so glad you like it. It was quite a challenge for me!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: I love anything related to the ocean so my go to theme seems to be nautical/seafaring navigational and such. Glad you like them. Just started making them in the last few months!
Response: You are welcome! I had to go with Plan B on the snow globe 😘
Response: My pleasure. Merry Christmas to you as well!
Response: You are very welcome! I thought the gnomes were super cute 😂
Response: I am happy they pleased you! Thank you for the wonderful compliment.
Response: You are quite welcome!
Response: My pleasure! Happy Holidays!
Response: Aww ❤️ I love Frida!
Response: Yay! Happy you are pleased!
Response: You are quite welcome!
Response: My pleasure. The card stock came from Hobby Lobby or Michaels,can’t exactly remember!
Response: I’m glad you like them. I felt like they needed to be a set!
Response: You are very welcome 🎃
Response: Haha, she does! This was a fun swap 😀🎃
Response: Wow, those arrived quickly! Love Tim Burton.
Response: It was fun! Enjoy!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: My pleasure! Enjoy
Response: Oh good! It was my pleasure.
Response: My pleasure! I love Fall!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Paris is always a good idea :) Glad you liked the atc and packet.
Response: Happy Dance! You are welcome ❤️
Response: My pleasure. Happy you are pleased!
Response: My apologies! That’s a first for me. Thanks for the gentle reminder.
Response: The sand is amazing and you are very welcome!
Response: My pleasure. I like the idea of atc coins and am looking forward to more swaps here!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: My pleasure! Love Christmas stuff!
Response: My pleasure. It is always a joy when a swapper responds so you know you’ve done something to pleas them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: My pleasure! It was great fun!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: My pleasure and thank you for your kind words!
Response: My pleasure...I like challenging mysel!
Response: Wow! Glad you finally got it ❤️
Response: Aww, thank you!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like the samples, I have plenty to share 😂❤️
Response: My pleasure. My son in law is Air Force as well!
Response: My pleasure! I do love to use vintage children’s books.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: My pleasure. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are quite welcome! My pleasure
Response: It is always a pleasure to participate in your swaps. Glad you like it!
Response: I am pleased! Happy Swapping!
Response: You are welcome and thank you!
Response: My pleasure! I have so much to share, I love to pass on a few happy items!
Response: So wonderful to receive such positive feedback. I enjoy sending and receiving mail. I think it is a missed opportunity to connect if there is no note...I love it when someone tells me a little about themselves and their art process!
Response: My pleasure! Believe it or not it was one of those happy coincidences...
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Thanks for the heart. It was my pleasure!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: My pleasure. Thanks for the heart
Response: I am glad you are happy with everything!
Response: Oh good! Thanks for the heart
Response: I wish it would get warmer not hot but springlike LOL You are welcome, my pleasure.
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are quite welcome, my was great fun!
Response: So glad you like it. It is my pleasure.
Response: So happy it arrived so quickly to Hong Kong! It was my pleasure!
Response: I am pleased! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart. It was my pleasure!
Response: Glad you like it ❤️
Response: I love Iris! I am very happy everything arrived okay! This was a fun swap!
Response: Glad you ‘got’ my vision! I always enjoy your swaps. Great challenge.
Response: I’m so glad you like it! It was fun to paint 😍
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: My pleasure...purple is such a rich color, so many shades to choose! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: I so enjoyed doing this one. Glad you like it and the the extras from my stash!
Response: You are so welcome. Happy you are pleased!
Response: Glad you like it! I really enjoy the monthly challenge!
Response: Always a pleasure!
Response: My pleasure. So glad you like them. I love metals and metallics! As I’ve said before...your swaps are the best!
Response: I love your swaps! I have to tell you I got that pen in an artsnacks subscription box. It is a chrome pen and I have to hide it from myself...want to use it on everything 😂😂😂
Response: You are very welcome! This was an awesome swap â¤ï¸
Response: I am so pleased! Happy swapping â¤ï¸
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are welcome, glad you like them!
Response: that a fun coincidence! I used a map book we had with us as we traveled across the USA! So glad this made you happy 😃
Response: Glad it finally found its way to you! Thanks for being patient and the heart â¤ï¸
Response: You are very welcome 😃
Response: My pleasure! Fun swap â¤ï¸
Response: Glad you enjoyed it 😘
Response: My pleasure â¤ï¸
Response: My pleasure 😃
Response: I punched the flowers, outlined and colored pencil. â¤ï¸
Response: My pleasure â¤ï¸
Response: You are welcome â¤ï¸
Response: So glad you liked the atc and can use the other things
Response: My pleasure â¤ï¸
Response: You are very welcome. Glad you like it.
Response: Glad you like it â¤ï¸ Fun swap!
Response: My pleasure! â¤ï¸
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: I am so glad, little out of my wheelhouse 😃 â¤ï¸
Response: My pleasureâ¤ï¸
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart â¤ï¸
Response: Love the goddesses! Your swaps are always great fun. â¤ï¸
Response: My pleasure! So happy you received everything! â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Response: Yay! My pleasure â¤ï¸
Response: Happy you are safe and happy that you enjoyed my packet of goodies
Response: My pleasure...I enjoy sharing out of my stash â¤ï¸
Response: I’m so happy that everything works for you!
Response: Glad you enjoyed !
Response: Awesome! Swap was my pleasure
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Thanks for the heart ðŸ˜
Response: My pleasure! I really loved this theme 😀
Response: I got a great deal on a package on Tim Holtz people! I keep using them and giving them away...â¤ï¸ Happy you like the ATC
Response: Everyone deserves to be spoiled...especially since you ended up with me so many times!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: My pleasure! I used dylusions spray ink and let it drip around, I also take a rag and blot the ink. It is a big mess that sometimes even I am surprised at the result! Some are better than others 😂 Just have to experiment! â¤ï¸
Response: My pleasure â¤ï¸
Response: I was amazed at the variety and all the color. I visited deserts in NM AZ and CA. So beautiful! I am pleased that you enjoy them!
Response: Thank and I am happy you are enjoying the swap â¤ï¸
Response: My pleasure, thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad it finally arrived!
Response: My pleasure, it was a fun swap!
Response: Glad you liked everything!
Response: Aww, thank you for such sweet comments...I always second guess myself which is why I often send two atcs!
Response: My pleasure, thank you for the â¤ï¸
Response: I'm glad you like it! Wish I was at the ocean right now 💙
Response: This was fun! I do love Halloween 💜
Response: sorry this one was delayed! that rarely happens to me! I think it was b/c of the holiday and being in a teeny tiny town. Glad you like it and thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart, I love the little owl myself :)
Response: I am a little confused, I just sent the sky one this weekend! Unless I've somehow sent it to you twice! You should be getting another sky one soon :) thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you like them, thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you and thanks for the heart!
Response: I've not seen them either not sure what they are. Found the container with five different colors in a clearance bin ðŸ˜
Response: My pleasure ðŸ˜
Response: You are very welcome â¤ï¸
Response: Glad you liked it. They are Tim Holtz people...he has some pretty awesome products!
Response: I am so glad it arrived! â¤ï¸
Response: I spent so much time thinking about a quite and I too love Gilmore Girls â¤ï¸Happy you like it and thank you for the heart
Response: Oh wow! Thank you â¤ï¸ And thank you for the heart!
Response: I received Ravens as well which is cool by me â¤ï¸ Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart
Response: Yay! Great fun to make! â¤ï¸
Response: What a fun swap! Thanks for the â¤ï¸
Response: I am pleased! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you! It was great fun!
Response: Glad you like them 😘
Response: Yay! Fun challenge 😀
Response: I'm so pleased! â¤ï¸
Response: Glad you liked everything! 😘
Response: Welcome! â¤ï¸
Response: I'm pretty sure I got the postcards from Books a Million. I'm a bit of an Alice fan 😂
Response: I'm glad you like everything 😘
Response: All good â¤ï¸
Response: Glad you like â¤ï¸
Response: Aww! Glad you like them!
Response: glad you liked the cats 😠I sprayed ink on a plastic mat and blotted the paper in it. I finished it with a pearlescent spray. dylusions ink.