Fives ratings for Pyrhulla
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Response: Hi Tama! So happy you liked the pc :) I got the stickers from a webshop called Postallove, they have so many cute ones!
Response: Ik wist dat nog niet, ik dacht dat het alleen voor binnen Nederland gold, dus bedankt dat je het laat weten! :)
Response: Ik ben geen fan van die eierballen, nee, haha! Maar wel leuk om eens te proberen :) De washi is van Lettoon, ze hebben vanavond nog korting :)
Response: You're so welcome!! I'm so happy it has arrived safely :) Enjoy your December! :)
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart!! I mostly get my Vellum paper at a Dutch store called Action. If you want we can do a private swap and I can send you some :)
Response: I'm so sorry that happened! I will send you a new one! :)
Response: So happy it arrived! Thanks a lot for my first rating! β€οΈ