Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: It's totally worth the tour next time you come! I've taken the tour twice so far, but I'd happily go again whenever I have visitors.
Response: Glad you liked it! It's a PET tape, basically a plastic tape that you peel off from the clear backing. It's nice bc you can just cut out a specific part you want to use then use it like a sticker.
Response: You're very welcome
Response: You're so welcome! Summer is a great time to visit salem I hope you can see it this year!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Glad you enjoyed! I'd love to do another swap with you, I'll send you a message
Response: You're welcome & glad you liked it!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Omg thanks for your message! I'm glad my rambling about the book found someone to understand and appreciate it! Lemme know if you want to do a private swap sometime!
Response: Yes this was such a fun swap!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Yay I'm so glad you liked it, I had a creative block trying to make it so I felt kinda bad about it when it was done, so it's great to hear you enjoyed it hehe
Response: That's always nice to hear, thank you, and enjoy the goodies!
Response: So glad you liked it, I had a lovely afternoon making it at my desk with a cup of tea!
Response: Yay, I look forward to your letter!
Response: Yay I'm glad you liked it, I had fun putting it together :)
Response: You're welcome! Happy autumn!
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: You're so welcome ^_^
Response: Glad you like it and I'm so happy it didn't disintegrate in the mail haha
Response: Wow, that was quick! Glad you received and enjoy what I sent!
Response: Wonderful! Enjoy the tea!
Response: Yay, so glad you got the resend! Enjoy!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome, I had fun picking them out for you!
Response: So glad you got it & liked it. Happy Spooky Season!
Response: You're welcome Neea!
Response: You're welcome, glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome <3
Response: Thanks & happy swapping to you too!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: That's so weird, that's never happened before, but I'm glad they sent it along to you, that's super nice! Thanks for the heart & for loving my mail dino! Swap again soon!
Response: Now if the world can just be safe to travel again...
Response: Yay, glad you liked it! I used a tiny bit of ink in a blunt syringe to blow and spatter the ink on the card- it looks cool and can give a good idea of what the ink looks like in heavy or light concentrations.
Response: Yay, you're welcome :) I had a great time making this one & was quite proud when I put it in the mailbox hehe
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Yay, so glad you like them! Enjoy!
Response: ^_^ glad you like them, enjoy!
Response: Yay I'm glad you like the ones I picked for you. I organize my huge collection in big clear plastic drawers by theme (botanical, patterns, animals, people, seasonal, etc) because I usually choose my washi more based on theme than color.
Response: Yeah the heat waves have been crazy. I had ice cream for dinner last night lol- Glad you love what I sent! Happy Swapping!
Response: Yay, so happy to hear you loved my swap!!
Response: Yay, so glad you like them! I love the paper texture on the floral one, it's so nice :)
Response: So glad you liked everything! I had a great time putting it together for you ^_^
Response: Omg yay I'm so glad you loved it! I had fun putting it together for you!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: I won't tell Santa if you open them all at once hahaha enjoy!
Response: yay! I'm so glad you like what I picked for you! I love happy mailing, it's so satisfying when someone loves what I sent! Cheers!
Response: Great, so happy you enjoyed it! Happy swapping!
Response: So glad you love what I send! Whenever I get you as my partner for these I thank Past Abby for taking pictures of every swap I send out so I can reference them & try not to send duplicates!
Response: Aww thanks for your sweet words, and you're so welcome! I'm glad you love what I sent, I loved creating it, it was so meditative and calming! Yep I do live in Witch City and Halloween is usually a month-long bash... I know things will be different this year, but we'll still have fun :D
Response: So glad you love the washi Vicki! I had fun digging around in my Halloween washi :)
Response: You're so welcome! Taking time to put together the swap is what makes it fun for me!
Response: You're so welcome! I loved putting this swap together for you and it always makes my day to hear some extra love about receiving it ^_^ Hope we swap again soon!
Response: So glad you loved what I put together for you, I was really proud of that one when it was done haha
Response: So glad you like what I sent, it always gives me a boost to hear good things from my swap partners :3
Response: Hooray, I'm so glad you received it! It was lovely swapping with you, I'd love to do it again sometime :)
Response: You're welcome! I had fun making them, I feel like maybe they were a little too ATC-like but I'm glad you liked yours :)
Response: That's so sweet thanks! Writing that letter was a great way for me to say goodbye and remember the good and bad times we shared.
Response: Awesome! Glad you liked it :)
Response: Great, glad you liked it!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Haha yeah I looked up jitters and yeah he looks like he's been awake for a week straight. Yeah I do have online access, I'll send you my code!
Response: Isn't it?! The lil cat paws holding it closed? Gah so cute. I got it in a sub box so I don't know where to get more, but I traced one and made a template to play around with so that might be a fun DIY :3
Response: Thanks! Standby for another one-I got you for the us only swap too!
Response: So glad you got it and like what I sent! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome :3
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh yay, I'm glad you love what I sent! Thanks for your sweet comments! I got the stamp you like from Viva Las Vegas Stamps, I think they have an online store too...
Response: You're so welcome, thanks for the heart! Enjoy!
Response: Awesome, thanks!
Response: :D So glad you loved everything! I just kept adding samples because I kept seeing ones I had to send you! Yes, I'd love to swap again :3
Response: Yay, glad you liked it Renee!
Response: You're welcome :3
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you like it!
Response: Yes! If you want to do a Transistor-themed private swap with me I'd be totally down for that! We could work within the color scheme or something...
Response: Yay! Glad you like them, enjoy using them!
Response: So glad you got it this time! Enjoy!
Response: Haha isn't it hideous? A true gem.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it, I had a fun time putting together all the yellow goodies :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Aww thanks Nurul, that means a lot coming from you :)
Response: Yay I'm so glad you like what I sent, I have a lot of fun putting these multi-item swaps together for people :3
Response: So glad you like it! I got the tutorial for that type of envelope flipbook from Wendy's Journal Adventure on youtube if you're interested.
Response: You're so welcome! I love putting together swatch cards based on preference, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Thanks for the compliments! Happy swapping!
Response: Yay I'm so glad you love what I sent! I'll message you about my sources :3
Response: So glad you like what I sent, enjoy using it!
Response: You're very welcome, I'm so glad you liked all the Japanese goodies, I love putting together themed goodies like this, they're some of my favorite swaps, so I love when the recipients get inspired by them :3
Response: You're welcome, I love picking out things based on people's likes. I hope you enjoy creating with them!
Response: Keep an eye out for the Mome Raths, they're so cute!
Response: You're very welcome, glad you liked what I sent you ^_^
Response: you're welcome, I hope you can use them!
Response: Great! Have a nice day :)
Response: Ooh sounds great, I'm excited! ^_^
Response: Awesome, so glad you like what I sent!
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: What a coincidence! New England is beautiful this time of year, glad you got to see it in its glory
Response: You're so welcome ^_^ I think I'm getting better at pressing flowers, but we're running out of time to practice here in New England, ha!
Response: Aw thank you for that compliment, it always makes me smile to read that someone really loved my swap <3
Response: Whoops! Sorry I missed the original art element, but I'm glad you liked the rest of the package and thanks for the heart! ^_^
Response: Aww thanks so much for that compliment, its so gratifying to swap with someone who has similar taste ^_^
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I love red pandas they're so adorable. I think the ones you're talking about are from the Korean brand DailyLike if you were interested in tracking them down.
Response: Wow that sounds like so much fun, I would have loved that as a kid (and also now) I'm so glad I put that tape in this swap for you!
Response: It's an interesting place, that's for sure!
Response: Yay I'm so glad you love it! Salem is such an interesting place, I hope you can visit it at some point! I'd be happy to send you some PCs from Salem but I request that we wait until November because downtown is chock full of tourists so it'll be a while before I can stock up on PCs again.
Response: Happy to hear it!
Response: You're welcome Jess :D
Response: Haha I'm glad you could appreciate it :D
Response: You're welcome!!! ^_^
Response: Glad you like it!!
Response: You're welcome Diane!
Response: Ah yes, I'm so happy you like them! If you ever want to do a private washi swap shoot me a message!
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Glad you liked it Neea!
Response: You're so welcome! Happy Halloween!
Response: Yay I'm so glad you love them! I'm happy to share them with other washi lovers!
Response: Glad you like it :)
Response: You're very welcome :D
Response: You're welcome! ^_^
Response: You're welcome so much ^_^
Response: You're welcome, glad you liked it!
Response: Yes, I'm so glad you can use what I sent! Happy crafting! ^_^
Response: Aww you're welcome! Swap again soon!
Response: Yay! Happy to spread the sticker love ^_^
Response: The purple plumes are Celosia from my garden, they look gorgeous this fall! I loved doing this swap, thanks for hosting it!
Response: Haha yeah, it's pretty great. The vintagey Halloween PC is from one of the stores in town that works with a company that has all these old illustrations on file, then they have them make Salem-ey postcards out of them, it's pretty cool!
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the great rating!
Response: So glad you like them! You're welcome ^_^
Response: Oh, that one is from the Michael's loose washi bin and its like 30 cents if you can find it! If I see one next time I go, I'll snag one for you ^_^
Response: Yes I love those ones too!
Response: You're so welcome! I love putting these envelopes together & I'm glad you liked what I picked!
Response: Haha I knew you'd love it! ^_^ Take care!
Response: You're welcome! The envelopes I got from Pepin van Roojen on Amazon, they're pretty, right?
Response: Aww thanks for the hearts! Glad I sent some you're happy to use!
Response: Haha that info is already outdated- my hair is red now ^_^
Response: So glad you like them!!
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: Haha of course I did! I'm happy if you're happy!
Response: ^_^ you're welcome!!
Response: You're welcome! The little pretzel washi is super cute <3
Response: Haha wow you're welcome! So glad you like it!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Yay! I'm so glad you like them, I was quite happy with how they turned out!
Response: So glad you liked them!
Response: I aim to please!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Who doesn't love succulents!? Thanks for the <3
Response: You're very welcome! Happy Fall!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the <3
Response: So glad you liked them!
Response: Yay, I'm so happy you liked the ones I picked for you!
Response: Thank you! I carve stamps myself and that return address stamp was a tough one because I had to carve the text backwards--there were a couple failed attempts at that one haha. Yess glad you love all the green washi as much as me!!
Response: Yay so glad you liked them!!! I love sharing samples w/ fellow washi enthusiasts :) Thanks for hosting these!
Response: You're very welcome!!
Response: Yay! Glad you enjoyed ^_^
Response: You're so welcome! Happy swapping ^_^
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Happy swapping! -Saturn
Response: Thanks for the <3
Response: You're welcome Neea!
Response: You're very welcome Zaneta! Always a pleasure to swap with you :)
Response: So glad you like what I picked out for you!!!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart :)
Response: Glad you liked the swap, sorry again about the postage due but I'm glad you got the stamps I sent ^_^
Response: Awesome. You're very welcome :)
Response: I liked that airplane sketch postcard too, there's something about people making art out of the mundane that I really love. Glad you liked it too :)
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: You're very welcome, I'm glad it got to you safely :)
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: Ha! How lucky! Sorry about my handwriting lol but thanks for the heart :)
Response: Glad you like the humongo washi :D I'm also looking forward to Fall, but I'm going to be swimming all weekend, so I need just a little more summer to get me through
Response: Yay I'm glad you love it!
Response: Yesss, I'm so happy you like them!
Response: We should do a private washi swap sometime! ^_^
Response: Aww I'm so happy to hear you love them! I have a lot of tapes so I love picking out selections on a certain theme/ aesthetic and 20 samples is a lot to work with so I had fun with it. Anytime you want to do a private swap or if you need info on one of the tapes I sent shoot me a message :)
Response: Aww yay, you got it! I thought you'd like those cards :D
Response: I got the plastic from aliexpress, I think it's meant for washi samples and I use them a lot myself for making samples I can take on the go. They're cheap too. The colored line tape is from the brand MT and I think I got it from washiwednesday or etsy
Response: I love that deer one too. Glad you enjoyed!
Response: You're welcome! I'll look forward to your letter ^_^
Response: Oh no, I've never had that happen before, I'm sorry you had to pay :( but I'm glad you liked what I sent you, I'll send you a lil something extra next time I'm partnered with you to make up for the postage ^_^
Response: Glad you liked them! -Abby
Response: You're welcome! I love that Totoro tape, it's very summery
Response: Hehehe I'm so glad you liked it! Like I said, as I read your profile I kept thinking of things I had that were perfect, and I was in a mood to tinker with it so I just kept adding stuff. I'm glad I could brighten your day ^_^
Response: You're so welcome! Swap soon :)
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it ^_^
Response: Haha, isn't it great! Love those lil kitties...
Response: Yay, glad you liked it too!
Response: Ah, you're so welcome! I love it when people are specific in their profiles about what they like collecting, it makes it so much easier for me to find things that they'll like!
Response: I was excited when I saw that in your profile because I knew I had several of those in my stash!
Response: Aww I'm so glad you liked it! I cut the inspiration piece out of a book of collected illustrations and I knew I had a bunch of other matching stuff so I had a great time curating it as a kit and I'm so glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: The postal system works in mysterious ways 😅
Response: Awesome, glad you liked it! ðŸ˜
Response: You're welcome! I hope your work day today is somewhat better!
Response: I got most of them on Etsy, but if you want to know the info on a specific tape, message me!
Response: Magnus looked so jolly in that pic I knew I had to use it. Rustic hospitality everywhere! And I couldn't forget ol' Railsplitter on the back, hehe. Thanks for hosting this swap, it was super fun!!
Response: Aww I'm so glad you liked it Selene! I had a good time picking pieces for it!
Response: You're so welcome! Glad my message gave you some encouragement, I always feel it never hurts to send positive messages out because you never know what struggles people are dealing with. Heck, even if you're not struggling it's good to hear that you're enough. 😊
Response: Glad you liked it, thanks for the heart!
Response: Awesome! Looking forward to it!
Response: Glad you liked it! ðŸ˜
Response: I know, they're the cutest! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay! So glad I picked a good one :D
Response: You're very welcome! Happy crafting :)
Response: You're so welcome, I'm glad you loved them! If you ever want to do another swap with me (I have tons more pretty washi & stationery waiting to be shared) just shoot me a message and we can set it up!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for hosting! 😊
Response: Haha good to know 😊 Swap soon!
Response: You're so welcome Evan! Thanks for hosting this swap ðŸ‘
Response: You're so welcome! I really hoped you'd like the dancing Santa washi- it cracks me up every time I use it. Glad you can use the other ones as well, I'm happy to share 🤗
Response: You're so welcome! Lol I didn't find most of those tapes in the US either, most I ordered from Taiwan or Japan--I love hunting for tapes made by independent artists, those tend to be my favorite designs ðŸ˜
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: I aim to please! I also aim to spend all my money on washi tape >_< Glad you liked what I picked <3 swap soon!
Response: Hehe I'm so happy you liked it! I just followed a tutorial on youtube for the flipbook using an envelope and it was fun, I've never done one shaped like that before. If you ever want to do a private swap for flipbooks or something, hit me up!
Response: You're so welcome! ☺ï¸
Response: Aww thank you! I'm so glad you got my package! Have a nice summer 🌞
Response: ðŸ‘You're welcome! Glad my mail brightened your day!
Response: 🤗 Thanks! I'll send you a sample of that insect washi sometime ðŸ˜
Response: ^_^ you're welcome!
Response: I have a couple variations on the sea creature ones, I'll try to send you the other designs next time
Response: Glad you like it, I worked hard on that one
Response: Glad you like them!
Response: You're so welcome, thanks for hosting the swap!
Response: So glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome! Hope you can use them
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: I aim to please! :3 Thanks for the sweet note, it's nice to get appreciative feedback when I put time into tailoring a swap for someone!
Response: I got it from Davaoartsandcrafts on Etsy. The brand is MT and the listing I bought it from called the style "filament" but I know it was limited edition so it might be hard to track down. Good luck!
Response: Aw I'm so glad you liked the PCs and my message!
Response: So glad you liked them! ðŸ‘
Response: You're so welcome! I have a lot of unique tapes from different countries and artist and I love sharing them ^_^
Response: You're welcome!! Thanks for the heart ♥
Response: Ah thank you!!! Swapping is my favorite new hobby and I'm loving it!
Response: Youre welcome ^_^
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Haha I buy way too many tapes, I just can't resist the prettiest ones!
Response: You're so welcome! Happy swapping!
Response: Thanks for joining my swap, glad you liked what I picked for you!
Response: Speaking of that... I have you for the fave washi swap too!
Response: You're so welcome, glad you liked them! I'm glad my note helped pick you up ✌ï¸
Response: ^_^ so glad you love them Karen! If you run out of a certain one you love and want to do a private swap for another sample or if you want to know where I got a specific roll, just message me!
Response: High praise! I'm blushing >_< I think we have similar styles, so it was easy to choose things for you. I'd be happy to do a private swap with you if you want sometime!
Response: Yesss another person to share my favorite weird stuff with!
Response: Yay! So glad you like them I love choosing which washi to send my partners and it always feels great when I can share some that are different than what you already have!
Response: Ahh so glad you liked them! I was excited when I realized I could use all my bunny washi on you!
Response: I'm so glad you like it! I get nervous whenever I send an ATC out bc I haven't made many of them yet
Response: Awesome, glad you liked them! I'll pm you soon :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're so welcome! We share that love haha
Response: You're very welcome, glad you could appreciate it haha
Response: Glad you like it!
Response: Aww I'm so glad! ^_^
Response: You're so welcome! I'm really glad you like them ^_^
Response: Soo glad you liked it! I love picking washi samples to match people's tastes so it's nice to hear I got it right for you!
Response: Gotta make the most of the nice weather after 6 months of winter!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome, Ellie! Happy swapping!
Response: So glad you like them! I have tons of washi for a reason if I can share it with other crafty people :D
Response: Hahaha I felt so dumb when I saw the answer halfway through writing the message! I'm glad you liked it ^_^
Response: Glad you liked it! Happy swapping ^_^
Response: Aww glad you like them!
Response: Aww so glad you liked the pages I picked! Thanks for the <3 and next time BTS goes to Paris if you're able to go, go. It's an unforgettable experience :)
Response: Glad you like them and I hope they'll zazz up some of your mail!
Response: Glad you liked it! I used Posca paint pens for writing on the back, they work great on cardboard
Response: You're welcome ^_^
Response: Awesome, glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Glad you liked it! Yeah I agree, I only read House of Leaves once and I remember it taking me forever to get through all the footnotes- not to mention the appendices and mirrored text!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Yay! Glad you got it!
Response: You're welcome! I had fun picking out a bunch of different ones for you :) Happy swapping & feel free to message me if you want to do a private PC swap sometime.
Response: Glad you liked it! I'll message you bc I can't remember what washi I used lol
Response: Ahh thanks so much! I hope you enjoy using the envelopes for future swaps that you want to give a little extra love to ^_^
Response: So glad you liked them! Happy swapping!
Response: Glad you liked it! ^_^ Happy swapping!
Response: Yay, glad you liked it! Happy swapping! If I'm your partner in a future swap I'll send you a sample of the penguin one :) Or if you want to do a private swap just message me!
Response: They have the best boxes for sure! I like craft beer okay, but I can't handle IPAs blech!
Response: So glad you liked it, it does totally have that Alice vibe to it, very whimsical, which is my jam! Happy swapping!
Response: I'll message you bc that tape was hard to come by but it's definitely one of my faves in my collection
Response: Aww kitty! :3 glad you liked the samples I sent!
Response: Sweet! Thanks for the rating & lemme know if you ever want to do a private PC swap
Response: Will do & I sent you a message re the lemon washi :)
Response: So glad you liked it & that it made it to you safely :)
Response: Glad you received it!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you got it!
Response: Aw yay glad you got it and thanks for the <3
Response: Glad you liked it, thanks for the heart :)
Response: Glad you liked them Doon! It was really fun picking out a rainbow of washi to send
Response: I got it at a thrift bookstore years ago, I'm not sure if it's still available anywhere but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who remembers Gumby fondly haha
Response: Awesome I'm so glad you liked it & I can't wait to receive yours! Thanks for doing this swap with me :D