~ Pic above shows a 'mail book', available from the Bad Books Etsy Store (probably a little bulkier than our swap notebooks will be. ~
~ Pic below shows the more compact Airmail Envelope Book by Miniature Rhino ~

Swap description: Naked notebooks!
I know I am not alone in my slight obsession with notebooks; so after quite a long break, I am reviving one of my favourite swaps. :) In the first 2 rounds, there was quite a lot of discussion about the practicalities of mailing notebooks in the swap comments, so I will copy & paste the bits which might be relevant in the comments below. Please feel free to add further questions/comments; but first - here's how it works:
Begin with a notebook Γ’β¬β you can either make this yourself (try this tutorial , or use an alternative design); or buy something plain, like the pocket Moleskine Cahier (Muji & Paperchase both sell similar notebooks). You can use a larger notebook, if you like, but it should not be smaller than 3.5" x 5" (minimum mailing size for USPS). For reference, the pocket moleskine cahier is 9.5 x 15cm (approx. 3.7" x 6.1").
But the notebook will not be entirely naked, as you will 'dress' it (decorate or embellish) in some way before mailing Γ’β¬β doodle a border, print image/s using a hand-carved stamp, collage it, just add some form of personalisation so that it is no longer like something you can buy in a store! (But just adding store-bought stickers doesn't count.)
Write a brief note to your partner either on the first or last page of the notebook, or on the inside cover, so they know which swap it is for, and from whom (and anything else you would like to say).
Address the notebook (something to consider when you are personalising it, in step 2!). How you choose to do this is up to you, but make sure the delivery & return address are clear & the postage is secure.
Seal the notebook. Again, how you choose to do this is up to you (and something else to think about a) if you make your own notebook, and b) when you embellish it). Just make sure your partner can unseal the notebook without damaging it!
By the end of the swap, not only will we each have 2 handy new notebooks at our disposal, but they will probably be the coolest notebooks ever, having travelled naked through the mail, and acquired all sorts of extra stamps & markings in addition to our partners' customisation.
Swap requirements
- 2 partners = 2 naked notebooks sent & 2 naked notebooks received.
- Notebooks may be handmade or storebought; minimum notebook size 9 x 14cm, no maximum.
- Notebooks should contain a minimum of 16 pages. These can be blank, ruled, or squared (etc) at sender's discretion.
- Notebooks should be decorated, sealed & addressed Γ’β¬β no envelopes allowed!
- Write a brief note to your partner either on the first or last page of the notebook, or on the inside cover.
- Scan or photograph both sides of your notebook after addressing & before mailing. Hopefully this will not be necessary, but in case any notebooks go missing in transit there will still be some evidence of your work.
- (optional but advised:) Obtain proof of posting from Post Office (this is free in the UK, not sure about elsewhere).
- If one of your notebooks fails to arrive within 1 month of date of sending, please ask your partner to provide the the photos of the notebook they sent, and the proof of posting. If they are able to provide this evidence, you must rate a 5 whether you have received the notebook or not (it is not fair to rate your partner down for a delivery problem which they cannot control).
- Late swaps & low ratings will all be checked before assigning partners. Contact me if you think there might be a problem.