Swap-bot Time: March 18, 2025 12:32 am


Date Joined: March 5, 2011
Last Online: July 3, 2014
Birthday: July 22, 1952
Country: United States
My Website

About Me

I'm just getting familiar with Social Networking. Not really sure what I'm doing, but I'm having fun.

I'm on Facebook, Twitter and others. My usual user name is: BillNTacoma; so if you want to follow or friend me, just check out BillNTacoma and I will follow, friend or subscribe back to you.

If you want or have any of those marketing opportunities, share them with me or ask me and I do have plenty of them to share, but I'm always looking for more. Feel free to contact me any time for any reason. I'll get back to you.

Regards, Bill

Favorite Music

I can't really say that I have any favorite music. I like all kinds. I've been doing a lot of YouTubing lately trying to build up my channel and there are a lot of young aspiring artists out there with a lot of talent. Many of them are rappers and some of it is pretty good.

Naturally I like the old stuff, before I was born even and then from the 60's on up to date. My son got me interested in Eminem and Nelly and things like that. Naturally, I was a captive audience when we were riding together and he held the command of the audio system.

Favorite Television

I have spent a lot of time at home since May of 2010 and watched a lot of television. My favorite things to watch are old movies, especially the black and white horror movies. SciFi stuff. I like those Stargate series, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis and now Stargate Universe (a strange show). I watch Merlin, the series and a few others.

I also like those British comedy shows like Keeping Up Appearances and Are You Being Served and more recently Beautiful People.

I got so tired of seeing the ads for Dish Network that I finally called in and converted from the local cable company to Dish. If you want it, I have a good contact with a reseller. I called one day and it was installed the next. Anyway, I am saving money because with the new network, I never could take the time to figure out where all the premium channels were newly located, so I discontinued them and saved myself about $50 per month. I've still got so many channels and only watch about 5.

Favorite Crafts

I don't have any crafts really. I can make and spend money. I do better at spending it. I am always amazed at the things people can make themselves and admire those talents in a person.

Volunteer Work

Since I am not able to work due to illness, but not ill enough to get disability. I contacted a friend who has a ministry and she recruited me to volunteer. I've not been a "church going" person since I got old enough to drive, but I have nothing against people to do the church thing. I think it's a sign of good character.

This ministry that I volunteer with is a small ministry and their main activity is a food bank. They feed 12000 people a week. Since it's a church based food bank, they don't have to "qualify" people to help like the ones that get federal and state money. We get so many donations that we distribute it out to other church food banks in the area on a regularly scheduled basis. I have known the couple that pastors this ministry for over 20 years in the business community and they have had this ministry for 10 years. They are bright, well educated people and can and will help all who ask for it.

It's uplifting to work in that atmosphere on a daily basis. There are no salaries there, so everyone there is there because they want to be there. I do accounting type work, so I don't work in the ministry part or the food bank very much, but I see what goes on and it's really good. The place is a dump, however. I do think that breaks down barriers that might scare away some of the more needy people from those big fancy church buildings.

I think everyone should volunteer at something for a couple of hours a week. These organizations are really hurting these days for help with the tight finances all around us and the need is certainly there. Go ahead, do something for others and it will help YOU in the end.

Family Life

I am originally from Alabama, but have been in Washington State for almost 30 years. Most of my Alabama family has passed away, but there are a few of them still hanging on.

My Mother is 89 and moved her about 20 years ago. She is still sort of ok and I visit her every day. She's been feeling weak after a back problem, so I've been fixing her evening meal for the last few months. I can prepare anything that requires microwave 3-5 minutes or a drive-thru.

I have a wonderful son who is 23 and is married with a son that will be 2 years old this year (2011). He's a hard worker and very outspoken and opinionated. I spoiled him as much as I could and he is just as arrogant and know it all as they come. He knows no strangers and has a lot of friends everywhere. He even likes me, sometimes.

I have a Seal Point Snow Bengal kitty that's about 2 years old. He's a real pretty boy. Most people have never seen one. Before I had a regular Bengal and he died suddenly of a genetic defect at the age of 2. I have YouTube vids of both cats.

Swap-Bot Activities

On March 15, 2011, I got my first friend: Dar.


http://billntacoma.blogspot.com http://billntacoma.tumblr.com http://www.facebook.com/billntacoma http://www.twitter.com/billntacoma


Comment: Thank you for sharing a little about your pets!
Response: Thank you very much.
Comment: Thank you :)
Response: Thank you very much.
Response: Thank you very much.
Comment: How cute!
Response: Thank you so much.
Comment: I loved reading about Snowy. He is so cute! I have never really been a cat person, but Snowy sounds like such a cool cat. I also checked out more of your blog and it was really good. I like your YouTube videos. I will keep coming back to visit your blog on a regular basis.
Response: You have made my day! Thank so very much. I don't have a lot to say, but I can talk about that cat all day.
Comment: Great list of apps!
Response: You are so kind. Thanks very much.
Response: Thank you very much.
Comment: Thanks for a lovely comment.
Response: You are so very welcome.
Lucine rated for Read my profile and write a comment on Mar 18, 2011
Comment: Hi Bill, thank you for the comment. Have lots of fun. Lucine
Response: Thank you so much for the response. I appreciate it.
Comment: Thank you for the lovely comments on my profile. I hope you enjoy Swap-Bot as much as I do, I think your voluntary work is admirable and your church sounds like a good place. I volunteer too and think more people should give something of themselves. You reap the rewards x
Response: Thank you very much. You are correct. It is so rewarding and fun too. Everybody has something to offer to make this world a better place.
Comment: Thank you for the lovely comment. I laugh loudly when you said your friends often ask you about dc when in fact you live in Washington state. It's funny that you ask about my brother's love of crocs over gators. He's very picky over the difference and with great detail tell you how you can't fool him with a gator toy. I blame Steve irwin, he's his hero. Hope to have many more swaps with you. :)
Response: Thank you very much. Nice to hear from you. It was a pleasure to find out about you. I wonder of those reptiles taste the same. I've had gator nuggets b4 at the Everglades. mmm good with hot sauce. (lke chicken)
Ruaruthie rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #23 on Mar 16, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the songs, look forward to giving them a listen.
Response: You are so welcome. They are quite strange, I can promise you. Thank you.
Deeno1105 rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #23 on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the videos. I liked "Last Christmas" the best. Not so much the video but the song. Your friend needs to learn to pick up the beat and learn the whole song so he can be like Jimmy Page.
Response: Thank you so much. I like the song Christmas song too. The video has a message in it, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. Yes that boy has a long way to go, but he's seems to be trying to improve both his music and his demeanor.
ItschyKitschy rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #23 on Mar 15, 2011
Response: Thank you very much.
blueyz75 rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #23 on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the swap
Response: You are welcome. It was my pleasure.
jamiebee1 rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #23 on Mar 15, 2011
Comment: Thank you! I don't listen to a lot of rap or Christmas music on a regular basis, so it was great to hear something different. And your friend did a great job with "Stairway to Heaven" ... I'm impressed!
Response: Thank you very much. That kid with the guitar is kind of funny. I love that song. In his first vid, he didn't look up, so all you saw was his hair. I commented on this, next time he did look up a bit and I said he should maybe give a smile. Next vid, he looked up and gave a vague smile at the end. Thanks again.
Comment: Your comment about jumping into Puget Sound made me lol :D I felt it was actually easier to write out my dislikes rather than my likes! I wonder why that is? You're right though - I'd feel terrible for someone to go through the trouble of making or buying something and my not be able to enjoy it, so it's good to have a dislikes list also. It's really helpful when making something for someone. Anyway, welcome to swap-bot! I hope you enjoy your time here :)
Response: Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm doing these easy swaps and getting them ready when I sign up, but then when it's time to swap, I've fogotten all about them. Oops. Dementia.
Comment: I can't wait to get the Mr. Bill game :-) I have Heytell as well...might have to give you a jingle.
Response: Thank you very much. I hope you like Mr Bill. I'd love to be Heytelled.
Comment: Thank you for the great suggestions!
Response: Thank you very much.

Rating Overview

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5.0000 22 1 1
Completed Fives Threes Ones
8 33 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
8 0 0 0
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moonlightflower on Mar 25, 2011:

That's a very wonderful gesture to give back to the community even though you're ill. Gives you a new meaning to keep on living. I had volunteer for a few years to help young kids do their hw that are from another country. Makes me really happy when they come and tell me they love school.

Read my profile and write a comment moonlightflower

electricrobots on Mar 23, 2011:

Very well filled out profile, was very interesting to read! I agree, I think everyone should volunteer at something, if everyone did, the world would be in better shape, I'll bet. My favourite place to volunteer at is food shelters and food banks. The people you meet and get to know can change your life much more than you'd expect. :) Have a great day and take care!

  • Natalie ~Read my profile and write a comment~
willowsmarika on Mar 19, 2011:

Hi Bill! i'm one of your partners for the 'read my profile and write a comment' swap. i enjoyed reading through your profile and getting to know you a little. we already talked a little, when you were in the tumblr swap, i hope you're enjoying swap-bot :) i love black & white movies too & sci-fis, really, really love them :) and merlin is awesome :D any other sci-fi or fantasy show you watch or like? i think it's really nice that you volunteer :) have a nice day & happy swapping!

~ Marika

dardarbinx on Mar 15, 2011:

Hi Bill, I'm Dar, its so nice to read all these amazing profiles including yours! I'm new at this and this makes my 8th completed swap. So far I have all fives...so I guess that is good! I loved this swap and if you want to freind me on here, feel free!

pinkqueen on Mar 15, 2011:

(read profile and leave a comment)- hi there. I think its great that you are doing volunteer work and taking care of your mom. Take care.

Laynie on Mar 10, 2011:

Hi there! I'm gonna go ahead and let you in the "St. Pattys Day E-card Swap", but it would help if you filled out you're Profile a little more for future Swaps. Audra:-)

flowerimpressions on Mar 9, 2011:

Welcome to Swapbot , peace and happy swapping

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