Swap-bot Time: March 18, 2025 2:42 am


Date Joined: September 18, 2009
Last Online: September 23, 2010
Birthday: June 4, 1980
Country: United States
My Etsy Fav

About Me

"I am haveing some problems, and trials in my life at this moment that i can not controle, and it is causing me to be late on some swaps, but please be patient with me. I WILL Get Your SWAPS OUT, to you ASAP.. I may be a little late on them and i will do my best to let you know that i am late, but if i haven't PM you and told you yet, please understand. I am doing what i can with all that i have left in me.. I do apoligise for being late or causing any problems with your swapping, i am so sorry for that. It was not in my planes to do so. I love SWAP BOT it has gave me a wonderful outlet, and the people are so kind. I do not want to mess up my swap bot name, or rates, so i will be sending your itmes. They may just be late. I will make sure my swaps that i am hosting are going okay too... I will check in make sure every one is sending and that it is all going okay for all of you. Thank you so much, Heather W


I am 29, and married to a awsome man!! He as helped me so much and is always there when you need him most. I have a 3yr old son that as shown more strengh in his 3 years than most have to show in a life time. He was born at 21 weeks and 5 days weighing 1lb 5.oz and 10in long. He had a rough first year and had to fight for his life. Now he is a happy healthy 3 year old that there is no stopping or slowing down. He is the light of our lifes!! I get to stay at home with him and we enjoy are days and do many crafts. I love my sons art work and collect it all. We enjoy making stuff together. I am a open person and don't look down on any body. We are all our on selfs and know what makes us happy. LIFE IS TO BE ENJOYED, in the way that makes us happy!! My aunt says i'm an old soul, and should have been born in a diffrent time, if i had my choice it would be 1500-1800s. Or 50s so i could have been a teenager in the 60s. LOL!!

I am the Creative Activities Leader of MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers) and really love being envolved with such wonderful women. we have a great time & if you think you would like info on this or were to find one in your area let me know, i will help you out with it..

I eat a lot of candy, desserts, and love chocolate of any kind!!! Would love to try some chocolate from other countrys ecspecially Europe. I am always looking for a new craft or art project to do. That is one of my goals of being on here. Finding new things to do that I havn't thought or heard of yet. And I have to say it looks promising, like ATC's, i can't wait to make one. And making somthing great out of matchboxs looks like a whole lot of fun. I hope I don't over do any of this, but every thing I see says a well filled out profile so I will try.

My Favorite Things!!

Just a little list of the things I enjoy!! I love purpel, greens and blues, red, black, and tans, browns, natural colors. Vintage fabric, aprons, toys, wood, peices, furniture, quilt blocks, okay any thing that is vintage I LOVE IT!!! Any thing to do with crafts I use it , want it, and will buy it. I like to TRY to garden, it looks more like a rock garden, but I like to attract the birds and butterflys. I love to paint canvas, walls, figurines, clay, wood. If you can paint it I do. I love to drink Hot teas, I will try any tea out there and have only found a few that i don't care for. I collect butterflys, cows, small trinckets, old make up cases, angels, fairies, gothic fairies, vitage hankies, aprons, rocks or stones, beads, thimbles,and bird houses. Buttons and I have a lot of magnets & make my own often. Painted rocks make great ones!! I love old jewlrey, like broches, necklaces, and braclets hair barrets & combs, brush and mirror sets. I love rings that open (poison rings) they are always uniqe. I like to make the little Fairy doors out of clay, wood, or twigs & stones. My fav scents are, fresh, citrius, light floral, sandle wood, earthy in a good way. No musk or vannila, can't stand it! Love lavender, chamomile, cucumber, and fruits. I like pic of odd things, flowers, people and mountin scens. Clouds, and awsome sun sets. In person and painted. i like to take pics of loved ones, not good at it but I have a ton a pics. (need to get some scrapbooking done) but havn't done so in 2 years. Quilting is my reasent adventure and I am enjoying it. I am a chcolate fan, any thing sweet and drink a lot of hot teas.We have to many sweets in the house but we enjoy it. Making it and eating. And a coke every once in a while. Of course my family and friends are high on my list. I enjoy reading quotes and have them all around me to ready or give out to people who might need a uplifting or a laugh. I like finding Blogs that have useful fun info in them. My fav is WhiMSy love, she is great!! and any good craft blog. tipnutt.com is a must have thing for me, I get so much good stuff from there and would not know what to do with out it now... I enjoy good bath stuff, and make it often. I also love going to the Natruel store and love herbs, they smell great and do good things... Enjoy cooking, well bake sweet things and help my husband cook. But i don't like to make dinner by myself. I have a large collection or cook books and add more often. Glass wear, tea cups sets, vases, plates and E6000 (a great glue) will always put a smile on my face. And jars, oh how i love jars (with corks or lids) i use them for my bath prducts and a few other things. And one more thing, i always wear funny odd socks. I love them. As long as there not just plane jane white socks they make me smile :)

Favorite Music

I enjoy all music!! Some more than others. Country, pop, r&b, soul, christian, gospel, blue grass, instrumental, opra, oldies, classic, 60's, 70's, 80's, and pop. And there is some really good Childrens music out there that I am coming to enjoy a great deal... I have lived my life with music around me at all times. As a child we had so many people at our house all the time and there was always dancing and music. Up untill age 13 almost every Sunday was spent at great grandmothers house with the WHOLE family and there instruments singing and playing all afternoon. That was are Sunday dinner time. I can see the point of few in all music and some sounds better than others to me but it is all Great to some one.

Favorite Books

I like magazines, I can look through when i like and put it down when I need to with out feeling like I need to pic it right away. I use to read novels, but since I had my son i just don't get the time to really get in to them any more. When I read I get lost in it and that just don't work right now. I do read my Bible and some short stories, and blogs. Craft books & magazines are always welcomed, even clippings out of your old magizines..

Favorite Television

House, Desperate House Wifes, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Ghost Whisperer, Good Eats, Ace of Cakes, Doll House, I wish they still had the Sarah Cronicale files "Terminater" and Moonlight, I loved them and i am mad that there gone. DIY network, Food network and the DISC channel. I do watch Soaps but I can go a day or two with out doing so and be okay with it. I like a lot of shows and we DVR many so we can watch later. Most of the time there is two on at same time so we record one to watch the other. I think we watch to much TV now, but i love my shows!

Favorite Crafts

I sew, quilt, paint, and turn old things in to something new, clay work, build bird houses. I do a lot of kid crafts with my son, and come up with ideas for moms to do with there children. So anything to do with kiddie crafts is good for me. Making magnets with rocks, stones, glass, old forks, spoons, Mini pic fram, mini any thing, dried flowers, buttons, and antything I think would make a nice one. I also like to make jewlry, beading, wire and hand made clay beads. I have been trying to make thimbels, i'll have to get back to you on if it's going well and becoms a hobby, LOL.... I also love to make bath salts, scrubs, lotions, perfumes & use herbs in all of it for the scnet, & oils too. I also like to mix paints to make new ones, I know it's odd but I rather enjoy creating new colors. ;) I like to turn glass wear that I get at thrift stores and yard sells into other things. Like taking a old vase and a nice vintage plate glueing together to make a cake plate. Or turning tea cups & saucers into a bird or butterfly bath/drinking cup that you put in the garden. Making neat stuff out of felt, and making sock puppets. Making dream catchers for adults and kids, the ones i make for new babies are my fav though. button Fairy is a new love of mine, & will be doing swapps with buttons!!

Things I don't enjoy!

There is not too much, I am allergic to Latex, hopps, green bell peppers and bananas, yes bananas. I am deathly allergic and can not come with in 10 feet of were they have once laid. It is awful, my husband loves them and my son as never even tasted of one yet. FAKE SUGAR!! can not stand the taste of that stuff. I don't like when people look down on others for any reasson. We all have our falts. I am not into real girly things and don't like the bubble gum pink color. I don't like polka-dots, they look like they need smushed. I don't need Cute stickers, please no lisa frank, hello kitty, any cuutesy ones. I do like the scrap book stickers that have dried flowers in them & other stickers.

Wish List

i will put the stuff i would like, but i will ** the ones i am needing wanting at the moment so it is easy to tell.. Thank you for any thing you send it will be used some way or another..

~Whimsy jars!! I really want one!**

~recipies, sweets, chicken and beef!!*

~paint of any kind

~old magazins, vintage looking cards, any nice paper with good items/people on it. These are for decoupaging items.( would love this)**

~things to make my magnets with**

~canvas, i like the smaller panel types (3in, 5x7)

~bath stuff (would love this)

~lip gloss (no banana scents)**

~odd glass wear and candle sticks of any kind

~butterfly, any thing, hand made ones are nice**

~beads, all kinds shapes even the kid kind** I really am looking for some that are shapped like or have on them trucks, cars, airplane, bugs, hearts, ladybug, flower, any shapped or bright ones.

~colored pencils**


~chalk drawings

~sketches of faces** I also need some one who can make dottee doll faces, i am having so much trouble and need to see one in person to figure it out.

~candels bought, and hand made

~I love any thing scented


~sharpies (colored)

~tea's ** no Earl Gray, Breakfast or Rasberry, please

~ hot cocoas Yummy!**

~tea cups and saucers**

~tea sets any kind love the China & Japan type

~wood, balsa wood**

~bird houses and hand made birds any thing birds**

~fairy doors, fairy stickers, any thing fairy is nice, i like the "dark" ones too.

~Jewelry and supplys for making.** like the 22in chain/rope or chocker style not much on the 18in Bracelet, 7.1/2in is just wright. Ring is a 8,9,10 i put them on the index and thumb and a 6 for the pinky.

~fabric** the scrap stuff that you don't think you need or want. 1 or 2in stuff. i can use it!! striped to

~quilt blocks** 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, 9x9 and fat quarters

~aprons, love them, the vintage are great and the old shop style too. (always want this, handmade ones too)

~ribbons of all kind**

~yarn** any color & style, even if it is not brand new

~any thing used in kid crafts** (always need)

~felt,** really want to know were to get the thick kind or have some sent to me

~funny socks** (always want & love) wild colors, long and silly, have stuff printed on them. ( i will wear them, if they don't fit they will find a home as a lovely sock puppet!)\ I even dye my own, if you good at tye dye then i would love a pair of tye dyed ones from you

~pics clouds and sun sets

~match boxes decorated and plan empty ones*

~feathers,***** In need of at the moment please!! real or fake (really need this)

~ rounded, flat rocks, or stones

~threads all types ~round wire or wood with empty space in the middle for deam catchers and anything that would go with making dream catchers **** ~little plastic baby bottles, paceifiers diaper pens, these are really small like1in long. kida like shower partry favor types. ****

~ buttons lots of buttons**** In need of at the moment

~old forks (all metal)8

~picture frames itty bitty to big like to refurbish them

~hand made stationary**

~store bought stationary**

~Pouches and bags, bought or hand made

~antique skelton keys*


~Body butter and splash

~love the perfume scented body powders,*not baby or shower powder

~anything handmade by you is fine*****

~ "The Big Book of Buttons" If you have a extra or find one please please send my way!**************

since it is a "wish list" silver or metal clay....**

My wish list is just an idea of stuff I like and will use. I hope that i haven't over done this. But I thought that having a nice list would be good that way people will have a easy time deciding on things. I am open to anything and will enjoy anything I recive. I am the easiest person to please you will ever know. If I need to make a top ten list just let me know*

My son and husband

T is my son and is 3, he loves hotwheels and any thing to do with Monster Jam. Cars, Cars, Cars. He is so into Trains right now!! And air palnes are is passion for now. Loves to readm, books are great.. Up to first grade level is fine for now. Likes the shows wow wow wubbzy, The backyardingas,Oobi, Max & Ruby, Disney anything and the wonder pets. He loves GREEN and blue, red, & orange. he loves his shoes, he really likes converse, his fav pair is a bright green pair. He wears a 10 in toddlers for shoes. He likes painting and all kinds of kid crafts and bugs too.

My husband is Scott, he loves planes. He flys them as a hobby. He likes car and plane magazines. He is into metal work, he welds. And does woodwork. His birthday is the 25th of December, and he really does not like Christmas time. People seem to forget about him and it bothers him. So if you want to send any thing in Dec. for him that would be great!! If you sent him anything I guss it could be gloves, men-extra large. Pictures of Plans, deer or wild life for his "man cave" Hot cocoas and any Exteamly sour candy you can find. If you now of some from were you are please send it. He loves it and as tried it all from here so we are having a hard time finding new stuff for him. And sour skittles or war heads from USA are not sour to him. He loves to cook so any thing cooking related is great. And he makes the best hard candies so any thing for that or recipes for all candy would be awsome. Candy molds, or silk pads would be a nice surprise** Home made Ice cream recipes too. If you have the Orange Crush Ice cream rec. please PM me with it or I will trade for it. His grandma use to make it and he can not find the rec. so that would be a nice suprise for him. He as looked for the last 12 years I have known him and longer. He likes blues, greens, orange colour and flavor. And if you make soaps a manely bath soap that does not dry you out would be great..

for my Journals/letters

I like to keep a Journal and give them out to. So if you like to make them or envelopes and hand made cards of any kind please PM me and we can do private swaps for things you want/need. this is some items i would love to have related to this. sealing wax (for envelopes) fountian pens bottles of ink handmade or uniqe Journals handmade/dyed paper parchment style paper stamps or sticker seals with HW on it. And handmade pens would be nice**


pennydog rated for Jewellery box and a handmade jewel on Apr 6, 2010
Comment: My box never arrived so have to score a 1 though I'm sure it's not the sender's fault, however she didn't reply when I told her it didn't arrive :(
AussieLass rated for Cars The Movie Swap on Mar 30, 2010
Comment: My daughter didnt receive this swap at all, however it has been angelled
Comment: I, too, regret giving a one, but I emailed about the swap and never heard anything back, nor did I receive anything for this swap. If I do, I will change the rating.
Comment: If I receive something I will change this
SGriffin rated for Show me the Moon, PC swap!! on Jan 31, 2010
Comment: The first one was fine!
sparklingsights rated for Hair Things Swap on Jan 21, 2010
Comment: Thank you so much! I really liked the hair accessories you chose for me and I was really amazed by the beautiful hair sticks you made! So thoughtful and really impressive. I actually don't have any hair sticks so I was pretty excited! The cider was such a nice touch too, I really love that stuff. Thank you so much for a great & thoughtful swap! <3
Response: Your welcome!! I hope you would like the hair sticks, that was my first time to decopauge them. And i liked how they turned out. I always just paint and marble them. But when i seen you loved animals so much i had to try it like that. I hope they are smooth enough to slide threw your hair... I love the cider too, and like that it comes in little packs like that now. I couldn't find any big wild bows in my area, i was sad about. I had seen a super big Red animal print bow back in the end of summer, and i searched for that thing after i seen you liked the big bows, but never found one so i had to settal for the things i found. I hope they are somthing you will wear. Thank you for the rate, and for the heart!! Have a Blessed Year, and i hope to swap with you again..
Comment: Thanks so much for the lovely parcel filled with lots of wonderful items.I love the vintage buttons and the scraps too!
Response: Your welcome! I glade you enjoyed it all. I hoped you could use the fabric too. Thank you for the rat and the Heart!! Best wishes too you.
Amblnc38 rated for My Fav Lip gloss/lip balm on Jan 16, 2010
Comment: Thank you for the extras!
Response: I am so glade you enjoying the extras. i hope you like the gloss and balm too. Thank you for the rate and the heart too.
jessicak13 rated for Show me the Moon, PC swap!! on Jan 13, 2010
Comment: Love your 2 of 2 card! Received both cards! Thanks! I gave you a heart because since your first one didnt turn out well you sent a beautiful second on. :]
Response: OH!? Maybe it will be there tomorrow then. Let me know when it gets there. Thank you for ratting me and THANK YOU again for the HEART!! Thank you fo adding in the heart too!! Thankyou for the rate and for the Heart!! (I love the second one myself)
RandyAndCindi rated for Show me the Moon, PC swap!! on Jan 13, 2010
Comment: Great photo of the moon. I like the way that the tree branches are masking part of it. Thanks.
Response: I liked it too, I wanted it to be a closer view though but it looked better than i thought. Thank you for the rate and the HEART!! And for being in one of my swaps. :~)
deercnc rated for Show me the Moon, PC swap!! on Jan 11, 2010
Comment: Thank you for both of the cards. I liked them both.
Response: Thank you for the rate and the HEART!!! And for being in my swap.
ShannonS rated for "Warm My Heart" Snowman MUG swap on Dec 8, 2009
Comment: Thank you! The cocoa is lovely!!!
Response: Your welcome, i hope you liked the mug too. I am happy you enjoyed the cocoa. Thank you for the rate and the Heart..
lizziefx rated for My Favorite Hand cream/lotion swap on Nov 20, 2009
Comment: Oh I love them both!! Thank you so much, and my wonderfully soft hands thank you too!!!
Response: :~) your welcome & thank you for the rate and the Heart!!
weeatcrayons rated for The SMALLEST Whimsy Jar ever! on Nov 20, 2009
Comment: Thanks so much for the cute little jar!
Response: Your welcome & I hope you like it all and the Bug/tresure necklace too. Thank you for the rate & the heart too.
gorditachula368 rated for ~ handmade bracelet swap ~ on Nov 10, 2009
Comment: love it thanks so much!!! oh you get a heart but it wont let me.
Response: I hoped it was right for you. I am learning how to do earings still. Feel free to change themup if there not right for you. I hope that magnatic clasp is okay. I meant to add in a extra clasp if you wanted to change it out, then again I may have ;) thank you for the rate.
Comment: If I could rate with 3 hearts, I would! I absolutely adore the mug and the cocoa and all the little extras! Thank you so much!
Response: I am happy you like it all! :) I hope you enjoy the cocoa as well. I didn't put in were i got them, sorry. There easy to find if you search it online. Thank you for the rate and the HEART..
Jacqui rated for ~ handmade bracelet swap ~ on Nov 9, 2009
Comment: Very beautiful! I love the beads on both bracelets and the matching earrings were lovely. Thank you :0)
Response: I am happy you like them!! I'm not real good with ear rings yet, so feel free to change them up :) Thank you for the rate!!
Comment: I especially like the reindeer one! So cute! Thank you!
Response: Thank you for the Ratting and the heart. I am happy that you like them.
Comment: Thanks:) i could read yr letter, haha its cool that yr related to a gypsy!!
Response: Thank you for the Ratting! I wish I would have met my grandparents on that side, they had a lot of good storys, and some odd ones too :) Happy that you could read it, some can't, LOL!!
mellyrose89 rated for Random Acts of Kindness on Oct 20, 2009
Comment: I think what you did for that young mother is absolutely amazing. Kudos to you!!
Response: Thank you so much for the ratting. I hope that the kindness from this swap keeps going and that many people will be Blessed by it..

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.4286 20 9 9
Completed Fives Threes Ones
26 24 0 4
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 5 20 0
View all

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  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


PDXyogini on Jan 24, 2010:

HI there! Thanks for your kind words about my ATCs in my Flickr gallery :)

biasbabe on Jan 24, 2010:


Sorry it took so long to welcome you into the group.

Welcome to the Nuts for Sewing Group

CrowsFox on Dec 12, 2009:

So glad that you like the items!! I will let her know when I go to rate the shop!!

dstny2001 on Dec 10, 2009:

Thank you for Angling the Mug and Hot Cocoa swap. The mug you sent is my favorite type of mug. I have already used it and drank some of the hot cocoa. I love the towel also. I hope to be in swaps with you in the future. Thank you again so much. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


CarrieZee on Dec 8, 2009:

So glad you liked the little Christmas package. It was fun putting those goodies together. :)

jumpCricket on Oct 26, 2009:

Hi Heather - I just read your profile and I'm the Creative Activities director of my local MOPS as well. :) Thanks again for the cute felt ornaments - can't wait to put them on my tree.


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