Swap-bot Time: March 18, 2025 1:27 am


Date Joined: October 9, 2019
Last Online: December 18, 2020

Country: Sweden
My postcrossing

About Me

I have grown tired of Swap-bot and will be taking a break of unknown duration. If anybody wants to continue the swap series I have been doing, feel free to do so without additional permission

TINY EUROPEAN SWAP is now being continued and hosted by @efjellro

//If I am your partner for several swaps at once, absolutely feel free to send everything in one packet/envelope instead of separated mail! Just make sure you write down which swaps are included so I can rate accordingly. You can use the money saved for more swaps :)

I am really sorry this is very long profile. For busy people: You don't really need to read more than few first sentences and maybe just quickly move your eyes across the rest.

I am 28 years old woman from Sweden. I was born in Finland and lived in total 8 countries in Europe before I decided to stay here where I am now. I also traveled in 18, visiting each several times to see different cities and places. On my busiest year I made 15 travels to 8 different countries, but now I have calmed down and become "homebody". The countries I have lived in: SE, FI, DK, DE, AT, SK, CZ, BE, HU. And the ones I have visited so far: HR, EE, VA, IT, MT, NL, NO, PL, SI. Extra greetings for everybody whose place is listed :)

My home village has only about 200 people living here, it takes half hour to drive to shop and we are pretty much middle of nothing, but I enjoy this place much more than I did Copenhagen, Vienna and those other cities I have seen, visited and lived in.

I work as a teacher, but I have a master degree in agriculture. I graduated about a year ago but unfortunately I had harsh burn-out because of problems in personal life and all that university stress added on it. Luckily it is all behind me now and I am doing really good recovery, experiencing new things, finally living the life fully and also learning more about myself than I thought is possible.

Before my current career I worked about 10 years as a horsegroom / stable manager and that is what took me around the continent. I loved it but horse work is physically tasking and grooms get paid next to nothing so I decided that next time I take care of horses it will be my owns (although, I do help my neighbors now and then!) I dream about buying a farm and starting a small pony breeding yard, but that dream will need some years more before I can go for it.

I have two dogs. They are sisters (from different lot), Miniature American Shepherds. Now, if you think the "miniature" part means I can fit them in my hand bag... That is no. They are practically about 10 cm shorter than Australian Shepherds and they don't like to be in the bag.The older is called Kompis ("buddy" in Swedish) and younger is Väninna ("girl friend" in Swedish)

I have tattoos (both upper arms covered) and currently trying to make up my mind about what I want to take on my skin next.

I don't believe in judging people. If you are nice to me and others, I will be nice to you. I don't care about where you come from, which (if any) gender you or your partner is, with who you live, what you believe on or what are your opinions. If you are a decent, understanding and kind human being that doesn't hate others and tries to do the best, then you are good.

I am so talkative I can go on and on about any topic all day long. I am also multilingual* which means I can not shut up in many languages. So I am trying to learn to listen now.

*Fluent in Swedish, "Scandinavian", Finnish, English. Understand and can somewhat communicate in meänkieli, Kven language, Danish and Norwegian. Understand simple Estonian, Dutch and German, and with some luck can get by if I really have to, and for the special extra I know few selected phrases in Polish. Thanks to my old roommates who were more than happy to teach me their language (but only those selected phrases and nothing more.) I learnt the languages when I was living in countries where they are the local languages (except English. That I learnt in Germany. Yes, I did have German accent for a long time). Sadly it has been years since I used some of them so I have forgot a lot, but you may still write in any language I listed. May it be a reminder for me to keep up my skills :)

My life motto is: Do everything and try all so you will regret nothing once you are a grandma in rocking chair.

I sing out lout often, but so do many other people so maybe that is not weird after all.

When I get angry I start to speak with stronger accent. It happens no matter which language I am using.

I speak mixed language to my dogs, which annoys my dog sitter because she can't pronounce some of the commands.

I can't whistle :( Yes, I have tried for years. I just can't.

I have broke a bone only once and it was my little toe so I can't even brag about it, because broken little toe is kinda meh.

When I was a kid I was seriously terrified of skunks and lived in fear of ever meeting one. Nobody told me that skunks and I are not even living on same continent so chances of randomly stumbling upon one are very small if not non-existed.

A common misunderstanding that slightly annoys me: Scandinavia = Denmark, Norway & Sweden. Nordic (countries) = Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, including special regions Greenland, Åland, Faroe Islands, Jan Mayen and Svalbard.

My profile is messy and too long, and that tells surprisingly lot about my life style.

My hobbies

I mostly spend my free time with playing with puppies and training them to do tricks. We also do at least 2 hours of walks everyday and during summer months we go hiking in nature parks and the neighborhood (a long hiking route, St. Olav's path, goes through my home village so we often follow that). Additionally I do postcrossing (user name Kompis-Ninna. I recently started again with a new account after few years break), read books, write my own stories and test out new hobbies now and then. I tend to switch between interests so one day I might use all day for painting and the next I don't care it at all. That makes it really hard and frustrating project to become good with anything, but I guess so long I am having fun it is ok.

I also love to bake, but because I am only one eating... well, I try to not do baking too often. Cooking has also recently became my passion and I love to test out receipts, although it will take long time yet before I can call myself a decent cook.

I collect handcrafted wooden horses, charity tokens, and used stamps. With stamps my current mini project is to collect all Canada 150 maple leaf shaped stamps. I have Nunavut and rainbow flag ones so far.

Things I like...

These are the things I would like to receive in item swaps, but it is not an order list. Just a wish list.

  • Horses, anything related to horses or horse themed!

  • Language material (brochures, magnets, cards, booklets etc.) Especially Scandinavian, Germanic and Finno languages. I also find English very fascinating with all that influence from other languages making it like linguistic patchwork.

  • Anything about etymology or grammar - my two passions :) Can be about any language but note that it would be cool if it was written in a language I can read. It can be also something you wrote if you are a fellow grammar / etymology lover too!

  • Anything to do with folklores, traditions, fairytales, old beliefs etc.

  • History stuff. I specially enjoy learning about normal people's every day life in the past, how things were different, social norms and the reasons for those and so on.

  • Life stories people can to tell. We all have stories. Small stories, big stories, beautiful stories, ugly stories. Write down some of your best memories or events that made you what you are.

  • Photos of your area, holiday trip, pets etc. Remember to add bit of story about what the photo is about.

  • If you are a writer, I really enjoy reading self made poets and stories (even fanfiction so long it is not the smuttest smut you have ever seen). I am also willing to review text so let me know if you want a (nice) critical comment on your work.

  • bookmarks. But not those free paper ones, I got lot of those already.

  • Magnets. I especially like magnets with funny text (in any language tho you might have to explain the joke) and magnets made in wood or metal or glass.

  • Souvenirs (key chains, magnets, pens, pins...)

  • Guides, information booklets, brochures etc about tourist places, nature parks, hiking routes, must to see nature wonders and so on.

  • Written review of place you have visited! (any kind of place you feel worth to review)

  • Pens, markers, pencils etc. Any kind of pens are welcome from specially pretty ones to free commercial pens so long they work!

  • Commercial items. You know those free stuff companies hand out to their (potential) customers? Well, I like free stuff and I care just enough to not care if I am advertising some company for free by using stuff with their logo on. So if you have a company or work somewhere where you are allowed to hand out company's commercial gifts or just have got something somewhere as we all sometimes, you can send it to me. I would just appreciate if the item is in good condition and useable somehow, and it would be super if you can also tell me what kind of company I am supporting. No shady companies, okay.

  • Local food, candies, treats, spices, tea etc anything edible. I am curious about different tastes and I think food tells a lot about the nation so whenever I go to new place I take a look on the local food aisle and cuisine. I also just love to explore new tastes and flavours! Especially I like anything "strange" flavoured, something new. I don't have any allergies or follow special diets so you don't need to worry about that if you are sending me something edible. For US swappers, please no more Hershey chocolate! I have got quite lot of that (I guess it is the common one everybody thinks first when sending candy?) and it is even commonly available in special candy stores here. I am sure you have lot of other sendable things there :)

  • Chocolate. I know I already mentioned food, snacks and candies, but chocolate is my chosen addiction. I like milk and white most (either plain or flavored with something). Dark is ok, but not something I would first pick.

Some of my favorite tasting experiences of snacks and foods that are not available in my country (aka. a big hint for anybody who has these or something similar in local groceries stories): Tirol chocolate (from Japan), Studentská chocolate (Slovakia / Czechia), Balaton snack / chocolate bars (Hungary), Balisto snack bars, anything matcha flavoured (Japan and...?), Ginger, horseradish, a chocolate thats' name I don't remember but it was small, had black-white cow printed cover and there was a joke/ text inside and I got only one from my Polish room mate because she loved those so much (Poland or Ukraine or...?), Mozart / Sissi / Bach etc. pralines (Austria), string cheese (Slovakia), goulash (Hungary), pizza in that one place in Italy I don't know what the city was called, I don't know what the restaurant was called I was just taken in and given pizza that I still dream about, and once I had this soup in Austria that I can't really recall anymore what it was made of, but it was a flower that is available only during specific time and I had never heard about it before (it might have been also partly inedible?). The best soup I ever had.

  • Recipes. I am on mission to learn to cook better so any kind of recipes to test out would be nice. Especially any local dishes and vegetarian options. I am omnivore myself, but I realized there aren't many good vegetarian dishes I know how to do so I am trying to look that up now. Baking recipes are nice too!

  • Any kind of charity tokens like for example pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness and we have here yearly majblomma (may flower) that kids sell for charity during April-May. I always buy one token when I see some and have small collection at home.

  • Soap bars.

  • Candles.

  • Postcards / note cards / greeting cards. I don't have specific theme out of the ones I have already listed here.

I prefer postcards in envelope because I collect stamps, but if it is more expensive for you then it is absolutely not big deal to have the card sent naked.

  • Art prints with animal or nature themes or about the countries I have lived / visited (see the list earlier). Please send these in envelope because I like to have small art prints framed and on my wall but the travel sometimes destroy cards.

  • Postage stamps. I prefer used ones, but I am also interested on mini-sheets, souvenir sheets and mint stamps that are not self-adhesive.

I collect especially stamps from European countries + Canada (special project: Canada 150 years stamps) and from following themes: horse / equine, European Union/ euro/ etc., Europa / Sepac / Norden, nature (flowers!), historical events and places, animals (birds!), city or country views, local customs, food, traditions, etc, important women, UN (not necessary UN issued stamps, but stamps about UN) + Unesco, WHO, Unicef etc. Any peaceful, non military international co-operation, peace treaties. Stamps made to urge people for specific actions and information stamps such as propaganda, warnings of alcohol use, and charity. Very interested on the use of stamps for spreading information.

I welcome other stamps too. Newer US stamps are only ones I don't really collect. You can send them on paper (carefully cut the stamp off envelope/card with bit of margins around it) and I will fix the rest.

  • Tea, but... I only drink tea now and then during winter season. Right now I have a huge collection from swaps as tea seems to be the ultimate pick for many of us, and I am struggling to find time to drink it all. So I am okay with tea, but if you got anything else, pick that one first.

I like licorice, matcha, vanilla, fruit, caramel and sweet flavours a lot, but also want to try different flavour mix and explore tastes. The weirder, the better. I drink tea with a milk so ones suitable for that would be great. Please no teas with lemon, lime or other citrus fruits. I have a slight citrus fruit allergy that seems to specially be triggered by teas with citrus fruits.

  • Comics. Like from the day's newspaper.

  • Word plays, puns, crossword, riddles etc. In any language I listed earlier, thought I do like puns even when they are explained to me and why to not have a nice challenge of "find word" in language I don't know?

  • DIY things. I like to test out if I can manage to do something and learn new things at same.

  • My dogs are Miniature American Shepherds (aka. mini Aussie) The breed is not too common here so anything with or about "minies" would be nice too. Mine are born in Sweden, but their mother and father's parents are from America. Please, no pics of dogs that has tail or ears docked / cropped! That is illegal here and it pains me to see it done!

  • Washi tape. I don't really use it, but I have grown to like the different designs so I am collecting samples for fun. I only need about 5 cm long piece, depending on the style and theme, so you don't need to send long samples!

  • Surprises... Send me something you like! Just take a look on my dislikes too... Otherwise, I love to explore things and try something I have never tried before.

  • I am all okay with handmade things! It is cool to see what kind of stuff people can come up with bit of creativity and skills.

HOX! Suomalaiset: Ruotsista saa tiettyjä Suomi-tuotteita, mutta varsinkin näitä mulla on ikävä: Halvan salmiakki/lakritsi, Pandan suklaa, kaikki keksit (ruotsalaiset ei osaa tehdä keksejä) ja sitten kaikenlaiset turisti Suomi krääsät / kivat maisema- ja kaupunkikortit / sanomalehtileikkeet jne. joita voin näyttää mun oppilaille (oon suomenkielenopettaja). Muumi-kortit on kans kivoja, mutta mä tykkään eniten niistä "oikeista" Tove Janssonin töistä, ei TV-piirretty versioista. Sitten vielä sellaisia vintage-tyylisiä matkailumainoskortteja oon yrittänyt löytää kans.


  • Paper used for crafting / journaling or any random piece of paper, memo sheets, die-cuts and so on. Please don't send any of these. I have got so much already and have no use for it. All of these are just going straight to recycling, so please keep them to send for somebody who will appreciate them. I am starting to get tired of receiving paper pieces I do nothing with.

  • Stickers. I am fine with some good quality stickers, though I have no use for them myself so they will be handed to next one.

  • Plastic things unless they are something to be used for longer time or / and suitable for re-cycling afterwards

  • Jewelry, glitter, skin care products, make up

  • Religious things.

  • Political topics / election items / party support items etc.

  • Decorations. I have expensive taste and want to keep my house decorations simple, so no any decorations other than what I have mentioned.

  • I am not really big fan of "artificial" type of candies like Nerds, popping candy etc. and chewing gum.

Swap info

Please do not send me surprise non-swap mails! If you want to send me something, just ask first and we can do private swap (always okay with that!) Save your random surprises for other swappers who would be up for it.

Remember to fill up custom declaration and mark the mail as gift if you send anything bigger from outside EU!!!! I have got few invoices from our customs :(

I always honour my swaps! If you haven't received something from me as expected or I made mistake with swap, let me know and I will re-send. Just note the possible longer travel time.

Please, do not use third party for sending something for me (e.g. ordering something directly from Amazon etc. to me). I don't want to pay surprise customs. If you really have to use that, contact me beforehand.

If you send with tracking /registered, feel free to send me the tracking number in email/private message so I can track the mail in app.

Private swaps

Want a private swap? Just send me PM and we can see if we get a deal. I can offer various things from Sweden but also certain things from neighboring countries. See my likes list for things I would like to receive :)

Right now I have lots of stamps, maxicards, first day covers and mini sheets that I would love to swap for either philatelic material of my collected themes / countries or for anything profile based.

I suck with long-term penpaling so sadly have to say no for that, but I am always okay with some casual email chatting.


EUROPEAN SWAPPERS: Please check that your addresses are correctly formatted!

This site was clearly originally made for American swappers. If you add your address by filling up all the lines, the site will form your address in American style which in most of European countries is the wrong style.

To get your address right, use only first two or three lines + country. Ignore "region or state" line (yes, we have regions... but does your address usually have it in it????) and zip-code line (this will put your zip-code on last place of address, if yours belongs front of city name just place it on the city line) DO NOT ADD ANYTHING THAT IS NOT IN YOUR ACTUAL ADDRESS. If you are unsure on how your address usually looks like, ask your local post office or see any bills you might have been receiving.

I try to send people messages when I notice addresses might be wrongly and often I get reply "but the region name will help foreign post to deliver" WRONG!!!! It is the very same domestic postoffice that will deliver all your post for you so you use the exact same address for both, domestic and foreign. The only difference is that you add your country name lastly for international post (and for real, the delivery up to when mail has arrived to your country only looks at to which country the mail is going. The mailman from States is not personally bringing your letter all way across the Atlantic, they just hand it over to your country's postal system) and sometimes you have the two letter country code added front of zip-code.

If you have extra in your address (aka. region/province etc.) you are not helping but only making the delivery slower. If you are not sure about this, ask your local post office instead of trusting this site.

This has become very passionate case for me so excuse my ranting and please for the goodness sake check your address.


Icrum rated for Big Tasty Europe on Jan 17, 2021
Comment: OMG You thought on everything! For a full day I ate like a swedish! That Rocky Road clusters!!! Never had Rocky Road anything, I'm a fan now <3 I still need to do the raspberry mousse on top of a mud cake, and guess what!? Raspberry and Chocolate is my favorite chocolate combo! :D Thank you so much! <3
miissc rated for Private Swap on Dec 31, 2020
Comment: Veera! Thank you soOOo much for the beautiful package of stamps, coins, ephemera and goodies. I cannot believe how much you sent. I absolutely looove everything! I am so excited!! It was all packaged so nicely too. Thank you so much! 😍🥰❤
PlannerCoz rated for 🌈 Send me something... #4 🌈 on Nov 15, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much for the swap. The Cat puzzle is great and the chocolate arrived unharmed hehe
dorcii rated for Tiny European Swap #12 on Nov 9, 2020
Comment: Thank you soo much for the swap, I received it today! :)
Ikran3 rated for Tasty Europe #3 on Nov 6, 2020
Comment: Thank you - interesting to try them! :)
Foxy rated for Share a Song Postcard #3 (Europe) on Nov 6, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card. Never heard of that song before, i am listening to it right now. Seems that Veera is a real magnet for the guys. :-) So interesting how many songs are devoted to ladies. Have an awesome day!
KIllerMal rated for Tiny European Swap #11 on Oct 20, 2020
Comment: Thanks for the lovely envelope :)
JossieAyame rated for Tasty Europe Variety Edition #2 on Oct 6, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much! I am so excited to try all of these :D Also the stamps on the package are so beautiful!
Risna rated for SIE: just a postcard 🌻 x2 on Oct 2, 2020
Comment: Great postcard! Thank you so much. Wishing you all the best. Take care and stay safe.
RachelM rated for Tiny European Swap #10 on Sep 28, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful ribbons. I love to use ribbons in the crafts I make, so they will be very useful. Hugs🥰🥰
Pei04 rated for E-mail Swap: 20 Questions! on Sep 28, 2020
Comment: Tack för ditt mail! Det är en av få gånger jag fått en från samma land som partner. Jag gillade dina svar och jag hoppas verkligen att du kan uppfylla din dröm om att bo på ett ställe där du kan ha massa djur. Det är absolut värt det <3
jenh7498 rated for E-mail Swap: 20 Questions! on Sep 27, 2020
Comment: Thank your your lovely, in-depth answers!
Caithness rated for EML: Postcard Swap #6 on Sep 25, 2020
Comment: Ninna, thanks ever so much for the bird postcard. Yes, Autumn has defiantly arrived here too. Very blustery.
KIllerMal rated for Private Swap: KIllerMal - Ninna on Sep 24, 2020
Comment: CIao! Your package arrived today, thanks for using nice stamps. My husband stole the chocolate bar with hazelnuts XD I fell in love with the strawberry chocolates! I'll try the rest tomorrow at work. Thanks for everything!
Response: Wow, that was so fast delivery! I hope you will like the rest too :) I love those strawberry ones... they just announced new flavour for those pralines and I can't wait to test it out.
Jayofjournals rated for Private Touristy Swap on Sep 17, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much for this amazing swap! I really enjoyed going through everything you sent me. Everything is just perfect you picked. I loved every piece and you put so much effort into it. Thank you again! Stay creative and lots of love~
Response: So happy to know you liked it! It was super fun to put together that one :)
dorcii rated for Traveler's guide - Europe on Sep 9, 2020
Comment: OMG, I adore the book you made about Stockholm!! *.* I haven't been there actually, I have been in Helsingborg for a day, which was also very nice :)
Response: Great to know you liked it! It was the first time I attempted to make a book, and probably missed some things I could have done to make it better, but I was really proud of it :)
EmmaLouLoves rated for EML: Postcard Swap #5 on Sep 4, 2020
Comment: Hey Ninna, really really love the Daschund post card, thank you, and I found the little cat that was hiding on the front. :oD. Em.x
Icrum rated for Share a Song Postcard (Europe) #2 on Aug 25, 2020
Comment: Such a nice swap :3 Nälden looks like a lovely place <3
Jayofjournals rated for Tasty Europe Variety Edition on Aug 25, 2020
Comment: Deer Veera, thank you so much for your lovely package. It was a delight to go through everything and taste a bit of Sweden. I wish I could give you more than one heart. Thank you again! Lots of love, Julia
Catida rated for Postcard Suprise - Europe #2 on Aug 24, 2020
Comment: Kiitos mielenkiintoisesta kortista. Jännä ajatella millaista elämä on ollut kun kulkupelit vielä olivat hevosvetoisia. Tykkäsin myös perhospostimerkeistä. Harmi että osa lomastasi meni nuhaisissa merkeissä. Thanks for the interesting card with a historical photo of horse carriages.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 164 41 42
Completed Fives Threes Ones
165 217 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
8 116 41 0
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  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

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  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


LiliLuv on Oct 6, 2020:

I miss your stick figure and share a song swaps. ;-) Hope you are doing well!

efjellro on Jun 5, 2020:

Forresten, elsker at Sverige har Pride-frimerke! Happy Pride måned 😍😍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

HappyMom on Oct 12, 2019:

Hi Veera! I'm your partner for the TGIF Weekend #167 swap, and just read your profile. It's nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to sending off your letter to you. welcome

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