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Original Member
Last Online: March 17, 2025 Birthday: June 7 Country: United States My Website |
NOTE: I ALWAYS RATE, USUALLY THE DAY I RECEIVE A SWAP. I hope others treat swaps received from me the same way. I usually mail very soon after partners are assigned, so if you haven't received a swap, PM me, I'll resend.
To explain the "unexplained 1" rating: A PC was not received. I resent as soon as partner said she didn't get it. (I checked address carefuly. Another did not receive note so I send a third PC that very day. I heard nothing more, no note, no rating.... I cannot explain any further.
A New Yorker for over 25 years I retired to Cape Cod spring 2009. This is a beautiful part of the country with mostly good weather. I recommended it for a vacation. If you're going to be here, PM me, I'd love to meet you.
NEWS!!! I FINALLY HAVE A NOVEL IN PRINIT -- as of February 2022. FRIENDSHIP QUILTS is the name of it -- it's not a how-to, it's complicated story that partly takes place in a small town, Friendship, Indiana. The book is available on Amazon both as a fat paper back and as an e-book.
It is an ideal book for reading groups and other discussion groups. If you read it and have questions please PM me. I'd live to hear from readers.
I will add a new website in the near future where you can learn more.
I'm am a traveler, a writer, a quilter and quite few other things we won't go into.
TO THRIFT STORE SWAP PARTNERS Love Thrift Shopping, especially scarves, cloth tote bags, fabrics I can use in quilting, blue and white dishes, and little vases, old jars of buttons, ribbons, braid and rickrack, nice placemats, napkins, potholders, eye glasses cases.
The list below is things I'm always happy to receive, whether thrift shop or other kinds of swaps:
Things I Like:
cotton fabrics suitable for quilting. I like all colors (black and whites, red, clear bright colors, batiks). I don't like novelty prints, especially don't like cartoony ones. Buttons and ribbons and other embellishments are appreciated.
Love receiving letter paper for computer with designs, (no cartoons) anything else. Washi tape, noncartoony stickers, interesting PCs--not places. Don't send me books, I'm very picky. Teas are fine and so are individual coffees like Starbucks has in packages.
I love all kinds of,chocolate, I also like caramels, nutty candies, and fruity ones, teas but not fruit flavors and I don't like chai very much. Coffee but not flavored.
I like useful things like pens, and markers, note cards, interesting post-its, swap labels, small blank books, arty postcards, interesting computer stationary, non-cartoony stickers.
I don't like kawai or hello Kitty stuff. I don't need little odds and ends; I don't scrapbook or do small crafts.
I'm a pretty serious person. I love the writing swaps and ones including poetry. Since I quilt passionately I love the fabrics especially those with some metallic in their patterns and also sky and landscape-y designs, also fabrics with trees and realistic birds or other animals.
I really appreciate notes that tell me about who you are and where you live. Knowing what makes people individual is the fun part of any correspondence, even on postcards. I'm sad when a swapper just gives her name and says nothing else.
Classical, the usual big names, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, and just about the whole mixed bunch. I play the piano and especially enjoy all sorts of piano music.
I prefer European movies to American, usually. Loved Lord of the Rings. Want good acting rather than entertainment or thrills or even laughs. Admire good script writing which occasionally happens in American movies, but not often. Like documentaries too about most subjects, including bio docmentaries
Note: My handwriting is almost unreadable (I try very hard to write addresses clearly but sometimes the P.O.clerk has to look things up. I DO try.
Do not have a TV, consider most of it mind numbing drek. I read A LOT! I do not read genre books, as I said I'm pretty serious and especially about literature. I like books by important foreign authors, poetry, books about nature or people's travels and many kinds of non-fiction but not self-help or new age.
The only books I'd like to receive are blank journals or nice little notebooks that I can carry in a purse.
Quilting! And writing of all sorts. I like other people's textiles but I can't knit or crochet and don't embroider or do needlepoint although I used to do both. I like and use all colors. I'm not into vintage. I rarely use lace or rick-rack but I love interesting buttons and ribbons. I sell my quilts and am open to personal swaps of my quilts for something you have or make.
All writing is craft; I write A LOT, love writing letters, as well as poetry, fiction, nonfiction and journals -- also my blogs. One is supposed to be about quilting but is also about what I'm reading or concerned about. My second blog is for my serious side and for occasional crabby rants. I'd love it if people who go to my blogs would leave a comment. I'd be thrilled if you liked it enough to recommend it or become a follower.
books [ see above] I'm VERY picky.
religious things from any religion and no fairies, witches, unicorns or other magic stuff
flavored coffees
anything Hello kitty or Kawai
Don't write to me in texting shorthand -- PLEASE! -- it makes my hair stand on end.
I am so excited to read your book. I am actually saving it for when I go to Ocean City, NJ soon. Thank you so much for sending it to me. So very thoughtful. Sometime this month, I will be searching for something for you in Lancaster PA. Hope your birthday went well.
Quick Friendly Profile comment! Hi June!! I hope you’re doing well. Cape cod is on my bucket list to visit! I have a cousin who lives up there somewhere! I read a lot of books about it, and it sounds amazing!! Quilting is something I never learned to do! I use to do cross stitching, but between my carpal tunnel and my old eyes, it’s getting hard to do!! I have found Diamond Art, which is kinda similar, and it’s fun!! I had a great visit to your profile!! I hope to see you again in another swap!! Take care!!
Quick friendly profile comment
Greetings from sunny South Africa. I enjoyed reading your profile. I see that you have written a book - totally awesome.
I also don't appreciate it when someone writes to me in texting shorthand as I have no idea what they are trying to say. I had a lady once that wrote me a 4 page letter using the texting shorthand. Try figuring that out... I just sent the letter back to her explaining that I have no idea what she is trying to tell me.
Have a wonderfully blessed 2024.
A fellow published author!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’ll definitely have to snag a copy of your book!!!! If it doesn’t have any spice to it I’ll also recommend it to our local book club! <3 I hope you have great swapping experiences!! Happy 2024!
June, thanks again for the Cape Cod postcard. It's always nice to hear from a fellow Hoosier! But how in the world did you end up living there, and how does it compare with Indiana? Also, how fantastic to have met Kathy Bates (the actress) and what were your in person impressions of her?
Happy Summer!
Thank you so much for stopping by my profile June and for accepting me in your group! ♥♥!