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Date Joined: May 7, 2018
Last Online: December 20, 2019 Birthday: April 1 Country: United States |
If I do not receive a rating from you then I do not know if you received an item I sent. Please message me if you do not receive an item so I can resend.
A Message about Postmarks: When I mark Sent, the Swap has been placed in the mailbox at the Post Office on that day. If it has been placed after pickup hours, or on the weekend, it will not get postmarked until the next business day. :)
I am a Registered Nurse by profession and currently work with Veterans. I'm single, never married, no kids, but have a kitty fur baby. He's a beautiful black and white tuxedo and he's 17 years old now.
My kitty's favorite postcard! I have family in Arkansas that was friends with President Clinton and someone made sure my kitty received this PC from Socks, the First Cat:
I've had many other fur babies in the past but they are no longer with me due to untreatable illness or old age.
Fortunately, my sister has a "small village" of progeny so my mom is "mostly" okay with the number of grandkids and great-grandkids she has so there is no longer any pressure on me to produce kids instead of art!
Postcards: Advertising, Animals (especially cats, see below), Art, Black & White, Book/Magazine covers, Botanical, Fairytales, Food/Drink, Funny, Holiday, Landmarks, Maps, Museum, Music, Non-Politically Correct, People, Pin-ups, Space, Touristy/Travel, Transportation, Vintage, (Pretty much any PC except those indicated in the "don't like" section)
Grunge/Distressed, e.g. Tim Holtz, Finnabair, Micheal DeMeng, etc...
Art Dolls
Handmade: Fiber Arts including Postcards, Books, Tags, Collages, ATCs, etc...
Altered Art: Books, Clocks, Houses, Birdcages, etc...
Animals: Cats & Turtles the most; I love most animals except for the creepy crawlies(snakes, bugs, etc... except on Halloween items, which really need spiders!)
Ephemera: Foreign Book pages, Vintage Papers (Tickets, Ledgers, Receipts, Labels, Music) Vintage Photographs, with or without Cabinet Cards, Washi Tape
Metal: Charms, Keys, other fun embellishments, broken jewelry & watch parts
Glass: Stained Glass, Blown-Glass Suncatchers, Vintage bottles, Beads
Halloween & Autumn: Witches, Ghosts & Goblins, Pumpkins, Leaves, Spiders
Christmas & Winter
Colors: Most primary colors, Black, Royal Blue, Fuchsia, Teal, Purple, Olive Sage or Seafoam greens; Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Pastels are okay.
Some Religious, Spiritual & Inspirational okay.
Sexual Innuendo & Nudity okay (esp. funny) but no Porn.
Bold Graphics
I pretty much like any art as long as it's not too cutesy.
Tacky crafts
Reward or smiley stickers
Syrupy cute stuff, e.g. Precious Moments, some Kawaii (except fun cats; kawaii PCs are OK, just don't want stationary type stuff), etc...
Tarot: I like Tarot "art" but it creeps me out to have it in the house...
Soaps, Lotions or Perfumes: can't handle the smells, give me severe headaches.
Body Shaming
Animal cruelty
If I join a "non-politically correct" swap then you can disregard all the above except for "Tarot" or "animal cruelty." TY! π
I will ALWAYS replace an item in a swap if you don't receive it, you just need to let me know. If it is a "crafty" Type 3 I may not be able to mail it immediately but will let you know when it is posted. I will NEVER flake so please communicate with me if something is not received.
I participated in many national and international postcard swaps several years ago with "Trading Fabric Postcards" and 99% of the cards we swapped were fabric, simple to extravagant, with and without embellishments. We also swapped a couple of Fabric Fat Books, so I have those and 300+ postcards from this group.
I have participated in several ATC and "handmade gift" swaps with the Dallas Area Fiber Artists, these were also fabric based.
I used to belong to Art-42 and we swapped a lot of ATCs, Charms & Fat Books over several years. Some of these were fabric but most were other media. Art-42 published several books with some of their swaps and my art is in 2 of them. (One of my "claims to fame").
I am looking forward to swapping again as I love receiving all types of art in the mail.
(Since my family and friends know that I am "creative" they usually won't give me a piece of handmade art since they think I will critique it and not enjoy it. They couldn't be more wrong! And so to satisfy my craving for "receiving" art I swap and buy instead!)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE musicals, especially live but have to settle for the soundtracks after the fact.
I also enjoy listening to Classic, Pop & Light Rock, Country & Western, Oldies, & Gregorian Chants.
I love to sing-along to all music but since I can't carry a tune in a bucket I usually just do this when I am either alone at home or in my car!
I do not watch TV so I read a ton of Books and also listen to Audiobooks when I can find the ones I want. 99% of these come from the library so I can save my money for art supplies! And an Audiobook is awesome to listen to while working on art.
I usually read:
-Mysteries & Suspense
-I occasionally read Sci-Fi, Paranormal & Romances.
As stated above I usually don't buy books but I do collect 3 authors in hardback:
-Stephen King
-John Sandford
-Marshall Karp
(A second claim to fame: I am a character in a book co-authored by James Patterson and Marshall Karp: NYPD Red 2. My character has 5 lines at the bottom of page 264. Marshall Karp & I had emailed each other a few times several years prior to that book and he told me he might use me as a character one day and I never took him seriously until I read that page. I had no foreknowledge he did that and I was literally gob-smacked when I read it! FYI: He's a great writer and you should read his books if you like mysteries.)
I do own several bookcases full of Art books and Art magazines and love to peruse them for ideas and to jump-start my "creativity" when I need some inspiration.
Favorite Movies:
I love Action movies and Comedies, so I especially love Action Movies that are also funny.
My favorite movie right now is "Armageddon" with Bruce Willis.
Other Favorite Movies:
Lethal Weapon Series, DieHard Series, Australia, Moulin Rouge, Holiday, XXX, Practical Magic, Shall We Dance, First Wives Club, Connie & Carla, Hocus Pocus, Christmas Movies: especially Elf
And on, and on, and on...
(I have an addiction to movies and must own a TV and Video & DVD players for that reason, even though I don't watch regular TV, on the TV. More about that later)
As stated above I don't watch TV and haven't seen a regular TV show, on TV, in about 4 years. I also didn't even own a TV, in the 80's, for about 8 years.
I did watch the weekly series: NCIS, Bones and Castle when I had a roommate, but after she moved out I waited until each season was over and then watched the entire season on DVD. Alas, the only one still on the air is NCIS and I will miss it when it is gone.
Too, too many!
Quilting, mostly Art Quilts; Art Dolls; Fabric Postcards & ATCs (obviously); Felting; Polymer Clay; Jewelry & Beading; Bookmaking; Encaustics; 3-D paper projects; Mixed Media: collage, tags & cards, dolls, assemblage; Stained Glass; Counted Cross Stitch; Fancy Needlepoint; Watercolor; Acrylics; T-Shirt painting; Tole Painting (I used to teach T-Shirt painting and Tole Painting at MJ Designs/Michael's back in the 80's); Photography.
I love the look of Steampunk and Grunge, and Tim Holtz rocks!
I love taking all sorts of art classes and use the excuse that I can incorporate a particular art in my Art Quilts, but really i just love to take classes and come home with a really cool "completed" project!
-I'm Greek and can speak the language fairly fluently since I'm 1st generation American.
-I love to cook. I read cook books like most people read novels.
-I love Greek, Mexican & Asian cuisines but am truly addicted to Chocolate!
-I hate housework.
-I hate yard work. I grew up hearing my dad say if he had a choice he would dig up the yard, replace it with concrete, and spray it green. We laughed then but today I totally understand and I would actually do it if I had the money to spare!
-I lettered in Volleyball and Soccer in High School and I can still throw the Discus and the Shotput 40 years later.
-I am very analytical and was tested by the Army in High School and was told I should be an Engineer; and so I can use both sides of my brain equally.
-I collect artwork that is Turtle or Cat themed, but only if it's really unusual or fun; I don't like "tacky" art.
-I also have a collection of Art Quilts & Art Dolls, obviously!
-And, last but not least, I learned to count money and run a cash register when I was 5 years old, Thanks Dad!!
I saw from your profile and some comments that you are a turtle lover so I took the liberty of sending you an invite to the Scales 'n' Tails group! Would be great to have you on board!
Thank you for joining Happy Halloween profile decoration quick swap
Happy Halloween Profile Deco Image 2
Happy Halloween Profile Deco Image 1
Thanks for the picture on my wall. Just looking at your profile, your cat looks exactly like my cat Casper
Here's a link for his picture on my one drive. See what you think π
Happy Halloween profile decoration quick swap
Hi Katina, thanks again for the reminder! As promised, here is the second installment of the swap :) Have a great night! -Emma
Thank you for Cullen & Braydyns Halloween card & $2 bill! They both LOVED their cards and their very special $2! Braydyn held on to his card for half the day! I kept telling him to put it down or in his room because I was afraid he was going to start chewing on it (sensory issue) but nope he didn't! just held on tight to it! <3 Thank you for making my boys smile! Thank you for being you!
Happy Halloween profile decoration quick swap
Hope you're having a wonderful Halloween!! -Emma