Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You’re so welcome! I was glad to hear you were happy with your swap!
Response: You’re very welcome! I’m happy to hear you were pleased with the swap. I hope 2025 is a great year for you as well!
Response: I’d love that! Thank you!
Response: Well that just won’t do! I’m putting another card for you today, Selene. What a sweetheart you are for giving me a heart rating on a missing card! We’ll fix it!
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked the letter! I hope you get to visit soon. It's almost time for the leaves to start changing. Love from one WV girl to another!
Response: I’d love that! Send me a message and I’ll set up a private swap if you’d be interested.
Response: I’ve gotten cards from there. I find most of my favorites in the bottom floor of the store where they are categorized by state, holidays and such.
Glad you liked the card and thanks for the quick rating + heart!
Response: I’m glad the washi was okay and you were happy with them!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Oh good! Thank for the heart!
Response: I think so too— you’re welcome!
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: My pleasure! Happy swapping!!
Response: You’re welcome! Happy swapping!
Response: Wonderful! Happy swapping to you!
Response: Glad to hear you enjoyed the card. I enjoyed sending it.
Response: You’re very welcome!
Response: I hope you do— it’s a good one! Happy swapping!
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: That makes me so happy to hear!
Response: You’re welcome! Happy swapping to you!
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: Our group is fun. I hope to see it grow in the future. Learning to crochet is pretty easy— I watched YouTube videos (mainly a channel called Fiber Flux) and picked it up fairly quickly. If I can do it, you can do it!
Response: You’re so welcome!
Response: Glad to hear you were pleased. I really enjoyed this swap!
Response: Classic song! There’s a joke here that says our father is John Denver and our mother is a mountain! Lol West Virginians love their state for sure. Glad you liked the card.
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: You’re very welcome!
Response: Oh good! You’re welcome!
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: Wonderful! I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for the great rating, dorcii. Happy swapping to you.
Response: You're quite welcome. Happy swapping to you, NRGordon!
Response: You’re very welcome! Have a wonderful day! :D
Response: I’m so glad you liked the letter! Happy to swap with you!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating! Glad to know you enjoyed the card.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked the letter!
Response: You are very welcome! I am glad to be counted among your collection!
Response: You're welcome! I am happy to hear you were pleased with the cards I chose for you. Happy postcrossing!
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: You're welcome! Happy to hear you were happy with the card. Hope to see you again around the Swapverse!
Response: McDonald's saved the day! Not the healthiest choice but we were a very hungry bunch! LOL
Response: I totally get it. I watched the HBO series twice now. I can’t wrap my brain around the magnitude of that disaster.
Response: Me too! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: You and me both! Thank you for rating.
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: Oh cool! I’d love to go!
Response: It's an excellent read--highly recommend! Thank you for the great rating!!
Response: Let me know if you liked it. Thank you for the great rating!!
Response: I have gone on the gondola! :D
Response: You too! Thank you!
Response: Oh good--thank you so much!
Response: I haven't read the last one myself. I need to do that. I have a bad habit of getting the characters in a good spot and leaving the story there. I did the same thing with the Outlander series. lol I get to a good place and I don't want to mess with it. Thank you for the great rating.
Response: Thank you so much. I enjoyed this one a lot. Glad you did as well. <3
Response: I really do! LOL Thank you!
Response: Thank you for the great rating. I hope you have a lovely day!
Response: What a nice thing to say! I’m so glad you enjoyed by letter. Thank you for the wonderful rating.
Response: Oh good! Thank you for the great rating.
Response: Me too! Thank you for the great rating!
Response: You’re so welcome!
Response: Oh cool! WV is a cool place to visit if you like to do outdoorsy things. If you ever plan a trip here, I’d visit Lewisburg, WV. Very cool town.
Glad you enjoyed the card. Thank you for the great rating.
Response: I’m so pleased you liked them! Thank you for the great rating!
Response: Looking forward to it! Thank you!!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: I totally understand that. The only thing in Blooming Rose is a post office and a bridge. And me! Lol
Glad you enjoyed the swap.
Response: I would love if you wrote me back! I’m so pleased you enjoyed the letter, Inigo. Thank you!
Response: Wonderful! Thank you!
Response: Whatever works! Have fun with it! Thank you for the great rating.
Response: I can't wait! Thank you for the awesome rating!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the wonderful heart rating!!
Response: Thank you. I'm so glad you liked my answers!
Response: Glad you enjoyed the card!
Response: Wonderful! I’m so pleased you enjoyed the card. Thank you for the great rating!
Response: You’re welcome! Glad to know you liked the card!
Response: I really enjoy this swap. Thank you for hosting this. I believe I will join all that you host. Thanks for the encouragement!
Response: Happy to! Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: So sweet! Thanks for rating me!
Response: Thank you so much for your patience and willingness to wait so I could send your letter again. The first one never came back to my mailbox so I suppose it’s lost forever. If something like this had to happen, I’m so grateful it was with a partner as nice as you, Lucine. Thank you, thank you.
Response: Fuuuuunny! Lol So I’m not the only one who fell victim to that song!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I’m glad you liked the swap and the newspaper cuttings! I read on your profile that you liked those so I asked my grandmother for her comic section. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the great rating!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I hope you enjoy them--you are very welcome!
Response: What a awesome rating! Thank you! I adore Ani DiFranco— have since I was 19. My favorites are Swan Dive, Independence Day, and Joyful Girl. I like a great many of her songs. Glad you liked the swap!
Response: Thanks so much, Kathy!!!
Response: Oh no! I'm sorry the card was a bit worse for wear when it arrived. We did have a great Mother's Day--we made a good memory. Thanks for the great rating. Take care!
Response: What a sweet memory of your mother. Thank you for sharing that with me! I am pleased you liked the card, Diane. Thanks a bunch for the wonderful rating!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thanks for the great rating.
Response: I loved sending the card to you! Glad you liked it so well. Thanks a bunch for the heart!!!
Response: Back at ya! This was fun. :D
Response: Hobby Lobby! Where all my crafty things come from. LOL
Response: Thanks for the heart, Shirley! Glad you liked the card.
Response: That's so lovely, Gabrielle! I think the last time I was in Monroe county was in February. My husband and I took the long way home from a trip to Virginia and went through Alderson. It straddles Greenbrier and Monroe. Thanks for sharing a memory with me!
Response: I thought it was a pretty good one, too! I’m dying to join the letter U swap but I just don’t have a card that will work.
Response: I just loved everything about this swap. The concept, writing my own strips, fighting temptation to just read them all in one sitting! I’m glad you will enjoy the swap all well. I hope something I wrote warms your heart!
Response: I'm so pleased the card arrived and that you enjoyed it. Thank you for the great rating,
Response: Happy to send--you are very welcome!
Response: My daughter is learning Japanese. Keep at it and you'll get there! Thank you for the great heart rating. Happy swapping!
Response: It's delicious! Thanks for the wonderful rating! Have a great day, Guppies!
Response: Ha ha! Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: So glad you liked the card, Sharmison33. Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: I had a lot of fun with this pc swap--glad you did, too. Thank you for the heart rating!!!
Response: Thank you for rating. Have a wonderful weekend.
Response: I’m glad you enjoyed it! Have a great weekend!
Response: Awesome! Thank you for the heart, kittyfun!
Response: How funny! The Swapverse thought you needed more llama in your life. Happy swapping to you!
Response: Thank you, 24Donna. I hope you do. Thanks for such a quick rating and the heart!
Response: I am hoping to go on a few camping trips this summer. Also I want to get all the kids bicycles and bike some trails now that they are older. My husband and I usually go away one weekend in the summer just the two of us. I have lots of plans. Reno sounds fun--I've never been. See you around the Swapverse!
Response: Sounds like a fab idea! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Oh good! Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the card, neecie. Good luck on your project! Letting go is hard!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart.
Response: The books are always better, right? Thank you for rating!
Response: Never heard of straw flowers. I'll have to look that up. Happy postcrossing!
Response: Happy post crossing!
Response: Let me know what you think if you decide to watch it! Thank you for the hear!
Response: Happy post crossing, Christy!
Response: I love the way lilac smells but my husband hates it. Says it smells like moth balls to him. So strange! I'd love to have a lilac bush but just enjoy the blooms outside instead of in. Take care!
Response: Same to you, Anna. Thanks for the heart. <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for being sweet about my mix up! Happy swapping!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I’m so glad! I wish you all the best, Roseann!
Response: You’re welcome.
Response: You’re welcome! Hope your weekend is a good one!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you for the quick rating and the heart. Happy postcrossing!
Response: You are welcome! Happy spring to you, too. :D
Response: You are very welcome! I am so pleased to hear you were happy with the swap. Have a great week!
Response: Awww--thanks Ellie--you do, too. This was a fun one!
Response: I had a great time with this one satinification! Very fun idea. Glad you enjoyed my answers. <3
Response: Oh I am so glad you liked the letter, fairylover! I was nervous about this swap! Thank you for the heart--you are very kind. Happy swapping to you.
Response: Thank you! I am excited to see what arrives.
Response: What a nice comment to leave, 24Donna! I do feel very blessed and grateful for all the good things in my life. Happy swapping to you!
Response: So glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart! Back at you!
Response: I’m excited to read your list! Glad you enjoyed the swap, too. Thank you kindly for the heart! ❤️
Response: Wonderful! Thank you for swapping with me.
Response: Can't wait to see what you made! Thanks for playing.
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: I taught myself to knit but not to fix mistakes. Knitting for me, the pressure is on to do it perfectly or the whole project is ruined. I wish I was better at knitting. I love to crochet but I think knitting is prettier.
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: It’s heaven! Thank you for reading and rating!
Response: You’re very welcome!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thanks so much! I’m glad to know you enjoyed the swap. You have a great week, too. Oh, and thank you for the heart!
Response: That letter was a pleasure to write and I’m pleased to hear you liked it. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I’m so glad you liked my note and card. Thank you for such a nice (and super quick!) rating! Happy swapping.
Response: I had so much fun with that one. I don’t do many electronic swaps. I believe I’ll do more of them. Thank you kindly for the heart, Lindsey!
Response: I thought you’d enjoy that! Thanks for the heart, btw.
Response: Thank you! I got the paper at Hobby Lobby. Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You’re welcome! Thank you for the heart ❤️
Response: Thanks so much, Junemoon.
Response: Glad you liked the card, Kathy821. I bought it at an antique store. Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, Hyshu. I'm pleased you liked the swap. Thank you for the heart as well! <3
Response: I’m happy to hear you liked the swap, Jenicat. I love my home state. I can’t say enough good things about her. Happy swapping to you!
Response: You’re very welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed the swap! Thank you for the heart, Smallwood. Happy swapping to you.
Response: Oh good! I’m glad you enjoyed everything. I’m excited to hear from you.
Response: Thank you so much for the great rating. You are too sweet! â¤ï¸
Response: I am so glad you liked it! Thank you kindly for the heart!!
Response: I'm so glad you like it! :D
Response: You are welcome! I enjoyed sending it to you, Jennie. Happy swapping to you. :D
Response: Glad you enjoyed the swap! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: No worries, Poppy. Happy to swap with you. Take care! :D
Response: Oh, I am glad you liked the excerpt! It's an amazing book--I think I found mine at a thrift store, hardback for like a buck. It's one of my very favorites. I hope you do read it! Thank you for the quick rating and the heart, too. Happy swapping!
Response: You are welcome, Lynne72! Happy to swap with you. :D
Response: A---Thank you for the encouragement! I am glad to hear you were pleased with the swap. If you try the recipe, let me know how it turned out for you. :D Happy swapping!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you were happy with the swap, Pammyn. :D
Response: I am glad you enjoyed the letter. I had a lot of fun writing it. Can you tell I loved growing up in West Virginia?!? :D
Response: Oh, good! I am glad to hear your daughter enjoyed the swap. This was a fun one and I was a happy host. We look forward to hearing from you. :D
Response: Awesome! Let me know when you listen to the cd, I am curious to know your thoughts on the music. Thanks for such a quick rating, ccap!
Response: Yay! Happy to hear you were happy!!
Response: Thank you for the quick rating and the heat--I look forward to hearing from you. :D
Response: You are very welcome, DJillM. Thank you for the heart! Happy Swapping to you!
Response: I hope you do. My taste in music is a bit left of center, but I think some of those songs are really beautiful. Let me know what you think, if you find anything you love. Thank you for such a great and quick rating. Swap happy.
Response: You are very welcome, Schwook!
Response: Great! Happy to hear you were pleased with this swap. Thank you for such a great rating, Lavender! Happy swapping to you.
Response: Happy to hear you enjoyed my novel...I mean letter. :D And hey, write on whatever you like. This is your letter that expresses your personality. I am sure it will be a wonderful letter and I am looking forward to it! Thanks for the heart, by the way!! :D
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart!!!
Response: You're very welcome! :D
Response: Glad you enjoyed the card, queenoftheworld. Thanks for such a great rating!
Response: You're quite welcome. I hope you are able to find a new read that you like!!! Happy swapping to you.
Response: Wonderful! Glad to hear you enjoyed the swap, RenVonH. Take care and happy swapping to you!!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for such a great (and quick!) rating, Knitterofhats. Happy swapping!
Response: I'm glowing! So happy to hear you enjoyed my letter so much, Suzanne. I am looking forward to your letter and friendship. Hugs,Casey
Response: Happy to hear you enjoyed the card. Thanks for such a great rating, Kerrimoo. Happy swapping!!
Response: Oh good! I was nervous about this one. So glad you enjoyed the card, Aseknc. Happy swapping to you too!!
Response: Sorry the letter wasn't quite right...I wen't back and reread the swap rules and saw what I had left out. Thanks for being understanding and giving me such a great rating, Jayeme!
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: Thanks, Cathy! Looking forward to your answers.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Good! Gald to hear you were happy with the swap. :D
Response: You're quite welcome. Thanks for such a great rating!
Response: Good to hear you were happy with the swap. Thank you for the great rating, knitandlitgirl. Swap happy!!
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart, offthepost18. Good to see you back again!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart, too. :D
Response: You are very welcome, Bizzle.
Response: Happy to hear it. Thank you for the heart, Jenna!
Response: My pleasure, Shucreamkitty! Thanks for being a part of the swap.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: My pleasure. Thank you for the heart, Ladysyn2! Happy swapping to you.
Response: Glad to hear it! :D
Response: Good! Thanks for the heart, Ladyrn! :D
Response: You're welcome!
Response: What a nice thing to say! Glad you enjoyed the swap!!
Response: Hey Beth, glad to hear you were happy with the swap. Thanks again for suggesting I host it a second time. I think I will host this one every fall now.....Take care and I hope to swap with you again soon!
Response: No worries. Just glad you were happy with your package! Thanks for the heart. This was really fun, we should do it again one day! :D
Response: Thank you, Vicky! When I saw this swap I thought to myself, I have the perfect card for this! Isn't it great when a swap works out that way? Thank you for the great rating and the kind words!
Response: Oh cool! Glad you liked to journal.Thanks for the heart, by the way! :o)
Response: I am glad you and your children enjoyed the letters! We are looking forward to your letter, too! Take care!!
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: You're welcome! Glad you were happy with the recipe. Thanks so much for the heart, too! :D
Response: I know, we keep swapping together! :D We need to set up a pen pal swap or something! Thank you for the great rating and the heart!!
Response: Hi Joy, I am glad you enjoyed the ATC kit. I hope you can make something beautiful with it. So sorry about the envelope being torn. When I put the swap in the mail for you, it was in one piece. I guess we are all at the mercy of the postal system, aren't we! Thanks for being understanding and giving such a great rating away! :D
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: So glad you liked them, Loonstruck! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome. Hope you all enjoy them!!
Response: That peach pie is so easy and O.M.G. is it gooood! Hope you guys enjoy it!! Thanks for the heart, too!
Response: You're quite welcome! :D
Response: Oh, good. Thanks for such a great rating!
Response: Great! Looking forward to it!!
Response: Thank you, Lelix! :D
Response: Glad you enjoyed the card! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Great! Thanks Fall!
Response: So glad you were happy with the swap! Thanks for the heart, too! :D
Response: So glad you liked it! The baby is here and he is precious. Have a great summer, too!
Response: Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I really had fun with this swap. Thank you for the heart! :D
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart! :D
Response: Glad you enjoyed the swap! Thanks for the heart!! :D
Response: Thanks, Stephanie! :)
Response: How nice of you to say! I am so glad you were happy with the swap. Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: How cool! Thanks for such a great rating. :o)
Response: I am happy you like the card. Thank you for the compliment and the heart, too!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You, too! I am happy to see you enjoyed the cards. Hugs!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: I have since finished the book and it is so very good. Get your Kleenex ready for the end! I am glad you enjoyed my letter and the bookmark. Thank you for the heart, too! Looking forward to your letter.
Response: How nice of you to say! I am so glad you enjoyed the bookmark. It just so happened I had all the things you like! Great when a swap works out that way! Thank you for the heart and the kind words! :)
Response: Happy to hear you enjoyed the card. Thank you for the great rating!
Response: So glad to hear it! Thank you for the great rating and the heart, too!
Response: So glad you liked the ATC! Thank you!!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: You're very welcome! :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Looking forward to getting your letter. Thanks for the lovely rating!!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: Me too! Thanks for the awesome rating.
Response: Thanks Elizabeth!
Response: So glad you were happy with the swap! I had a lot of fun making it for you. Thank you for the great rating and the heart! <3
Response: That soup is a really great one, I hope you give it a try. You won't be sorry. Thanks so much for the great rating and the heart, too!
Response: This swap was one of my absolute favorites. I loved making it for your little boy. I know how excited my children are to get made my day knowing your little one would be excited, too. Great swap all the way around! Thanks for the kind words, great rating and the heart!
Response: Glad to hear you are happy with the swap, Miss Tullie! I loved being able to share recipes that are dear to my family! Take care.
Response: You're very welcome! So glad you liked everything!! Thank you for the great rating and the heart! <3
Response: Pat--So glad that you are happy wiht the cookie recipes! I was happy to send. Thank you for the great rating and the heart!
Response: Aww, that made my day knowing your girls enjoyed the card! I had a great time with this swap. Thank you so much for the wonderful rating and the heart, too! Take care.
Response: You're welcome! Happy to send!
Response: You're welcome, that one was special to me! Glad to see you enjoyed the card. Thanks for the heart!!
Response: So glad to see you liked the card...yeah, Hudson Cream is a staple in our kitchens. If you ever see it in a store, give it a try! Good stuff. Thanks for the great rating on my card and the heart, too!
Response: Happy to hear you enjoyed the journal...I had a lot of fun with it! Thank you for the great rating and the heart, too!
Response: I love pen pal letters, I was happy to send it. Good to know you were happy with the swap! Thank you for the great rating and the heart!
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the heart!! <3
Response: Had a lot of fun with this swap! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Thank you for the great rating and the heart!
Response: So glad you liked the package! We should do this again one day. Thank you for the great rating and the heart! Back at ya, sister! :)
Response: So glad you liked the swap and the pen! Thanks for the great rating and the heart. I will message you my address and we can write!
Response: My husband is a good man and I had alot of fun writing about him. Glad to see you enjoyed reading about him! Thank you for the kind words, great rating and the heart!
Response: If you read any of the books, read Bridges. I am ruined for love stories now...nothing compares!! Let me know what you thought of the book! :)
Response: Beautiful book. I hope you do read it. Let me know what you thought....thank you for the great rating and heart!!
Response: Had a wonderful time swapping with you again. Always a pleasure! Thanks for the kind words, great rating and the heart. Take care, friend!
Response: Very happy to hear you were pleased with the card. Thanks for the great rating and the heart!
Response: I was happy to send the fabric. I love unexpected little things like that, it always makes my day. Hope it made yours! Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart, Joyce!!
Response: You are very welcome, happy to send it. Thank you for the great rating and the heart!
Response: To be honest, I was a tad nervous you wouldn't like them sewn. I took a little chance and it paid off. Very relieved to hear you loved them! Thanks so much for the feedback, great rating and the heart!
Response: So pleased that you liked it! Thanks a bunch!! :)
Response: So glad to hear you got your notecards and that you enjoyed them!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're gonna love it when you do! Let me know how you liked it. Thanks for the heart!! <3
Response: Happy to hear you enjoyed your ATC. Had a ton of fun making it for you. I appreciate the kind words and the great rating. Thank you!!
Response: I really enjoyed myself on this swap. So glad to hear you were happy with it, too. I appreciate the compliment on my journal and the lovely rating!!
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: You're welcome, I had a good time making it. :)
Response: Lucky guess?!? :P Glad you liked the card.
Response: You're very welcome!!
Response: I thought that box was a perfect one to use, glad you liked it, too.
Response: The sweet potato casserole is very good. It's super easy and so good. Thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: I am happy to hear you liked the card, I had fun with this one. Thanks for the great rating!!
Response: I hope you do try the apple cake, it's out of this world! Thanks for the heart, too!
Response: So glad you liked them. Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: I am so pleased to hear you liked them. I was nervous about my cards, I am very new to ATCs like I said. Thanks for the compliments on them!
Response: You're very welcome :)
Response: Glad to hear you were happy with the swap. Thanks for the heart, too! <3
Response: Glad you liked the cards and recipe. Thanks for the heart!! <3
Response: Happy to hear!! Thanks for the heart kozykitty! <3
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: I really enjoyed making the bookmark something I thought you might like. Glad to hear you did! Thank you for the heart! <3
Response: So glad you liked the bookmark!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Happy to hear you liked the books. Thanks for the heart! <3
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart! <3
Response: So glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad to hear you were happy with the swap. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome, glad to send them. Enjoy!
Response: Glad you got a kick out of it! Thanks for the 5 and the heart!!
Response: You'll have to let me know what you thought of the book. I loved it, hope you do too.
Response: So glad you liked them....thanks for the 5 and heart.
Response: So glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I am so glad you liked the package!!! I had a lot of fun with it. It was my first swap like that and I really wanted it to be nice for you. Thanks for the kind words and the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart! <3
Response: You are very welcome!!! Good to hear you liked the stickers. Thanks for the heart, too. <3
Response: I am so glad you liked them! I was nervous, never made anything like that before. Thanks for the kind words and the heart! <3
Response: Good to hear! I hope you all enjoy them as much as we do. I made that meatloaf last night and it was so good. Thanks for the 5 and the heart!
Response: Glad you hear you enjoyed it...thank you for the kind words and the heart!
Response: You're welcome...thanks for the heart! <3
Response: I am glad to hear it, hope you enjoy making some of the recipes....thank you for the heart! <3
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're very welcome!