Hearts ratings for Gnoe
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Response: So happy I chose well!! Thank you for the lovely comment <3
Response: Thank you for your kind comment! Mother-in-law is worsening so these are hard times. Your kindness matters!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I'm really happy to hear that :-D I've had the big sticker for ages and never found a purpose for it. So YAY!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: Awwww you've made me blush! Thank you for your super kind comment. Your kindness matters! Sorry for the late reply but these are tough times with the elderly people in our family :-(
Response: Tabby boy is doing GREAT! Thank you <3
Response: Thank you so much. Unfortunatelly things have taken a turn for the worse :-(
Response: Thanks for the heart and you kind comments!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Great to hear -- THANK YOU!
Response: Yay, so chuffed to hear that so thank you! :-D
Response: THANK YOU! I'm so glad to hear it's to your liking :-D
Response: THANK YOU! I'm really glad they are appreciated 😊 Will "hands" still be among your likes after the profile update though? 😅 (I should refresh my profile page as well, but never seem to get around to it...)
Response: How lovely! In my youth sparrows used too be abundant here , then were taken over in majority by starlings, which in turn were succeeded by jackdaws. They're all awesome birds to me, but I'm happy to see sparrows are making their "comeback" the last few years too. Of course it also depends on the area you live in. As I child I thought the sparrow was just one kind of bird... But there are so many varieties!! Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Ha! Real happy I chose this one then :-) (LOL this seems to keep happening to me and those real ugly PCs never get sent! I actually brought some to the thriftstore recenttly...)
Response: So glad to hear they arrived! Thanks for the heart and have a wonderful holiday season.
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart :))
Response: He has!!! And he fit in real quickly - he's actually washing certain parts right next to me on the desk right now... Cat's have no shame LOL.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I hope you're doing well.
Response: Thank you for the sweet comment and heart! (And sorry for the late response... *life*).
Response: LOL glad I made the whole family happy haha. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I'm so glad it's to your liking (and it travelled pretty fast)! Thanks for the swap <3
Response: LOL that's weird indeed! I'm glad you like the card I made you *big smile*
Response: What a relief! I was _certain_ you were going to rate me down for adding labels LOL (kidding of course). But I honestly am glad you don't mind and even appreciate them <3
Response: You're very welcome.
Response: Thank you -- for hosting as well!
Response: LOL thank you for the super enthusiastic rating!!! I'm glad I chose well 😘 Wishing you a fabulous fall as well!
Response: *huge smile* Glad to have made your day! Thanks for the thoughtful comment.
Response: You're welcome! Tried to meet your preferences :-)
Response: Thanks for the lovely comment & rating -- and good advice! :-)
Response: I'm really happy to hear you appreciate it as much -- so glad I've sent it! I hope you'll find a good new home for the birdy to fly to next ;-)
Response: Yup, super interesting story but wow what an ugly card! I'm glad you appreciate it for its merits! :-) Thanks for the heart <3
Response: I'm so glad you're happy with it! Thank you for the lovely comment.
Response: Life kept me from responding to comments too but I'm catching up now. I'm very glad to hear you like the backgrounds :-) Thanks for the heart and your sweet comment.
Response: YAY! Sorry for the late reply -- trying to catch up. We got to go vegan glamping in the French Vosges for a short week. Delightful!
Response: I'm glad you can appreciate its oddness LOL and the banana stamp was of course a must :-) Thanks for the heart! [Sorry for the late reply --life happened, catching up now]
Response: The windows are gorgeous indeed; I've lighted a candle near one for a friend that had recently passed when I was there last time. But I'm mostly in awe with the building and the atmosphere it exudes. [So sorry for the late reply --life happened but I'm trying to catch up with responding to comments now.]
Response: I'm so glad to hear my envie hit the bullseye! Enjoy using the contents and thank you for your enthousistic rating 💙
Response: We had fun indeed! The years fell away -- though we had to catch up too of course. Thank you for a lovely rating!
Response: So glad to hear I made a good selection. And thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad I chose well! You're very welcome and best wishes to you too.
Response: I'm, really glad to hear that! Enjoy :-)
Response: Thank you for your lovely comment and heart! I'm really happy you like the cards so much.
Response: You are very welcome :-) Thanks again for hosting such a fun swap series.
Response: Aww thank you and good luck on remaining "school" stuff!
Response: Awwww that's so sweet of you to say! Thank you my dear!
Response: You're welcome and not a problem. As a matter of fact: time _does_ go faster the older you get!!! LOL
Response: [gawd I thought this was your rating for the JJ swap #brainmush but that has yet to arrive]
Response: Yesh, super mazzel!!! LOL En wow, dat glasmuseum lijkt me geweldig. Ik houd erg van glas! Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating & comment. Thanks again for hosting this inspring swap series!
Response: Aww sweet, thank you so much!
Response: Sorry! I tried to pick postcards that I hated but loosely fitted your likes 🙈 #fail I hope you'll find a purpose for them indeed! Thanks for the heart, you're too sweet.
Response: Yay, I'm glad you like it (kind of)! That's always a happy feeling. Thank you so much for the heart ❤
Response: I'm so happy to hear that! Thanks for the heart and sweet comment ❤
Response: Awwwww what a super lovely comment!!! Thank you! Hope your pc will bother you no more 🙈
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for your lovely comment and rating!
Response: Yay, I'm glad you love the cat stickers LOL. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating.
Response: So glad I chose well! Thanks for the lovely comment and heart rating :-))
Response: You're welcome. Glad you like the card!
Response: You're welcom Kimi, I'm so glad it found a good home <3 Thanks for the heart too!
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad it was too your liking :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind words and heart! I love your page too :-)
Response: Thank you -- for the heart also of course! I'm glad you like the little dragon too as I thought it was cute. And of course I *had* to stick that gnome stamp on there :-)
Response: I'm so happy to hear that -- you've made me blush! THANK YOU and have fun learning about haiku / Japanese poetry :-)
Response: As long as you're having fun!! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for the feedback and heart :-)
Response: I'm so very happy to hear the postcard was okay! I feel I have to clarify though; it was my first card for the mailart group, not my first handmade PC. I have a hard time determining whether something is mailart or "just" a handmade PC when it comes to my own creations LOL. I hope you'll continue to have a shovel-less winter!
Response: AWESOME! It felt like a bit of a risk so I'm super glad I chose well :-)) Not exactly "living dangerously" but at least I took a leap ;-P
Response: Wishing you the bestest New Year as well! Thanks for the heart :-))
Response: You're very welcome ❤️ and Season's Greetings to you!
Response: Glad to hear you appreciate the postcard :-) Have a lovely holiday season!
Response: You're very welcome! ❤️
Response: I'm very happy to hear that! Enjoy :-)
Response: You're very welcome! And thanks for the reading suggestions - I think I have The Stationery Shop on my e-reader.
I've read Out and gave it 4 stars om Goodreads but don't remember much about it. Do you like Mo Hayder? I've read Tokyo but found it too gruesome to read any other books... Alos, I would prefer to keep a few days between books but then I just stop reading... Finished my last read on Monday and I have yet to pick up something new!
Response: Aw, thank you! I was under the impression I had to send out that day but saw afterwards I had had more time... So I'm glad it was to your liking anyway :-)
Response: Great! It had been waiting for the right recipient so I'm glad it's to your liking :-)
Response: Ah, you've made me blush! So glad to have made you happy. <3
Response: Isn't it super cute? I love it too - image, style, colours (still bright) I'm so glad you're happy with it and it found you unharmed. Enjoy autumn!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the heart and lovely comment. Have a good week:-)
Response: Yes, Norwegian Wood is Haruki Murakami's internationally most loved book. You should definitely try to stream the film as it's really very cinematographic. A small piece of art! It should be available somewhere as it's already 13 years old (2010).
Response: Yay, happy to hear you like the Arthurian PC! And have fun with continuing the teamPC 🍀 Looking forward to seeing how it turns out!
Response: You're very welcome! The ugly pc swap series is so much fun :-)
Response: Yay, I'm really haoppy to hear that! Thank you so much.
Response: I'm curious to see how it turns out! Thanks so much for the heart ❤️
Response: Awww thank you for your super sweet message! I sure hope you'll find the inspiration to craft as it's so much fun. Please don't think you have to make ART. Just play! Maybe there's a friend to make a craft date with? Creating is so liberating :-)
Response: Yay, so happy to hear that! Thank YOU for the heart and answering my Q about the Europa stamps you're collecting. Have a good weekend!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart and lovely comment!
Response: Awwwww you've made me blush! I'm really happy that you like the notebook -- and yes, the textured part are wallpaper :-) Apologies for the late response!
Response: You're very welcome and I hope they inspired you to use 'em as well ;-) Thanks for the heart and have a lovely weekend!
Response: graag gedaan ;-)
Response: Ah, you noticed the elephant stamp :-D Of course I especially chose that one for you!
Response: Thank you! I had a lovely week but it's always good to return home to the kitties too. I hope you'll be able to use the cards.
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Wow, what a lucky pick that I sent you the one of Hawaii! You're very welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you! We had a good but tiring trip; lots of people/family and little time to relax. Thanks for the heart! Any plans for vacation yourself?
Response: Ja, jammer dat ik niet meer van de vlinder-servet had, want hij leek me echt iets voor jou! Dankjewel voor het hartje.
Response: You're very welcome and a lovely evening to you too!
Response: Yay, I'm so happy to hear that! Would love to see some pics of your cotcore journal someday. Have a great week and remember to make time for crafting ;-)
Response: So happy to hear that! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Fijn Iris, ik ben blij dat je de envelop mooi vindt! Veel plezier met de kaart en dankjewel voor het hartje.
Response: What fun we have that in common! Have you ever gone to Sweden for a visit? I've been in May (2005....), which is a great season for rapeseed fields.
Response: I'm really glad you like them! Love from NL.
Response: LOL Underworld is STILL performing! I highly recommend their BARKING album from... okay, okay.... 2010 😆
Response: So happy you think so! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: AAAAH fijn dat je hem leuk vindt! Ik 'hergebruik' zoveel mogelijk uit het dagelijks leven in mijn mailart, dus ja: wat mij betreft doen we dit vaker! Enne, zelf houd ik ook meer van bloeiende velden dan de kunstmatigheid van bloemencorso, maar het is wél typisch Nederlands en ik heb er goede herinneringen aan overgehouden. Hoewel de bloemenslingers die je voor op de motorkap op je auto kon kopen nog diepere indruk op mijn kinderziel hebben gemaakt ;-)
Response: Ha, never heard of Diddl! That's funny. Gardening and hiking sound like perfect timepasses for summer. I hope to be doing those too!
Response: Yay, so happy that the belly band arrived and it's to your liking! Thank you for your wonderful and thorough comment -- so sweet. I don't envy you, having to do "homework" aka reviews for Netgalley and ARCs. The would keep me from reading!
Response: Hee, wat een gelukstreffer dat je het kerkje in het echt hebt gezien! Lijkt me heel bijzonder. Ook dat het van binnen ook helemaal van hout is! Mijn ene opa (die ik niet heb gekend) was schrijwerker en hij heeft in Oegstgeest een heel kansel van hout gemaakt. Succes met de kaart en fijn weekend!
Response: Graag gedaan, blij dat je hem mooi vindt! Hoe vaak heb je die al ontvangen???
Response: Thank you so much! And a lovely day to you :-)
Response: Yay, so happy to hear that! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome! Did you see one of the stamps holds actual flower seeds?
Response: Apologies for the terribly late response (life happens), but I'm glad you liked it!
Response: LOL you're welcome and thanks for the heart! Even for these ugly pc swaps I always try to find something that my partner won't dislike. Have a good weekend!
Response: Aww thank you so much! Would love to hear where in NL you've been :-D
Response: So glad to hear that! Thanks for the heart.
Response: THANK YOU! My first swap for the group and a little nervous about it so I'm really glad you like te card. Have a good weekend!!
Response: Yay! Bought it in the film museum and had it in my stash for ages, but I figured you'd make the perfect recipient! Stay safe and have a lovely weekend.
Response: Thank you sweetie -- sending loads of hearts for your kind words.
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm glad you like the vintage nightingale pc :-) It was hard getting all five items on the card!
Response: Thank you Diane, I'm really glad the fabric flip suits your journal!! And how wonderful to have my envelope among your faves *bliush*. Have a really good weekend!
Response: Yay, such good news! It's so much fun to enjoy our junk journal love together :-)
Response: Fijn dat mijn post in de smaak viel! De eerste (van mij dan) op je nieuwe adres :-) Ik wens je een knusse herfst en see you around in another swap!
Response: Oh! I feel so honoured the charm is going onto your bracelet *blush* and I'm really glad you liked my Japan themed mail :-) Stay safe and have a good weekend!
Response: Yay, I'm glad to hear that! Wishing you a fabulous fall season ❤️
Response: *blush* I'm so happy to hear that! You're very welcome ❤️
Response: Wat fijn José! En wat een goed idee van die hall of fame 😁 Had je het leuker gevonden als ik hem had beschreven had verstuurd? Ik heb daar erg over getwijfeld maar vond dit zo uiteindelijk beter. Fijne week!
Response: You're very welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Such a coincidence indeed! Thank you for your lovely comment and heart 💜
Response: Wow. What a great comment - esp for an Ugly pc swap! But I'm really, really glad you like it :-)) Thank you and have a good week!
Response: Thank YOU for your lovely comment and heart. I'm really glad it's to your liking!
Response: You're sweet! Thank you so much ❤️
Response: Thank you so much -- glad it got there and was to your liking!
Response: Super! En dankjewel voor het hartje.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The donkeys were awesome!
Response: I'm happy to hear that - thanks for the heart!
Response: Awww that makes me so happy!! You are very welcome -- I'm really glad you like what I've made / sent 😁 Happy JJ-ing!
Response: Thank you! We're toroughly enjoying our stay with the donkeys and other animals in France 😍 I'm glad I picked the right card 😁
Response: LOL *high five!* 🙌🏼 Great minds think alike or... we just fell for it and have to be creative. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad to hear that: I hoped the envelope would be of use to you too!! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Really happy to hear that - thanks for the heart! Stay safe and have a cool summer.
Response: I'm glad to hear that! :-)
Response: Thank you for your delightful comment! I'm really glad my swap was a success (grinning from ear to ear). Also looking forward to reading Crying in H-Mart after your review. Yay! Have a lovely July.
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay, you are very welcome!
Response: LOL I had to look up Wyeth and I get what you're saying! Thanks for the heart.
Response: YAY, that makes me so very happy!
Response: Hello back from the kitties! And thanks for the heart <3
Response: You're very welcome. And I definitely think there's something like "a little OCD" LOL. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Awww really happy to hear you like what I've sent. Have a great July!
Response: Ha! That was good news and I've sent the elephant pc as well. I hope it got there by now.
Response: Still -sort of- sticking to pc swaps indeed. But Junk Journal July is tempting me! I'm really glad you like the turtle postcard - it seemed perfect!
Response: Aaaaw how sweet of you Leslie! You are very welcome; I enjoyed making them for you. Thank you for your kind words & hearts -- and till we "meet" again! <3
Response: Yay, so glad to hear it was a good choice! Thank you and have a good weekend ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: You're welcome! I hope they brightened your day :-)
Response: Ha, same! I'm glad you appreciate it :-) And thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay, I'm so glad to hear that! One of the few "touristy" PCs I really like too.
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! I hope they were inspiring. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan! En dankjewel voor het hartje ❤️ (hè hè nou ben ik bij met reageren op de comments 😅)
Response: Thank you Rich. Stay safe!
Response: Het is je van harte gegund! En ik vind het leuk als je je hierdoor laat inspireren maar pas op dat je je niet 'gedwongen' voelt om extra's toe te voegen.Het is gewoon een tic van mij; ik vind het fijn als happy mail je ook echt even blij maakt :-)
Response: It's a tree kangaroo!!! So cute! Thank you for your delightful comment and heart!
Response: Dankjewel José, ook voor je fijne post!!! Ik moest de kaart ook echt een poosje op me laten inwerken, maar op een gegeven moment kwam dan toch de inspiratie! Succes :-)
Response: WHOA that took its time to get to you! I'm really glad it finally arrived and your lovely comment makes my day!!!! :-D
Response: I'm so happy you like it!!! THANK YOU for your kind comment and heart.
Response: Altijd moeilijk om afscheid te nemen van huisdieren :-( Maar het is ook fijn om ze een goed huis te geven :-) Daar genieten we van, dus er is niks nobels aan het opvangen van katten ;-) Tot de volgende keer maar weer!
Response: Awwwww I'm really happy to hear that - thank you so much!
Response: *baalt van de wax-zegel* Volgende keer beter! Dankjewel voor je hartjes :-)
Response: Wait... You mean it arrived quickly this time around??? Or are you giving me a heads (hearts) up?
Response: Yay, dat vind ik Heel Fijn om te horen!! Dankjewel <3
Response: You're very welcome - I'm glad you like it :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Fijn dat je mijn groene snailmail leuk vindt! En dat je van de bon gebruik kunt maken want ik heb getwijfeld of ik die er nu wel of niet bij moest doen, maar hij lag op mijn bureau toen ik bezig was met al dat groen LOL Goed weekend!
Response: Fijn dat je blij was met mijn "flop" en brief! Succes met afronden van deze kaart & dankjewel voor je rating!
Response: Graag gedaan :-) Dank weer voor het hosten en hartje <3 Fijn weekend!
Response: Hiya! So sorry to get back to you SO late but I haven't been on SB much the past month or so. THANK YOU for your wonderful comment and I'm really glad you liked my mail!!! YAY! We aim to please LOL. Hope you're doing fine and maybe we'll meet again in a swap <3
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for the heart <3
Response: Fijn dat hem mooi vindt! Dankjewel voor het hart en succes!
Response: Haha yes, we never know if/when we'll have real summer here -- but I guess that's no different in the UK (are you from the UK or maybe another English language country?) We've only had our allotment for a few years now and it certainly feels like a blessing; living in a flat in the city. Best thing! Especially in pandemic times. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad it's to your liking :-) Thank YOU again for your amazing donkey patch (+ peacock feather ones)!! <3
Response: Thank you so much for the heart and -even more so- your fabulous comment!!! My heart made a little happy dance :-)
Response: Thank you so much for your awesome comment and heart! I'm glad it met its purpose ;-) (and sorry for the super late response)
Response: What a wonderful message! :-D Looking forward to see what you made. I hope you had a delightful vacation? I got my first vaccine on Saturday (the Dolly Parton one LOL), the hubs gets his day after tomorrow. It's happening! *biggest smile*
Response: Definitely looking up the cicada emergence Gabi! Sounds really cool (though they may eat a lot as well???). I'm glad my envie made you happy again and that you like it all YAY :-D
Response: LOL asthmatic sounds goooood! *grin* I would love to be woken by that sound each and every day. *starts daydreaming* Happy to hear it was a good mail day. See you around!
Response: You're welcome :-)
Response: You're very welcome. I hope it was stuff you can use -- profile based swaps are more of my thing LOL.
Response: HOW COOL IS THAT! I currently have two rescue cats and <3 cat sanctuaries too. Thank you for the heart and for being you!
Response: So glad to hear that! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like the PC! I selected the picture especially for you :-) Let's go visit Japan in cherry blossom season together! ;-) Have a nice weekend!
Response: Graag gedaan! En ik ben lichtelijk opgelucht dat je er blij mee bent ;-) Fijn weekend (ondanks de voorspelde regen -- happy plants)!
Response: Thank you & you're very welcome! Let's see if I can get that Dick Bruna stamp to you someday. Can't just mail it from here (crazy expensive to send), but I'll see if I can find another way... Don't hold your breath though! LOL It's so sweet of you to fold cranes for your friend. I'm sending along love and good vibes <3
Response: Aww that's great to hear! I left the pocket a little simple so you can add deco to it if you like. Take care! Sending love & good vibes from Utrecht <3
Response: YOU ARE VERY WELCOME! <3 (Apologies for the late reply ;) Have a lovely weekend!
Response: You're welcome; I'm glad you like them and thank you for the heart! Stay safe & have a lovely weekend.
Response: I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Wow, that got there pretty quickly! I'm glad you like it :-) Thank you for the heart and have a lovely Easter!
Response: I'm well, thank you -- I hope you are too? Very glad you like the smiley shark & stamps! :-) Have a lovely Easter!
Response: Thank YOU for your wonderful comment and rating :-D And YAY YOU for working on getting stronger <3 Sending you love and good vibes!!
Response: (A late) THANK YOU for hosting! I hope you are doing well?
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad you like it and that it made you learn something new :-) Stay safe and thanks for swapping & the heart!
Response: Yay! That makes me happy! Is it the first or my resend that arrived? I'm guessing the latter. Have a great day too and stay safe dear!
Response: Graag gedaan, ik ben blij dat je tevreden bent met de magic iris kaart. Ik was heeeeel opgelucht toen ik eindelijk inspiratie kreeg haha! Dankjewel voor het hart <3
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart! <3
Response: You're very welcome & thanks for the heart! <3
Response: I'm so glad to hear your daughter recovered from Covid without any lingering problems... You must have been so worried!!! Thank you for the heart and your lovely comment -- you are very welcome!
Response: Hoi Iris, dank voor je berichtje en hart! Ik had begrepen dat je 3 of 4 vakjes maakt en er eentje mag invullen. Omdat ik geen verdere voorkeuren heb, had ik niet het idee dat ik per se nog iets moest opschrijven naast mijn gegevens. En dus 3 (niet 4) vakjes gemaakt ;-) Ben benieuwd wat jij en de volgende deelenemers ervan maken. Alvast bedankt! :-)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like it.
Response: Oh wow, I think our patches arrived on the same day! I found yours in my mailbox when I came home late last night. It's absolutely fabeltastic (and so neat!) and I was immediatelly worried you wouldn't like mine. So relieved to find your rating this morning :-)) Thank you and you're very welcome. I had so much fun with this swap!
Response: Yay! I thought it was an orchid but couldn't be sure it wasn't an iris. So glad it found you quickly and you like what I've sent. Enjoy your weekend!
Response: Graag gedaan -- mazzel dat ik er eentje had! :-D En ik ben blij dat de post niet tegelijk kwam; goed dat ik niet een maar twéé dagen had gewacht haha. Fijn weekend!
Response: Leuk, dank voor het hartje! Heet de FB pg Teamworkers? Kom niet veel daar maar dan zal ik eens kijken. Goed weekend!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart! I hope you'll get to go to Ukrania again soon (if you wish to).
Response: Awww so glad to hear that! Thank you for the lovely comment and heart.
Response: Thank you for your sweet comment and heart Amanda! Still trying to get used to not having Kemiri around.
Response: YAY! That makes my day :-)
Response: Great! You're very welcome and thank you for the heart.
Response: Yay I'm so happy you like it! Personally I would be impressed by myself if I had done the work by machine ROFLOL -- still something I have to fully conquer. And delivery times are really SUPER WEIRD at the time!!!
Response: Thank you and you're welcome!
Response: Thank you! We're so happy about that indeed :-)
Response: It's totally fine Cindy, I chose to join the swap -- but circumstances changed so it was harder than expected. The swap-bot sticker was sent to me by a swap-bot ambassador, @missthundercat.
Response: You too! Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I did, thank you (& for the heart too)! Have a good week :-D
Response: Thank you (and for the heart too)! Have a lovely weekend <3
Response: Awwwww "package of delight"! THANK YOU! Is it the fabric pc swap of the Recycled Scrap Sewing group that you're in? I couldn't join as it was US only but now I'm in a private swap, YAY. I'm very glad you like what I've sent. Have a great weekend!
Response: Happy to hear that! Thank you for the heart and have a good weekend <3
Response: OH NOOOOOO! I am so sorry for your loss ~ I know you must be heartbroken that Luna passed away. My thoughts are with you <3
Thank you for your lovely comment and the heart. Take care!
Response: Great! Thanks for adding a comment and heart :-D
Response: Really glad you like it! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Jij bedankt voor je leuke comment + hart! Ben erg benieuwd hoe de kaart tzt terugkomt ;-) Intussen moet ik even over de drempel om te durven werken aan de kaart die ik heb ontvangen!
Response: You're welcome Andrea! Did it arrive at the same day as your b-day card? I've sent them on different days to prevent that but didn't dare wait too long as I wasn't sure how long they'd take... Fast like in the old days it seems! :-)
Response: Graag gedaan :-) En ZO LEUK om weer eens een rating te krijgen voor wat ik heb verstuurd! Dankjewel voor je enthousiasme :-D
Response: Thanks for adding a comment :-) and heart!
Response: Thank you for adding a comment and heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hello eye colour twin! Thanks for adding a comment and heart! <3
Response: You're very welcome. Take care and stay safe!
Response: Wow. You are really too kind rating like this on the basis of just the photos. My heart is exploding! 💓💓💓 Will still work on a replacement though while keeping my fingers crossed for a safe arrival of the sloth. I refuse to accept it got lost LOL Donkeys are _really_ amazing; I wish you could come and see for yourself <3 Take care and stay safe!
Response: Happy to hear that! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Glad to hear that! Those big bird stickers seemed perfect for you. Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: YAY! So glad you're happy with them :-)) I was quite chuffed with how the KLM one turned out myself so I'm happy it flew into appreciative hands LOL You're welcome! Stay safe <3
Response: You're very welcome, glad it made you happy!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Awwwwwww Claire - YOU MADE MY DAY!!! Thank you for your awesome comment; I can feel the love! :) And no, I did not know David Byrne is neuroatypical!! Take care Claire & stay safe <3
Response: I'm so happy to hear that :-) Thanks for the birthday wishes & heart! Stay safe <3
Response: Yay, that went pretty fast! (I think?) Were the colours okay??? ;-) Enjoy catching up on your reading!
Response: Thank you! I heard March will bring more sun hours than rain so maybe you'll be able to get away this month? Fingers crossed! <3
Response: YAY I'm so glad you like it! Thank you for the heart :-)
Response: You're welcome :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Aww ginger Frank is a weirdo! ;-) So the ginger kitty on the pc could have been him? LOL Kitties thank you for the scratches and I for the heart! <3
Response: Awww so glad to hear that! You just made _my_ day of wind, rain and hail! <3
Response: Great! Glad it didn't come home _again_ LOL
Response: Thanks! I hoped you would like the Van Gogh postage -- it's one of my favourites!
Response: Glad to hear; thanks for the heart.
Response: YAY! #happiness Thank you :-D
Response: GREAT! So glad you love it. I'm not a fan of touristy postcards but this is one I like very much as well.
Response: You're very welcome! I hope you've had a wonderful birthday? I thought you might like that washi tape but alas, it was the very last piece of a sample I had received once. Sorry! Would've included some otherwise.
Response: Yay! Looking forward to that (but no pressure!!). I'm very glad you like my letter. So weird: shortly after yours I came upon another profile of a DM-lover! But it was less explicit. Enjoy your week!
Response: Fijn! Ik ben echt heeeel blij dat ik hem niet had volgestopt met Flow-spul LOL
Response: That travelled fast! I'm really glad you like it all :-) I was super happy to have those tiger stamps to put on your envelope too!
Response: *GRIN* You're welcome :-)
Response: That was quick indeed! You're welcome; I'm glad you like what I sent. Have a lovely weekend!
Response: Oooooh now I'm excited! :-D So glad you like my card+envelope!!! <3
Response: YAY!!!! This makes me so happy! Although I actually finished preparing my resend yesterday haha I am really glad it made you happy, thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it arrived after all.Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart and a happy 2020 to you too!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart :-D
Response: LOL nooooo just keep on reading as much as possible! There was a time when I read almost a book a week, but that is loooooong ago. Have a lovely weekend and happy New Year!
Response: Yay, thank you for the awesome comment! It put a smile on my face. Unfortunately I don't know where to get the Totoro tape: it was a washi sample someone sent me. If I had more I would've sent it to you!
Response: That's nice to know! It shouldn't matter but it's harder to like an author's writings when the person is rude or arrogant...
Response: Great! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm really happy to hear that! Anything to put a smile on your face -- you've had a hard time. Take care!
Response: So happy to hear that! You're very welcome.
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the heart-rating and awesome comment :-D I took a bit too much time for this swap indeed, but I had fun making it for you. Enjoy!
Response: Thank you Gabi! Counting stickers is such a hassle so why bother and I just made sure there were enough LOL Kidding --I am really happy you like what I've sent as you deserve it! ;-)
Response: Super, daar ben ik blij om! Het is je van harte gegund -- en nu genieten van je vakantie! :-D
Response: You're welcome :-)
Response: Oh my, you sure know how to make a girl blush from top to toe!! I am really happy you appreciate it so much. And... would you like to try some of my loose leaf earl green tea? Just send the word and I'll get you a few servings!
Response: Haha so the colour orange it is! I must say that was my guess. Real happy to hear you like what I've sent!
Response: Hey, don't know why I haven't seen your rating before but thank you! What a lovely furry family you have :) I'm including the bearded dragon 'cause well... its name suggests hairiness even though it is not LOL
Response: Hey, don't know why I haven't seen your rating before but thank you! It was a comfy holiday indeed :D
Response: So very glad it is to your liking! Wishing you a *sparkly* holiday season :D Let the light shine!
Response: Oh my thank you for the shameless plug! ;D You are too kind <3
Response: Ha! I was so worried it had gone awol... Very happy to hear you love it!
Response: Glad it's to your liking! Thanks for the heart(s) :)
Response: Haha go binge on the Lynley/Havers mysteries!!! Hope you'll have a great vacation. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Awwwww you are so kind, what a wonderful comment! You have me blushing :D I am glad it came through the mail well. Thank you for the heart!
Response: No worries! Thanks for rating :D
Response: Yes, I had a hard time parting with that clipping as the colors are _amazing_, right? Are you going to make an actual farming JJ?
Response: Yay I'm so glad to have made your day! That's the fun of happymail :))
Response: Once a month?! That would be hell w/ the kitties LOL. Would LOVE to see your JJ...!!!
Response: Yay, glad you like it!
Response: Glad to hear it :) Thanks for the heart!
Response: I am so glad to have gotten you HAPPY mail! You're worth the card :)
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart :)
Response: LOL thanks for the rating Kelly! :)
Response: BLUSHING! Thanks for the rating and your kind words :D
Response: I'm glad you like the gorilla as much as I do! You're welcome and thanks for the rating :)
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad you had fun finding it all :) Thanks for the rating!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the rating :) Love to your furry friends from mine :)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the rating :)
Response: Oh my, you're an Alaska girl in Florida!!! That must be tough LOL. You're very welcome and thanks for the rating :)
Response: Yes, you should do the 24RaT next time in April! And let me know :) You're welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: Dankjewel voor de rating en je comment/antwoord :) Ik blijf hopen ergens tegen (een exemplaar van) Art Journal aan te lopen want om nou zo ongezien een abonnement te nemen... Lukt vast een keer!
Response: Really glad to hear that! Enjoy :D
Response: You're welcome Tracy.
Response: Awwwwww you got me blushing! I'm glad to have made you happy :D
Response: Wow that travelled much faster than expected!
Response: Oh my, I never replied to your übersweet comment!!! *shame on me* I am really happy that you liked the swap I sent you and DID cuddle the kitties from you ;) Also, I envy you for having befriended an opossum family!!! Thanks for the image of a polite possum knocking on your door looking for its food roflol
Response: Jippie! Blij dat je de kaart nog niet had en je de swapspullen leuk vindt!
Response: :D Blij dat ik die glasblazer er toch bij heb gedaan want hij paste niet echt in de swap (maar er zát oranje op ;) Fijn dat je blij bent met wat ik heb uitgekozen! (En perfect dat je het hebt ontvangen op Koningsdag :)
Response: Glad I made a good choice! Enjoy playing with the tapes :)
Response: You're welcome! Will you share your collage somewhere once it's finished? Looking forward to seeing it!
Response: You're welcome :) And t gets even better... I volunteered at Jacob's Ridge sanctuary in Spain last year; previously know as PIG'S VILLAGE! You need to get into travel mode ;)
Response: Yippee, that was my intention! :) Your comment makes me happy <3
Response: *blush* Glad to have made you happy :))
Response: Fijn, want daar heb ik m'n best voor gedaan :) Mooie teddybeer zegel hè?! Kon er moeilijk afstand van doen... ;)
Response: You're very welcome! Of course I'm curious now which ones unknowingly hit the bull's eye :D
Response: Awwwww je maakt me aan het blozen! Ben blij dat het gelukt is er toch iets verrassends van te maken voor je :D
Response: Curious to know if you've started using the new user name yet! ;D
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're very welcome! :D It was such a happy coincidence that I had a friend bring me back sakura tea from Japan, that I had to share with a fellow lover! Personally I prefer my sakura teas unsweetened though. Enjoy!
Response: Glad to have made you happy! It was a happy coincidence I had that sheet of whale paper for you :) Any plans for it yet?
Response: Fijn om te horen Miranda!
Response: Awwwww how come I never reacted to this WONDERFUL comment??? *shock* You're sweet!
Response: YOU'RE MAKING ME *BLUSH*!!! Thank you so much for your kind words; I'm glad my package made you happy.
Response: You're welcome! Yay - now I'm even more glad that I swapped the photo card for this one when I read your profile :D Thanks for your übersweet comment *blush* and have a great week yourself too!
Response: I can't believe I missed responding to your lovely comment!! It made my day too so I must've been on my phone not really having a chance to login. I'm glad to have put a smile on your face :) I wonder if you've rewatched Hard Candy yet? ;) I should myself but the DVD recorder broke :(( Have a lovely week and apologies for the late reply <3
Response: Awww it makes me so happy to hear that! Enjoy :D
Response: I hope you liked the envie as well.. 8-\
Response: Thanks for doing so now anyway dear!
Response: Yay, glad it made you happy!
Response: *blush* Glad you like! And LOL those pirates -- so happy I finally found someone for them! =D
Response: I like that this is a summer bingo with beginning and end :) Good thing you decided to take it easy on reading! It's the other way round for me LOL, had to stop doing phone stuff to read more ;D Will definitely see you for Dewey's in October!
Response: Nou, blij dat het een leuke verrassing was! :) Hopelijk hebben je grootouders hun kaart inmiddels ook ontvangen. Ik wens jullie een leuk feest!
Response: Awww thanks Drachenfrau! Glad this one found you - I hope the previous one will arrive someday as well! You never know because I had a swap to Hawaii arrive after two years!!! Don't hold your breath though. ;D
Response: Aw wat fijn dat je er blij mee bent! *bloos* :D Klopt het dat je toch niet (meer) op instagram zit?
Response: Aw I thought I had replied to your comment but I was probably on my phone and not logged in. Anyway: the RaT was a GREAT personal success!!! I finally got a taste for reading again! So happy! Thanks :D
Response: Thanks for your rating and comment! I know some people totally love audio books but I can't imagine myself become a fan yet either.
Response: I'm very happy to hear you like the package! Maybe you have a wine-drinking family member that would like the drop-stop? Doesn't seem handy for olive oil hehe.
Response: Yay, glad it got there so fast! And you're very welcom (of course ;) Hope you'll be able to see The Imitation Game soon.
Response: Glad it arrived safely and fell into welcoming hands! :)
Response: Yay, glad it made you happy! And awwwww about the sugar bags LOL.
I'm sorry but I only had kept these two Winnies from an old magazine, and the J (I think) which I sent to @dreamlily. Maybe you can contact her and ask for a copy? I know she loves to swap ;D
Response: Dat is fijn om te horen Kirsty! :D
Response: Yay! \0/
So glad it found you and made you happy! Thanks for rating and your sweet comment!
Response: LOL I was 5 when you were here! I'm happy to hear my mail safely reached its destination. :D
Response: Great! I absolutely *had* to send that one to you :D
Response: You're very welcome! Looking forward to your mail - how sweet of you!
Response: Oeps, fout gegokt ;) Blij dat je de swap mooi vindt!
Response: Yes! Sad I messed up, glad I read anyway. Almost finished reading another book :D Thanks for rating - a heart no less!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: Glad that you got it and found the time to rate. All the best to you!
Response: :D YAY \0/\0/\0/ I'm glad it was a success :))
Response: I'm glad you liked the stuff I sent. And 'fodder', what a fun word!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your stuff as well ashley! I hope you liked swap #2 too and find a chance to rate it. Are you okay? I read on your profile that you've had some difficulties.
Response: I'm so glad it made you happy! I hope you'll like the tea :D
Response: Yay, glad it made you smile. I hope you liked the paper parasols as well?!
Response: YAY! \0/ I was certain by now that it had gotten lost. TWO months!!! Glad you liked it :D Will PM you my address.
Response: Wow, mail is taking a long time to arrive these days. Glad you like the card - let me know what you think of the author once you've gotten round to reading her ;)
Response: Glad it arrived safely and you like it! Thank you for your ATC as well, I love that we both used a bento :D
Now this is really weird but I already rated you when it arrived last week... Maybe my internet connection was bad so it didn't upload. Good thing you mentioned it here so I could check and do it again!
Response: Have you tried all the teas yet? Glad you weren't disappointed this time ;)
Response: The oliebollen were nice indeed! Hope you had a lovely New Year's Eve and a great start to 2014.
Response: I'm glad you like the card! And what fun that oliebollen resemble munkki.... Do you eat those on New Year's Eve as well or all year round?
Response: Oh nooos, get well soon! Glad my card perked you up a little :D
Response: You're welcome! I guess you'll be cheating on the "send naked" from now on then too? ;P
Response: You're welcome - glad you like it! I can't imagine living without cats anymore... ;) Hope that "one day" arrives soon for you!
Response: Thank you! I was sooooo worried you wouldn't like it... :D
Response: Yay, glad it arrived safely and is to your liking! :D I had to think VERY hard which letter paper I used LOL (that's why I'm only responding now). I got it from a Dutch chain store called V&D; I don't think they carry it any more. I can't remember what stickers I changed exactly (puffy owls and such I think) but I threw in some Asian, HK etc. :D
Response: Oh my, who would have thought that shop still exists! O_o And you're welcome of course!
Response: Glad it arrived this time! I'm happy to have made your day :D
Response: Yaaaaayyyyyyy! *phew* Glad you received this one and like it :D Let's hope the first one will turn up some day in te future too ;) Oh and no, I didn't make the bookmark myself.
Response: Thanks Sarah! Glad you liked the swap :D
Response: Yay! Happy to have made you happY! \0/\0/\0/
[Sorry for the late reply!]
Response: That would be awesome Jeremiah! I'm glad you liked the stuff I sent you. :)
Sorry for the late reply - I had a very busy (but fun) weekend.
Response: Yay, thank you!I'm so happy to hear that since I made my ATC too big... :\ I'm sure that will never happen to me again! LOL. Hope you're feeling better?!
Response: Yay! Glad it made you happy 'cause I did my best! And it didn't take too long to arrive either - phew! :)
Response: I really hope you'll be trying that red cabbage and gingerbread recipe! We're having it for dinner again this week...
Response: Glad you liked it! [Oops only just discovered the response option... LOL]