Hearts ratings for Nevi2018
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Response: THat's AWESOME!!!
Response: Thank you!! Ours definitely is!! WE ALSO BOUGHT ANOTHER TREE!! After Christmas I got like an $80 tree for half priced ITS GORGEOUS!! its a pencil tree!!
Response: Man I rushed through that email soooo fast but I think I did a great job!! You Did too!! Love your emails!!
Response: Your Welcome!! I love Pumpkin Spice!! LOL
Response: My husbands sister called us "Twitter-pated" when we were LDR Online Dating!! It was GREAT!! Then the HoneyMoon Phase Ends!! LOL
Response: I dont even like Pancakes LOL I Prefer Waffles!! LOL Less cakey!!
Response: Your Welcome Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: Your Welcome I am Glad you Liked It!!
Response: Im behind on rating but I will see yours soon!!
Response: Well slap me silly and call me Dutch!! Because I love cheese My belly not so much!! it says you getting to old for this!!
Response: I dont do the envelope system. I budget to zero though. My husbands always like we DONT GOTTA SPEND IT ALL!! but doesnt realize there's stuff being saved or being paid in advanced
Response: Sooo fun!! 64 degrees I would trade places in a heartbeat!! LOL Have a good School year
Response: Man that email took me like two weeks!! LOL Hopefully Ill never be that windy again!! LOL
Response: I really did THANK YOU!! and she's a PIP!!
Response: I am glad you liked it!! I also wrote it before reading yours!! just an FYI!! I'm glad we did this swap too!! I still would have wrote about you!!
Response: Well Now you can make them!! And PROBABLY spend HALF as much!! LOL
Response: You are welcome!! I love smores!!
Response: We have made them for my nieces here in Arkansas they are really good!! you should try them!! a bit Messy though!!
Response: Your welcome!! Can't go wrong with pb and Chocolate!! LOL
Response: You are so welcome sweetie!!
Response: it's soooo true!!
Response: Same. My Baby Cousin and I used to play with them. I organized them and dressed them which board the crap out of Jenny Lee. She liked to cut their hair and put them in skits and make them sleep together!! LOL!! She was much more imaginative than me, I am much more type A brained
Response: Soooo True thanks for the nice rate and heart!!
Response: Thanks you!! I have no idea what I wrote LOL BUT It Sounds INTERESTING!! LOL!!! thank you!!
Response: Sounds great!!! If you want you can set it up!! After August 22nd Thanks!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!! Love you Alma!! Have you been okay??
Response: Right!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: You're welcome!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: I did!! I hope you did too!!
Response: THank you!! I did too!!
Response: No Worries!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: Thank you!! 16 days!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart
Response: I knew the day I met him online!! He said Hey How was your day I looked at his crappy picture and I was sold!! I know I should have played harder but I was 31 I couldnt wait forever!! LOL
Response: Thank you!! Honesty is the BEST way
Response: Alright!! I am glad you enjoyed my answers!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thank you!! THanks for the Heart
Response: Thanks!! I probably get zero of it done!! But that's okay!! I got Vacation-itis!! I checked out already!! LOL
Response: THanks!! AND YES SLOW COOKERS to the RESCUE!! you just Set it and forget it!!
Response: Glad you liked it Thank you!!
Response: Thanks!!! I am glad you liked it!!
Response: THank you!! Not too much replanning just cant stand too much!! LOL Loved reading yours too!!
Response: Youre Welcome THank you!!
Response: Thank you!! I love Christmas as WELL!!
Response: AWWWW THANK YOU!!!! This just made my Day!!
Response: Yes!! I Love Pinterest!!
Response: I am sorry!! Would you like me to resend or is it okay??
Response: you are sooooo welcome!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: You're welcome!! Thanks for the Heart!
Response: Thanks sooooo Much!! Making my day brighter!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: Did I send it Three TImes??? I didnt even know!!! LOL!!! thanks!! I really didnt I just typed "cottagecore" in Pinterest!! LOL OHHHH RIGHT!!! you were my partner 3 Times
Response: Thank you!! I love pretty things!! Thanks for the Heart!! I Like those too!! LOL
Response: I did too!! Thanks for the Heart!!!
Response: Youre Welcome!! THanks for the Heart!!
Response: You're Welcome!! Fellow Country Lover I guess!! YAY!! LOL!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: You're Welcome!! And Thank You!!
Response: Thanks Me Too!! I always put tooooooo much on my to-do list LOL!! And I get about zip done LOL!! Sounds about right!! LOL
Response: Thank you!! I enjoyed yours as Well!!
Response: LOL I hope you like them!! most of them are from the HGTV Channel!! I like to watch them and then tear apart stuff in our house!! LOL
Response: Im Glad you found some you liked!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: your welcome!! They are called Sections!! So you got 1 board with many sections!!
Response: yours was extra sweet also!! YUM!!
Response: YES!! We hope to garden next year!! HOPEFULLY!!
Response: The 3 was the hardest. the other two I deserved!! but it is what it is!! Thanks!!
Response: Youre welcome!! THanks for the heart!!
Response: I love sharing these with you!!
Response: I am glad!! Thank you!!
Response: Aww thank you!! I am so glad you love it!!
Response: Yes It was fun!! Maybe I will do it again some other time!! If you ever have some ideas for swaps let me know!!
Response: you too Fritosmom!!
Response: YEAH!! I knew I liked you @mysmashbooklife!!
Response: You're welcome Yvonne!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: what can I say I love eggs!!! LOL
Response: Your Welcome!! I'm Glad you liked it!!
Response: It Will be!! Thanks!!
Response: Thank you!! You too!!
Response: Aww thanks for noticing!! IF I ever got a tattoo (more like the MONEY) I would want anything to obstructive. Our Bodies are a Temple!!! But We DO leave our Bodies BEHIND and Get NEW Bodies!! So I am torn!! Hubs doesn't like the idea!! And I have VERY bad Fibro so I wouldn't even know where to put it that it wouldnt cause EXTREME Pain LOL!! HAHA
Response: Yes Maam Thank you for noticing!!
Response: You're Welcome I am GLAD you LOVED them!!
Response: I did!!! Husband FREE too!! LOL But It made me want to stay on budget EVEN MORE!! LOL
Response: It was my mom's favorite verse. She Died with the bible in her hands!! and because of that I believe she is saved by Christ Jesus!!
Response: YAY!! Look Forward to it!! I always procrastinate to the last minute sorry about that!!
Response: Thanks!! For 6 Women!! We have done it that way!! I struggle to think if I should do it with my daughter or not. We will be adopting. And I just struggle wtih the Idea!! IDK why!!
Response: YES!! I like simple, Elegant, and not in your face Tats!!! They have to be subtle. lol!!
Response: ME too!!! I like small tattoos!! Delicate looking and Have none myself DO you??
Response: Thank you for the Heart And your welcome
Response: Thank you for the heart!! Glad you liked my quote!!
Response: NO I can't believe Valentines Day is 4 Days away!!
Response: THank you OPEN BOOK HERE!!! I missed you Jjean!!
Response: Oh I didn't realize!! We NEVER get that much Snow!! The First year I moved here it was 80 degrees on Christmas!! and we went to the park in summer clothes to play games and to eat. 3 days before that snow storm THIS week it was 73 degrees and we ate ice cream in the car with the windows down!! THE WEATHER IS CRAZY!! and in the summers its like 110!! LOL
Response: your welcome thanks for the five and heart I hope you enjoyed!!
Response: I didnt either!!
Response: Your Welcome!! Maybe you can teach me to put pictures on the comments??
Response: Your Welcome I am glad you enjoyed it!
Response: I got it!! I think I wrote you back!! The Powers been out so I dont know if I did or not!! LOL!! I lived in Sussex and Warren Counties!! And thats where we will stay!! And my brothers in Morris
Response: Awww thank you!! I got them off a program I pay for and printed them and cut on the cricut. then had hubs pic out the ribbon at DT and it was PERFECT!! LOL Glad you like it!!
Response: yes we can!! yours is good and smart!!
Response: THank you!! you too!!!
Response: your welcome I liked yours too thanks for the 5 and heart!!
Response: Thank you!!! I am glad you liked it!!
Response: Thank you!! I Had fun!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: You're welcome!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: Thank you!! Nevi certainly is a GOOF BALL!!
Response: We both were!! Not the romantic New Years that I planned HAHA!!! but we are on the mend now Hope you are feeling better too!!
Response: I am sooooo sorry it was sooooooo long!!! LOL I am glad you enjoyed it!! THanks for the heart!!
Response: Your Welcome!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
Response: She's Being a Goof Ball as we speak!! Because Momma is Rating her swaps and Nevi is Hungry (SHE JUST ATE) LOL
Response: Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart <3
Response: You are welcome!!
Response: Youre Welcome!! Yeah she's a Big Butt about it!! She avoids it or I capture them while she's sleeping!! LOL
Response: LOL!! She was in her GLORY let me tell ya!! She was upset when Daddy Stopped!! LOL
Response: Happy New Year!!
Response: LOL Thanks!! I have NO idea why they did but thanks!! LOL I am glad I aim to make ppl laugh
Response: Getting there!! Just got an Antibiotic and Feeling better!! everyday!! LOL Thanks!!
Response: Oh thank you!! But I lived in NJ for 31 years!! Are you from NJ?? I love it there but its MUCH more expensive than in AR!! My hubs was Born and Raised here and so it made sense for me to move since we didnt have much money!!
Response: Thank you!! Im glad you liked it!! Thank you for the HEART!!!
Response: You too!! I know I went over the top but I just couldnt stop!!
Response: Yay!! Thank you!! I am glad you liked it!!
Response: Lucky DUcky I don't have kids!! My Only kid has 4 legs!! HAHA
Response: Yes Ma'am Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed it!! Merry Christmas!!
Response: You are welcome!! Merry Christmas
Response: LOL Thank you!!! Christmas Bread is a TRADITION my mother started when we were little!! She has passed and Now my husband keeps the tradition with me!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Response: You Too!! Praying all your Christmas Wishes come true!!
Response: Thank You!! Merry Christmas to your family from mine!!
Response: Same RIGHT back At Ya!!!!
Response: We really did!! And thanks my brain loves a good Chart!!
Response: Thanks!! It wasnt planned my boots zipper was broken!! LOL But it sure was fun!!
Response: I tell the cashiers I married him for his Discount LOL! We love black friday we havent been able to splurge like this AT ALL in the 5 years we been married Last year was decent but Im glad we are able to have fun! THanks
Response: Thanks!! I like to stay organized!!
Response: Its Okay!!! I am always behind on something!! LOL
Response: You are welcome!!
Response: Thanks I Love Lifetime Movies and Hallmark Movies this time of the YEAR!!!
Response: How does one FORGET Home Alone!!!! LOL!!
Response: A great day to eat lots of great food and be thankful!! then theres black friday! A day where we kill each other for sales 1 day after just being thankful!!
Response: Yeah!! She's a hoot!! BTW she's who is on my profile pic!! LOL!! But who's noticing!! LOL
Response: Thank you PROBABLY most of them Thanks!!
Response: The dogs the best truly LOL!! Thanks!! I enjoyed making it!!
Response: Me too!! My mother in law always does it veggie style Because they are Vegetarians!! Soo its mostly beans that have been in a crockpot for several hours and then made into haystacks!!
Response: Thanks for being soooooooooo soooooooo Patient!! Your Patience HAD to be Rewarded LOL!!
Response: Yes I never had it with chili!! I always have it vegetarian style LOL!! I am led to think that Haystacks is a SDA Known Tradition are you an Adventist?
Response: You're welcome!! I looked her up I didnt have her on my list but I do now LOL!!!
Response: Yeah I guess I have been missing my mom these days!! LOL Sorry
Response: We have a ton of birthdays throughout dec. also!! Three on Dec., 8th, One on Dec. 21st and one on Dec. 30th!!
Response: RIght!! I can't wait for vacays!! I got two scheduled for the near-ish future cant wait!!
Response: Yeah, Nevi knows that Nevi Marie Olson is her name for when she's a Bad Girl!! LOL And I just finished my pumpkin spice creamer. Cant wait for tomorrow when we go shopping!! LOL
Response: THank you and thanks for the <3
Response: Yes Maam!! I am!! You too!!
Response: I couldnt believe my whole playlist was Maddie & Tae LOL!!
Response: YAY!! I am glad!!
Response: You are welcome thanks for the heart
Response: Your Welcome!! It's less crazy as it used to be because ppl shop online now!! My Brother is/was a store manager and he sees less sales than he used too!!
Response: Thank you Debi!! I appreciate that!!
Response: That is cute!! Thank you!!
Response: Thanks!! I am glad I could be of Service!! My goal is to make people laugh in life!!
Response: I just sent you the follow up and rerated you!! I am feeling better today!! Thanks for putting up with me!!
Response: Thank you I am Glad you Liked it!!
Response: Thank you I am glad you Liked it
Response: You're welcome I am glad you got it so quickly!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You must have done all your rating on one day!! LOL
Response: Most of those I have already or want to read!! Those are authors I have already enjoyed in the past. When My mom Died Reading died with her. I hope I start readin again!!
Response: Thanks Ms. Sarah!! I hope you had fun!! Thanks for the Heart!
Response: I just added another one for next week I hope to see you there. and Thank you!!
Response: Thanks!! I am on Amoxicillin and feeling better. its 7 days today. But I can talk pretty normal today!! HAHA!! I put another accountability swap up!! Hope to see you there!!
Response: Thanks for a great swap!!
Response: I am so glad you like them!! I used my cricut!! I had sooo much fun!! Thank you!!
Response: I am glad you liked it!! I had a great time making it!!
Response: Oh, Darling, You are sooooo welcome!! My Pleasure!!
Response: Thank you!! I actually Don't celebrate Halloween just Fall. But thank you for the compliment!! I love swapping with you!!
Response: Thank you @LoveJester I Love organization!! I think its more that I like control over SOMETHING in life LOL!!
Response: Thank you!! You Have a nice day!!
Response: Thanks!!! I am glad you liked it!!
Response: Thank you!! I love Pinterest and spend hours on it!!
Response: Oh Miss Scarlett I have missed your Sense of Humor!! HAHA!! Your funny I have been through TWO bottles of creamer like it was a chocolate bar.. And hubs is buying me pumpkin coffee on payday (He just doesnt know it yet) LOL Have a good week!!
Response: Your Welcome!! I am glad you enjoyed them!!
Response: your welcome glad you liked it!!
Response: THank yoU!! I am Glad you enjoyed my Testimony
Response: Thank you Had sooo much fun!!
Response: hahaha For My Cricut!! LOL
Response: awesome!! II Love bright and light and PINK!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart
Response: Thanks for the Heart
Response: Thank you! She was Great!!!
Response: I am glad you liked it!! I loved making it!! have a nice day!!
Response: Happy Anniversary!!
Response: Your welcome!! I couldn't find the good devos I had hoarded in my cart on Amazon!! LOL I was looking in another place they were in my save for later!! Which has 600 things in it LOL!!
Response: I did make stickers BUT I should have mentioned I put them on the card LOL!! It was my first time making them and I was really Jazzed up!! LOL
Response: THanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome I am glad you enjoyed!!
Response: You're welcome hope you liked it!!
Response: Sounds like fun!!!
Response: You are welcome!! I loved that postcard soooo much almost didnt want to send it! LOL
Response: I am soo glad you liked them I wasnt sure!! I enjoy the friendship we have made this past few weeks and I wanted to send you something nice but it was crunch time so I STUFFED the envie LOL!!
Response: Your So Very Welcome!! THank you!!
Response: Im glad you enjoyed it!! I just learned how to make that card and I am still learning to make shakers!! I got glitter all OVER the HOUSE because I dumped it UPSIDE down!! UGH!
I am glad you liked the ACTUAL swap though!! I made it on my cricut!! I am still new!! getting used to sizing!! LOL
Response: He was OHHH so Dreamy!!
Response: Thank you soooo Much for participating and isnt that right!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart!! And thanks for understanding!!
Response: Thank you!! I never had a Hard Time Thank Jesus!! Just Had a hard time with everything else!! HAHA Glad you enjoyed the swap!
Response: Thank you SOOOOO much!! I love it!!
Response: I am so GLAD!! It must have gone to the RIGHT home!!!
Response: You are soooo welcome Diane!! Nice to see you again!!
Response: Your Welcome!! My Hubs HATES my Boards TOO Organized!!! LOL!!
Response: I don't know what it is about it!! But HEY! Free TOY!! LOL my Last dog at my parents house loved them too!! BEGGED for them so we tried it with Nevi and SHE LOVES THEM!! Will take a bottle filled with water if your not careful!! LOL
Response: Thank you and you as well to mine!!
Response: Yes maam Thank you!!
Response: I am for you as Well
Response: Yes Maam! I had fun!!
Response: Thanks!! Have a great day
Response: My brother's family is going to Disney. They have a time share there. Its there favorite place to go
Response: Joanna Gaines is from fixer upper. She started another show magnolias table I think it's called and it is all food. Yummm! Southern cooking. Even yummier. For the average person double score!
Response: It's really yummy!! But I got to be careful since my 20s and now my 30s and not almost 40s I'm allergic to everything!!
Response: Good it wasnt just me!! LOL
Response: Why Thank you!! I love that you could tell I like to have fun and have a good personality just from a silly little swap!! I had fun doing this swap!! Hope you did too!!
Response: That's sooooo Neat!!! I wonder what the one was??
Response: YAY!! I am so happy you liked my list!! thanks for the Heart!!
Response: I guess it matters on how many years you would live I wouldn't even be 60 in 20 years!! LOL
Response: School stuff? Do you mean how I format the Q&A?? Its easier for me to see stuff like that!! LOL It's just how my brain works!!
Response: Thank you!! And thanks for the Heart!!
Response: Thank you!! Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: never been here either!! HAve you!!
Response: Thank you!! I lived here for like FOREVER!! I took great care when organizing it!!
Response: Beautiful Place!!
Response: I am SOOO Sorry I am horrible I am REALLY good at putting it on the Envelope though!!
Response: My Husband Helped with that one!! I just got soo bogged down with everything!! I am sooo sorry But thank you!!
Response: Your welcome its one of my faves to make!! I love to make journals!! I am glad you are able to help me with my printer problems!! HAHA
Response: LOL Thanks you!! He just came home from work and was like I like that picture I am Gonna color it!! And I was like THATS MY SWAP!! HAHA!! So we colored it together!! HAHA!! He went traditional I went All Modern Farmhouse
Response: Im glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: Thanks I am Glad you Liked Them I grabbed a Few from yours too!!
Response: Your Welcome Thank you for your compliment
Response: Thanks!! I hope you like them!!
Response: Thanks Hope You Like them!!
Response: I hope you enjoyed this swap!! And worth the Wait!!
Response: Thank you I had fun Learning about you
Response: Thank you!! For a Great swap!! Keep them Coming
Response: Thanks Very Much!!
Response: THank you soooo very much that was sweet
Response: thank you so much and you are so right!! women should stay confident and fearless. LOL
Response: Thank you I was born in GA
Response: Thank you!! I had fun!
Response: THank you you too!!
Response: Seventh Day Adventist!! And Thanks About My Writing!! Also I should mention there are many faiths (i.e. Baptist, Methodist, Non-denom and so on) that observe Sabbath on Saturday.
Response: Your Welcome hope you enjoyed
Response: Thanks!! I hope you have an Enjoyable summer!!
Response: Your Welcome Hope you have a Great wonderful day!!
Response: Your Welcome!! thank you!!
Response: Its been too hot to even get in here!! LOL!! My friend from Jersey said that I could probably boil Noodles in our pool LOL!! that was the day it was 102!! Heat index was 112!!
Response: Thanks I loooove CT. Honestly, I have good memories of CT. Though I have only Visited that One Time
Response: HEHE!! Its addicting we are only watching first season!!
Response: Thank you sooo Much and I WASNT LATE!! Im rocking this not late stuff!! LOL
Response: THank you Isis!!!
Response: You could tell!! LOL I love the Paper too!! I wanted it to be Summer Themed Im glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: THanks for the 5and Heart
Response: THANKS!! I AM IN LOOOOVE!! My hubs is very supportive because he thought I could do a new "Craft"
Response: Your Welcome!! I hope you Enjoyed!!
Response: Thats what I heard from Some Rag Magazine!! LOL You Know my sources LOL Yeah I thought it was Ironic!!
Response: Thank you very much Ms. Linda!!
Response: Thank you!! Come be a Ski Bunny!! HAHA
Response: If your ever in AR!! Let me know!! HAHA
Response: You are so WELCOME!! Thank you!!
Response: Thanks Happy Mom!!
Response: Thanks!! I am a Naturally Born Storyteller!! its Genetic
Response: Thank you!!! Im glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: I was working on the Faithdex #1 last month and I found this verse it was floating around the house. and when I was about to make it COULDNT FIND IT!! HAAHA!! So finally found it and was soooo excited!! I hope you liked it SIMPLE but to the point!!
Response: THanks!! Yours was Great too
Response: Yours was sooo good too
Response: ME?? Your pics were sooo good
Response: You are welcome!! Thank you!!
Response: ME TOO!! With my little Cousins!! I am 9 months younger then Jesse (Boy) and his sister is two years younger than him But her birthday is 5 days before mine. Just realized how connected we are. I love them very much the saying cousins are your first friends is VERY true. and WE LOVED going on BIKE ADVENTURES!!
Response: You are soooo welcome!! And thank you for the nice compliment!
Response: You are certainly Welcome
Response: Thank you!! Nevi has a soft side!!
Response: Oh You Are Welcome!! Nevi say I woof you!!
Response: Thank you!! My Papa (Maternal Grandfather) used to get a veterans poppy every year from the VA!! I wanted to thank you for doing this swap and thinking of doing the print outs because I was able to come across the poppies and share the memories with you!!
Response: You are welcome!! I had fun at the DOLLAR HOLLAR TREE!! LOL!! It has been a long time hubs has aloud me to go into dollar tree to shop for whatever LOL So I DID!! LOL!! glad you liked it
Response: let me know when they do and I hope you like everything!!
Response: Yes thank you!! She passed 2015
Response: Thank you very much
Response: No Thanks for the Heart
Response: Thank you Glad you Liked it!!
Response: Thanks!! Nevi Hates the Camera But the Camera LOVES HER!! LOL
Response: We Try!! She Just is Stubborn!! HAHA
Response: You are welcome glad you liked it!!
Response: Haha I love it #ocd
Response: You Are welcome!! I am glad you Liked it!!
Response: i heard of Worthington state Park But Have NO IDEA HAHAHA. If I am right I think its on the same road as mine KINDA!! Im one of those people take a left on main street WHERE at the McD OHHHH WHY DIDNT YOU JUST SAY SOOOOO!!!! LOL
Response: YAYAYAY!!! Somethings are already accomplished!! LOL
Response: I am married I have been working on that for a while But It was just somethings I haven't done like a BIG wedding!!
Response: You are welcome Darling!!
Response: You are so kindly welcome
Response: I hope you liked it!!
Response: HAHAHA!!! It worked out in the end!! I got a beautiful New Master bedroom for FREE!!
Response: I am Having so much fun!!
Response: OH MY!! I made the lemon card BEFORE I knew who I was swapping too. BUT I knew I HADDDDD To use that LEMON paper!!! does that ever happen to you!!! Where its like clicking and you don't know why LOL
Response: Thank you!!! Have a nice day!!
Response: Thanks sooooo Much!!
Response: Thanks You TOO!!
Response: You are welcome DollFace!!
Response: Diane you are a wonderful Person!!
Response: Your Welcome Have a Nice day!!
Response: Thank you SOOOOO very Much!!
Response: Thanks!! I try!!
Response: Im glad you liked it!! We all need a little love once in a while!! LOVE Nevi and Hope LOL!!
Response: I am How about you!!
Response: Your welcome Im so glad you liked it!!
Response: You are welcome!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart!!
Response: I know I like to take pics of everything. But alot happened in April lol thanks Nevi sends her love πΎπΎ
Response: Your welcome glad you liked it!!
Response: Ugh I don't think I chose invincibility but thanks for the rate.
Response: You're welcome. It really was
Response: You too sweetie
Response: These eswaps required you to leave comments with you rating. It's cool there's nothing I can do about it. Just it was fun seeing what ppl say.
Response: You too. I hope you have a wonderful week!! Hope.
Response: You too And thank you!!
Response: You are sooo very welcome
Response: Im glad you liked the swap Ideas
Response: OOOOHHHH Im glad you got it!! DId you like it!!
Response: You too Thanks so Much!
Response: yeah it does stink I mostly miss my nieces
Response: It was a great Idea
Response: SOOO COOOL!! That's neat since your name and all
Response: you are so very welcome!!
Response: That's cool!! Thanks for doing the answers like that. I might have to steal that!! I did take an idea similar to yours and did bible women. Loved the idea
Response: No i have not. Everyone is liking everything but not selling anything. I sell paper crafts on it. But we will see. Good Luck to you too!!
Response: I did thank you!!
Response: Hmmm Probably not. they only thing i can stitch is Paper!!! LOL
Response: UMMM No Silent Fives?
Response: I like how you wrote "New" normal!!
Response: Aww sorry sweetie!! God bless you too!!
Response: Yes maam!! It has been raining It actually rained the day the fellas put the roof on!! LOL
Response: Thank you!! That is very sweet of you!! Stay safe as well
Response: It really was!! Thank YOU!!
Response: Thank you!! It was a bad Easter But looking forward to MAY!!
Response: My Grandma says that!!
Response: You should try it!! My Husband and I watched the whole series together when we first got married. its a Romcom teen drama!!
Response: LOL you made me laugh!!
Response: Right!!! I look like a comfy hobo mom with out any children!! LOL
Response: Well I should have mentioned I stopped watching like 7 years ago. Bc I don't watch much tv anymore.
Response: LOL!! Your a Doll!!
Response: Wow thank you so MUCH!!!
Response: I am glad you like it!! I just heard him through that saying and through what I was going through!
Response: Your welcome!! Thanks, Debi!!
Response: thanks soo much!!
Response: I love when I get your Responses I never REMEMBER what I wrote LOL
Response: I love when I get your Responses I never REMEMBER what I wrote LOL
Response: Go Right AHEAD @SunflowerRose
Response: Hopefully we get a BIG FAT CHECK!! HAHA but not yet HAHA!!
Response: I didn't I SWEAR!! Nevi Just Doesn't Like Men!! LOL
Response: yes it was!! Nevi is on Vacation so that we could get the house fixed!! She would NOT like the Crew fixing the bedroom not the roof!!
Response: I THINK I do too!! LOL
Response: THank you!! That's so nice of you!! Same as well!!
Response: THANKS so sweet
Response: Your Welcome Thank yoU!!
Response: yes!! And its a Mess again!! HAHA!!
Response: you are Certainly welcome
Response: mint and chocolate is not my fav. I dont know what it is but i feel that the mint gets strong in the chocolate LOL
Response: OHHHH NO I dont know what is a more crisis LOL (like Seriously) LOL
Response: Gotta get us through Corona!!
Response: You are so welcome Diane and I hope your husband and your life is doing well!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart
Response: THANKS!! I love the sweet And Salt YUMMO!!
Response: THanks!! Im glad!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart and 5
Response: I saw that Thank You!!
Response: Very good for me too unless I get all messed up then I get frustrated LOL
Response: Your Welcome Thanks Grammy Pammy
Response: Thank you very much!!
Response: thank you very much
Response: Thanks sooo much
Response: Thank you sooo much!!
Response: Your Welcome!! I hope you are alright with it!!
Response: Thanks GrammyPammy
Response: Thank you Linda!!
Response: you are welcome!! I hope You enjoyed
Response: The answer to the Morning Corny was Meatball. Lol duh I forgot to right the answer. Haha
Response: The answer to the Morning Corny was Meatball. Lol duh I forgot to right the answer. Haha
Response: I would hate to even ask. And I'm not really allowed to swap overseas. And that's just so much work. Haha.
Response: I hope you Liked It!!
Response: You are certainly welcome thank you!! You made me Smile!!
Response: Thanks for Rating!!
Response: Thanks for the 5 <3
Response: Jesus wore Sandals 24/7 why cant we!! LOL
Response: Thank you!! HAHA!!
Response: I'm Glad you liked them!! I loved the Johnny Cash one and the Crowder one!! Johnny Cash one my husband showed me and it took us like 15 minutes to "Re-find" LOL!!
Response: Awww Thank YOU!!!
Response: Thank you very much!!
Response: Thank you very much he really enjoyed it!!
Response: Thanks for the Heart
Response: Thank you!!! Nevi is my FAVORITE and Least Cooperative Subject!! LOL
Response: Thanks for Hosting
Response: AWWW thank you!!
Response: Thanks I think My music was alittle past your time HAHA
Response: as always such a pleasure to swap with you
Response: Thank you Very Much
Response: I am sorry about to hear about your Cancer CANCER SUCKS!! LOL just thought that was fitting LOL I am sooooo PLEASED you liked my Book marks!! LOL Thank YOU!!
Response: Thank you It was alot of fun!! Too bad that JOY in those 7 months doesnt last REALITY (bill, illness, Pets,) Hits!! LOL
Response: Thank you very much!! That is awesome!!
Response: THank you so much you are great too
Response: you are welcome my dear
Response: your welcome thank you
Response: Thank you VERY MUCH!!
Response: Thanks JaimiePaige
Response: You are welcome My Dear I am Glad you liked it!!
Response: Thank you VERY Much!!
Response: Im glad you Liked It. Hope your having a lovely day!!
Response: Thank you!! I really Like that!! Thank you!! :D
Response: Thank you for the Rate
Response: No Thank you for the Rate
Response: HAHA Thank you!!
Response: Thank you VERY much
Response: Thank you For Rating!!
Response: Thank you Me too
Response: Thank you that was very sweet
Response: Thank you for the Rating!!
Response: Your welcome glad you liked it
Response: Thanks!! This Year We Didn't Do much on it!! Limited funds!! But it was just things that reminded me of us or things I wanted to do around the house!!
Response: Thank you!! I am so glad you LOVED it!! You are a GREAT Friend!!
Response: I feel the same way!!
Response: The Unconventional ones always doooo!! LOL
Response: aww we have thank you!! Your message has touched my Heart!!
Response: I am glad you liked It!!
Response: thank you!! We try!! sometimes its just me telling him what I want HAHAA
Response: Your Welcome!! Thanks For LOoking
Response: it is soooo much funnnnnn!!! I hope you have fun too!!!
Response: Thank you sooooo Much!!
Response: Thank you you Too
Response: Your the sweetest!! Thank you so much!!
Response: Thank you You Too
Response: Thank you for the <3
Response: thank you!! It is going very well!!
Response: thank you very much
Response: Thank you so much!!
Response: Welcome Thank you
Response: Are you international Bc if you are local (USA) I can mail to you!!
Response: Im always Sharing two or three boards HAHA!! I love my pins HAHA
Response: wow that was quick!! I have been looking at my future home Ideas for a long time!! but when I got married two years ago then I really started thinking about house improvements.
Response: Your welcome glad you enjoyed
Response: thank you very much!! Thanks for Hosting
Response: Did you Like it? I have been severely sick and I hoped you like it!!! I have had 3 surgeries in 10 days
Response: Thanks for the Heart
Response: I made a list of your favorites off your profile (yes I stalked Your Profile) and then made you a board!! LOL
Response: Thank you so Much Amanda!!
Response: You too!! Thank you so much
Response: Thank you Have a Nice day!!
Response: You are sooo very Welcome My Dear Friend
Response: you are welcome I had Fun!!
Response: aint that the truth and thanks
Response: you too my dear!!
Response: thank you!! it was fun and EASY!! LOL
Response: Thank you SOOOO Very Much!!
Response: im glad you did!! I was thinking really TOOO hard on it!! And finally came up with the SIMPLEST thing ever BUT Loved it!! It was my favorite one Ive made
Response: Thank you and your Welcome
Response: Why Thank You!! That was so Sweet of you!!
Response: Thank you me too!!
Response: Oh Well Feel Better SunflowerRose!! I hope the Very best this New Year to y'all!!
Response: Thanks Jill!! BTW Jill Your MDC Is Packed up!! Im waiting for a couple of days to send it out!!
Response: Thanks for the 5 And the <3 I really appreciate it!! You Rock!!
Response: You are welcome!!
Response: I'm Glad you enjoyed? Did you try any? are you going to?
Response: You Are The BEST Jill!! Always so VERY Positive!! and SWEET!!! thanks for the Rate!!
Response: Oh Thank You!! You are SOOOO sweet!! You have a GREAT New Year!!
Response: AWWW!! Please Dont!! I realized after being dealt crap during the past 5 years, you can either dwell in your problems, IGNORE your problems OR just Survive and Thrive!! I think Im working on the THriving and in the spurts of thriving Im IGNORING LOL!!
Response: Im glad you liked them
Response: You are welcome thanks for the <3
Response: you are absolutely welcome my dear!!
Response: YAYAYAY!! Sometimes I take the ones some of the people send me too!! LOL!! I didnt have anywhere to put them LOL
Response: Thank you for joining my Swap!!
Response: Thank you!! I am glad you were Diplomatic in your answer and it was heart felt. I like that you didn't just hate them because you were NOT Christian!! Thank you!!
Response: Me TOOOO!!! I am glad you liked it!!
Response: I am Soooooo Glad you loved it!!
Response: Thank you for the rate and the HEART!!
Response: Thank you!! For the 5 and Heart and I would love to hear just send me a PM in swapbot!! I look forward to hearing from you
Response: Thank you I am very basic too these days I am a knife and finger and tongue lol. Now that im not getting Graded LOL
Response: im glad you liked in!! I had fun Making it
Response: Im glad you liked it!!
Response: Thank YOU!! I thought someone might!! Songs have a Story to us!! And that was ALOT of work HAHA
Response: thank you sooooo Much!!
Response: So Far So Good!!
Response: Thanks SOOOO MUCH!!
Response: your welcome!! Have a nice day
Response: I had fun too. Thanks for including me!!
Response: I'm glad you like it
Response: I know right? I love the 90s and 00s it rocked in music!!
Response: thank you so much!! You rated sooooo Quickly!! Thanks for that!!
Response: good books!! thanks!!
Response: Thank you very much
Response: You are welcome!! Thanks!!
Response: Awww why thank you!! That was sooo sweet!!
Response: Thank you Soooo Much Im glad you LIKED it!!
Response: You are certainly Welcome!! I am Surprised you got it already!! I am thankful and grateful to send it!!
Response: Thank you Sooooo Much!! This was a Fun swap!! I should PROBABLY Start carry that stuff in my elephant pouch!! LOL Never thought of it!! LOL Thanks for the Tip!!
Response: Thank you for your Help ALSO!! You were A GREAT HELP!!
Response: Thank you for my first RATING! A 5 and A HEART!! THANKS SO MUCH!!