Swap-bot Time: March 18, 2025 2:53 am


This user has been partially suspended.
Date Joined: September 14, 2013
Last Online: June 26, 2015
Birthday: May 28
Country: United States
My Etsy Favorites

I'm still here.

As of 12-17-13 every swap that could have in anyway been affected by my postal issue has been resent. All swaps to date have also been sent. I do still owe an "Angel" I promised someone.

I may be down, but I am not out.

Nov: I am working on trying to correct any issues my postal problems may have caused.

Postal Issues - Please Read

11-25: The postmaster visited me at my home & explained what was happening. He believes everything has been resolved & I should not have anymore of these issues. Fingers crossed he is right.

11-13-13: I just realized today I hate my post office. I have been looking for a package that was sent to me by another SB member & went missing. I have asked my carrier many days if I had any packages & was told no. I called the post office several times & was told the same thing. Well today I went to the post office & asked if I had any packages ... I was told no again. Then another woman cut off what the woman at the counter was saying & told her don't you remember the box in my office. It seems the postmaster had a box of packages that were mine in her office ... I would say there are over 20 packages in it. I will be opening them & leaving feedback in a lil while, after I give my children dinner. gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr

In total there were 34 incoming packages & a few packages returned for insufficient postage (they need to check themselves as they put the postage on them). I will be resending the returned packages on 11-15 as that is when I will be out & about again.

Ah the joys of living in the boonies beyond the sticks.

About Me

Me & Swap Info

If you are trying to reach me try messaging me here before email. I only check my email once or twice a week, if I remember.

Hi ! I am a single Mom of 4, living in upstate NY. I have two daughters & two sons. My younger daughter is the person who told me about this web site, she has been a member for awhile. My youngest son has A-typical autism (hand flapping, diapers ... etc.) but is very intelligent.

I raise critters, lots of lil critters ... lol. We have chicken, ducks, quail, doves, rabbits. That's besides the pet dogs, cats, & birds.

I guess I should apologize in advance for my handwriting, it is kinda sloppy. I have had 2 strokes & 3 mini strokes (TIAs) in the last 3 years. They have affected my right side & I write with my right hand.

I have become addicted to this site since joining & have been doing a bunch of swaps. I am going to have to try an behave & cut back a lil till the beginning of January. My social security check just doesn't stretch enough to do Christmas & tons of swaps. : (

I will never flake on a swap ... ever. If for some reason you don't receive your mail from me in a timely manor please message me. I usually send my swaps out within a couple of days of finding out where to send it. In almost every swap I include an extra of some sort, even if it is as small as a few stickers. I haven't figured out how to do it with naked postcards as of yet, but I have an idea : )

I should also mention I live in the boonies beyond the sticks. All mail that I send goes from here to a transfer depot in the city before it goes on it's way. So it may take a day of two longer to make it to you.

If for some reason my package to you does not arrive in a reasonable amount of time let me know & I will resend.

I always leave feedback the day I get your mail, please do the same !

Crafts & Collections

I enjoy assorted crafts, I guess you could say I dabble in several. I crochet, I work with felt, I make Christmas decorations & ornaments, I hand spin (to make wool), I dry items to make decorations & potpourri. Make candles & soaps.

I hope to learn to do embroidery & weaving over this winter. I have always wanted to learn how to knit, but so far I have had no luck with it.

Since joining this site I have gotten the urge to try journal making & a few other paper crafts. I am enjoying them, but have a lot to learn. I also have become interested in collecting postcards & stamp collecting.


~ I would like to collect some from every country. I know this will take time as I have only just started.

~ I would also like to get one from every state in the USA.

~ Not to mention just collecting the ones I like : )~ lol


~ Since receiving all the swap-bot mail since I joined I have noticed how pretty some of the stamps are. So I decided to start saving them. I haven't gotten in to preserving them as of yet, but you never know.

Favorite Books & Music

I am an audiobook junkie !!!!!!!

I usually listen to a book a night, when I can.

I enjoy romance novels especially regency era, vampire, cowboy & shape-shifter.

Yeah I know, escapism ... lol.

I list the books I listen to here http://www.shelfari.com/justmee when I don't forget to.

I listen to a lil bit of everything. Currently on my mp3 player is Garth Brooks, Kid Rock, Glee, Pogue Mahone, Michael Buble, plus a few more.

I LOVE Christmas music, especially the classics (Burl Ives, Bing, etc...).

Oh I am a Gleek, I enjoy the music from the TV show Glee, at last the first few years.

Favorite TV & Movies

I don't watch very much TV, I'm usually too busy with my books : )

When I do watch it is something I saved on the dvr like Glee, Big Brother or Extream Couponing

Except at Christmas time when I try to watch all the holiday shows & TV movies !

hmmm ... this is a hard one. I rarely go to the movies, maybe once a year if i'm lucky.

In general I like romance or romantic comedies.

I don't think I can pick one but the following are in my top 5 favs.

Pride & Prejudice = Keira Knightley & Matthew MacFadyen

Seven Brides For Seven Brothers

Scarlet (Gone With the Wind 2, TV movie)

Likes & Dislikes

I like most things & am easy to please, I just like getting mail that is not a bill.

Likes (not in any special order) ~ Also see Santa list below.

Post Cards or pictures from around the world (especially places I may have heard of in the books I have read ~ ex: places in London that have been around since Regency times).

Nature / Animals ~ on just about anything, especially horses & pandas. pine cones & pictures of everything else.

pens ~ fine point especially with Purple ink : ) maroon & black ink are good too, fountain pens & gel pens.


stickers ~ animals, flowers, cute sayings ... etc.

Things used in paper crafts (book making, paper folding, card making, ... etc.) I am new at this & could use almost anything.

rubber stamps & ink pads ~ I only have black so far

note pads, cards & post it notes ~ with animals, flowers, or nature on them (do they make them with sexy men on them ?)

Harry Potter ~ items & candy for my children

World of Warcraft (game) ~ anything, my children are addicted

Tea ~ oriental blends are my favorite

fragrance ~ Love's Baby Soft (any of their scents), Jasmine

things with sexy men on them (shirtless ~ cowboys, firefighters, etc...)

money from around the world

magnets (farm/country style) or from your country

Twizzlers ~ red, pull-n-peel are the best

Swedish Fish (candy) ~ especially the red

Pfeffernüsse cookies ~ I LOVE THESE, but can never find them in my area.

Anything Christmas !!! My decorating style is a mix of traditional red, green & gold with a good dose of woodsy home style thrown in (pine cones, moose, etc...)

Handmade items of all types are very much enjoyed !

colors I like ~ purples (from dark to light), periwinkle, natural (like oatmeal), dusty blue, dusty rose.


Coffee ~ I have never tried it & have no plans to.

Santa List

I was asked to write this list by another swap-bot member, but when I checked their profile there was nothing there. I don't know why but here is my list, I was told to also list my children so here it is.

Nathaniel :

~ a watch (if a picture on it he likes Spiderman)

~ a microphone with a stand for computer

~ gloves (his hands are always icy do to a medical condition)

Zachariah :

~ book - Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

~ book - Art of War by Sun Tzu's

~ fleece gloves

Samantha :

~ nail polish - the sparkly kind in funky colors like blue, green, violet.

~ body spray/perfume in lavender, musk, or other like fragrances.

~ fashion magazines from other countries

~ a nice journal with a pen

My other daughter asked me to remove her : (

Myself :

~ an album 5x7 with clear sleeves to put my postcards in.

~ an album of some sort with pockets that are clear in front to put my postage stamps in.

~ any gift card for any amount so I can buy things for my children (local stores: Wal-Mart, k-mart, Target, Barns & Noble book store, GameStop, J C Penney, Dollar Tree)

non-raters & non-senders


@Ktbug77 never sent "Stuff My Stocking Series ~ wk 8 ~ I wish for ..." - Last Online: December 16, 2013 partially suspended - no reply to messages or email.

@deedee62 never sent "Fill My Home With Christmas Cards Swap" - Last Online: December 7, 2013 partially suspended.

@secretrainlover never sent "1 euro-swap #2" - account has been deleted.

@Missyme never sent "Sticker Clean Up! 100 Sticker Swap" - account has been deleted.

@militarygirl4ever never sent for "Christmas for the Children ~ large stocking" - Last Online: November 28, 2013 no reply to email

@stacyf never sent for "4 Days of 12 days of Christmas Mini swap 1" - no longer a member

@priyaankarao1425 never sent for "Sticker bags and books for October" - fully suspended

@Demonkawala never sent for "October Dishcloth "


@Viscid never rated for the "Quick Swap: International Paper Love (Newbie)"

@JennaferJ ) never rated for the "NH- October High Fives!" swap.

@Mel5 never rated for QUICK craft paper swap #47.

@renfro13 never rated for the Pick 3 Swap - October.

@boompowbeauty never rated for "Stuff My Stocking Series ~ wk 4 ~ What's My Name"


Miabiff rated for Fill My Stocking - December on May 25, 2014
Comment: I'm sooooo very sorry for not rating this swap earlier. I thought I already had. I want to say thank you and I love the earrings you sent me =)
Comment: I think the parcel resent was from you as there was no note of swap or user name. but thanks anyway better late than never, good luck with clearing all your rateings
basykes rated for Anything but the holidays PC Swap~ on Mar 25, 2014
Comment: I can't believe I forgot to rate this. So sorry!
hazan33 rated for international christmas gift swap on Mar 13, 2014
Comment: This time it arrived! Thank you! best wishes, Osnat
DeCouple rated for 1 euro-swap #2 on Feb 27, 2014
Comment: finally arrived... i gave you a 5 because i appreciate the resend and i'm not so severe with delay... big kiss
Response: Resend will go out on Tuesday the 7th.
Ikran3 rated for Christmas Gifts Swap on Feb 22, 2014
Comment: Thanks, sorry for the delay in rating but you didn't put the swap name or your username on the package so I've only just figured it out as I'm archiving my swaps!
Comment: Thank you for the lovely wrapping paper. I am glad it got to me!
kodaline rated for 1 euro-swap #2 on Feb 11, 2014
Comment: thanks for sent it.. finally rec'd it.
Comment: rec'd pkg in feb
Response: I'm glad one of my mailings arrived.
Comment: Never received anything. Jane contacted me via PM to say she will 're-send' this swap. That, too, never arrived. EDIT: Your parcel arrived today. Thank-you very much. Everything is lovely and I can tell you've looked at my profile. Thanks a lot.
Response: I'm glad you like it & that one of my mailings reached you.
Comment: thank you for the swab only verrly late...
Response: I'm glad one of my mailings arrived.
Magena22 rated for Handmade Christmas Ornaments Swap on Feb 2, 2014
seraphina rated for Blind Stocking filler swap on Feb 1, 2014
Comment: Hi! I got the stuff already :) Thank you for your small gifts. Happy. New year :)
Response: Thank you !
rossika rated for reading a book-postcard swap #5 on Feb 1, 2014
Comment: Thanks a lot for the postcard. And I agree with you, books really are "movies for the mind" :)
Response: Thank you !
kirstykai rated for A small stocking of goodies on Jan 30, 2014
Comment: You marked this swap sent on 7 November 2013. I messaged you on 30 November and you said you would investigate. Since then I have heard nothing from you. I will of course re-rate if I receive something – its just I haven’t had communication from you for a while now. UPDATE 30.01.14 - This finally arrived but it was of course very late. You said you sent the re-send on 30 December. However it is post marked some 3 weeks later. The Cheetos were also out of date. Thank you for resending though.
Response: Your welcome.
glauren rated for Dear Santa.... on Jan 29, 2014
Comment: Thank you for my goodies!!
Response: Your welcome !
glauren rated for EVERYONE FILL MY TREE! on Jan 29, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for all my goodies!! I love everything!! Especially my gorjuss girls. If was not late I would have diff. gave a heart!! You get my heart though for getting so many things that I love!! Thank you!!
Response: Your welcome !
damilola rated for November: Envie Advents Calendar on Jan 27, 2014
Comment: I was told a resend is on the way, but still nuttin. My last message wasnt even replied. Very sad. 29 May 2014 Nuttin.... Also there should be resends on the way. I cant beliebe it any more Now she is suspended.... 28Feb2015 Nothing.... Very sad....
Response: 3-21-14 : Today I received the first resend I sent you back in the mail. I messaged you the web address to pictures of the box, but here it is again http://www.pinterest.com/janeonkaya/returned-mail/ . Please let me know what they say I did wrong.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8927 212 12 13
Completed Fives Threes Ones
243 336 17 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
10 123 110 0
View all

Currently In

  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


MuhBerriez on May 16, 2014:

I got your PC in the "Adventures of the Travelling Postcard R26! Will be passing it on in the next round. :)

wordsareworlds on May 2, 2014:

I just wanted to let you know i'm out of here. I know you and your girls said this was a fun site with nice people, but I have not seen that. All Dev & I have gotten are frozen accounts for no reasons.


coolbaker5 on Feb 18, 2014:

I am so sorry but I need to remove you from the Homemade Card Group. Once you have fixed your rating, feel free to join again. Thank you and good luck. :)

AnnieMaxine on Feb 15, 2014:

Thank you for returning the Adventures of the Traveling Postcard postcard that you had in you possession. Best of luck in improving your situation here on Swap-Bot.

Just4Mee on Jan 31, 2014:

@reauk I have no idea why some mail gets to it's destination & some does not. I only know I mail it & I save the Customs Declaration form plus the receipt as proof.

I have not flaked on any swap I have joined. I also have recent to everyone that has claimed not to have received a swap from me. Some of these people I have had tracking from the post office that said they had already received.

I will be sending out a third mailing to you today.

nsgrammy2012 on Jan 3, 2014:

Please everyone when you do get your swap please re-rate.

nsgrammy2012 on Jan 3, 2014:

I am so glad to hear that your being able to resolve the postal issues you have had. Will definitely re-rate.

Hope 2014 is a much better year!

nsgrammy2012 on Dec 18, 2013:

I have to remove you from All Things Christmas due to your status. I hope you can rectify your swaps and rejoin.

sweetpea22 on Dec 18, 2013:

I never received the stickers from you for the grabbie taggie in the public forum.

Peachapatchi on Dec 9, 2013:

Thanks so much for being my angel for Christmas card and little saprise swap 2# ! You didn't have to and it was just an act of kindness, I greatly appreciate it.

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