Swap-bot Time: March 18, 2025 2:53 am


Date Joined: June 9, 2007
Last Online: October 4, 2007
Birthday: February 14
Country: United States
MySpace Profile

About Me

October 3, 2007 Brandi has been hospitalized for a series of emergency surgeries that has lasted several weeks due to complications. She will post all packages as soon as she has been discharged and is reasonably able. She asked that I leave a note for all her partners so that they understand to expect their swap items, but that they will be quite a bit later than anticipated. She sends her apologies for yet another hospitalization/personal matter interfering with her commitments to fulfill swaps that she joined.

You can post messages so that she will receive them when she returns home. No messages will be checked by the messenger so anticipate them remaining in a state of "unread" until she can personally check them herself. Thank you.


my name is brandi, and i prefer to type in all lowercase letters. heh.

Though Sometimes, For No Rational Reason, I Will Do This Weird Thing Where I Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word I Write. No Idea Why, But Some People Nag Me About "Not Being In Germany" (and someone has kindly explained this to me recently!)

So, down to the business of helping you get to know me, inside and out - for the sake of easier, more gratifying swap experiences. (After reading my profile, if you haven't already, please consider going back over yours thoroughly!

I joined quite a few swaps as a noob, only to discover that my first handful of partners have shared so little, very generalized information - that I have a really hard time feeling confident in the things I have or will put together for them.

Swap-Bot is an amazing place, and what could be the ultimate, amusing and rewarding way to get to know people from all over the world - dumbing down your verbal portrait seems like it should be a terms-of-service crime!

I want to open your profile and without ever speaking to you, feel like I can tell what kind of personality you have, your quirks, your loves, your interests, right down to your favourite sounds, smells and colours of daylight! (My favourite shade of day is Twilight, by the way)

I want to feel like you care about our swapping experience enough to eliminate this "dollar store profile" anxiety that must certainly afflict others aside from me when pulling the profile ribbon open to find a broken rock where a bejeweled night sky ATC was supposed to be. (hopefully you can read into parables well enough to understand that i meant to say "stop being one of those people who has a profile that's so crummy, we'd rather drop out of the swap than panic trying to package a lovely gift that you will enjoy and want to give hearts for!)

That said... (and for God's sake, if you notice anything I may have left out, please comment me so I can add it! I don't want to suffer from decrepit-profile-syndrome or make anyone worry whether or not I will give them hearts when they drop my parcel in the mailbox) But I can almost 100% assure you that by the time you get to the end of this, or have the notion to IM me on yahoo or aim - you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know enough about me to have me racing to the site to dole out your hearts the moment i receive your swap!

Right, i'm bantering now - where was I.

I am 32, and I was born on Valentines Day (which I would love to learn to appreciate someday, but thus far find it terribly depressing and greatly lacking in fulfillment)

I am quite a few things by nature, luck, or desire (I won't disclose which applies to which to save on arguments, haha)

  • A mother (a single one with no family to speak of, so i guess I'm a father and grandparents as well, hehe) My daughters are 12 & 7. My son is 3 1/2 and they're all blondes with bright blue eyes and creative, intelligent personalities. My 12 yr old loves horses and designing clothes, my 7 yr old loves creating art, computers and science & my son has this bizarre gift of perpetual happiness and smiles. (No idea where he got those genes!)

  • An Aquarian. For the most part my personality is very much in line with the things said about them, though you'll never catch me at a green peace rally or protesting. I'm very creative, love to decorate and sew something weird occasionally.

  • A Home Health Nurse at one job. (My charge is an amazing 87 yr old woman who was a renowned artist in her youth. She's become the mother I never had in a lot of ways and I love her dearly though her time is quickly drawing to a close.

  • Oh, and I'm a Web Developer/Production Manager @ the other job.

  • Spleenless.... i found out last year that my spleen was enlarged to a size slightly greater than a football, weighing just over ten pounds. (It was left untreated for nearly 2 yrs as my ex refused to acknowledge that I needed proper medical care as a homemaker. This of course led to our split in 2006 and I am now an advocate for women and children who are abused in Narcissistic/Sociopath relationships as a result of my own 11 yr battle in one) Either way, I had an emergency splenectomy last year - two weeks after the relocation that followed my divorce. What does that mean? Not much really - but I have what I call a "franken-belly" due to my 11 inch midline scar, and my immune system is far less than it should be. I am still recovering 9 months later so I always enjoy a good way to relax when I can find the time or the means.

  • I have 2, 10 week old kittens, which were born to a 6 month old stray female that I took in upon discovering she was pregnant. Jack, the mother - is black & white with very short, shiny hair and a very long, lanky body. She was named after Jack Skellington.

Bloo-Zilla is the runt of the litter. She is what resembles a Russian Blue and when she plays, she stands up on her back feet and flails her arms about like Godzilla.

Victor Von Dort is my boy (his eyes are identical to the character Victor in the movie Corpse Bride) and he coo's like a pigeon - so much that i usually only call him Pidgy or Birdie. He has an affinity for beckoning me to sit on the couch upon arriving home, where he will climb my chest and groom my face until he feels my pores are clear and free of any possible debris (or skin!)

  • We are currently awaiting our panther chameleon hatchling (once the eggs hatch in approximately 6 months, ugh) so we are preparing indoor & outdoor habitats for when the lizard-stork finally arrives.

  • I have a compulsion for gift giving, so finding and joining swap-bot is by far the best outlet I have found (or could have hoped for) to positively exercise my bizarre, deep seeded need to share as well as give to others... the unusual aspect here is that it can now be with those who are also givers. I've noticed a flaw in mankind that's afflicted a terribly high rate of people who do not have giving personalities - and as most of us know those people are rarely if ever satisfied with the thoughtful gestures given to them as a token of your thoughts, and that's pretty discouraging! Hopefully this will be a really positive outlet for me and whoever my swap partners end up being.

Things that i have a passion for:

  • Astronomy (I love sky maps for astronomy, beautiful photographs or art cards of space for framing, nebula, constellations, and Aurora's are among my favourites - in fact, my username is latin for sky or heavens.)

  • The Sky and everything in it (meteorological & natural disaster related things, photo's of beautiful sky phenomenon (sundogs, crepescular rays, the belt of venus, tornado's, hail, unusual cloud types and shapes, snow and snowflakes, etc.)

  • Photography (Camera related everything and really unusual, cool photo frames)

  • Dreaming. I'm analytical by nature and very sleuthy. I enjoy daydreaming as it helps me find a quiet mind and resolve the things I am usually too racy minded to ponder calmly. I gather my best ideas when relaxed and delirious and it's when I'm most artistic.

  • Being the person that (at some time or another in my life) I have needed someone else to be in various situations. (When you know what it's like to feel completely abandoned, you can go one of two ways - downhill, where your spirit degrades until it has no option but to give up on betterment or to naturally begin taking on the traits in humans you have been starved of when you needed it most - I have been in both places, often - but have grown so much as a person as a result of my own feelings of being forgotten that I know I'll always be the best friend anyone could ever have when they need one.

  • Things that I collect:

  • Moldavite & Meteorites. Moldavite is one of the most beautiful things I've seen to exist and have a growng collection of incredible specimens. I've recently begun wire wrapping them into pendants and love all the tools related to creating them.

  • Delicate, Shiny or Muted Snowflake Shaped Things (I love to eat, as well as play in the real ones!)

  • Funky Knee Socks! (I've created a ritual that I call "New Sox Sunday" where I buy myself a new pair of cute or unusual knee socks sometime during the week and on Sunday, I lounge around wearing them, take a photo and post it on my blog. It's my silly way of having 1 day each week that's as exciting as a wedding day would be (minus the headache of a man, haha) I adore funky argyles, stripes and unusual patterns of all types, though i am not often drawn to the pastel colour kinds. Ick. Vivid colours are my favourite, as are stark, contrasting colours.

  • Small, Beautiful or Colourful Rocks From Beaches and Rivers Worldwide. (I'm trying to collect these from as many countries and cities as possible, along with small bags of dry, clean sand from the same source to make little zen sandboxes of each location. This is a really fun project for me and I'm always looking for a new one to make)

  • Chinese Knot Charms (I adore jade fu dogs and love them moreso on a charm or necklace)

  • Unusual Glazed (rectangular) Sushi Plates, Wasabi Dishes & Miso Bowls My faves are the sushi trays with a built in wasabi dish, but they're so hard to find! Any beautifully designed, glazed (glossy ceramic) plates in my path are destined to be scooped up and rehoused in my cabinet, or artfully displayed. (I use several to hold beach sand and beach rocks from one of my favourite places on earth) They make them so much more beautiful!

  • Dead dolls! Ohh ohh love them. Sweet yummy little creepies. :)

Things I love to do:

  • Sterling wire wrapping with semiprecious beads.I began by making customized rosaries - with no practice, experience or justifiable reason to begin doing so. I just woke up one day, ordered some tools and began to make my goodies. Whoodathunk! I love various gauges of sterling wire and would one day love to work with gold filled wire. I love wire wrapping tools (i only have a small few of the basic pliers but would love to experiment with others) detailed wire wrapping project instructions, sterling silver findings of all kinds and bali sterling beads, beadcaps, cones, etc. I really like Swarovski cubes & bicones of all shapes, sizes and colours. I'd like to start a small collection of cubes so that my colour and size choices are a little more diverse at all times. The unusual shapes are my fave as they are somewhat hard to find. I like other beads, but only for things like ATC's, Scrapbook Pages & Handmade Cards where they're glued down - not so much for beading unless it's a project where someone has specifically asked for them.

  • Scrapbook pages: I don't do scrapbooking due to lack of time but I'm quite good at making elaborate scrapbook pages when I've tried my hand at it. I adore the intricate 3D stickers and have quite a few waiting to be used in a nifty way. I would love to start swapping basic scrapbooking supplies so i'd be motivated to really get into making books or cards for others. I am enamored by ATC's and really want to get enough nifty, staple items to make them until I have the courage to share them with others.

  • Organize! I love cool, crafty organizers! If it's unusual and handy, I want it! no.. i gotta have it!

  • Stare at the sky, day or night. More of that astronomy thing! On clear nights you'll find me with random road or lawn debris in my hair from lying down to look upward. (I need a good yoga mat one day!)

  • Speaking of yoga... i loooove yoga. Ashtanga & Hatha. I love yoga accessories, dvd's if they're good, music, mediation candles, aromatherapy for relaxation & stress/tension relief.

  • Burning essential oils. Love them love them love them!! Home frangrance oils from Body Shop or those made from essential oils are my faves. Body Shops (discontinued) cashmere is my all time fave scent, along with fig scent, yum!!! (I have an amazing tip for scenting your home quickly when you need to do it NOW and not wait for an oil burner to warm up, or don't want to use sprays. message me and i'll gladly share :)

  • Listen to music. I have an ipod in my car, one in my handbag, one in my backpack and one in my bathroom - Overkill, perhaps! But I find myself more productive and in a boosted mood if there's music dancing around my head. (Why not use what works!) I buy a lot of music on itunes and never see myself stopping.

  • Going to the movies. I love seeing movies in the theater! I love buying tickets, popcorn, candy, a soda, handing the ticket taker my tickets, i loooove watching them rip the stubs in half (and i save them) and love to hunt for the perfect seat, hunker down and really get into the whole movie theater experience. (I also think it's cool to watch the dust prance around through the beam of light coming from the projection room)

  • Paper Quilling. You know, paper twirling! It's just so much darn fun and a really good way to force yourself to slow down! focus! and relax! I love really cute quilling patterns, different colour quilling strips, beautiful or unusual cardstock to mount my picture pieces on and really good, super-fine point glue tubes.

  • Shopping! Duh. Let's Go, Anytime For Any Reason!

Things I like/adore in general:

  • I adore flowering tea's (they excite me like a child to watch them bloom in hot water)

  • My computers. OS X is my favourite platform, but love all my computers (with a little bias, heh)

  • artisitic things, paintings, delicate & intricate crafts (as well as supplies to create them!) glass dragonfly, ladybug and butterfly ornaments (with the little satin ribbon to hang them from) are something i like to find. I like fun lighters with things like martini's and artsy designs on them and I love starbucks espresso & cream in a can. I swear it's the only thing that wakes me up enough in the morning to keep me on time and from being fired on a daily basis.

I love coffee. 2 types. Kona from a place i found in hawaii (which ships direct from their kona farm at exceptionally reasonable priority rates and gets to you quick!!) and Seattle's Best Organic "Blue Water". They turned Blue Water into a a house blend last year, and I hate it, so if you ever find a bag that says "blue water" and not "house blend" (their name label is a blue banner on the typical packaging, where others are yellow, orange or green) PLEASE get it (or them) I will do a private swap with your for it, or even pay you directly! I don't care - but i want all the bags that remain in the world to freeze so that in my old age, i'll still be able to enjoy some.

Don't you hate that, you grow up learning all about the world and it's fantastic (and sometimes icky) creations, not being too picky as you experiment and sample - then as an adult you begin to find your true loves and some wack job at the company decides to do away with it, or change it so drastically that it totally sucks - leaving you with a taste for an extinct yummy thing. sigh They did that same crap with my milky way easter eggs. Hmph!! I thought i could handle it when they changed them from whole egg shapes (2 halves melted together) to just the half eggs - but this year for easter, i was horrified to discover that they again changed them, only this time it was the filling! No longer do they contain a layer of puffy nougat smothered in a perfect layer of caramel - but instead are some evil, sickening "caramel mixed with malt flavouring" filling with no layers and no nougat! Suckers. Let me find the guy who was responsible for that one in a dark alley hissss

Haha. Ok, i am not a succinct person when writing/typing. Perhaps it's because i speak so little in real life - and my thoughts do a tree-branch hopping thing that can be very confusing (forgive me, it's just the result of having an overflowing (possibly insane) mind)

When i feel a passion, whether it's anger over my easter candy being reformulated, excitement over a great find, trustworthy and valuable experience, or defending a mistreated elderly person - the moon will fall from the sky before i back down.

My favourite colour is blue - twilight to be precise, but I only really like it on the sky or the snowflake things & knick knacky stuff I collect.

  • Other colours: I love black, plain and simple - on anything. Black & White stripes, black & white florl patterns or funky vintage patterns, black & silver doo-dads, black & pink, and anything with a classic design.

Darker blue's are beautiful as well. My closet consists of various shades of darker blues, a lot of black and some beautiful reds.

  • My dress style is corp-goth and jeans & tee's - One can never have too many smart-assed, amusing or geek tshirts! Well, at least I can't. In T's i prefer size XL and the colour black.

I wear Doc Martens and comfy sandals (this goes along with my love for pedicures, to show off my sparkling toes) Rarely will you catch me in tennis shoes or heels unless they're unique vintage styles. My size for socks would fall into the ladies 9 or 10 and for shoes i wear 9.5, 10 or UK7.

I love silver riveted things, bracelets, fun & cynical stickers (hot topic tends to have the kind i like)

  • I love the art of Sorayama & Olivia. I like pinup girls, especially bettie paige & dita von teese. (i recently purchased a penthouse magazine where Dita posed and it never ceases to amaze me how some people can be so perfectly sculpted in every way out of meat and blood!)

Well that made me sound somewhat like a lezbot. Haha. Well, I'm straight if that matters - but unlike most people who are, i am very open minded and appreciate beautiful things no matter what they are. Women are beautiful sometimes, and by goodness if they have an amazing look that i wish I had, I will very quickly offer my compliments and admiration. In re: to my use of the term lezbot, it's just my fun word. I don't have any intolerance for the gay community and have learned that having a personally fulfilled life that you can enjoy is way more important than to be bogged down worrying about what others do that does me no harm. If people are happy and aren't hurtful - leave them be! We all deserve our own happiness and shouldn't base ours on how someones elses differs.

I don't follow trends but will buy things if they're cool and they suit me. Screw fashion. Screw being a sheep or a shephard. I don't want to lead and I will not follow (unless you're running down the hall with my paycheck or something i want to play with, hehe)

Van Gogh's Starry Night is my favourite painting but love so many others. The abduction of psyche & The ascension are among them as are any stunning Angel related painting.

I enjoy many forms of art, unique, unusual paintings especially. I think it's amazing to feel the brush strokes of an acrylic painting. I recently had the honour of physically viewing and touching a Picasso (with my hands!!! eeeee!! ) and will most likely never recover from the awe. I enjoy Rubenesque, Religious & Realistic Paintings. Waterhouse is one of my favourites.

I have a dear old friend who was Frank Sinatra's pianist for many years, in addition to his own music and film career in old hollywood. I am always floored when i go to visit. He plays piano for me and relives his incredible memories as i listen and grin for hours like a starstruck dingbat. He always reminds me how important, if not vital it is to really enjoy LIVING (not merely existing) so that when we're old, we will have incredible visions of the past to keep us vibrant and young on the inside.

Beaded dangly things are fun - especially curtain tie backs, really enchanting lamp pulls - Oh i loooove unusual things that can be used as lamp pulls and would love to receive them!

I adore Rorschach ink blots! I love to sit around by the river or in a coffee house (sometimes at home) with some very pretty parchment paper and jars of pretty ink making my own. Chunky handmade journals are something I would also love to receive for the purpose of making inkblot books.

I love edgar alan poe (the spooky bobble heads are something i really like) I love the Addams Family, The Munsters, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Silly Vampire Stuff, Manic Panic Stays in My Medicine Cabinet. I don't often shop at hot topic, or spencers, but they always have a few fun things that I enjoy. If it's sort of spooky with a little class, I'm all over it.

I have a great sense of humour, and would never be offended by anything, unless it was something that mocked Jesus - that's not cool to me, but most anything else is. Dirty & Tasteless Jokes, TShirt Hell and Unusual Goodies Make Me Squeal With Delight.

My favourite Tshirts are from thinkgeek.com - well, because I'm a geek (and proud) I like sushi & sushi novelty items like erasers, socks, pens, and anything quirky or fun. Techie gadgets are awesome too! I've got my eye on a USB Beverage Can Cooler at the moment leer

I have never liked teddy bears or lace, but i love perfumes, body sprays, light sheer lipglosses and different shaped makeup/eyeshadow brushes. I enjoy nifty makeup organizers and have a HUGE first aid kit that I add new and unique items to often. Empty silver tins, Unscented pure shea butter and eco friendly/high quality body product ingredients are things I also enjoy.

I like spiked and riveted clothing, sterling silver jewelry, pretty silver earrings (delicate dangles with colour or studs) and unusual, pretty silver crucifixes for my neck or my walls. I also like those night lights that plug into the wall with miniature lamp shades cut in half, with dangling beads. So cute.

Shopping and finding anything that makes a home cozy in a unique or bohemian way always makes my day.

I love to shop at Sephora, Ulta, RedEnvelope, ThinkGeek.com, PerpetualKid.com, AC Moore, Michaels, Borders, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Stores, Bombay Kids, Pier 1 Imports, Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, Linens N' Things - and anywhere that has unique or funky & unusual or enchanting items.

I LOVE to eat out. Italian & Japanese are my favourites!

I hate ice cream, though all my life i've loved Daquiri Ice from baskin robbins (and freeze dried astronaut ice cream)

I absolutely adore my bare escentuals mineral makeup and will never switch back to anything else! If you have ever wondered about it but were skeptical - don't be! I use (and thank god for) Dr Brandt's Poreless skincare line (which is all a little tmi, but it's incredible stuff so I have to give it kudo's)

I'm quite fond of posh personal grooming things, and lovely feminine luxuries. Sexy things will never go out of style, but i'll never be a fan of panties unless they're boy-legs. tmi! tmi!

By some strange chance I am not working, cleaning or sleeping - you will catch me out of the house in places like local science centers, observatories, shopping for crafty goodies, at the movies, and off getting lost in my car somewhere. When it rains - the first thing I do is open the doors and windows, then walk outside, come back to make a pot of coffee - then sit on my patio with my hurricane lamp and enjoy! Rainy, cornflower blue skies make me HAPPY! I can't explain why but they do. I feel so much more alive when it rains and much more clear minded.

I'm not into witchcraft or anything of that nature, but I do love the incense herbs, crystals, really cool tarot cards, wands and candles. So i guess it would be more accurate to say i love witchcraft things - without the spiritual beliefs of most who live it as a lifestyle.

I'm a spiritual person and believe highly in karma - I'm not sure how God looks at me for that, but i do feel what comes around goes around - and in the adage "may you get what you give, times ten". Even though sometimes it seems like only the rotten people have things go their way, and good people will never get ahead - that is sorely not the case. Have faith, we all get what's coming to us when the time is right! :)

I like so many things, and you've already been here long enough so I'll shut up. I'm so very easy to please really - have diverse interests and if it's unique, I will most certainly love it.

I'm shooting for hearts and aiming to give lots of them out - it takes a lot to disappoint me, so the latter should be a fairly easy task for my partners.

As for me being the one to send a swap to you - I would really love to see your profile listing secret luxury item wishes, things you have always wanted but have not purchased for yourself, things that would make you feel beautiful, happy, confident, alluring, smart, or anything to boost some aspect of your life. You will end up with a package tailored to someone that i've made up in my head if you don't offer me insight into who you are - so pleeease help me do it the right way and overfill your profile with as much info as you'd like the world to know and remember you for!

Favorite Television

24, Desperate Housewives, Jericho, Family Guy, CSI, Girls Next Door (no idea why), Sex & The City, Mind of Mencia, Discovery, NASA & Science Channel.

Favorite Books

Anais Nin & Marquis De Sade. Psychology Games like Kokology, Astronomy Books, How To & Self Help Books, Life Journals Are Fantastic (The All About Me Series Type, where they ask tons of questions and you answer)

Favorite Crafts

I have a sewing machine and i'm slowly (at a snails pace) teaching myself to sew. I have very few sewing notions (basically what came with the machine, haha) and would love to start making things like simple and unique things like hooded towels for kids, cute & funky handbags and things who's patterns are easy to follow for a sewing dummy. I adore

  • Paper Quilling (ALWAYS looking for lots of great quilling patterns!)

  • Making Stained Glass

  • Photography
  • Sterling Wire Wrapping/Beading (I make handmade custom Rosaries, Earrings, Bracelets, Pendants)
  • Building Telescopes
  • Making Soy Candles (Mine smell fantastic!)
  • I would love to do one of those little kids butterfly gardens where they send you live caterpillars and you care for them until they have morphed and are ready to be set free.
  • Photoshopping is a craft in my book and i enjoy doing line art as well as worth1000 photoshop contests. If its nifty and easy to do without having to buy a million things to do it right, I'll try it and probably like it.

Favorite Music

VNV Nation, DeVision, Assemblage 23, Rotersand, Benny Goodman, Violent Femmes, Etta James, Michael Buble, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Steven Severin, Aretha Franklin, Prince, Edwin McCain, Nickelback, Snow Patrol, Front 242, Massive Attack, Catatonia, Brandi Carlisle, 3 Doors Down, Collective Soul, Cat Power, Lily Allen, Psychobitch, ABBA, For Squirrels, VAST, Dead Kennedys, Liz Phair, Blondie, Apoptygma Berzerk, Sisters of Mercy, Josh Groban, Alien Sex Fiend, Wolfsheim, KMFDM, 808 State, Ramones, My Chemical Romance, Autechre, Fields of Nephilim, Concrete Blonde, The Smiths, Sex Pistols, Neuroticfish, Peter Murphy, Wumpscut, Paolo Nutini, Cocteau Twins, Bauhaus, Rosetta Stone, Nick Cave, Billy Idol, Tori Amos, Brad Paisley, Mark Wills, Allison Krauss, Tim Mcgraw, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone, Squirrel Nut Zippers. Ugh. You get the idea.

Favourite Actors

Charlize Theron, Drew Barrymore, Cate Blanchet, Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Leonardo Di Caprio, Brad Pitt, Uma Thurman, John Travolta, John Malkovich, Nicholas Cage, Owen & Luke Wilson, Maggie & Jake Gyllenhal, shirley macclain, Julia stiles.

Cannot Stand Cameron Diaz, Penelope Cruz or Tom Cruise.

Favorite Movies

Oh i love movies. It would be better to tell you what i don't like, than to carry on for another month with the ones I do! I'll post a list of my DVD's one day.

I dislike foreign and subtitled (though i loved passion of the christ, regardless of the subtitles) I'm not big into indie or slapstick, stupid comedies like spaceballs.

things i would really love to

the art of oliva de berardinis - in any form. atc's, note cards, whatever.

anything bettie page, dita von teese, sterling silver wire for wire wrapping, 6-8mm semiprecious beads, numi earl grey tea (it's the best!) loose flowering teas, fun tea and coffee gadgets, great tea for 1 pots, i've been eyeballing some glass tea pots with glass infusers, as well as trays for storing a variety of flowering teas. really neat sumi-e brushes, beautiful sumi-e inkstones and ink sticks, rice paper, japanese adornments (especially authentic) unique scrapbook papers in muted colours (b&w, antique, asian, blues, watercoloured, etc) and as much as i hate to admit it, i LOVE martha stewarts new craft line! I love origami and would love to see yours if you make it! Anything to help me organize all my crafty bits and supplies. I always have paper, ribbons, notions, stickers, beads, ink jars, glue bottles, needles, etc strewn all over my huge bedroom desk. Would be fabulous to get it in order one day, heh.

Gosh, i need to shut the hellup.


jbtmykids rated for Stained Glass ATC on Dec 17, 2007
Comment: I've never received this swap! Sorry it took so long to rate.
Comment: Thanks, Janet
Comment: I love the ATC and the extra papers. Thanks so much!
kaisaj rated for Geisha Girl ATC's on Aug 6, 2007
Comment: Your cards were just beautiful. Thank you also for the papers!
threesweetpeas rated for Create A Book Thong Swap on Jul 24, 2007
Comment: beautiful book thongs! thank you
Mrrranda rated for Creepie Crawly Atcs on Jul 21, 2007
Comment: Thank you for the ATC! The wee 3D beetle is very cute.
jazzyheart rated for I LOVE tea! on Jul 21, 2007
Comment: Thank you for all of the wonderful goodies. I was amazed!
Clayshaper rated for Quickie 3D Scrapbook Sticker Swap on Jul 21, 2007
Comment: Thanks for the cool stickers! The giant paperclip was actually really spiffy too.. (hee!)
buttercup rated for I LOVE tea! on Jul 19, 2007
Comment: I loved my package, such great tea stuff. Does this store have a web-site, the tea items were just great.
Response: :) im glad you liked them. it's stashtea.com for some of them, others i picked up elsewhere. thanks for the heart!
krisssssyyyyyyyyyyy rated for June black & white swap on Jul 18, 2007
Comment: Thank you so much I just loved the box of black and white and not so black and white items, My son thanks you too he has the turtle in water as we speak :) Thanks bunches.
Response: Ty for the heart & for the comment! I'm glad you liked them and that your son likes the turtle. My daughter is nutty about those water-grown creatures and she told me i should start sending them in my swaps to people who had kids because "kids like to get stuff too, mom!"
tateva rated for Weekend Newbie Surprise Swap #6 on Jul 16, 2007
ideiascomestilo rated for The Cheer Up Swap on Jul 16, 2007
Comment: Your package just arrived and I LOVE everything!!!! thank you so much! ... i would give you 10 hearts if i could!!!!
Response: I'm glad it reached you safely! Thank you for the heart. If you take a picture i'd love to see it (i always package stuff up and forget what i send!) hehe.
JustMeSKJ rated for Weekend Newbie Surprise Swap #6 on Jul 14, 2007
Comment: Thanks for all the goodies! I love the ATCs!! You did a great job on them! :)
Response: I'm glad you liked the atc's. I really have no idea what im doing when it comes to those but I really liked the tiger one a lot when i was finished. The lighthouse was just a silly disaster & thank you for not hating it outloud hehe.
Leadcrow rated for Weekend Newbie Surprise Swap #6 on Jul 14, 2007
Comment: Thanks for the goodies! I love the pink monkey stickers ^^
Response: Pink monkeys?! I must be losing my mind and forgot what i sent. LOL!
user8740 rated for True Blue Baby... on Jul 13, 2007
Comment: I got home from work today and saw this nice box on my porch waiting for me. Opening it sure was alot of fun. You went above and beyond and I LOVE everything. Thank you!!!
Response: Yay! I'm glad you had fun opening it. I'm sorry it might have been a tad late (or was it?) with all the funeral madness out here - but I enjoyed packing it all and finally shipping out all the weird things I'd hunted down.
redwing480 rated for Create A Book Thong Swap on Jul 13, 2007
jilly rated for Creepie Crawly Atcs on Jul 13, 2007
Comment: You did great. Thanks for the special gift. Keep making ATC's
user8766 rated for Creepie Crawly Atcs on Jul 9, 2007
missvickieschips rated for Lip-a-licious swap on Jun 26, 2007
Comment: That box ROCKED! Thanks for all the extra goodies! Hopefully I get to send to you someday :) <33
Response: Hope that 100 grand didn't melt! And I figured with you being in college the caffeine shot might come in handy one day! I love those things! Glad you enjoyed the box!
Comment: Thank you!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8462 16 2 6
Completed Fives Threes Ones
20 25 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 0 20
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stitchinwitch on Sep 12, 2007:

Can't join in on your ATC swap as too much on at the moment but I juts wanted to say the picture for it has totally inspired me

Wickett6029 on Sep 5, 2007:

...let me know if you're ever wanting to do any private swapping!! I wish you wouldn't leave :-( (just be picky like me, lol!)

Lex on Sep 4, 2007:

Caelum, I don't know you and have never swapped with you, but I have to say it sucks that you've been so ill-treated by crappy swappers. People like that, well, they'll have something coming when they see how awful they are. I know there are good swappers out there, and I'm hoping what goes around will come around and give you something that will make your day, week, month, whatever. :)

Also wanted to say that, as a newbie, someone linked me to your profile and it helped me so much when it came to fleshing out mine. I'm still feeling out my way here, but I know that I never want to flake on someone like what's happened to you. I'd be lucky to get you for a swap partner!

Wickett6029 on Aug 29, 2007:

...."my two copper"....HAHAHAHAsnort....... a priceless WoW moment!!! I'd have fell off my chair laughing! Remind me to tell you the retort that got my son's best buddy banned for 72 hours (he said it was well worth it, LOL!)

GemMedia on Aug 20, 2007:

Hi Caelum,

I read you were leaving in the forums and decided to check out your profile.... I can relate to alot of things you said but I'm not really able to convey what I feel in words so much as in pictures.

I'm sorry you got stuck with some bad partners because Swap-Bot is generally a great place.

Hopefully you will come back at some point or continue with one on one swaps because you sound like a great person to trade with.

BTW I also love Van Gogh and have the picture you mentioned....'The Abduction of Psyche on my wall'., take care!


blissfulmama on Aug 19, 2007:

happy to hear that karma has payed you a visit Brandi! hope you'll dip back into the beauty of swap-bot when you are ready. you really are a stellar swapper and from what I can tell, a wonderful person too!

user8908 on Aug 18, 2007:

You need to join my Tote swap, luvmuffin!!


user8885 on Aug 11, 2007:

If anyone's up for doing some ATC swapping, please send me a message. I'd like to have a few new challenges with neat themes to help refine my cardmaking skills (but i won't be hosting or joining any more swaps just yet)

earthnk on Aug 11, 2007:

Hi Caelum, I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. I too seem to get matched with partners who send me disappointments. I've decided though to keep on sending out the great packages to my send to partners and maybe things will turn around for me in the future. If not here maybe in other aspects of my life!

That being said, I love doing one on one trades and if you're into it... LET'S SWAP!!!

p.s. love your profile too!

poofsizzle on Aug 3, 2007:

caelum - you ran one of the first swaps I joined. You were one of the first to give me a heart. I will be sad to see you go I hope that you aren't gone forever :)

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