Swap-bot Time: March 18, 2025 3:07 am


Date Joined: February 7, 2010
Last Online: July 4, 2015

Country: United States
Some Halloween Etsy faves


Hi. I'm Kate. I'm from the US, out west. How are you? I hope well!

Feel free to drop me a PM if you want to Swap or if you just want to talk.

Favorite Television

  • Supernatural (I'm Team Winchester most of the time. And Team Bobby)
  • CSI: NY (used to be a real CSI nut until they played with it and now I only watch NY. Love Eddie Cahill!)
  • Closer (I miss Brenda Lee!)
  • Justified
  • New Doctor Who (Love number 11! But who can forget 9 &10?)
  • NCIS (LA, too!),
  • The Soup
  • Firefly (gone, but not forgotten!)
  • Anime (anything from Hayao Miyazaki to Ouran Host Club to Cowboy Bebop to...oh god. I just LOVE anime)

Favorite Books

I'll take anything written by Dan Brown, Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Jim Butcher, Neil Gaimen, Oscar Wilde, Poe, Bob Curan or Tony Hillerman. I love the Philosophy and pop culture books! I already have Philosophy and Spiderman, Doctor Who, and Supervillains.

My favorite books include:

  • Written on the Body
  • Of Mice and Men
  • Grapes of Wrath
  • Haiku poetry books
  • Midsummer's Night Dream, Hamlet & Othello
  • Bloodsucking Fiends (funny!)
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • the Harry Potter Series
  • World War Z
  • The Millenium Trilogy

There's nothing I really wouldn't read at least once (unless it's like Mein Kemph)...Though, I really do not like MOST romance novels. But I have ended up reading some on the rec from a friend. My favorite type of books however, are mysteries (if you already couldn't tell) or biographies (Reading The American Lion right now). So, book wise, feel free to send me anything. I'm a bibliophile, and though I prefer paper. I do own a Nook color.

I love to send books, so I'm always up for a book swap!

On Twilight: Well, I like it. Not my fav. Definitely not, but I do enjoy the first three books. I disliked the last one. I am willing to do Twilight inspired swaps, but 'inspired' would be the key word...

Favorite Movies

The Old Star Wars Trilogy (you know, Han, Luke, Leia - the newer one is alright, but not my fave...), Indiana Jones Trilogy (Crystal Skull NEVER happened!), Boondock Saints, Lion in Winter, Casablanca, It's a Wonderful Life, Coraline, the Dark Knight, 28 Days Later, Night of the Living Dead, Zombieland, Old campy horror flicks, Lara Croft, Cat People, Hitchcock movies, Fargo, almost anything that has to do with Tim Burton, Ferris Buller, Goonies, and Rocky Horror Picture Show!

I just love movies...admittedly


Vintage buttons, vintage knitting needles/handmade needles,tea wallet, coin purse, handspun yarn, crocheted amigurumi, insert one of my geeky fandoms awesome craft item, tea, minatures like Re-Ment or Megahouse, blind boxes (Still trying to find more Owlets and the Venture Brothers figures from the Adult Swim - I LOVE Dr. Girlfriend), handmade beads, awesome little odds and ends (PM me whatcha got), anything with frogs on it (My niece is now in LOVE with frogs!), deco tape!

And I could ALWAYS use the following:

  • Kawaii/deco tape
  • zombie stationary
  • Cabochons (kawaii 'cute' or kawai 'spooky' preferably!)
  • Embossing powders

Favorite Music

This list could take awhile simply becayse of the amount of music I love: 3OH3, Poets of the Fall, Metric, Black Sabath, Godsmack. Iron Maiden (Especially love the mascot, Eddie the Head!). Metalica. Bob Dylan. Linkin' Park (the old stuff....the new is ehhh). Muse, Beetles. Debussy. Motzart. Massive Attack. Oakenfold. X-Ray Dog. Saosin, Led Zep. Nirvana. AC/DC. Mudvayne. Flyleaf. Paramour. Drowning Pool. Tara Jane O'Neil. Green Day. Single File. Harvey Dangerfield. Seether. E.S. Prometheus. Globulus. Cream. Doors. Joan Jett. Lady Gaga (yes, I know...). Audioslave. Depache Mode. Bush. Coldplay. Death Cab for Cutie. Owl City. The Hours. The Killers. Thirty Seconds to Mars. Sarah MacLachlan,Carlos Santana, the Runaways, the Epilogues. Florence and the Machine. Neil Diamond. Sarah Fimm. Mumford and Sons. Janis Jopplin. Abney Park!! Fallout Boy. Flobots. Group Love. Foster the People. Fun. Imagine Dragons. And so on...

I LOVE jazz! And I love classical (though not a big fan of Bach).

Oh you get the idea. Basically as long as it's not:

a) some Britney/Miley/Justin/Jonas sugary-pop induced nightmare or even sounds like them,

b) not country or

c) Panic at the Disco (and even then, I hate to admit it but I love their song Ballad of Mona Lisa)

I'll probably listen to about anything as music is practically everything to me, even though I'm not musically inclined. As Sookie said: I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it!

I do LOVE soundtracks if you can't tell. It doesn't have to be lyrical music. In fact, I prefer if the soundtracks don't have lyrics.

Favorite Crafts

Knitting (need to learn how to crochet, though, and it's going...uh slow), Jewelry, origami, 'artsy-stuff' (anything that has me painting/drawing), cooking (it's a craft!), making shrines/books/journals.

I really do not like making ATC/Scrapbooking. I can, but I'm not as fond of it. Dunno why. I'm just nutty like that.

Mostly I like fun swaps. So if you want a magic yarn ball. A bento/lunch accessory, or a whimsey jar swap. PM me!

On swaping:

I can swap:

  • hand knitted small items (hats, scarves, toys/amigurumi, bags, dishcloths, mittens) - I do not have the patience for a sweater!
  • drawings/art
  • handmade gift boxes
  • handmade cards
  • steampunk!
  • epherema
  • blind boxes
  • books
  • journals
  • letters
  • handmade jewelry
  • vintage finds
  • MYB
  • Kawaii!!
  • Origami
  • matchboxes
  • recipes

I don't mind alternate craft resources or recycling, so don't be afraid if you send me something made out of something a lot of people would call unconventional; You wanna send me a duct tape bag or a candy wrapper wallet for a swap? Do it! You think a trash bag makes a great medium?

As long as it's clean and beautiful!

I'm a good person to experiment on, provided the work isn't shoddy. And what I mean by that is it's not falling apart as soon as I get it. I'm one of those people that prefers quality to quantity!

I LOVE QUALITY HANDMADE STUFF! I love to make QUALITY handmade things!

I love to swap kawaii!

I love kitshy stuff, so don't be afraid there, either!

I'm a profile stalker (no, not the kind that's creepy), but I do try to pay attention to details!

I love to send little extras, so don't be surprised if you at least get something fun like chocolate or something to play with.

I don't mind not getting extras myself. I mean, I love them when I get them, but they aren't necessary for a heart or anything. If you really wanted to, you can send something for my 5 YO niece and my 6 YO nephew, But I forewarn you, I'm a LOT more picky on what they recieve. Anyways, if I see something they like, I'll be the good maiden auntie and dole it out to them anyways.

The exception is of course frogs, as my niece LOVES them! Don't ask why, but she does.

Both kids are resticted on the amount of candy they recieve. They're mother, more Colorado crunchy than myself, is pretty stringent on that. So therefore, Halloween, Christmas and Easter are really the only times I am allowed to give them sweets...Unless we are having a 'special' day.

The nephew loves Pez and Thomas though! So if someone could find either the James or Thomas or Toby Pez and is willing to swap it...I would LOVE you! My nephew also loves Fireman Sam....Now out here in the states it's hard to get. So if you have it and wanna trade (brand new items please). I would be up for that!

Jewelry wise. Well. Believe it or not, I'm not all that picky. I wear mostly silver/antiqued brass jewelry, but I'm up for any metal tone. I love charms. Believe me, I'm always hunting for them on the net, and as a consequence have built up quite the stash. I am, though, not as big on plastic charms for the most part - the exception being kawaii. I am ALWAYS looking for really cute cabochons!

Wrist size I'm very small. Five and a half inches around, but I like my jewelry kind of loose. Necklace lengths can vary. I have pierced ears.

Mostly I just like fun, if you can't tell. So please. Have some on me.

I am allergic to: Lavender (extremely!) and cigarette smoke (minor, but it does bother my asthma). I have exzema and sulfates do aggrivate it! Dove is one of the few brands with sullfates that I can use (though personally I prefer products that are bio degradeable and do not test on animals). So if you smoke, please PM me so I can air the items out for awhile.

Potential allergens: I do have three dogs and teen owns a cat, however, kitty is not allowed in my quaters due to my asthma. However...stray hairs, even though they aren't allowed in my quaters, do happen. Please feel free to notify me if you have any other allergies.

Also, I love feedback! Just even a PM that says I recieved is nice. If you haven't recieved, but I have notified it as sent, please feel free to pm ME! I usually try to resend OR I will at least try to send something else.

I am willing to do private swaps with newbies. BUT. There are rules: a) I will not do huge dollar swaps. b) If from the US, I will ask you get a DC number. I always get one myself! c) If I ban you from a swap, becuase you are too new, you can always do a private swap like it with me.

NOTE: I work reallllllyyy early in the morning to realllllly late at night. So please do NOT ask for a signiture. My stupid post office is only open on Saturday from 10-11 AM now (they changed the hours again) and that's usually when I have to do stuff as the weekends I don't work.

RATINGS FROM ME (PLEASE READ!): I'm going to be totally honest here about how I rate. I will rate as soon as I get your package. I give a five if it meets requirements and is on time. Hearts are given if I feel you really did an outstanding job or I think you really tried to do something special for me. Extras are nice, but unnecessary for hearts.

HOWEVER! I will immediately rate down if the package is late (over two days after the due date with a no send) and there is NO communication. I now have a ZERO TOLERANCE!! for NO COMMUNICATION. No communication + lateness = automatic 3. I will only PM/email you once about the swap. After that. I will cease to be nice.

On the other hand, I'm more than willing to give people a break in good faith. If you PM or email me telling me honestly that this will be late, well, I don't think people should be rated down if they have a good reason for it. RL gets in the way. And we've all had our moments. I'm not a rule nazi either, so if the post mark is within that 1-3 day range, I won't rate you down for it.

I generally give packages a month (count the day you marked sent) to get here. I will Pm you after that. No communication means I have no choice but to assume the worst. So please. Answer your PMs.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Amigurumi, polka dots, knitting, motorcycles, my peony yukata, Asian-influenced things, bento (I have one two-tier box), Medical stuff and images, chocolate and other sweets (I love getting candy I have never tried before!), almond butter (even though I'm slightly allergic), organic/enviromentally friendly items (I hate animal testing, so I prefer products like JASON which do not test on animals), blind boxes!!! Especially Re-Ment, sushi, zombies/horror flicks, the paranormal and urban legends, TIM BURTON ANYTHING!!!, vampires, werewolves, tea/caffiene, Izzie and Ramune sodas, Lara Croft and Nathan Drake, steampunk, my Converse sneakers, leather (I'm from the Southwest and was an old....Hey not that old! biker chick at one time), any color that is bright/jewel toned; though brown is my fave, animals ( I espcially LOVE bird Motiffs), nature & botany (I love anything with plants and flowers on it!), math (I have a lot of coffee mugs with random math formulas and the like), history, mythology, reading, RPGing, Tarot cards, Dia de los muertos stuff, cryptozoology, vintage, kawaii, hockey (Go Avalanche!), the 'southwest art look', superheroes, Harry Potter, the Victorian/Neo-Victorian look, ancient cultures (especially Central American cultures)....and any of the motiffs listed above!

Kawaii: I LOVE Sentimental Circus! It's my fave! And anything with Mouton or Shappo will be beloved! I also love Jewel Cat and Chou-Fleur Bunny! I'm a real San-X fan (if you can't tell!), but Q-Lia is also pretty awesome. I love strawberries and nesting dolls! I'm not a HUGE fan of Hello Kitty, but I like her and anything Hello Kitty will be fine. Not a BIG fan of Disney, but if you PM me about it first....I will take a look at what you have to offer. That said however, if I am in a 'kawaii swap' I usually expect kawaii brands. That's not to say you couldn't send me Disney, but you'd better PM me first!! It's common courtesy.

That said. I will only send, unless stated on your profile!, kawaii brands such as Sanrio, San-X, Q-Lia, Cram Cream, Kamio, etc items. So if in a kawaii swap with me, you don't have to worry about Disney or Diddle (unless you state on your profile you like that kind of stuff and indicate you expect to get it in a kawaii swap).

I LOVE Hallloween, Dia De Los Muertos and Samhain! Love! I'm not picky on motiffs, though I have a real love for anything with human anatomy, skulls and bones and the like. If it looks like it belongs on a Jolly Roger, you're good! Heck! Send a Jolly Roger! I love dem bones! Most of my decorations happen to be purple and black (I dunno why. I just seem to get them that color). But hey. Send me spiders! Send me creepy! Send me nostalgic! Not really into cute, but hey, I got a niece who hates my obsession with creepy and would probably LOVE cute Halloween stuff for a change -she won't come on my porch for Halloween :( Oh well! But I LOVE me some Halloween!! I love Christmas, too! But Halloween is MY FAVORITE!

I love the Paranormal!!! Ghosts! Fairies! Demons! Witches! Cryptozoology (I so want a Nessie! Or you know a Wendigo pal, extra points if it looks like Supernatural's! Or a Yeti! If someone out there can make one, I would be your BFF for LIFE! But I'm not picky, you can make me whatever cryptozoolgical animal tickles your fancy!)! I love it all! So, don't worry about sending me anything there. I won't be freaked out. Well, unless yours is so freaking amazing! Note: I'm not really HOPING people will go crazy over the Etsy faves. If you can make or find items like that, it's cool. It's just to give you an idea of what creepiness to get me.

Dislikes: white chocolate (there is NO such thing - though I do make the exception with those yummy Lindorf truffles), spelling, 'dead' looking colors (Beige - Not tan or chocolate brown or light/dusty browns, but the kind of color that's yellowish that relators paint houses, 'off whites', and sickly, baby puke yellows not a fan of!), brussle sprouts, bigotry in any form, Flakers! (who likes them anyways?), Jones sodas.

Thank you

If you read this entire monster. If not, don't worry. I don't expect you to memorize it all. There is no test here.


capi rated for Re-Gift some Re-ment (or other Minis) on Apr 15, 2013
Comment: The items were very cute!!! Thanks.
Comment: thanks she is so cute and the pattern on the box i really like th colors thanks very much
Response: Thanks!
DuhBe rated for Art for my Dollhouse on Mar 25, 2013
Comment: Thank you for the artwork. I like the pink and aqua tree the best. It will look great in my shabby chic cottage that i need to hurry up and finish!
Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it!
Comment: WOW! You sent so many really cute and wonderful things for Mabel to play with! I especially love the tiny cocktail~! And the lobster dinner, the necklace, the tiny little lei, the cute wooden case, complete with monogram! The tiny hotel shampoo bottle and apparently she stole one of the towels, too! Sounds like Mable all right! What a delightful box! A million billion hearts to you for going way above and beyond!
Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it!
patumma rated for Patumma and witchfire on Feb 27, 2012
Comment: Oh my goodness Kate! What a spectacular package! I don't even know how to tell you how much i love every single little thing! All the lovely bit and pieces for doing decoden! The fun cabochons will be perfect for the hair accessories I am currently making! And chocolate and strawberry glue sticks even!!! And hello kitty rement and my favorite kind of chocolate! I truly appreciate all the thought and effort you put into making this a special package for me! Many hugs and hearts!!! Pat
Comment: Wow it took me an hour just to unwrap this yarn ball =) ....Thank you so much I like it all and the little scissors have already came in handy :)
Princesskitty rated for Valentine Cupcake Swap on Feb 6, 2012
Comment: Thank you so much for my awesome swap! You really brightened my day with your thoughtful presentation and items. I LOVE everything in it!
Comment: OMG...You have done a wonderful job on this. I want to cheat and open all the wonderful goodies. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!! I will try and hold out on the opening everything, but I am not gonna make any promises. ♥♥♥
Response: He he he...I know it's horrible huh! It's killing me!
Comment: Wow, what a fab package to receive :-) I have never read the Dresden Files so I am looking forward to giving it a go :-) And I love the bookmarks.... The Boys also would love to send big ratty kisses to say Thank You for their Yogies and the toys, they LOVE them!!! Thank you so much :-) <3
smokeyquartz1980 rated for Pendulum Board on Sep 9, 2011
Comment: OMG!!! You did an amazing job on this board!!! I absolutely love it, and the pendulum and the skulls are extra awesome!!! Thank you so much!!!!
Coco26 rated for Steampunk Victorian Inspiration Kit on Jul 23, 2011
Comment: I am truly truly TRULY impressed and dazzled by the amount of time and effort you put into making this beautiful package. I absolutely love everything you sent, and the story of the seamstress as well! It's the perfect story to create a piece around. Thank you thank you THANK you!! You didn't just send a swap, you sent a gift from your heart and it's something I've forgotten to do recently in the swaps I've sent out. You're an amazing partner to have!
Response: I am so glad you liked it all! Thank you, I blush!
Comment: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe what an awesome, AWESOME package you sent!!!!! I just love everything you sent, you are so generous!!!!! This was one of the most thoughtful and beautiful packages I have ever received, thank you so, so much for making my whole week!!!! xxxx
Response: *laughs* I was just stoked that the Egyptian shop over here didn't close. *hugs* Glad you enjoyed everything though. Sometimes we all need to be spoiled!
maybejustperhaps rated for Ghost Hunting Kit! on May 24, 2011
Comment: Thank you for another awesome package. I love the bag and all the gear inside. The Venus of Willendorf necklace is so cool...it reminds me of my first art history class freshman year.
Response: So glad you loved everything. Saw you wanted a Venus on your Etsy faves.
Comment: This package made my day. Thank you for all the goodies. I haven't read any of the books yet and can't wait to start Bone Key after my finals are over next week. I love the scent you chose for the lotion and soap. I really really love the bracelet. It's so cool!
Response: So glad! Thank you!!
Comment: Oh how I love this bracelet!!!!! I wore it to work today and got ssssoooo many compliments!!!! Thank you for the extra smudge sticks can't wait to use them:-)
Response: Yay! Glad you love it!
Comment: This was the coolest swap ever! I loved everything & I gave my mom the Beatles notebook which made her day as well. I would give you two hearts & fives if I could!
Response: So glad your mom loved it!!! And you did too!!
Sam rated for Supernatural Journal on Apr 9, 2011
Comment: i loved the journal and all the extra bits you included :) sorry i didnt rate before
Response: That's alright. Thank you!
Comment: Oh my ..waht a truly amazing package! Not only the truly amazing goodies ... a beautiful yarn ball for me and the one for my kids..alpaca yet wow! And all the amazing specially chosen treats and extras, the beautiful handmade tags.. but even more importantly the care that was put into the entire package. I am truly touched. Sending many hugs and hearts! Pat
Response: I blush. I am soo happy you loved it *hugs* Have a happy holiday and thank you for being my partner!
SpaRroW25 rated for Steampunk Medals/Badges! on Dec 4, 2010
Comment: This was AMAZING!!! Thank you so much!!! And the earrings are awesome! Perfect surprise in my day at work when my husband dropped it off at the front desk! Thank you!
liljesmax rated for LOADED Charm Bracelet Swap~! on Nov 28, 2010
Comment: Omgosh! Thank you so much for the wonderful package! I absolutely love the bracelet and matching earrings! Perfect! Me and my little ones shared the yummy chocolate while examining all the charms. I hope the bracelet you get is as wonderful! =D <3
Response: So glad you liked it. Thank you!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 28 15 16
Completed Fives Threes Ones
28 30 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 0 27 0
View all

Currently In

  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


Mandii79 on Apr 2, 2012:

Hi, I've started a Bingo game in the group Supernatural Fanatics, come on by and join in :D

Mistyinltown on Nov 29, 2011:


Paige1900 on Oct 5, 2011:


You are completely awesome! And that is an understatement!!!

maybejustperhaps on Oct 1, 2011:

Thank you for the angel on the jewelry swap!

Paige1900 on Sep 12, 2011:

Keep on bouncing back...things will get better!

alt text

lunarwillow on Jun 6, 2011:

Hi! Just letting you know I posted your amis today...I hope you love them as much as I did - I had a hard time posting them, LOL! xxx

brighid82 on May 3, 2011:

Welcome to Swap-Bot Witches United!!

witchfire on Mar 25, 2011:

laughs Do like Dexter, our serial killer with something of a heart, but not my favorite show. Unfortunately. I reaaaalllly don't like to make ATCs. Recieving is fine. But making.....bleh. I'm not half as good or creative and I always feel like my work falls short

zombiekittie on Mar 25, 2011:

Wrong person I sent that too, sorry your the NCIS fan, I'm doing an ATC of that show. Sorry

zombiekittie on Mar 25, 2011:

I'm doing a Dexter ATC swap and I thought I'd tell you about it because I know how you love Dexter!

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