All ratings for TexyDeb
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Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating
Response: u r welcome, i appreciate u rating
Response: I don't think you need to apologize for rating what you did. I did not follow the rules properly. thank you for rating
P.S, I had added one for myself in round #34. I will from now on add one for myself if I haven't received one to send on.
P.S. The blanks were meant as a gift for you. I hope you find a use for them.
Response: thank you kindly for the heart, I hope you find a use for the blank ones
Response: Thank you kindly for rating. there are holidays for every Saint. Some churchs (over 500) Open ONLY on the celebration of their Saints Day. So once a year, they cook a huge meal, depending on the Saint it is sometimes vegetarian meals. It is the only day that church is open. It is for anyone and everyone to come, eat drink and be merry.
Response: Reading this brightened my day. Thank you so very much!
Response: You are welcome. thank you for hosting it
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly. my little one has a stubby tail now. FINALLY covered in hair. It was horrible for so long. She is back to normal. I do miss seeing her beautiful tail.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you kindly!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. I am grateful to you.
Response: thank you for rating
Response: you are welcome! :)
Response: You are welcome! :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kindness and rating.
Response: You are welcome! I wish you health and love!
Response: You are welcome, thank you.
Response: I'm glad they got there. I would have joined you on your trip! ;) The views are still the same, breathtaking. I will for you love, helath and safe travels.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. The views and traditional homes are amazing.
Response: I'm glad you got it and like it. Pearls and Opals relax me.
Response: today the word is calm
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating. Did the original arrive?
Response: OH WOW! I was so nervous, worried! It is delicious. I love this recipe and do it every year. Thank you very much! I wish you love and health!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you!
Response: #81 arrived! woo hoo I hope you recover quickly! ((hugs)) thank you
Response: You are welcome. thank you too
Response: You are welcome. It is a tuff one. ha ha ha I have to do 2 stitches as one, I hope that makes sense. It says I love country and has red hearts and B&W cows around in a square. I am not real good at this electronic stuff. I will try to send you a picture. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you got to visit with the little ones. Thank you for rating me.
Response: It is truly beautiful. It is overbuilt now but the views are still amazing!
Response: Thank you kindly. Happy New Year
Response: You are welcome, thank you, Happy New Year
Response: I'm sorry it took so long. Recently a partner got her swap after 2 1/2 months. I was shocked. I cannot explain what is going on. Thank you kindly for the heart. I wish you health and love.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: you are welcome
Response: You are welcome
Response: You are welcome. I'm glad you like the extra one. be well
Response: OH, that's bad. I hope you signed them for me. I am sorry and sad that I didn't sign them. 1/2 the fun in getting one back is seeing where it's been. You are welcome. I appreciate the rating and your kindness. I wish for you health and love.
Response: I am a little jealous. So wonderful that you get to watch the babies too. I get to see the tiny local birds and listen to them. I still don't have a fish tank yet. I am waiting until I get an income from our Airbnb. ha ha, hopefully sometime next year ;P
Response: I am sorry, very sorry. I cannot explain it. thank you very much for your kindness Good GRIEF I am sorry, it is horrible and again I am truly sorry you are very kind
Response: You are welcome. The visit for me was OK but for my husband he was over the top happy. For that I am grateful.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked them.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Tex-Mex is still my favorite but 2nd is Greek food. I will be waiting when you arrive. ((hugs))
Response: It was OK. My husband was over the hill with happiness. We are OK. I hope y'all are too.
Response: you are welcome
Response: HI, thank you so much for your kind words. I am under less stress but have a huge problem hanging over my head. I try not to worry becuase that will not solve anything and can make me sick. ha ha ha I am better. I hope you are healthy and loved.
Response: I do live in a beautiful place. The views are breathtaking and I neve get enough of them. the renovations are over. Now waiting to get customer(s). I have now only 2 of my 3 kids here on the island. One moved back from Wales after a break up with his girlfriend. He is living at home now. Strange and wonderful. ha ha I don't get to the beach(s) as often as I want. The new buildings around my home have blocked 99% of my view. :( I love the island but want it to quit allowing more buildings. I hope you are well and get to some clear water soon.
Response: You are welcome. :D
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. I was happy to find a beach postage stamp!
Response: Sadly still in stress mode but a little lighter. I wish for you love and health!
You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words.
Response: Fall and Winter here is quiet. You can enjoy the views without the crowds. Many places stay open all year round now. Be sure to let me know if you swing by here.
Response: Hi, you are welcome. Thank you for your kind words. It still doesn't seem possible that I won't ever hug him or hear him say girl again. The way he say girl always warmed my heart. I accept death is part of living but it sure hurts. I wish you love and health!
Response: Sadly I forgot to write down what I sent you. His birthday was December 31. New years Eve. lol I am sorry I didn't write them down.
Response: ha ha, it's okay, I hope you are well
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your incredible kindness.
Response: Oh my goodness. Saddest news. One day at a time is very hard. Keep it up. Sending loving hugs to you all.
Response: ha ha ha, I couldn't handle it these days but I loved it then
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for your kind words. I'm hanging on. It will pass.
Response: You are welcome. Contact me when you get here.
Response: I wear a pair of pearls from time to time and that is about it. You are welcome. Thank you sweetie.
Response: He was in Cardiff. I wanted to go there. Oh well. ha ha You are welcome, thank you.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you
Response: Thank you kindly. I am still struggling but "this too shall pass".
Response: ha ha ha, it was a crzy day, 2 friends visiting my daughter and her family from Germany and a tiny 2 month old grand baby and all of us wanting so many things, ha ha ha, I hope next time it will be a calm relaxed trip and I get to see the inside, not just the small gift shop outside...even that was rushed ha ha ha We will make it! (right)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you
Response: You are welcome, thank you.
Response: So cool that we matched on some. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Sadly more fires have broke out here. I read about Hawaii and all the deaths. Horrifying! I am glad you liked everything. Thank you. We are far away from all the fires here.
Response: I agree. ha ha ha
Response: Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you liked it all. You are very welcome.
Response: You are welcome, thank you too!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you too.
Response: Hi thank you for your kind words and the heart.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. I love these swaps.
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you!
Response: uh-oh, sorry, land please, with visits to the water, tyvm ((hugs))
Response: Country Life on FB. I have played since it came out. Sad/odd there are players playing for a short time that are better at it. It used to bother me. Now I just play/farm at my own pace in my own way. I truly enjoy flowers. Even the "weeds" that grow wild around the island and only come out in the Spring and early Summer! I don't remember mums in my family, holihocks and roses were popular in my family, ha ha
Response: You are welcome. I read what ever comes my way. I rarely start reading something and can't finish it. lol
Response: We are almost ready. lol I never imagined it would take so long. We need to put up a few decorations. Buy towels, sheets and pillowcases, take pictures and done!
Response: You are welcome. I love living here. I don't appove of the over building that has happened in the last 3 years. The views are still here and truly breathtaking. Getting around and finding parking space is very hard now.
Response: You are welcome. I lived in Portland. Still have family there. I hope you and your family are well.
Response: ha ha ha, cat lovers, we can't resist their meows and the looks in their eyes, the mama and her babies still come around and sadly won't let us get near them, the neighbor cat is coming around again, I don't know where he was getting his extra meals from for about a month, lol
Response: lol you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. It is so hard to pick only 5. lol
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: Growing up we ate them because we had too. I am grateful that now i can just look at them. :)
Response: That was my last cat postcard. There are more around here. the most popular postcards or the most abundant are the ones with the blue domed church's. I am bored with them. lol Have a hppy safe Summer!
Response: No relief or help with the tendinitis. Will soon meet up with a thirIt made me nastalgic for the music of that era.d doctor.
Response: You are welcome, thank you. happy Summer
Response: You are welcome. they have over built the island but the view remains! I am grateful for that.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I am glad you liked it.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. 32 years ago I moved here, these cookies were available at bakeries only and for a short time after the wine making season, Now days they are available all year round from different companies. Some are hard. They have less flavor. I like the soft ones. ha ha be well
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. I haven't received from my partner yet. Dropping off round 6 tomorrow.
Response: he he he, letting go is so hard, thanks for the heart and you are welcome, it was a fun swap
Response: Thank you for the kind words and the heart. You are welcome. It feels weird but I am adjusting and getting into a routine, Santorini views are breath taking. As are many other places in Greece. be well
Response: You are welcome. Snail mail is wonderful! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, Thank you for the heart.
Response: It truly was for me. I hope someday to have more grand babies even if I don't get to help. lol
Response: WHAT? That is, well it seems impossible. I wonder how it got stuck. One in a million, woo hoo, thanks for passing it on.
Response: It is too busy for me now but the beauty continues to amaze me.
Response: You are welcome. Enjoy Spring
Response: You are welcome. i am glad you liked it.
Response: oh boy, good luck
Response: Debra, ha ha, I am glad you agree. have a lovely day
Response: You are welcome. I don't have them here. I just find their color incredible. I have a type of pigeon that coos all day long but it sounds like an owl. ha ha
Response: You are kind, have a lovely day.
Response: you are welcome, flowers are lovely
Response: you are welcome
Response: I made it for 40 days. Now I am much less meat but the same amount of cheese as ever. ha ha
Response: Thank for your organizing ways. You are welcome.
Response: I struggeled but it was fun. You are welcome, thanks for rating.
Response: he he he, I wish I had more than one. <3 you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. I hope you visit. It's worth the trip.
Response: You are welcome. The views are incredible! ;)
Response: bummer it took so long, I am glad you liked it, Spring is coming in here, I am enjoying it
Response: cool, the ones here hold folks that it still hurts to visit, if they were big an not with loved ones, I would enjoy walking there
Response: You are welcome. he he, no thanks on meeting real ones, take care and enjoy where you are
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: WOW! That took a long time to get to you. I am glad you finally got it.
Response: Cool, thank you and for the heart
Response: Bummer about the cancelation. Thank you for the heart. You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. The remodeling is going good.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: I like it. It is good advice. thank you
Response: ha ha ha, all answered on the next postcard, ha ha ha
Response: So far it is all OK. It is hard to have workers around from 8 am to 6 pm. (6 days a week) I am hanging onto hope that it will all work out.
Response: The snail mail from here or there or/and the reverse is truly messed up. Some arrive up to 6 weeks later. !!!??? It is annoying. I am glad it arrived quicker.
Response: thank you, I was surprised because this is the one I chose. I love Dr. Seuss. My first born and my only daughter also loves him. Her two younger brothers pay no attention. ha ha
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. We are remodeling the top half of our home to rent to tourists. We will be OK!
Response: Bummer about the lost one. I am glad the resend arrived safely. Thank you for your patience and rating.
Response: Thank you for the heart. I love the island and do not want to leave. It is being overbuilt. We don't have parking or the proper roads to support the visitors. I am happy to say the view and beauty are still here. I married a Geek American who wanted to return to Greece. We ended up here before the island exploded into popularity. I am grateful for that. I still enjoy the views. I have lived in Greece for 32 years. 31 of them on the island.
Response: The views here are incredible. I have lived here for many years. I still enjoy and love the views. Thank you for the heart.
Response: It is a fun game. I guessed wrong on my partners. ha ha A 1st cousin on my Dad's side of the family is Deanna. She was born and still lives in Texas. My first child was born in May.
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: WOW! This got to you very quick.
Response: You are welcome. Oregon is incredibly beautiful.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thank you VERY much. We are remodeling to separate and open up the top floor of the house to rent to tourists. We will be OK. I am still struggling with this.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words.
Response: ha ah ah ha, cool, enjoy, thank you for the heart
Response: ha ha ha, it's weird for me too, I grew up with Friday the 13th which just past, you are welcome
Response: you are welcome, hearts back to you
Response: ty, did you get the others?
Response: Thank you for the heart. I didn't make it to the UK in 2022 but maybe this year.
Response: you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you too.
Response: Sorry about that. It sucks when that happens. Truly sorry I did it to you.
Response: You are welcome. My husband still won't let me talk about Stripey or Mini and a part of me still waits for them to come home. Loss is painful. Thank you for you kind words..
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words. We lost the lease and will not be moving our shop. To have an income we are remodeling and renting out part of our home to tourists.
Response: you are welcome, I like the scan thing as it offers English too, ha ha
Response: You are welcome, ty too
Response: You are welcome, ty too!
Response: snail mail is a crazy thing, sometime 2 weeks other times 2 months or more??? you are welcome, ty u 2
Response: you are welcome
Response: Sorry! I write the date I am writing the postcard. Then I hit the sent button on the day I actually drop it off. Most times they don't match but within a few days. Not months. It happened to one other swap partner. It took the postcard 2 months to reach her. It was postmarked 2 weeks before she got it. ? ? ? At least yours can be a spooky Halloween thing. ha ha It also happened to a small package of blank holiday greeting cards. Sad because it was the last thing, he sent me, and he didn't know it finally arrived. anyway, thank you very much for your kindness
Response: You are welcome. I love and miss the ones that are gone.
Response: I agree. People are getting swaps I sent 2 months ago but they are stamped as if I sent it weeks before???This annoys me. If I am going to send out late I notify my partner. Anyway, snail mail is earning its name this last year.
Response: OCTOBER 24TH??? I don't understand how that is possible! I want to scream and say bad words right now. SERIOUSLY??? Also, postcards are taking 6 weeks to get to the US and Canada. I am VERY sorry and have no explanation for such a thing. With all my heart I am sorry. Once, recently, I forgot to drop off a postcard and told my partner. It was the day after. Not such a long time. I wish I could find out why such thing happened and how it got to you so quick if I had mailed it so horribly late.
Response: She is a ceramics artist. She lost the lease on her studio here. She lives again in Hamilton with her elderly parents. It is a small world. :) Thank you for rating.
Response: WOW! I sent this in June. thank you for rating
Response: ha haha, drink more water, good, I went off milk for many years now, EXCEPT in my coffee and an occasional bowl of cereal
Response: OH boy! Sorry you were sick! Oddly something in the air is causing me allergic reactions in my nose and eyes. ha ha ha
Response: so sorry, I sent it SEPTEMER 9th? ? ?
Response: thank you, it makes me feel good that you liked it all, be well
Response: ha ha, ;) yummy in my tummy
Response: you are welcome :)
Response: you are welcome, ty
Response: Recently I read, even if we are having a bad day there is something good in it, you are welcome and thank you too
Response: tyvm, I am better, this is life, I don't remember why I sent so many but I am glad you liked them, ha ha
Response: woo hoo super cool, come to Nissi market in Imerovigli. . . I will treat you
Response: ha ha ha, ty for brightening my day, I work everday from April until November. My home used to have a view now hotels are blcoking the view. My shop is across the street from an incredible view. I have been blessed with lovley customers. He quit and I was grateful but then he kept coming around here, uuggghhh but finally I told him do not come around here, he quit because he found a job that paid more, ha ha, good for him, I am doing good. be well
Response: I remember my first inside one, so strange but the view, WOW, ha ha
Response: u r welcome, so very welcome
Response: so sorry for the delay, the island has been ovr packed and is now packed, lol thta may be the problem with the mail, be well, tyvm
Response: Waiting fir your arrival! ((hugs))
Response: u r welcome, it truly is beautiful here
Response: you r welcome, be safe
Response: ty for your kind words, you are welcome, ((hugs))
Response: you are welcome, ty for rating
Response: I was lucky to visit it 3 times and it moved me every time. I got to go to it's museum once and I was blown away. . .be well and I hope you come back
Response: you are welcome, tyvm
Response: ((hugs)) right back to you sweetie, I hope your friend arrives and leaves safely You are welcome and thanks for rating.
Response: You are welcome. She did get a head injury and has a bald spot that won't heal. Her sense of smell and taste aren't back yet. She can't drive yet. There is another surgery scheduled for next year. BUT she is OK. thank you for your kindness and prayers ((hugs))
Response: ha ha ha, thank you
Response: you are welcome, I hope you are well, we are OK here
Response: you are welcome
Response: I am glad it made you laugh, hands are better
Response: you are welcome, ty for your patience
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome, ty for rating
Response: big smile knowing that, ty, I don't get to hear frogs anymore :(
Response: thank you for taking the time to give a rating
Response: You are welcome! :D
Response: Frustrating that a postcard is taking so long to arrive. You are welcome. I enjoy reading your news. 22:12 and 70 F here no high wind , finaly, today
Response: Good grief a month and 4 days! Sorry! I have a few red roses left. Found 1 pink one today. They are ending their blooming time now.
Response: Sad it took so long to get to you. I haven't had time to finish it. :( Very little free time during the season here. I don't have anyone or anywhere to pass on my books. Thank you so much!
Response: Wow, finaly! From May 6th! You are welcome. I am enjoying having her around. :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words. I don't have that view but I would like to. ha ha
Response: Thank you. I mailed this April 7. I'm sorry it took so long.
Response: HA HA! FINALY! The re-send will arrive at some point, enjoy it!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you very much. Very hot here today, lol!
Response: You are welcome, haven't finished it yet. Adjusting to being back to work. 7 days a week 8 or 9 hours a day. It will get up to 10 hours a day in July and August. Thank you, I wish you health and love.
Response: You are welcome! TYVM! BE WELL!
Response: Thank you very much! <3 I hope you are well.
Response: I hope you get here. Thank you
Response: You are welcome, thank you
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome, ty
Response: you are welcome, ty, i'm a bit of a mess these days
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: rotflol, Crete the Greek island near me
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome, ty
Response: tyvm, not needed
Response: you are welcome, ty
Response: ha ha ha, trying to
Response: You are welcome
Response: You are welcome, ty
Response: You are welcome, ty
Response: True! You are welcome. TY!
Response: You are welcome, ty
Response: You are welcome, ty
Response: You are welcome, ty, the mail is nuts
Response: You are welcome, ty
Response: You are welcome, ty
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome! Nuts that it took 3 months to get to you. So sorry!
Response: Thank you. I know he listens. The non answered prayers are hard to take but he knows best. Praise the Lord!
Response: Thank you and Praise the Lord.
Response: Thank you kindly for your patience. Again I am sorry you had to wait so long for the re-send and may the original rest in peace where ever it got to!
Response: thank you, you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome, ty
Response: You are welcome,ty
Response: You are welcome, ty
Response: Weird! Thank you
Response: You are welcome, so sad that the re-send took a month to get to you. I would like to see where are the mail that doesn't get delivered ends up!
Response: You are welcome. Makes me happy you liked them.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating!
Response: She is delightful and non-stop! <3 I think maybe all grandparents can go on and on about their grand babies. I'm glad you didn't get bored to read about her. ha ha ha thank you very much for the heart
Response: Thank you for your kind words and lovely heart that is like your own.
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart. I wish for you an abundance of heart's in 2022
Response: You are welcome. Sometimes life hurts. I will be okay. Thank you
Response: You are welcome thank you too. be careful
Response: Sadly a 1 rating on a swap I re-sent brought the New Year to a sad start. I had re-sent on Dec 28 and gat the 1 on Jan 2. Anyway. . .I hope you are well..
Response: thank you kindly, I wish you love and health
Response: Does not matter sweetie, I am freaking out because I have one rating after I told her I had re-sent it. I wish you love and health
Response: Thank you very much, Happy New Year blessed with love and health
Response: thank you very much. I am blessed. I wish for you love and health.
Response: You are welcome
Response: You are welcome, sweet lady
Response: you are welcome
Response: woo hoo, ha ha, Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome! hAPPY nEW yEAR!
Response: Do not worry about rating late sweetie. I hope you are OKAY. Happy New Year!
Response: I agree. It is strange to not get one back. Now I want to take the ferry to Athens and drop a bottle in the sea and see if I get it before I get a postcard back, ha ha ha Happy New Year!
Response: uh-oh, I guess you and I just didn't get that "gene" ha ha Happy safe Holiday season I wish for you and yours
Response: You are welcome. I wish you love filled holiday season with the ones you want.
Response: thank you kindly, I hope your holiday season is filled with love health and safety
Response: You are welcome. I hope you have relaxed holiday season time with loved ones and health.
Response: You are welcome. I hope this season brings joy and little to NO STRESS! With loved ones and health!
Response: You are welcome! :) I hope your holidays are safe happy, filled with love and health!
Response: You are welcome. I'm to get to visit again soon and see more of the UK and Wales. I hope your holiday time is filled with loving fun and health.
Response: You are welcome. I hope the holidays are safe and fun with health.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome, your kind words warm my heart and soul. I wish for you safe, fun, healthy holidays that you get to share with loved ones!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you. Happy Holiday season for you and your loved ones.
Response: You are welcome. I hope the holidays are safe and fun for you and your loved ones.
Response: thank you, have a fun filled safe holiday season
Response: thank you, she left and came back, it is very busy and so fun, she is 2 and super cute and funny, here at home, I drink regular filter coffee, ha ha ha, have happy safe holidays
Response: You are welcome. I hope your holidays are safe and fun. be well
Response: Hi sweetie, You are welcome. Happy Holiday season with love and health.
Response: You are welcome. I hope these days are safe, fun and filled with loved ones.
Response: It was wonderful and now she is back for awhile. It's wonderful. Happy Holidays
Response: You are very welcome, be welll
Response: You are welcome, I hope you get here! <3
Response: You are welcome, I am hoping I get more some day, ha ha ha thank you sweetie
Response: ha h ha ha, We have ouzo here and it reminds me of black licorice. . .It's VERY popular but for me YUK! Happy Halloween!
Response: Thank you for the heart. Since I started the epilepsy meds, I have not had an episode. I looked up what you have, I am so very sorry. We'll open a drug store together to save money, ((hugs)) lol I wish you love and improved health. . .
Response: lucky you, be safe
Response: You're welcome, if only! ;)
Response: ha ha, cool, you are welcome
Response: You are welcome! I will be OK. thank you
Response: You are welcome. I agree.
Response: You are welcome. :D
Response: oh, WOW! That was a silly thing to do. I am so glad it got to you and thank you kindly for the heart. be safe
Response: You are welcome. :D
Response: you are welcome
Response: thank you kindly, return hopes for you and your loved ones
Response: You are welcome!
Response: again, I am sorry
Response: uh-oh! Sorry but happy that you got 2 instead of none, be safe
Response: Always a pleasure and puts a smile on my face and warms my heart! thank you kindly
Response: It is so cool, sometimes I think I would be close to the folks I swap with. Due to what we have in common. be safe and happy
Response: You re welcome! be safe
Response: You are welcome. I hope they get home at some point, ;)
Response: NO WAY! That is out of this world super cool! We came in 1991 on our honeymoon. Returned to live here in 1993. You will not recognize the island now!
Response: thank you, be safe
Response: Thank you, be well
Response: You are welcome :)
Response: you are welcome, :D
Response: you are welcome, be safe
Response: you are welcome, be safe
Response: super cool, I hope you come here, you are welcome, thank you
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly! <3 :)
Response: You are welcome! take care
Response: grand daughters are priceless <3 You are welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for your kindness
Response: Japan, oh my and I complain because mine are in England. I am glad they get to visit you. be well
Response: he he he, At the least the mouse has enough to eat, thank you and you are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. I love reading about looking at and eating food, ha ha ha
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: Thank you! be safe
Response: You are welcome. It is very pretty here. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: thank you kindly, I appreciate your lovely words, it made me feel better on a really bad day, you are welcome, take care, be sfe
Response: cool, it is pretty here, thank you for rating, be safe
Response: You are welcome, thank you too, we are okay
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating. be safe
Response: You are welcome! :0
Response: You are welcome sweetie, thank you too. be safe
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: oh no, I am so sorry, that is a bummer, thank you kindly for rating, be safe
Response: you are welcome, thank you kindly for taking the time to rate, be safe
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for rating. be safe
Response: Thank you, you ar welcome. I am glad it made you smile. be safe
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: Ha ha ha, I like that. Thank you. Be well and love like there is no tomorrow.
Response: True! You are welcome! Enjoy one and think of me eating mine here. ;)
Response: Woo hoo! You are welcome! :D
Response: Thank you. I'm messy in all things, no order, lol! Drives 2 of my kids crazy. The other one is like me.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: What an adventure this swap has been, ha ha ha! Be safe. I wish you happy endings to all your swaps!
Response: You are welcome! I hope to see y'all! Be safe!
Response: I work everyday. Average 4 pm until 1 am. I don't get to hang out at the beach. ha ha I do get the view though. Thank you for the heart. I wish you Summer vibes!
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you are OK! thanks for rating
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. Read more! ha haha I tell myself this all the time.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. If only our lsts were true. ha ha
Response: ha ha ha, me too, anytime of the day. You are welcome. I wish you a good appetite. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for taking the time to rate. I hope you and your loved ones are safe.
Response: You are welcome. It is hot and busy. I am grateful for the busy part. ha ha ha I wish you a happy day!
Response: Thank you. I love here. I'm working 4 pm until 1 am 7 days a week. I still love it. You are welcome. Thanks for rating.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating
Response: :D You are welcome. Thank you for rating and be safe!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for taking the time to rate me! <3
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating with a heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you too.
Response: I hope you get here or any Greek island. They are all beautiful. Part of it is the color of the water. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Be safe.
Response: You are swelcome, sweetie, have fun and be safe.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. Sad that it took so long to get to you. be safe and enjoy your little ones
Response: You are welcome. Make sure you let me know. I will help in any way I can.
Response: Oh, yeah, I remember those. ha ha
Response: Cool, I hope you enjoy it there. Have fun, be safe. You are welcome!
Response: ha ha ha, you are welcome, great description
Response: You're welcome.
Response: he he, thank you for your patience in reading it, ha ha, you are welcome, thank you kindly
Response: you are welcome, this is my first time doing this and the amount of playing cardsis astounding! have fun
Response: thank you, be safe
Response: a little over shared but thank you kindly
Response: ha ha ha, sorry about that thank you kindly
Response: Woo hoo, FINALY! Soon folks who have the vaccine can go with out a mask. I don't trust that but things are better here.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your uplifting words. Be safe! Be yourself!
Response: That delivery time is nuts. I have gotten postcards within 8 days late from the USA. It was 83f earlier while I watered the garden. I thought that was hot, 100 YIKES! I don't like to sit outside now in the evenings because my husband is working at our Nissi Market. :( It is better outside about 9:30 pm but lonely. I will continue to wear my mask in public. Soon folks who have the shot do not have to wear a mask here. I don't trust that. I get the very basic home/house work done. the heat is so dry. be safe and thank you kindly
Response: Thank you and things are better here. We have Nissi Market and it is doing better. We have lovely tourists. Some folks are complaining. That is sad it is much better than last year. be safe
Response: You are welcome, thanks for your patience. That was over a month. WOW!
Response: You are welcome! :D
Response: You are welcome! Be safe and thank you!
Response: ((hugs)) thank you for your kind words
sadly/happy though, my other son is home, he split with his girfriend
Response: You are welcome.
Response: ha ha mosquito's are already eating on me
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating! ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to rate me.
Response: Yes, I live here and love the island. Did you enjoy your time here. We are in Imerovigli. You are welcome.
Response: ha ha, I'm glad they're both there. You are welcome. Thank you kindly for your patience and rating.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you and sending hugs to you too.
Response: I am sorry. Glad to hear you are out now. Be safe! Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. I hope you enjoy the books. Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome! Our neighbor's cat comes a few times a day and DEMANDS food. I'm glad you have a welcoming cat. Be safe and enjoy your neighborhood and it's friendly cat.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for rating. Masks are required here, everywhere. Be safe.
Response: You are welcome. I was happy I had that postcard. :) Some are arriving quickly but others are very late, It's odd. Be safe!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for rating.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. I have not received any of mine from this swap, sadly. Thank you for your patience and rating me.
Response: OH No! Older lady moment I guess. ha ha ha, sorry about that. You are welcome. I thank you for rating.
Response: We are doing better here, thank you. You are welcome. I appreciate you rating.
Response: thank you for rating
Response: You're welcome. I thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome sweetie. I would like to have more girls to give names to. ha ha Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it got to you.
Response: It is. You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: The mail systems are acting up. A gal in Spain just got her postcard. I mailed it in January. Now in the USA it was taking 2 months. I have ratings from postcards I mailed there in early May! STRANGE!
Response: That is crazy! I mailed some in early May to the USA and they got them! Before it was taking 2 months!
Response: You are welcome. I've done a bit of gardening.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for rating
Response: You are welcome! Be safe
Response: You are welcome. Our place is open and has customers! Things have improved, thank you.
Response: You are welcome, thank you too.
Response: It was different and held my interest. thank you
Response: Thank you very much.
Response: Thank you kindly, not a drop.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your rating. It will open Monday. It is exciting and scary. We have seen tourists already so that is lovely. I hope you come to Greece. It is so incredibly beautiful is so many places.
Response: I am so sorry. Things on the island are lightening up. It feels better. The mail is a little quicker these days. Thank you kindly and very much for your patience and rating. The kitties sleep outside some nights now. They haven't dug up any seeds or seedlings that I planted so they are good kitties! ;)
Response: You are welcome
Response: lol, here the cherries are in liquor and I like them, but cherry flavored filling sounds yummy
Response: You are welcome, ty kindly and be safe
Response: yes please, a slice a day will? ha ha
Response: thank you, eat cake
Response: :D thank you, eat cake
Response: Thank you, I hope your day is lovely and don't forget to eat cake
Response: You are welcome, be safe
Response: thank you, eat cake
Response: thank you, eat cake
Response: You are welcome. thank you too, i hope he has a fun day and yummy cake
Response: You are welcome! Thank you. It is odd but if I have the right pen I can usually do good. ha ha If I don't like the pen. . .be safe
Response: You are welcome. I tell my husband tht when I win the lottery, I am buying at least one of my drem cars. He laughs. I play the lottery maybe once or twice a year, just in case. ha ha
Response: You are welcome. Our curfew is now 11pm. Many shops were allowed to open, FINALLY! It has uplifted us. We still have to wear masks, send texts for permission to leave and keep our distance.
Response: FINALLY! Good grief! That is almost as bad as the one I sent to a friend in Austria, she got it 3 days ago!!! I sent it 1-1-2021! Thank you for your kind patience.
Response: You are welcome. None of the Halloween type holidays are celebrated here. There is the time called carnival. Some kids come around and if you don't give them a treat they play a trick on you, ha ha
Response: You are welcome! I'm glad you liked them. :D
Response: You are welcome! be safe and spend EXTRA time reading. . . ;)
Response: You are welcome. Extra special to be your first! ;)
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: No, i'm not on the card. My cousin's grand son got sent home the same way. Luckily no track meets. His parents missed worked and so on. :( My husband has had the first 1 and is scheduled for the 2nd . I hope I won't be required to have it.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Yep, us island girls are special! You are welcome sweetie!
Response: Thank you. I hope you all get to London. I want to go again.
Response: You are welcome. I was there just before the virus attacked the world. I liked it and want to go again.
Response: You are welcome. We are good and optimistic.
Response: You are welcome! It's off and now only arrives once aweek.
Response: Super cool you saw the butterflies in real life and lived in Africa. You are welcome.
Response: Thank you sweetie. Travel safely (when the time comes)! ;)
Response: You are welcome! Have fun!
Response: Thank you for the hearrt sweetie. We are OK. A little crazy due to the mask wearing and home by 9pm law. I hope you and your loved ones are well. I am sorry it took so VERY long to get to you.
Response: Make sure to contact me when you get here. I'm glad you liked the postcard. Thank you for the heart. Be safe.
Response: You are welcome. I do okay in keeping them alive. For Mothers Day my daughter who is in England sent me an Orchid. I am praying I can keep it alive. She has one in her aprtment there that is blooming for the 2nd time. ha ha ha
Response: You are welcome. I never got mine and the account has been deleted. Oh well. Thank you
Response: You are welcome, thank you too.
Response: You are welcome, thank you too.
Response: You are welcome, thank you too.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you too.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you too.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you too.
Response: You are welcome, thank you too.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you too.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you too!
Response: You are welcome. I cannot believe the selection I am receiving. So fun. Thank you!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for rating. be safe
Response: You are welcome sweetie. I am happy you like them. I thank you for rating me. be safe
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the rating. be safe
Response: You are welcome. I thank you for the rating. be safe
Response: I plan almost everyday to do is really wearing on me. We just have to hang on to hope. That this living nightmare will pass. Thank you kindly for rating. be safe
Response: I am so sorry deliveries are taking so long. Thank you for the rating. be safe
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating. be safe
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. be safe
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. I hope you and your loved ones are well.
Response: It is raining here but we need it. ha ha ha You are welcome, thank you for rating, be safe
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. be safe
Response: Thank you sweetie. It was a nice day. A friend in England sent me a pink mouse and a mouse pad that has a pink tree and a field of pink flowers. be safe, thank you for rating
Response: Just hung up from video chatting with our one and only grand baby. So cute. Starting to say words in all 3 languages. Thank you for rating. be safe
Response: Thank you. Also thank you for rating. be safe
Response: I'm glad you got it and liked it.
thank you for rating. be safe
Response: I am OK. I hope you are too. Thank you for rating, be safe
Response: We have 3 cats and all 3 are so very different in their personalities. Our Ginger pretty much ignores me and sleeps next to or on my husband. lol thank you for the heart
Response: Sorry it took so long. I don't know if it's here or there the slowness. Thank you for the heart. be safe
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart. I went to the hospital yesterday, the stress made my blood pressure rise. Otherwise, I am OK. I hope you are well.. Thhank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating, be safe.
Response: You are welcome swetie!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Yoou are welcome! I'm afraid of the shot. The island is on lock down.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. The island is on lock down now. :(
Response: You are welcome. I like the decorations behind the thank you.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: We are OK. thank you, I hope you are well
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly.
Response: Sadly, I can't remember if I re-sent you one. I got blessed by finding some after your message. :) :( I will get one written today and sent tomorrow. You are an example of kindness and patience. Thank you very much!
Response: Oh sugar, you are welcome! Be safe!
Response: Aaaaahhhh sweetie, I hope you come. The last few years my husband and I say. . .at least they can't take the view away. It truly is beautiful. I feel blessed to live here. Thank you for rating.
Response: Sweetie, take care of yourself and don't worry. (( hugs))
Response: You are welcome.
Response: ha ha ha, you are welcome, thank you kindly, be safe, enjoy your day
Response: You are welcome sweetie. You made my day better. Thank you! smiles & hugs to wish you a lovely day
Response: You are welcome, thank you too!
Response: You are welcome, thank you too :)
Response: Hi, the mail is odd like the time we are living in. I have received cards and envelopes from October and November 2020, now in January 2021. I am sorry yours arrived so late. We are all okay. Thank you sweetie.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: I'm glad to be your first Greek, lol! You are welcome. Thank you. I wish you health and love.
Response: Thank you, I wish you health and love.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you. I wish you health and love.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating! It's great!
Response: Before the regular card with the magnet I sent you a small card, did you get it? I sent the regular card as a bonus, lol you are welcome, thanks for rating
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating. A happy new year and yesterday a happy 60th :D
Response: You are welcome. I hope 2021 brings an end to this protective lockdown. I wish for you health and love in 2021.
Response: He he he, you are welcome, I hope 2021 brings you health and love
Response: You are welcome! Thank you. May 2021 bring you, health and love.
Response: Wishing you health and love in 2021!
Response: You are welcome, thank you. I wish you love and health in 2021!
Response: You are welcome. Cake decorating for me. . . ha ha ha! Sweetie, thank you for the heart. You made me giggle, I appreciate that. I wish you love and health in 2021!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you .
Response: Thank you. It's was better when my kids were here.
Response: You are welcome. I LOVE all my angels! I hope your Christmas was merry. I wish you love and health in 2021! Thank you.
Response: You are VERY welcome! Thank you kindly for your patience and rating! I wish you love and health in 2021!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate you giving a rating. I am grateful for video chatting. Not ugly but hhhhmmmm. . .
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I have fallen in love with the angels. :D
Response: You are welcome! Thank you. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Response: You are welcome. Yes and Albanian. I am proud of their language skills.
Response: You are welcome. :D
Response: ha ha ha, you are welcome, similar feelings from me. I wonder who buy's the originals.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Happy safe holiday season!
Response: You are welcome, Merry Christmas.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Thank you, Merry Christmas!
Response: You are welcome! Be safe!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for your kind words, made my day better.
Response: Iβm sorry, is the postal cancellation date readable? Itβs very odd that it took that long. I re-sent from August 2 swaps. 1 person got theirs. Again Iβm Sorry. TYVM! You are kind. How can I make it up to you?
Response: TYVM! You are welcome. Be safe.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM! Be safe.
Response: You are welcome. I try and choose by your profile. ;) thank you
Response: You are welcome! Thank you sweetie. It feels good to be home. <3
Response: You are welcome! Thank you too! Be safe, stay home! Being on lockdown helps. . .
Response: Bummer about the original. I'm glad the re-send made it but WOW, it took a llllloooooonnnnngggg time! You are welcome, thank you for your patience.
Response: Hi sweetie! I am grateful you you liked the postcards and weren't bored by the answers. :D I'm practicing saftey measures and we are on lockdown. I wish you and your loved ones health and love. TYVM for the heart
Response: Woo- hoo! I'm glad you liked what was in the pack! Be safe!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I went out after asking permission from my cell phone, ha ha ha. I didn't enjoy it. It was sad and scary.
Response: Hi, I have sent you another postcard. I don't know how else to write the address. I hope you can read this next one. You are welcome, thank you. Oh my goodness, I understand and agree whole heartedly!
Response: In my eyes, I did next to nothing. Thank you sweetie.
Response: You are welcome! TYVM! She is hearing Greek and English, so, she has started calling me ga ga, ha ha ha. Her version of Grandma and Yaya ! I love it! I've seen a video where she is using her toy cell phone and saying ga ga . . .
Response: You are welcome. TYVM
Response: Hhhhhmmm, didn't ask the price, I might not have liked it. You are welcome. TYVM!
Response: Oh, sweetie, I hope you all get together! You are welcome. TYVM!
Response: You are welcome! TYVM! I hope you get to the KEW gardens and Greece.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM!
Response: You are welcome. TYVM! If I had land I would do the same. :D My grandma had chickens and they all layed differant colored eggs. Like Easter every time she collected them , lol
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. TYVM, practice safety precautions
Response: Slowly but surely on the home work project, ha ha ha! You are welcome. Thank you too sweetie
Response: Re- sent 10-28-2020
Response: You're welcome! TYVM too!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome! "Sharing is caring! "
Response: You are welcome. By law here now, We have to wear a mask even to step outside our yard! Too many cases of the virus. There are extra police out to monitor us. :(
Response: Aaaaahhh. . . Sweetie. . . I am glad you liked the stuff. Be well and stay safe! Also ty for the heart.
Response: You are VERY kind. Odd the going out mail is quick, the coming in mail is VERY slow. . .thank you kindly for the heart and your patience! ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. Smiling postal workers is good. Thank you
Response: You are welcome. It 's fallen down but even half empty we have customers. I am grateful. Thank you
Response: You are welcome sweet lady. Thank you. I like seeing your name in swaps
Response: My silly husband often forgets his mask around his chin. You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. Continue to be cautious.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words and the heart.
Response: Almost every person I know does understand how I don't eat mushrooms. ha haha It is odd how profiles can "match up". I wonder how we'd up face to face? Be well and thank you extra for the heart.
Response: You are welcome sugar! Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: Thank you very much sweetie!
Response: You are welcome. Especially Greece to England? ? ? Crazy! Ha ha ha!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: ha ha ha yes, thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Fun on the bangs. My daughter found a photo. It is from about 30 years ago. My hair looks similar to what it does now. I got a giggle from it. TYVM 4 the <3
Response: You are welcome. So far so good on health. I wish for you love and health.
Response: You are welcome. I hope you are well.
Response: You are welcome. I look forward to it too.
Response: You are a true sweetie, tyvm and you are welcome. I hope you are being cautious.
Response: You are welcome. It is so cool to be apart of a swap that has so many rounds to it.
Response: You are welcome. It is lovely here and I have called it home for 30 years.
Response: lol, mystery as to what they were thinking, you are welcome
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome I hope you all find it tasty. (we did)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to rate.
Response: ha ha ha you are welcome
Response: Hi sweetie! You are welcome. I am overwhelmed at this time but I could later on send you some of my favorite recipes via postcards.
Response: You are welcome. I am blessed. My grand daughter is here for a visit.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked it. birds are awesome
Response: You are welcome. I work around the house and then go to our little super market to work. No time for walks and it is too hot. ha haha Enjoy the forest and be well
Response: You are welcome, thank you for your uplifting words.
Response: You are welcome. It is slow now. My daughter her husband and MY GRANDBABY are here. They haven't been home for 2 years. So friends and family are coming and going. It is tiring but wonderful. :D
Response: You are welcome. I feel blessed to be home. Ages ago red waas common here. Then someone discovered asbestos and being very poor back then it caught on. Now it is regualr paint but they kept up the white..
Response: You are welcome. The views from here never get old. The light changes so always a bit different. I feel blessed to live here.
Response: You are welcome. Your message/rating lifted me up. I appreciate that, ty
Response: You are welcome. It lifts me to know you liked it.
Response: You are welcome. I am struggling to get caught up. wishing you wellness
Response: You are welcome. I am home now and trying to catch up.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Thank you, I am home safe and still split.
Response: You are welcome. Yes it was lovely.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. I am home now.
Response: Oh no! That is odd. I hope they got their card by now. lol I am trying in our basement.
Response: ha ha ha, I am glad you got a ha ha out of the postcard...
Response: You are welcome. It was a blessing. I am home now.
Response: You are welcome. thank you too
Response: I am home in the sunshine and enjoying it.
Response: You are welcome. I avoid people too. I have to wear a mask only twice. It was annoying. Thank you for the heart. Be safe!
Response: LOL. be safe, wash your hands...
Response: lol. you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Lovely swap, thank you for rating...
Response: July 6th is my ticket home. Posted today no one allowed in until the 15th. I am a citizen so it should be okay. You are welcome. Thank you for rating. Have a lovely day.
Response: Bummer about your trip. I have been housebound. I hope you get to come. Big Ben was covered. I'm glad you liked your card. Just read an article that flights are canceled until the 15th. My ticket is for the 6th??? I am a citizen of Greece so, I think I will be Okay. Thank you for rating.
Response: :D thank you sweetie I like yours too. I have been in love for over 30 years...
Response: You are welcome. Thank you. I fly home soon. I will rate asap upon arriving home.
Response: Yes, some hours later. I will always regret that day. My emotions are haywire. Thank you very much for the heart, your sympathy and kind wishes. ((hug))
Response: You are welcome. I'm happier knowing you liked the card. Thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating. I hope you have a lovely week too.
Response: You are welcome! Thank for rating me highly. I like that you wrote a response too. It was a fun swap. Be well and happy endings I wish for you.
Response: You are welcome. My 5 months away from home started in Oregon. My youngest sister gave me the IKEA postcards. I don't know where or how she got them. I like them. I am a mess. I love being here but want to go home. Thank you kindly.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly.
Response: Lol, yes, the paper is odd. I was there shortly last year. Big Ben was covered.
Response: Thank you for rating. No response is sad for me.
Response: We bought some masks. It's required now indoors. I am mostly bored. Remeber to pull the irons out of the fire and rest from time to time. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like the card. Thank for the heart! Lifts mine up.
Response: For 29 years, Santorini is home. My original is Texas. Then Oregon. My heart is Texan! ;) I've been off the island for 5 months. Hugs and happy endings I wish for you sweet lady.
Response: You are welcome. It is a struggle to stay positive. I appreciate the heart and your words.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the pretty heart.
Response: Thank you for your kind words and heart. I appreciate them.
Response: You are welcome. The heart makes me happier, thank you sweetie.
Response: You are welcome. The heart is appreciated. Thank you.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you.
Response: Thank you kindly.
Response: he he he thank you sugar, wishing a lovely day
Response: Thank you for the heart. You are welcome. Thank you, I am getting desperate to go home.
Response: Hi sweetie! Thanks for the heart. I look forward to seeing your name as my partner. Be safe!6
Response: You are welcome. My heartfelt thanks for your kind words and rating. It made/makes me feel better.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart. Thank you. I have seen the eye. I am hanging onto hope my youngest gets to see it. He arrived just before the quarantine hit.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for heart. This tiny apt. Is full of flowers. One for me from Mothers day and 2 for my daughters birthday yesterday.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. Be safe, stay home...
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: I'm glad you liked the postcard. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Still on lockdown here.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for thd heart. Don't forget , " be safe, stay home"
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I TRY to concentrate on the positive!
Response: PRAISE THE LORD! You got your postcard. That gives me hope for the others I have sent during this crisis.
You are welcome sweetie! Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: Thank you for rating. My son got quarntined with me. We celebrated his birthday the best we could. :( HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! My wedding anniversary is in 2 days. My husband and middle child are home alone, oh well.
Response: You are welcome. Be extra careful.
Response: You are welcome. I had a flu bug that lasted 3 weeks. Couldn't even eat. I'm quarantined in the UK with my grand baby. I was too sick to travel when it was okay to travel.
Response: You are welcome. Sorry it took an extra long time.
Response: You're welcome. Be extra careful.
Response: Thank you. I'm quarantined here in the UK with my grandbaby.
Response: You are welcome. Be safe and stay home as much as possible.
Response: I hope you are well and taking precautions.
Response: I certainly will try sweetie! :D
Response: You're welcome. Be safe, stay home (if possible).
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I hope you liked the tea.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: aaahhh, you are welcome, thank you for the heat
Response: you are welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: WHAT? I didnt spill anything on it!!! I will try to find another one. Ii'm in the UK again! TYVM for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I'm enjoying it here but miss my kids and hubby.
Response: OK. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: U R welcome! TY 4 the heart.
Response: Download cee-app from the internet, pass over the stamp and hear the bird! TY 4 the heart.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. TY 4 the <3
Response: TY for the compliment. You are welcome! I appreciate the <3
Response: You are welcome! TY for the <3
Response: So very sorry about not writing the swap name. It is usually what I write first, then the date and so on...thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kinldy for the heart.
Response: lol It will for me too now. You are welcome. tyvm for the heart
Response: You are welcome.
Thank you for rating.
Response: I re-sent this once! I will re-send it again. I am sorry you aren't getting them. Please consider removing the 1 until you get the next re-send. thank you YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT! December 14, 2019...How can I get this to you? HOW? Please let me know.
Update...I mailed this 3rd one at the post office. I did not drop it in a mailbox this time. I pray it reach's you. 26 November 2019
23 December 2019 thank you for removing the one I will send it registered this time. It's sad nothing arrived yet.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy and safe holidays.
Response: Thank you for the heart. My family are baptized Orthodox. I'm baptized from a different church. Hapoy holidays with love and safety.
Response: U R welcome, ty
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating!
Response: YOU ARE WELCOME! From the bottom of my heart thank for letting me re-send.
Response: You are welcome. I love cacti, ha ha ha thanks for taking the time to rate
Response: You are welcome. Happy safe and fun holidays for you and yours! Thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating me. Grand daughters are AWESOME!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. A friend gave me a tea advent calendar. The smells and colors are amazing. I like the Christmas tea. I received a whole box as a giift.
Response: I have sent this out TWICE! I will send a third one tomorrow! Once from Greece and once from England! I am so sorry you haven't gotten it yet!!! December 3 2019, again my apologies for having to re-send twice. Thank you VERY much for removing the 1! A big hug for your patience!
Response: You are welcome! I'm glad you liked it. My daughter bought a box of them for me because I like cacti and succulents. I've been here for three months. I leave Wednesday. :) :(
Response: You're welcome! I was hoping you would like it. :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating and adding a card to forward. I didn't want add my name again.
Response: My oldest and only daughter got pregnant by accident before she left home. Who knows if I would have one otherwise. She is 27 with 2 younger brothers who no sign of wanting to have children. You are welcome it is lovely here.
Response: Wow! Super cool. Makes me feel good. You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! I'm so glad you felt spoiled!
Response: It's mixed with sun these days. ha ha ha
Response: ha ha ha, all is well here, freaked out as my husband, our kids and some friends got my husband here as a surprise...I cried like a baby with joy...
Response: you are welcome, thank you
Response: You are welcome! I want to go home BUT, don't want to leave...
Response: Now she is 2 months! ha ha ha
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are welcome, thank you.
Response: You're welcome, thanks.
Response: You're welcome, thank you.
Response: She is perfect!
Response: You're welcome. I would like to visit Wales.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. It is a blessing to be here.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. We visited Lefkos years ago. It was lovely.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I made it in time and she is 2 months old now!
Response: You are welocme. Thank you for the heart! <3
Response: I AM A TEXAN through and through! I am just transplanted here. ;) You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the nice heart. It warms mine.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. It mean a lot to me.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. It is appreciated.
Response: You are welcome. I try to pass on extra cards to share the bulk that I have of them.It is amazingly beautiful. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: I've been de-cluttering and found 3 of these and decided to share one with a swap-bot partner. I'm glad you got a kick out of it. That was my intention! TYVM for the heart.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: I drink water off and on all day, sometimes some sugar free lemon tea. You are welcome, tyvm for the ehart.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. I get more excited as the time gets closer.
Response: I would like to visit them if I got to go there. TYVM for the heart.
Response: Good, you are welcome. I can hardly stand the waiting for her arrival. I appreciate the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. I am excited. TYVM for the heart, wishing you a GREAT day
Response: You are welcome, tyvm for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. I am glad it made it safely.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart rating.
Response: lol, yes, they are a bit off, thank you for rating
Response: A big hug and you are welcome. I never wanted to fly or go to no foreign country...married a Greek American and ended up here. I do love the island but I also miss family and friends back home. I thank you VERY much for the heart and hope you come here.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart. I hope you have a lovely day.
Response: ha ha ha You are welcome. I do hope you come. It is truly beautiful. I stare out at the sea and wish I was laying in the shade near it instead of working...thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: OH! I am sorry you were ill but happy to know you are safely home and healing. TYVM for the heart
Response: OH BOY! I hope it is going OK. I adored my MIL but when she cae to stay every Summer to help with my FIL, it was a challenge. I loved them both but they were from another generation and we had some tuff moments...I am sending loving hugs wrapped in love and patience. TYVM for the heart
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. I hope you are well
Response: YUM! 2 of my favorite things, lemon and cake...ha ha ha TYVM for the heart, another year older with more love and knowledge...
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart
Response: you are welcome. TYVM for the nice heart
Response: TYVM for the heart, I am so far behind, my life is in a whirlwind
Response: ha ha ha, maybe I sent it to you, ha haha, Thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome, tyvm for the heart, I appreciate it. I am not much of a traveler but I would like to see those places.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. I can't wait for September to come to meet my first one. ((hugs))
Response: TYVM for the heart. That is wonderful. I may do that with my grand daughter. She will be in England. Thank you for giving a way to be a part of her life from far away.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. I'm glad you liked it.
Response: Hi Shirley. I don't like traveling but I will be going to England for the birth of my Grand daughter in September this year. I am sorry your traveling days are over. Be well sweet lady and TYVM for the heart.
Response: My apologies. I will send another upcycled postcard that I decorate on the front. sorry
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. I have sent a reply.
Response: Thank you for the beautiful heart. It warms min. I do love the island. I get to enjoy it from Nov. to April. The other days I work. No day off. It is hard but has kept us feed and clothed. I hope you have a lovely day.
Response: You are welcome. Do you know what petaluda means in Greek? (butterfly) Thank you VERY VERY VERY much for the heart
Response: You are welcome, I am glad you got them. I really appreciate the heart. thank you
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart, it is kind of you
Response: you are welcome :)
Response: woo hoo, thank you for the heart it is appreciated
Response: You are welcome and you are kind. Thanks VERYmuch for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It tickles me that you are happy with what I sent. thank you for the heart, it warms mine
Response: I am glad you liked what you got. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are a lovely person. I am happy to have you as a partner. thank you for the heart
Response: I don't mind getting you twice. I do hope you try and like the recipe. thank you kindly for the heart
Response: you are welcome
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: woo-hoo, TYVM, I appreciate the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for rating me.
Response: You are welcome! I appreciate you letting me re-send. Thank you kindly for that and very much thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. The kids have an apt. and jobs. So far so good. The weaaather has ben horrible but today is pretty. be well
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the pretty heart. We've had mostly rain but today is pretty!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart, I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome! woo-hoo, tyvm for the heart/! My family in Oregon got a load of snow! We had mostly rain but today is pretty.
Response: ha ha ha, You are welcome! The kids are doing OK in the U.K. I was going to visit them but my daughter may come "home" instead. Time will tell. Thank you kindly for the heart. P.S. If I go to England I hope to bring home a load and a variety of postcards. ha ha ha
Response: You are welcome! TYVM for the heart. It is much appreciated. I like sharing things from the here and now. Also to tell a bit about the psotcard.
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! TYVM for the heart. I don't know what size I am but I need at least XXL. I have lost 4 pounds with just trying to not eat empty calories. It is not noticeable. My kids and hubby love me as I am I wish I did. I am so happy to know what that card means, ha ha ha, ty!Today it is pretty outside. If you were here I would take you to the beach, we could have a drink or and a bite and then walk along the beach. Now before the season starts. I hope your day is lovely! ((hugs))
Response: rotflol, ha ha ha You are a super sweet partner! TYVM for the heart. Your note has left me grinning from ear to ear! I hope you have a lovely day! It is pretty here today!
Response: You are welcome precious lady! TYVM for another heart. They are settled in. MY lovely daughter is a bit homesick. I was to go there but she may come here instead. Either way will be lovely. Also I hate to fly. ha ha ha I am OK. Today is pretty. yesterday was tuff. I will soon be working 8 to 10 hours a day everyday until November. Not looking forward to that but do have to pay the bills and eat. ha ha ha ((hugs))
Response: You're welcome. I like getting a heart. Thank you kindly.
Response: Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it. I married a Greek/American and ended up here. I still miss home. ;)
Response: Oh you are still young! You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. Have a good day.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart, thank you.
Response: You are welcome. It truly is ugly to me. ha ha ha Thank you for rating.
Response: You are VERY welcome. It makes me grin with happiness that you liked the tea's. I am grateful for the heart. TYVM! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Response: Thank you for sharing with me that there is a good side to an "empty nest". For now it is still saddening me. We hope to go to visit England later this year. You are kind to give me a heart rating. I am thankful for that and that you liked the postcard. I hope you are both feeling better by now.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart rating. Have a wonderful day.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thank you kindly for the heart. I appreciate it. It has been so wet that I am getting depressed. Also can't do laundry. ha ha ha
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. i haven't been to England yet. My daughter and her husband moved there for work. I am looking forward to going there later this year. (God willing, ha ha ha)
Response: You are welcome. The beachs here are OK but the views are incredible. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Thank you for rating. Have a good day.
Response: ha ha ha I'm only a little surprised about the envelope being "put through a washing machine". This Winter has been VERY wet. I'm fed up with the rain. I would bet money that it got wet here. ha ha ha Sorry about the envelope and grateful all the cards got to you.I appreciate very much the heart. thank you sweetie
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the compliment and TYVM for the heart. Have a wonderful day.
Response: TYVM for the heart. I'm glad you learned something new. That is always a good thing.
Response: All the folks who have tasted them love them. ha ha ha You are welcome for the card. I can barely stand it here at 14c. -c, NO THANK YOU! aha ha ha Hopefully the cookies and the smell of them baking will make you feel warm and comfy! Also tyvm for the heart.
Response: TYVM for the heart. I appreciate it. I wish you extra good things in 2019!
Response: TYVM for the heart. I am thankful so far 99.9% good things! Thinking of you and wishing more good things than you had in 2018
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart.
Response: thank you for rating
Response: ha ha ha, it appealed to me...Thank you very much for the heart, I wish you love and health in 2019
Response: Thank you for rating, happy new year with health and love
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. Happy New Year with increased love and health.
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart. You are welcome. I like that it was like a miniture cartoon or comic book page. ha ah ah Happy New Year, with faith, love, health and good endings
Response: You are welcome, tyvm for the heart. I wish for you a Happy New Year with faith, love, health and happy endings to your swaps...
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart happy New Year, i wish for you health faith and love
Response: tyvm for the heart, I am so glad you liked the little cartoon, I thought it was a fun piece to send,happy new year wth health faith love
Response: You are the very kind and very patient. TYVM for the heart. I do hope you liked the tea. It is special. happy new year to you with health faith and love
Response: You are welcome. Happy New Year. TYVM for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It was kind of you to rate wth a heart. tyvm
Response: It is truly beautiful here. I hope you stay and enjoy swap-bot. It's my favorite place on the internet. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I love my furbabies. The kitten we rescued has stolen all our hearts. ha ha ha
Response: TYVM for the heart. I always like seeing your name in a swap. Hoping you have healthy holidays that are safe and fun.
Response: Thank you for rating. Happy holidays with health and safety to you and your family.
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart. Wishing you and your loved ones, healthy and safe holidays.
Response: TYVM for the heart. I'm glad you liked the card. cats and beachs, yes please... Hoping your holidays are healthy and safe and for your loved ones.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. I hope things are better for you. I wish you and your "baby" healthy and safe holidays! ((hugs))
Response: Thank you for rating. Things are better now in the basement but needs more work. We have way too many clothes. A friend needed some temporary storage space. We made one for her in the basement. She offered to take all the extra clothes to give to a Monastery. We are happy about that. I wish for you and those you love healthy and safe holidays.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. It makes me feel good that you like the things you got. I wish for you and yours a healthy and safe holidays
Response: Hi sweetie, thank you for the heart. I'm glad you liked the postcard. ha h a ha, I like frogs and would like to have one all to myself. ;) Wishing you healthy and safe holiday season
Response: You're welcome! tyvm for the heart, I sure hope you like the teas
Response: Thank you, dear sweet lady. Wishing you countless blessings!
Response: ty gain for a heart, your kindness warms my heart, be well and have happy endings to your swaps
Response: TYVM for the heart. You're kind. You are welcome. I hope you happy endings to your swaps.
Response: Hi from my kitties with love to your kitties! Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: ha ha ha, sorry for the sad selection I had to offer, have a lovely day, thank you kindly for rating
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. :)
Response: Thank you for the heart. It was a "corny" postcard. ha ha ha I hope you come here.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome, Thank you kindly for the heart. :)
Response: Please keep me in mind if you come this way. Thank you for the heart! :) You are welcome
Response: I'm enjoying the book. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. I'm glad to know you enjoyed your time here. I wish we could have met. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I thank you for the heart. I have sent home a few. I have not gotten one back. It is a fun swap. I hope you join again.
Response: Hi sweetie I am lucky. You are welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart. be well
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. I appreciate the heart. Be well.
Response: Thank you for the heart and the advice. Both are appreciated. I hope you fixed your "bug problem"
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Thank you for rating with a heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: you are welcome
Response: You are welcome lovely lady! My husband and son gave me a day off. It felt weird. Thankyou very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: That one isn't mine. I like it too. You are welcome. I appreciate the ehart.
Response: ha ha ha It is very old and bit faded. I am glad you liked it. Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: you are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart
Response: thanks for rating
Response: You are welcome sugar. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: Thank you sweetie. You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You're very welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: I got to send home 2 postcards. I was happy. I have not gotten one back. I just keep playing and hoping.
Response: U R welcome, tyvm 4 the <3
Response: YW, thanks for rating
Response: You are kind. tyvm for the heart
Response: Hi sweetie, it makes me feel good to know you liked it. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart. The last 2 nights I have sat ouside with my dear hubby. There was just a hint of a breeze. We're both so tired. So, how is the new RV?
Response: Thank you for rating and your kindness. Things are better. Have a wonderful day.
Response: U R Welcome sweet lady, thanks for the heart
Response: thanks for rating
Response: You're welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: thank you for rating
Response: ha ha ha, thank you for the heart sweetie
Response: thank you very much for the heart
Response: Thak you for rating.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for taking the time to rate.
Response: he he he, it is a bit of a fake...ha ha ha...thank you very much for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. I enjoyed reading the answers from my partners.
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: he he he TYVM for the heart
Response: You are welcome. tyvm 4 the <3
Response: I hate moving. I've been in the same home for about 15 years now. Thank your family for your service to the USA! TYVM for the heart, I appreciate it. My cousin's daughter is married to a military man.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: Oh good. I hope you will enjoy them. They make me want to sing out loud and loudly. ha ha ha I am so happy you liked the postcard. I just have Santorini and I fear my regular partners will get bored. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: lol This heart has more meaning to me than most of the others. Thank you for you kind generosity. lol My other partner did get her 2nd postcard. Sad. I remember the Texas heat and playing iunder the sprinkler in the front yard. ha ha ha I miss that. be well, precious lady
Response: he he he, it tickled me that I could write the date, it would have been cool to be in the post office to get that post mark, tyvm for the heart
Response: Cool, every Summer they hire people, send him over. You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Hey, did you get your extra one? Thank you for the heart. This time of the year I am a bit scattered, if you set up a swap send me a message if possible, ty.
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart!!!!
Response: yw, thanks for rating
Response: You're welcome, tyvm for the heart.
Response: not a problem at all, tyvm for the heart
Response: You're welcome.tyvm fir the heart
Response: Oh sweetie, I am so sorry. The surgery scares me more than all the extra weight helath issues. :( I hope you are having a good day. TYVM for the heart
Response: You are priceless, I cried I was so annoyed with myself. TYVVVVVM for the heart and your kindness and forgiveness!
Response: I am enjoying a very busy Summer, I am grateful. You're welcome and tyvm for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, tyvm for the heart
Response: rotflol, that is fantastic, ha ha ha, TYVM for rating with a heart
Response: You're welcome, tyvm for the heart
Response: My youngest will get his license this Winter. TYVM for the heart It's good when siblings help each other.
Response: he he he, I am glad you got your little surprise, TYVM for the heart
Response: I hope you make it in the off season, it is even prettier than in the high season, tyvm for the heart
Response: tyvm for rating with a heart, I was just given a copy of Girl On The Train, right now I am reading Slash, the guitar player in the group Guns-N-Roses, I read almost EVERYHING I'm given, ha ha ha
Response: You're welcome and tyvm for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. tyvm for the heart
Response: You're welcome, tyvm for the heart
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart.
Response: you're welcome, ty for rating.
Response: You're welcome. tyvm for the heart
Response: aahhh You are welcome. Thank you for the 27 hearts. I like that number. ;)
Response: YEAH! You are welcome. I only buy it for swaps. It truly is special. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: We are dog people too. Such is life and at least we are saving some kitties from the streets. lol Hugs and many thanks for the heart rating! PS Last year we adopted a cat from our shop, ha ha ha, he showed up and wouldn't leave, in the end he was sleeping inside the store in his place. He was missing for 2 days, the 3rd day he came home, we took him to the vet his temperature was 41c 105, he is better already!
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate me.
Response: Losing money from cruise ship users may inspire a new port to be built. ;) Thank you kindly for rating with a heart.
Response: Hey and it only took 6 months to get to yoΞΈ. ha ha ha or was it a year...thank you so very much for your patience! and the heart
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart. I'm looking for ward to your visit.
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart.
Response: tyvm for the heart
Response: TYVM for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating.
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart! Our store is busy and the weather is still off. i hope you make it here. I took a road trip from Portland, Or. To Santa Cruz, Ca. Over 30 years ago. I fell in love with Santa Cruz!
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. TYVM for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! TYVM for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!!!! You are welcome!
Response: thank you for rating
Response: thank you for rating
Response: Oh, I smypathize with him. Thank you. I hope we many many many more. ;)
tyvm 4 the <3
Response: Yes, if you don't mind postcards as my writing material. thank you for the heart rating
Response: You're welcome. thank you for the pretty heart rating
Response: You are welcome. I'm glad you can try them by using substitutes. Thank you rating.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating me
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating
Response: You're welcome sweetie. Thank you for rating me.
Response: Thank you for rating me. You are welcome. I hope you make it here.
Response: I feel priveledged and blessed to live here in this beauty. You're welcome and thank you for rating me.
Response: You're welcome. I appreciate you rating me.
Response: One cat ran away. We adopted a male from the streets. He ranoff the little male. Sadly. All them are well. One just gave us FIVE babies. She'll be sterilized asap. It's too many. This little mama has wrecked so many things in the house. lol I hope her babies are a bit less mischevious. I also hope some or all can be adopted. Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. To viist it is on my wishlist. ha ha ha Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. Please come and look me up! Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Don't let that 14c fool you. That was on a Winter day. During the summer it get's up to 40c. ha ha ha have a beautiful day
Response: I ate enough cereal with a little help from my family to order us all a spoon. All of them came, even my son's girlfriend but my son-in-laws never showed. It's sad that he is the only one withour his name on a spoon. :( Thank you VERY VERY VERY much for the heart. I am glad it got there safely.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Me too. ha ha ha I wish I had one for my collection. You are welcome for the extra's. thank you for the heart
Response: ha ha ha, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ha ha ha You are right sugar! I grew up just outside of Marble Falls. Have you been to the Blue Bonnet Cafe? If you go eat a piece of pie for me. ha ha ha Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: YEAH! make sure you stop by the island! You are welcome. I thank you very much for the heart.
Response: It is beautiful here. You're welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: ((hugs)) You're welcome. Thank you so very much for the heart.
Response: Yoo're welcome. Thanks for taking the time to rate me.
Response: You are VERY welcome. Many thanks for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate me. I am holding on to hope that someday they make it back to us.
Response: You are welcome darling! Thanks a bunch for the heart.
Response: You are welcome sweetie! Thank you a bunch for the heart!
Response: YOU are welcome! Thank for taking the time to write a note and give a heart! I appreciate it.
Response: thank you for taking the time to rate
Response: You are welcome. thank you for the heart :)
Response: You're welcome. It is a pretty place.
Response: You're welcome sweetie! I appreciate the heart! Thank you kindly.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. I am glad it got to you. The heart brightened a tuff day with solid gray and high wind. thank you
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to rate. It is appreciated.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to rate.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart and returning the postcard.
Response: PLEASE look me up if you get here. thank you for the heart
Response: Oh my, no sun for a month. I can't stand it when it is 2 or 3 days. Today there is high wind and solid gray. It brings me down. Even my family gets bothered. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to rate.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: YEAH! You are welcome! I am so glad you both liked it. My little girl is now 26 and married. ;) I appreciate the heart! I hope you both have a wonderful day!
Response: ;) Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! ((hugs)) I am happy to get a heart. Thank you!
Response: You're welcome lovely lady. I appreciate the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart. I am always a little happier to see your name. You are welcome sweetie.
Response: You are welcome. Happy to send some purple. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcme. Thank you for the heart.
Response: ha ha hah aha ha I was just trying to use as much as the box as possible. That tea box was "extra" did you get the other one? ha ha ha Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: YES! I do hope you can come to see me! You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart! I am excited. I almost met a friend from Facebook. I'll tell you storey sometime.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: lol ha ha ha Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thanks kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart, thank you.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for your kind words and the pretty heart.
Response: This is one of my favorite swaps because Idon't struggle at all. Just grab and send. ha ha ha Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome. It makes me feel good that you liked them. I hope you have a lovely day with a nice surprise. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for the heart. You are welcome. I hope you have a lovely day.
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: ha ha ha, It would be good to be able to see you here. You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. A thank you being sent with a Dove holding an olive branch!
Response: I was Texas, Oregon and then Greece. It was an adjustment both times. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: ha ha ha It's a big deal in Imerovigli. People swarm the whole village. You are welcome. thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. I had fun with this swap. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart. You are welcome. Fun to have a "smelly" mailbox.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I appreciate the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. i am blessed to be able to live here. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am sad that you had to wait to get the re-send. Thank you kindly for the heart and your patience.
Response: Thank you for the wish of luck and for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. It is beautiful here. Closing my eyes I would be near my family. hahaha
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I am happy that you liked the quote.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart. Total chaos. ha ha ha
Response: It is truly beautiful here and many many many other areas. I hope you come. You are welcome, I am happy that you liked them. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you! I hope you have a lovely day.
Response: You are welcome! I also wish for you many better things this year! Thank you for the heart!
Response: ha ha ha My husband has a sense of humor too! When the Sarah sands hits it's a nightmare and all the white is tinted burnt orange. Just don't have any postcards to show it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Ooops! Sorry I mixed you up.
Oh, my shop is closed. I would like to have met up with your friend anyway. I am happy that she liked it here. My cousins were freaking over the snow and their kids. FIVE bears! WOW!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome sweetie!
Response: Thank you! I hope more good things come your way than last year!
Response: ((hugs)) sweet lady, your name always makes me smile and feel happier...
You are welcome!
Thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. Our shop is in Imerovigli. There is a church there where 2 of my 3 children were baptized. I have been many times for weddings and other baptizings and funerals. The beauty of it does not cease to amaze me. Even smaller ones are so beautiful here. I hope you make it here to see some of them.
Response: You are welcome. Tonight the wind is strong. It seems like it might blow the house down. ;) Thank you kindly for th heart.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I hope you will make it here to the island and look me up! You are welcome and thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It truly is beautiful here. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. It is truly beautiful. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you very much. I appreciate the heart. It's cool that you found it and rated me. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart, Happy New Year!
Response: Thank you for rating and giving a heart.
Response: It's OK, I am glad you got the card. I am happier because you liked the postcard. Thank you kindly for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: I am sorry you have been ill. I am happy to know you are better now. PLEASE, do not worry about things like rating me when you are ill. Concentrate on getting better. Worry can delay your healing. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Happy new Year. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: ha ha ha You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank YOU for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Sunset is a relaxing and quiet time, I agree.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I am truly blessed to be able to live in such beauty.
Response: I've not been to Samos or Patmos. People often ask for the wine of Samos. It really is beautiful here. I do not tire of it's beauty. You are welcome and thank YOU for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: YOU are welcome. Thank YOU for the heart.
Response: I've been collecting for years. Most make it to me safely. Once in awhile I get one that is as thin as paper. It's always a shock that they make it. ha ha ha You are welcome and thank YOU for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart.
Response: I'm sad that you were ill. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas day. Mine was quiet.I do not mind a late rating. wishing you good things, Debra and thank you for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It was the only Christmas card I had. Thank you for the heart.
Response: OK, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It is funny and cool that you like the PC's. A postcard nobody can love but the receiver. ha ha ha It is gorgeous here but like I said the sand in the photo is not at all like ours. ha ha ha You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: The sunsets here are often incredible and always pretty. I am enjoying being a housewife and Mother full time. Thank you for the tip on what to watch. I will check it out. Also thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Every year there is less space. I wonder sometimes if they will build all the way down to the sea. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: It has incredible beauty. You are welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart sweetie. I am happy you liked it.
Response: thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate your kindness and understanding of my mistake. I wish you a wonderful Winter season. My heartfelt thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Looking forward to it's return. Thank you for the heart.
Response: you are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I hope you come here.
Response: you are welcome. It makes me happy that you liked it. I thank you for the heart!
Response: YEAH! You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: Cool, your fisrt! woo hoo You are welcome. I thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome sweet lady! I thank you for the heart. The days are easier now. I'm still working 7 days a week but only 8 hours a day now.
Response: The mail has been slow lately. I was hoping it was late and not lost. Thank you for your patience and the heart. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart rating. I am still working 7 days a week now. I was 10 to 12 hours a day. Now it's only 8 hours a day. Have a wonderful Fall.
Response: Still having hot days and cold nights here. I'm using a blanket at night now.
Response: he he he ha ha ha, I had that tatto for ages. I am a pack rat. It tickles me that you liked it. You are welcome sweetie. I appreciate the heart rating! :D
Response: You're welcoome, thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. That is so cool that you can send it back the same day. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: I live on Santorini.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Did you get the naked postcard too? Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, precious! Thanks a whole bunch for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad to be your first Greek! ha ha ha
Response: thank you for rating
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it. Our days are hot and our nights are cool. It feels good!
Response: You are welcome. I hope the move goes smoothly. Out of three kids I have only one teenager left. Whew! Good luck!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it!
Response: You are welcome. Hugs from Santorini where it is still hot! lol Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you sweeite for your kind words and the heart. I appreciate them. I wish you happy endings...
Response: YEAH! Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. We tried to live on Corfu but things just didn't work out. We ended up here. I still carry Corfu in my heart.
Response: Loads of hearts to you! Such a lovely response. It warmed my heart. You are welcome. It warms my heart when I send something that is right! :D May God watch over you and those you love.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: In the "off" months the water and the sky are the same on somedays. Bright blue or silver are my favorite days. Our eachs are OK but the sea around them is incredible! You are welcome! Thanks much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I worked on them off and on. I am not artistic but I like trying to be from time to time. ha ha ha be well and love and be loved, Debra
Thank you for the heart, it warms mine!
Response: he he he, the world is a funny/odd/weird/happy place...
Thank you for the heart, I appreciate it!
Response: So far my only complaint is being tired! ha ha ha Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it. I hope you come!
Response: You are welcome. I hope your day is a good one. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I hope you get here. It is worth the trip. Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: ha ha ha, I'm glad someone did! Thank you for the heart! Have a good day!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome precious Alaskan! My heart thanks you for the heart rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: It is! ha ha ha. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. In real life it is even ruggeder. h aha ha
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating with a heart.
Response: You are welcome sweetie! thank you very much for the heart
Response: Also butterfly is Greek, lol! Sorry I forgot we had chatted before. You are welcome and thank you for the heart! It warms mine!
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks 4 the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thank YOU for the heart.
Response: That is cool. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! I'm glad you liked the stamp. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. July and August are tuff here if you have to depend on tourism for a living. Somehow every year I manage to survive. Thank you for the heart. Look me up if you come in the off season.
Response: Oh, that is a relief. You are welcome, thank you for the heart!
Response: ha ha ha, Ok...
You are welcome sweetie.
Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome! I was hoping you would smile! Thank you so very very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart. I am grateful.
Response: WOW! That is a miracle! You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart! It is appreciated!
Response: I also like seeing your name as a partner! ((hugs)) Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thank you very much for the heart. Sorry it took so long.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: That is cool. You are welcome. I thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome lovely lady!
Thank you for the heart!
Response: Hello lovely lady, I do admire my island! I get to enjoy in the quietness of Winter.It's beauty is breathtaking in some spots. ty 4 the <3
Response: You are welcome.
Response: he he he, I would like to visit Mykonos. The beachs alone are amazing in photo's! ha ha ha I do hope you come here someday. It is worth it. I hope yuor trip in September is lovely. Thank you for the heart, it warms mine.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you very much for the heart! It is much appreciated!
Response: You are welcome. I am happy that you like the extra. Thank you for sending mine on and for the heart.
Response: You are welcome.I was so nervous. I am relieved you like what I sent. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Hello sweetie! Thank you very much for the heart. I am truly blessed to live here. And to you Hugs and Happy endings to all your swaps!
Response: :( So VERY VERY VERY sorry that it took this long to get to you. It makes no sense.
Response: You are welcome. It is a weird book. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It is an amazing place. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you liked the extra one. I hope someday to send one to it's owner and get one of mine back.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it. Santorini is a beautiful island. I have lived here for a long time. There are certain views that still take my breath away. I am blessed.
Response: oops! Getting only one postcard would be confusing. lol I am so very happy you go them all. The fudge is very quick and very easy and a family favorite. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome. TYVM for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome. I did it my way, hoping my partners would like it. Have a wonderful day and thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I can never thank you enough for your kindness and patience at my messing this up.
Response: You are welcome. It was a fun swap. Mine made me laugh too. I appreciate the heart, thank you very mcuh.
Response: You are welcome lovely lady! TYVM for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for he heart and your kind words. You are a sweetheart.
Response: You are welcome lovely lady. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome.I have mentioned it to my husband. I want to go on a cruise and take a trip on a train. I am hoping that someday I get to. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You're welcome, the other one has been sent.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. It was fun.
Response: Hello lovely lady, tyvm for the heart. I am glad you enjoyed your card and note, I hope you are well
Response: tyvm much for rating, so sorry it took so long, weird that it did and horrible
Response: tyvm for rating and the heart
Response: TYVM for the heart. I await to see how long the re-send(s) will take to get to you all.
My firends cat is now 18 and dying from an infection in her sunus's. She is only skin on bones now. Her fur is not soft and beautiful because she cannot clean herself. She is still getting up and walking around. One eye is bulging and horrible to look at. I try to visit her everyday. I do not like looking at her but I have know her for 14 of her 18 years. I also hope to be with my friend when her kitty leaves this world. :( I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy what I re-sent to you. You are kind and generous. I appreciate it and send prayers and thanks to you and those you love.
Response: The view of it and the view from it is something incredible. I am blessed to live here. Inspite of the work schedule...April until November...10 to 12 hours a day 7 days a week. TYVM for the heart. I appreciate it. It warms me up.
Response: WOW! That is so cool. I like some of their wines. I wish we could have met ech other. TYVM for the heart. It lifts me up. The end of last year and the beginning of this year have been very hard on me. be well
Response: WOW! Even with postcrossng, that is cool! You are welcome! Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: you are welcome
Response: Yes he did. :) The island is slowly returning to the ancient colors. Thank you very much
Response: You are welcome. I hope you see it too. Thank you very much.
Response: Thank you very much. I would like to see it. Also thank you for the heart. You are welcome. Have a lovely day.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much.
Response: You are welcome, thank you too.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much.
Response: Thank you very much!
Response: you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for your kind words and the heart. 2017 started the way 2016 but I am holding on to hope.
Response: You are welcome my dear. That was enough snow for me. The volcano is still "active". It lets off steam in places on the top. At the bottom where the boats dock, there is some warm rust colored water that it releases. lol Happy New Year! Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart and thank you for it.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: I would like to have you here. It is beautiful and I never tire of the view. Thank you very much for the heart and all the swaps you host.
Response: You are welcome. It was my pleasure to be in this swap. I appreciate the heart and hope you like the teas.
Response: I don't have any holiday postcards. I wanted it to look festive so... lol Thank you for your kind words. We still have 2 four legged house guests. They will both leave us around the end of the month.Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: LOL! You are welcome. Than you for your kind words and the heart. happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: he h eh ha ha ha She is driving me crazy but I have known her for about 10 years. Living with her is hard. She is so demanding and has 3 different meds she is taking and already a trip to the vet. :( ;) lol Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it. You are welcome! Happy New Year!
Response: It is really pretty here and many other places. lol Happy New Year. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. Happy New Year!
Response: Happy New Year! Thank you very much for the heart! You are welcome! :D
Response: I am teary eyed reading your comments. I was so worried you would find them childish. lol Thank you with all my heart. You are welcome. Happy New Year with love hope and faith galore!
Response: Happy New Year! you are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: Happy New Year!
Response: thank you
Happy New Year!
Response: He is having a good time. He will be in America with my family as of tomorrow. He has not seen them in 19 years!!! As I write this I am teary eyed. I am so excited. Thank you very much for the heart. You are so welcome. Tahnk you for your kind words!
Happy New Year!
Response: I hope your Christmas was merry. :) You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: Thira is the Ancinet Greek name. At some point Spaniards ruled here. They named it Saint Irene and the rest is History. lol It is an incredible island. I never tire of it's beauty. The tourists aren't hurting it too much. The locals need to get organized to make it better. lol Happy New Year. Thank you for the heart rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. Happy New Year!
Response: Thank you for your kindness and for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Happy New Year.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating. Happy New Year.
Response: Wow! I hope you make it. There are so many beautiful places here in Greece. Have a wonderful trip. thankyou for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It has such beauty that I never imagined until I moved here. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome my dear. It has been a hard week. An 85 year old friend died. He survived heart surgery and had Cancer removed from his bowels last year. My sister-in-laws dad is losing his battle with Cancer and so on. your heart rating made me smile. Thank you very much.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very very very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome my dear, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thank you very much for the lovely heart.
Response: You're welcome, tyvm for the pretty heart.
Response: You're welcome and thank you very much for the heart.
Response: you're welcome. tyvm for the heart
Response: It is beautiful here for sure. lol tyvm for the heart
Response: You're welcome. tyvm for the heart
Response: You are welcome. I hope you make it here and we can meet in person. TYVM for the heart.
Response: You are welcom. tyvm for the heart
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou VERY much for the heart. I miss home and all my family.
Response: YEAH! you are welcome my lovely partner, thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: You're welcome! Thank you VERY much for the heart! :)
Response: you are welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. I hope you enjoy using them. Thank you for the heart.
Response: That is a sad thing for your Mom. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am happy you liked it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: We are all good, thank you. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: :D You are welcome! Thank you for the heart.
Response: ;) You are welcome. Thank you for the heart
Response: Boy oh boy. I don't know how many I used. I'm trying to picture it in my head. I remember that one side had a line of small squares and then it was a crazy mix...You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: :D Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. So glad he got it. Did he get it in time? A donut cake would be fun. Cool idea. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: he he he It's all good now. I found a swap to use it in. That is a good thing. lol. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: me too, you are welcome and thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart.
Response: YYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH! That makes me feel better on a lousy day. I am very happy you got thema nd like them! ((hugs)) and many thanks for all the hearts, they are so cute and I very much thank you for the heart rating!!!
Response: You are VERY welcome. I send extra thanks for the heart rating. It means a lot to me. This time of the year the water has a silverish color on top of the blue. I like it as much as the Summer blue. lol
Response: It is a pretty place to visit. You are welcome. I am happy that you liked them. Thank you for adding the heart. It does my heart good to see it! :D
Response: I didn't know what I was missing until I ate Greek yougurt here way back in 1991, lol. Muesli for breakfast is good but with Greek yougurt, perfect. he he he I tried to make it interesting, not just a square piece of cardboard. I am glad you liked it. Thanks very much for the heart.
Response: he he he, it wasn't washi tape as I know it, it was this little plastic container and you roll it accross the paper to apply the images...
I am down to regular 8 hour days now and it feels good!
You are welcome and I send many thanks for the heart rating!!!
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart rating!
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart rating. :)
Response: You are very much welcomed and smiled at for the pretty little heart rating!
Response: Dog gone it, I am sorry health will keep you away. Grateful you like the postcards and I appreciate the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. I enjoyed reading your note here. best wishes in your new home
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for th heart.
Response: I said I will NEVER get on an airplane and I will NEVER go to no foreign country, lol I married a Greek American who wanted to move back. I had always intended to move back HOME to Texas. Thank you for the heart. I hope you make it here.
Response: Thank you sweetie. I was so nervous. lol I appreciate the heart. Did #5 get there yet?
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart.
Response: It was a fun swap! You are welcome and thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, God Bless you and I thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you from my heart for the heart you gave me. Maybe one day we will go there. be well
Response: You are welcome, I am so glad you liked it. The heart you gave warms mine, thank you.
Response: So grateful, it's the smallest Greek wedding I have ever been to. It was almost personal. I took photo's mostly outside as people mingled. Many of their friends and family liked the casual photo's I took. I was so nervous that I forgot to get a photo with my husband. My family and close friends were disappointed. lol Thank you very much for the heart. It makes me feel good. You are welcome and I am glad you liked it.
Response: It truly is amazingly beautiful here. Thank you for the heart. It's appreciated.
Response: You are welcome, it feels good to share, I am glad you liked them. I appreciate the heart and thank you for it.
Response: he he he, it is truly ugly, lol, YOu are welcome, thank you for the heart, it warms mine. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the lovely heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome, I am glad you liked it. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, I am glad you liked it, may the Lord Bless for your generous rating.
Response: So glad they were enough and that they will be useful, have a wonderful day and thanks from my heart to yours for the great rating.
Response: I do hope you make it. It is amazing! Thank you very much for the great rating. You are welcome and I look forward to more swaps with you. :)
Response: You are welcome from my heart. It makes me happy that you like it and got it, lol! I thank you for your kindness in fiving me a heart. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, it is a beautiful country. lol Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: thank you for rating, have a good day with some happy mail...
Response: he he he, today was a weather day for the books, it was so foggy, that I could see about one car link in front of me, you could not tell we were on an island...also it was so humid..YUK! Thank you very much for the heart. You are welcome. I do like that stamp. lol
Response: :D tyvm, you are a lovely swapper, when I see your name I am happier, I appreciate the heart!
Response: U R welcome! tyvm for the <3
Response: You are welcome, tyvm for the <3!
Response: U R welcome, tyvm for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Thank you ever so very much for the heart. Thank you a hundred times for your patience in letting it finally get to you!!! Have a wonderful day!
Response: "Home" was wonderful but I LOVE Santorini. It is incredibly beautiful. I am so lucky to live here. Thank you VERY much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! lol it is weird, I hope you have an extra special day
Response: You are welcome. Thanks so much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. thank you kindly for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Thanks very much for the heart.
Response: thank you for rating
Response: I like that stamp very much and it's so cool that a lot of the cards here have images of the same church. You are welcome. I thank you very much for the heart.
Response: It is exciting. It is one of my favorite stamps from here. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: YOU ARE WELCOME! Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much or the heart.
Response: You're welcome, thank you very much for the extra rating!
Response: Thank you very much!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: you are welcome, thanks for the pretty heart :D
Response: 15 days to get to you, sorry, it usually takes at the most ten, thank you very much for the heart, I wish for you happy mail
Response: You are welcome my lovely fellow swapper. I thank you kindly for the pretty little heart. lol May your day be a blessed one.
Response: HI! Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it. I don't get to the post office this time of the year. I drop everything off at a mail box and hope it makes it on time. lol So glad you got yours in time. My son is here again but leaves tonight. lol He is done on September 18th. lol Have a wonderful day!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: We had a sanctuary here for all animals. It was on land owned by the local government. They shut it down a few months ago. :( So glad you all have a sactuary there. Have a wonderful day.
Response: You are welcome ((hugs)) coming back to you. Thank you for the heart. I hope your day has some happy mail in it!
Response: You are welcome sweetie, have a lovely day and thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, so happy you liked the long one. Have a wonderful day and thank you for the heart.
Response: Don't worry be happy! Have a wonderful day, thank you VERY much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome dear, thank you for rating and have a good day.
Response: You are welcome my lovely, thank you for the heart. Have a wonderful day!
Response: he he he, my thought exactly, thank you very much
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much!
Response: You are welcome, I appreciate the cute heart!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: I hope you do! Thank you for the heart. It has been a week of ups and downs but most of all good, thank you.
Response: You are VERY welcome! thank you VERY much
Response: YEAH! Will you come to the island? Please let me know if you do. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it. I sent you a message. Ask me anything you want about how I got here.
Response: You are welcome, it is a truly delicious combination. I prefer to eat it with Feta and fresh bread which turns into a small meal. he he he Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome. I hope to see you here. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: Makes me feel good that it arrived on the right day. You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Better, yes. Thank you.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: It truly is beautiful. I am grateful to live here. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: lol, if you find out let me know, thank you
Response: April and May are a mix of weather here. So hard to plan or dress for it. lol Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: It's time consuming but worth it. You should be able to find the leaves ready to use in jars. So glad you like them. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: lol, thank you very much for the heart
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: My pleasure. You are welcome. Thanks very much for the heart.
Response: Good choice on the card I chose.
Response: he he he, I hope you might try it someday, thank you very much for the heart, You are welcome my lovely!
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart. Safe and happy fun was had by all plus yummy cake!
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: as always me too, lol, thank you for the heart
Response: lol, you are welcome, thank you very much for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: i hope you make it. thank you very much for the heart
Response: lol, you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: I am glad you got both cards. thank you for the heart and the postcard
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: your welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: true, thank you for the heart
Response: A mix of the old nd the new will be good but the blue and white is my favorite. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I hope 2016 is better in all things for you and your Charlie. Thank you VERY much for the heart. So far no gains and 2 lbs. less. ((hugs))
Response: Schucks that we didn't meet up. lol You're welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You're welcome with ((hugs)) for your kind words and the heart. thank you very much
Response: You're welcome and thank you.
Response: You are welcome, blizzards, no thanks. lol Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart, 2016 so far is quiet.
Response: thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome sweetie, thanks a bunch for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks much for the heart
Response: You're welcome sweetie. I thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. thank you kindly for the heart
Response: Thank you for doing these swaps. i enjoyed them and look forward to doing it again sometime.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. PLEASE let me know if you will do this or something similar. I love recipes. lol
Response: You are welcome. Happy New Year! thanks for the heart <3
Response: Thank you VERY much! You are welcome, did you get the postcards too? The surprise arrived in time.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. Merry Christmas
Response: They are special creatures. You are welcome and thank you very much for the heart. Merry Christmas
Response: i hope you visit someday. It is worth the trip to get here. Merry Christmas
Response: I moved to Greece in 1991. Settled on Santorini in 1993. You would not recognize the island now. It has overgrown itself. lol You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart. Merry Christmas
Response: It was my pleasure. You are welcome. Thankyou very much for the heart. merry Christmas
Response: Thank you very much for the heart. Merry Christmas
Response: You are welcome, thank you fro the heart. Merry Christmas
Response: You are welcome. Thank y ou very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I hope things are better now. lol Thank you for the heart.
Response: I find those Greek teas to be VERY good. I hope you enjoyed them. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I hope the extra's will provide with trades that get you some you don't have. lol I appreciate the heart and thank you for it.
Response: You are welcome. I'm glad you got them all and liked them. Thank you for the wonderful heart. :D
Response: Did you get both of them? Did you like the treats?
Response: I am glad you liked it and thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Did you get all 3? Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, sweetie. Thank you for the heart.
Response: The envelope fell apart and you had to wait for me to re-send, you deserved extra. thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. ? ? ? coming soon
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome sweetie, thank you for having me and the heart is appreciated.
Response: I am happy knowing you liked it. Thank you very much for the heart. Happy Hallloween :)
Response: You are welcome, sweetie. I hope your Fall is full of colorful fun. Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the new word(s) and the heart. I enjoy them all. Have a wonderful day.
Response: your welcome, it is so beautiful here, I am burned out now, been working 7 days a week average 10 hours a day, I can't wait until November so I can stay home, thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. I had one once from a swap here on swap-bot. It was a collection of dogs. I liked it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. So glad you like d it and thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Hello sweetie! You are welcome!
Response: Come on, you only have to work 7 days a week average of 10 hours a day during the season. lol Otherwise it's great. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I thank you kindly for the heart. have a good day
Response: he he he thank you for reminding me that I can buy more now, ;) You are welcome and thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. :D Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. After getting this latest 3 I am paranoid about people getting things. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Kefalotiri in English comes out as kefali-head tiri-cheese so head cheese. It is a hard, dry cheese. If you don't cut it carefully it crumbles. You could maybe substitute Parmesan or something similar. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart rating.
Response: thank you for rating, have a good day
Response: :) You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: he he he, I have a friend here on the island. She spends 6 months here and 6 months in Canada. She loves the snow. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: lol, tyvm for the heart, I probably forgot not you, my mind is tired and over worked this time of the year... :P have a great day
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the nice heart. I like it very much.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I am grateful for it.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the nice heart.
Response: You are welcome, the island has some of the best views in the world. lol thank you for the amazing heart, it is much appreciated! :D
Response: My heart is overflowing with joy and thankfullness to the old H. S. friend who paid for my ticket. Also that him and my family and other friends are doing just fine.
Response: So very sorry. Things were in a HUGE mess and the mail was not moving. Now things are calm. In September it will all go nuts again. lol Thanks for being patient! and for the gorgeous heart. I appreciate it.
Response: lol You are welcome. Thanks for the sweet heart. I need it and appreciate it!
Response: Yuo are welcome. I enjoyed Portland, Or. and Vancouver, Wa. with friends and family that I hadn't seen in 12 years!!!The heart you gave me warms me. thank you
Response: lol You are welcome, it was a fun swap, thank you for the colorful heart!
Response: Thank you, I am an emotional wreck and made a promise not to let more than 2 years pass this time. It was such a priceless gift from my H. S. friend. I am eternally grateful to him! Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: Thank you precious. August is a very hard month here and with the trip to the USA it is overwhelming. sorry I haven't beenin better contact. thanks very much for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: That covers any BIG city for me, :P! Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the great heart rating, it is much appreciated!
Response: thank you for rating
Response: Most of Greece is beautiful, I hope you can visit some part of it someday. You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome, sweetie.
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart, I like it very much.
Response: You are welcome. I love the heart and I thank you kindly for it. :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the beautiful heart. I thank you kindly for it.
Response: No matter, July and August have been rough on me. I am behind in responding to ratings. thank you for rating
Response: I am glad you got it and that it adds to your collection and makes it better. lol You are very kind giving me a heart and I thank you very much for it.
Response: The downside of living is 10 hour work days, 7 days a week during "the season". The upside is it's beauty, it's low crime rate and drug are minimum. You are welcome and I thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: thank you kindly for the heart, you are welcome for yet another Santorini postcard, :P
Response: I hope you tried that recipe. It really is a good recipe. Just ask millions of Greeks and many millions of tourists who visit and eat it almost every day. :P Thank you for the beautiful heart, it is much appreciated.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. I am thank God and rest and days off and medication. lol I hope I never need their services. ;) Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It was a rare social event with such wonderful people. The store is VERY busy so I am worn out and all I can manage is some postcards. ;)
Response: As Tom Petty says, " get lucky sometimes...". lol You are VERY welcome and thank you for the heart. It is much appreciated.
Response: You are welcome and than you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I t gave me pleasure to be able to give someone something they wanted. I appreciate the heart, thank you.
Response: You are welcome. It makes me feel good that they fit into your collection. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart. I hope all your swaps end well. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart. Have a wonderful day/night!
Response: :) You are welcome! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for your uplifting, heartwarming words. Bless you! Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I thank you very kindly for the heart.
Response: Sorry it took so long for me to get it to you. You are welcome. I tried to write from my heart. The heart you gave me is pretty, thank you sweetie.
Response: You are welcome, I hope you and the little one's enjoy your cooking time together and the results. It was kind of you to give me a heart, thank you.
Response: You are welcome, I hope you and your loved ones like it. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome, the heart lifts me up, thank you very much
Response: hugs and love back to you dear friend and the heart is pretty, thank you
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: thank you for your kind words and the heart, I appreciate them
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: There are so many versions of that stew. :P It was about the only I recipe I found. lol I sent another little surprise for your girl. ((hugs)) Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: he he he, PLEASE send me your Mom's name and address. I will mail her the same one. The stamp will be differnt. They have issued new ones. I like this new one VERY much. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you so much for the heart. I am sure glad you like them.
Response: I would be happy to see you here. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for the compliment. :D I hope you get your page 16 soon and enjoy it. I appreciate the heart.
Response: My partner sent me page 16 from another book. I will get one for you in the mail soon. Sorry I didn't think of it myself.
Response: I hope they are. :D
Response: You are welcome. :) thanks for the great heart
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Sorry it took so long. :(
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I remember the first my Mom brought home an eggplant for us to eat. I wrinkled my nose and said no way am I eating THAT! I learned to like eggplants since moving to Greece. My favorite way to eat them is to fry them and then sprinkle them with salt&pepper and a few drops of vinegar. mmmmm...
Response: You are welcome. I had fun with this swap. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: Fires and floods take away so many memories. I am gld you are interested again. So sad that your Mom is gone now.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: The cake does have vinegar in it. You mix the all the ingrdients in the baking pan, stir and bake. The cookie dough is mixed all together at once in one bowl. They come out every time perfect. Also less calories with banana's. ;)
Response: Thank you sweetie. I hope you and your hubby are well. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: lol I was so nervous. I don't feel that I share things right. Bless you for your generous words of kindness. Also for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: Praise the Lord, that is much better than one. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, so sorry it took so long. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. Almost all my flowers are gone and the roses are fading fast but they were awesome while they lasted.
Response: It is the sea and it is wonderful. lol You are welcome and thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, I had fun, did you? Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: That is wonderful that your look a like cat is on the bookmark. You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am happy to share my wealth of postcards. Thank you for the heart.
Response: thank you very much for the heart, You are welcome for the card. :)
Response: The weather is cool, windy, gray and raining but lovely for walks. Come on over. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Got loads of good news today will send you a private message. Thank you for the heart. I still don't have a computer. lol
Response: You are welcome and I thank you for the heart.
Response: I am waiting for your arrival. Ok, that is good. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the lovely heart
Response: Dog gone it I was hoping someone could read it and tell me about it, lol. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: bbbbrrrrr, My friends there are hoping the snow will stop soon, they are in Hamilton. It has warmed up more here but it's not warm yet. he hee he
Response: lol This Winter has been the worst one since we moved here. The wild flowers love it and are outshining themselves. :P Thank you for the cheery little heart, it warms me.
Response: lol you are welcome, I had fun, thank you very much for the heart, it makes me feel good
Response: God Bless You and if you want to add prayers at any time let me know.
Response: God Bless You and if you have any requests at any time just let me know.
Response: I love that area and how it makes me feel. I am glad you like the postcard. Thank you VERY much for the heart!
Response: The first time I tasted Tztaziki I fell in love with it! I hope you will at least like it. Sweetie with tears of joy in my eyes, I thank you for the heart. It looks a bit childish to me but I did put a lot of effort into it. lol I hope you have a wonderful day!
Response: he he he I paid extra for that stamp but thought it was worth it to add some fun to folks who have a phone that can read that code. I don't have one of those phones. lol Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: God Bless You, thank you for the heart. If you need any other prayers added to my list let me know.
Response: Thank you very much for the heart. I started in Texas, landed in Oregon. Then married a Greek American who wanted to return to his country so here I am. LOL! Hve a great day!
Response: Thank you sweetie. If you need any other prayers added to my list let me know. Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: Thank you, God Bless you, if you need other prayers added to my list now or at any time, let me know. Thank you for the heart.
Response: God Bless You and thank you for the heart. We don't own our building. We have been trying for years to get permission to build our own church. We are not Greek Orthodox so it seems impossible that we ever will. A member donated some land of hers and it cost us 10,000 Euros to get it in the church's name. If the Lord wants us to build there it will happen. If he wants us to move from the building we are in we will. lol He knows what's best for us. We just have to be patient. :D
Response: Thank you for the heart. If you need any other prayers added to my list , let me know. God Bless You.
Response: Thank you for the heart, God Bless You. If you need any other prayers added, just let me know.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: thank you for the 5 I appreciate are welcome, it is too weird that only 1 person got their postcard...
Response: I don't know exactly where in Hamilton. :( Her parents live there she visits them. She lives here on Santorini. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: It did take almost a week. I had great fun making it. It makes me even happier knowing you like it and that the postal workers got a kick out of it. Have a good month or Kalo Mina as we say here. I thank you from my heart for the warm comment and the heart. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart for my effort. :D
Response: You are VERY welcome. I am glad you already have a place to use them. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: Oh WOW! That is great news. PLEASE try to contact me. When you are ready I can give you my personal details. It would be so cool to meet a fellow swap-botter! lol I almost met a Facebook friend last year. Thank you very much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the pretty little heart.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thank you for the Valentines heart you gave me. ;)
Response: You are welcome dear. I appreciate the heart very much.
Response: You are welcome. It is truly beautiful here. I am blessed to live here. :) Thank you very much for the pretty heart.
Response: Thank you for your lovely message here and the heart. I sure do appreciate them both. ((hugs))
Response: Thank you very much. I am back on my feet but not 100%. I appreciate your patience with me and the heart. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: It's OK! (: Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! They got there quick. I was thinking they would get there late. We had a four day weekend. This allows people to get to and from their home villages to vote. You also spoiled me with the pretty heart. thank you very much
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are WELCOME! It makes me VERY happy that you liked them. I sure do appreciate that pretty little heart you gave me.
Response: thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: Good grief. It got down to -1 for a few days and I thought we would freeze. The next days were at 1 and 2 C. then it jumped to 16C and I was happy again. :P Today we had 19C! YEAH! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Sorry I don't have protectors here. I am glad you liked it. Merry Christmas. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad they reached you. The lady at the post office is a sweetheart. She sometimes holds up the envelopes and says, how's that? ha ha ha I will let her know that one person enjoyed her "stamping". lol Merriest of Merry Christmas's to you and those you love, Deb
Response: You are welcome. Merry Christmas and thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Merry Christmas and thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Merry Christmas and thank you for the heart.
Response: So sad to say that I sent this already twice to the wrong person. I have no idea how I did that. I have re-sent it now. I apologize to you for this horrible long mess up. :( I hope the gal I sent them to contacted you. Again my apologies for this bizarre mix up.
Response: Close...the false statements are...1,2,3,9 So you got it right on 3 out of 4. Good job. I am married to a Greek. ha ha ha
Response: We had a good season. We are closed now. It is such a relief. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I appreciate the heart, thank you. I am glad you liked what I made. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. I thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I had a great time creating them. I am glad that you have a favorite. That makes all fun I had even a better memory. Thank you for the heart. I am hoping your holiday season is filled with love, health and fun.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I send you wishes for a healthy happy holiday season.
Response: You are welcome. It made my day to see that heart and read your message. Thank you very much.
Response: You are welcome. I spent time and had fun making them. I appreciate the heart for my efforts. Thank you VERY much.
Response: You are welcome. I tried to make it better than it was, I appreciate the heart for the effort I made. Thank you VERY much.
Response: I miss the Fall season. I am happier knowing you are enjoying it while it lasts. My husband took me to a beach restaurant this afternoon. We had Saganaki (fried cheese), a beer and a yummy green salad. We sat right by the sea and enjoyed our meal and the sound of the surf. It was a gray day but lovely in it's own way. :) I thank you VERY much for the heart!
Response: Raw tomato and cucumber are a perfect match when they are in season here I eat them every day. Yummy breakfast and healthy. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: Lamb is availbe here all year round but only fresh around Easter. You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, it gives me great happiness to know you got them and liked them. I thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: "All's well that ends well! ha ha ha. I am so glad it worked out in the end, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, sorry you got a scare and thank you VERY much for the pretty littl heart
Response: Good news, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the awesome heart. You made my day better! :D
Response: You are welcome and thanks for rocking me back with that heart!
Response: You are welcome! You are AWESOME for giving me a heart. ((hugS)) THANK YOU!
Response: You are welcome. :) Thankyou very much for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome for the postcards and to come visit me here on the island when you get here. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me know I did it right and that you gave me a heart. I appreciate it, very much. ((hugs))
Response: This is so weird, I just re-wrote everything down so I can re-send this tomorrow. OK, I so releived you got it after all. ((hugs))
Response: I am so glad you liked everything and that you will try them. I chose only tried and true family favorites. I hope they work for you and your family. It tickles me that you like the stickers. Did I remember to include the paper stars? ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome! You are welcome! You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome.
Response: I have good and bad days. I am working way too many hours (standard here) and too many emotional things happening. I will be OK. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and patience on this swap and to give me a heart, WOW! THANK YOU, ((hugs))
Response: I am VERY happy that it made you smile, it makes me smile too. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It is an amazing place to live and visit. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart. You are welcome. I was hoping you would like to know a little bit about a few of the villages. ;) ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, thank you for having me and thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I hope you get some happy mail today!
Response: You are welcome. I am shocked that it took only 5 days to get to you? ? ? It takes longer than that to get to America. Did you like any of the things I sent?
Response: You are welcome sweetie! Thank you for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart and the compliment. If I haven't notified you in 10 days at the most let me know.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome. I think you could, given enough time, ;). Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It is beautiful here no matter which part you live on. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am so glad you like the cards. Thank you for the heart.
Response: WOW! That is horrible that it took so long. I am VERY sorry. I sure do thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart rating.
Response: You are welcome, I had fun with this swap. It is amazingly beautiful here. Thank you VERY much for the heart rating.
Response: I am thrilled that you loved them. Ihad fun working on them off and on between my double shifts at our shop! :D I thank you kindly for the heart rating.
Response: :D You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: Oh Oh Oh, you liked them, that makes me VERY happy. It took me awhile but I finally finished them. I thought the couch one was fun. ;) Have a fantastic day, thank you for the hearts and big teddy bear ((hugs)) for you!
Response: You are very welcome. I am glad you liked it. Some of the punches were velvety and I didn't want to cover them. he he he Thank you for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome my dear. Thank you very much for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome. I hope they help when they are needed. thank you very much for the heart
Response: Those stamps are all gone already. :( OH well! I liked it too. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the pretty heart rating! ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, I hope you use them happily. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: he he he, It makes me hungry too. They are the first "sticker" postage stamps that we have had here on the island. They are all gone now. I was so tickled to get to share some. Have a great day and thank you so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome for the postcard and you are welcome here. Thank you VERY much for the heart. Have a wonderful day!
Response: You are welcome. I put some time and some fun and some of my heart into it! I appreciate the heart VERY much!
Response: OH my, be careful with that much heat. I wish you were here with your family for awhile. be well dear one...and thanks a bunch for the heart...((hugs))
Response: It has it's good stuff. ;) Thank you for the heart.
Response: OH no, have I sent you the same card twice? I am sorry. I will send another if you like. Thanks for rating me.
Response: You are welcome sweetie, thank you for the heart! :)
Response: Oh, I hope they enjoy the wedding, some do last for two days and they are as loud and fun as any wedding can be! Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome many thanks in return for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the 5 even though I didn't understand this swap as I thought I had. I will soon send one from the instuctions you gave me.
Response: Thank you for the heart rating. You are precious. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the beautiful heart. :)
Response: you are welcome :)
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. You liking the card and stamp makes me happy. I thank you kindly for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome. It gives me great pleasure knowing that you like them. I appreciate the heart. thank you
Response: She really is. Just ask anyone who knows her. ;) Thank you very much for the heart rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for making me grin from ear to ear. It was quiet silly of me to take them out. (he he he) I appreciate the heart. I am not the artsy type but I like to try sometimes.
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating
Response: he he he, what looks like a road is a donkey trail or you can walk it if you want. The view from there is incredible. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: It is. lol thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you enjoy them. :D Thank you kindly for the heart. Have a good week with happy endings to your swaps. ((hugs))
Response: Thank you very much for the heart. I am blessed to be able to live here. The water changes colors but it is always beautiful. Also a big thank you again for being the only one to join me in my silly little swap. :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your patience awaiting the re-send to get to you. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: I am sorry for this delay. I have a message from her today. (I read it just before your message on how you rated.) She never received my card I am re-sending her one. thank you
Response: I am blessed and I know it. lol Thank you very much for the heart! :D
Response: Some places here can be described as perfect that is one of them. lol Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: That is weird...I don't want to spoil the surprise but with the key lime I sent another one from France and it has gone missing but the Greek one showed up...WEIRD!!! Thank you for your patience and the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Add Santorini and come by to say hi! Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome my dear. I say from my heart I wish you both a long marriage... <3 ((hugs))
Response: Congratulations, you are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. The last few days have been like Summer and the sea has been smooth like glass. The sunsets are awesome these days too. The green and wildflowers bring me such joy. The heart is much appreciated, thank you.
Response: I was excited to share my little treasures. The only reason I want to visit the mainland is to get more. lol Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It is as you say it is. I am blessed. I thank you for the heart. It means a lot to me.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: thank you very much for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: he he he You are welcome, thank you for the heart and please come on over. :D
Response: Grinning from ear to ear. Thank you for you kind words and that gorgeous heart rating. Have a fantastic day! You are welcome. ;)
Response: You are welcome. :) Thank you VERRY much for the heart.
Response: I am sorry that I only have touristy postcards to share. :( thank you VERY much for the heart, I appreciate it in spite of what I had to send you ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. thank you very much for the heart
Response: Yes, come for a visit. This Winter the lows have only been in the teens C. lol Hang in there. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am so sorry it took you so long to get this swap. Thank you VERY much for the heart and waiting patiently for your re-
send to get to you. :D
Response: You are welcome. I also enjoy reading mail. :)
Response: You are welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I hope you do try it. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you very much for your kind words and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart. I got mine back. So cool!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart and the kind words.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart. Happy Holidays with fun, family, friends and health.
Response: You are so welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: That is so cool that you were here. I wish we could have met. You are welcome and thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: Thank you VERY much for the heart. I hope your dinner was yummy.
Response: Hello precious! You can stay with us when you get here. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: It would be the VERY best Thanksgiving meal ever. You are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: Parakalo! :D I like that card too. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I didn't know I had a UNESCO card in there, cool! Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you like it. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: I gave it to the postman in the office instead of the box outside. It was important to me that it had the right day stamp on it. :( Sorry it took so long. almost a month. Bummer! I am glad you liked it once it finally got there. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome.Just right for this swap, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, I thank you VERY much for the heart. You deserve one for your patience, not me, but thank you anyway. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Oh my, snow. bbbrrrr...Our days are warm to hot and our nights cold. You are welcome for the card. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: you are welcome. Thank you for rating.
Response: YOU ARE WELCOME! Thank you very much for the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. It was a bummer about the mix up but the good outweighed the bad in the end. :D Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I hope you and your loved ones enjoy the Moussaka. It's very popular here. Thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: 8,000 WOW! I haven't ever counted mine but I can't believe I have that many. I have probably sent it before, oh well. You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: Hi sweetie, I thought I responded to this already, weird...Welcome back to driving. I hope it continues to be a pleasure that you can enjoy. You are welcome, thank you for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am happier knowing you want to try them. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Hi sweetie, we have over 400 church's on the island. Is it the one in Oia that is the most photographed one? You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome! God Bless You and thank you VERY much for the heart. ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome, it was/is my pleasure to share. Have a great day and thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am happy you liked it. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for your patience and kindness. It really bugs me when people don't get things. You handled the waiting patiently and kindly. I appreciate that VERY much. I figured if I was gonna re-send I would also make an extra extra effort the second time around. Again, I am sorry the first batch never reached you. Have a great day! ((hugs)) from Greece
Response: You are welcome. I always make an effort but when someone doesn't get it the first time around it saddens me. So I decided to make an even bigger effort the second time around. :) You deserved it for the kindness and patience you showed in waiting to get your swap full filled. Have a great day.
Response: Thank you for your kind words and the heart rate. :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: he he he...there are many versions of this fertility God but they all have that VERY obvious yeah it is a giggly kind of statue...thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you kindly for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart." It is a small world after all"! ;)
Response: You are welcome, it was my pleasure. Thank you VERY much for the heart rate.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. :)
Response: thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: Yes and it is still like that. :)
Response: You are welcome. I feel blessed/lucky to live here. :D thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind wishes and the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome. It tickled me to match them. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. <3
Response: That is so cool! You are welcome and thank you for the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome! ((hugs)) to you too, thank you for the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome. Big ((hugs)) back to you. Thank you for the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. <3
Response: Lol, no it doesn't stain you. It is even redder in real life. You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome! It is VERY beautiful. I am lucky to live here. :)
Thank you for the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome. I am well. Thank you! :D As you read this I hope you are feeling SUPER! Thank you for the heart. <3
Response: You are welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: :) You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome. I do hope you like them. Thank you VERY much for the heart. :D
Response: I do hope you come. It is VERY beautiful here. I am so blessed. Thank you VERY much for the heart. :D
Response: Thank you sweetie, seeing your name always makes me smile. Thank you VERY much for the heart. :D
Response: YOu are welcome. I am VERY happy that you liked the fresco one. I thank you kindly for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. :D
Response: :D YOu are welcome, thank you for the great rating.
Response: You are welcome! thankyou VERY much for the heart :D
Response: lol, I am waiting for you... :D
Response: :D You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: :D You are welcome! It gave me pleasure to be able to share with you.
Response: You are welcome. :D Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, I am grinning from ear to ear. You have made me very happy by being happy at what I sent. THANK YOU! ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. I will be waiting for your arrival. :)
Response: You are welcome. I hope you enjoy the teas. :)
Response: You are welcome. I love where I live. I am lucky and blessed to be here. :)
Response: I am sleep deprived otherwise it is a good Summer. I hope your Summer continues to be good. You are welcome. :)
Response: :( VERY sorry about that. I try to put it right at the top even before the date. thank you for your kindness, Deb
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: It was fun. You are welcome. :D
Response: So far so good, thank you and you are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Have a great day. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you too. :)
Response: You are welcome. I hope you come back. :)
Response: It is prettier in real life. :) YOu are welcome.
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: I hope you do come. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you too. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome.
Response: That is so cool. I hope you come next time. :D
Response: You are welcome, I will be waiting for you.
Response: You are welcome. I am blessed to live here. :D
Response: You are welcome. It is worth the trip. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome. I also like that card. My daughter is working in office that sells tours on those types of yachts. Have a great Summer.
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: Yes, I live on Santorini and the color changes the sea shows us is amazing. :)
Response: She was Kathy Bales when we were growing up. Have you heard of Marble Falls? I live on the island of Santorini and I love it. Is your daughter coming to the island?
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. Monolithos is a good place to swim and relax. :D
Response: What a weird and wonderful coincidence! :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome. I am lucky that you don't get tired of them for they are all I have to share. ;) Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: You are welcome! :) Please come for a visit, it will be worth it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I hope you come here someday.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. The weather is warm here now, fianlly! ;)
Response: It is VERY beautiful and full of yummy restaurants to help you enjoy the view. You are welcome and thank you for the heart. I appreciate it. :D
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked them and that they are your first makes it better. Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it. :D
Response: I hope you make it to the island. It is worth the trep. You are welcome! Thank you for the heart I appreciate it. :D
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart, I appreciate it... :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. :D
Response: It is hard not hanging out with you more often and seeing your name is swaps. thinking of you, thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: I hope to see you here. thank you very much for the heart :D
Response: You are welcome! thank you kindly for the heart
Response: You are welcome. I am lucky! :D
Response: you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. I am glad that you liked them. I don't remember using any gift tags. lol Have a great month! and the heart is wonderful, thank you...
Response: :D You are welcome. :D
Response: I am glad you got them and liked them. thank you very much for the heart
Response: You are welcome. thank you VERY much for the pretty little heart
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you very much. :D
Response: You are welcome! It was/is my pleasure! :)
Response: Cool! You are welcome. thank you for the heart :D
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are welcome. :D
Response: Thank you for your kind words and the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome. thank you VERY mcuh for the heart :)
Response: You are welcome sweetie. thank you VERY mcuh for the heart
Response: Money these days is hard to come by for crafts. I am relieved that you don't mind I used things I already had. Thank you VERY much for the heart! :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. IT IS VERY beautiful here. :) thank you for the heart
Response: They just put that machine in this Summer. I was so excited to be able to send you a "penny" for your collection! ;) You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: I would like to do a direct swap but not at this time. I may not have internet past the end of this month. Thank you very much for the heart. :)
Response: I used whatever I had around my tiny craft table. I don't know what Dr. images I used. Maybe from a page in a magazine??? I am glad you liked them. :D thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you or the heart.
Response: he he he, you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you very much for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome my lovely. Thank you so much for the heart. :D
Response: You are VERY welcome sweetie. It is an amazingly beautiful place. I don't live on the caldera (cliffs) but I would like to. Thank you VERY much for the heart. :)
Response: WOW! That is so cool! Did you make it to Imerovigli where my shop is? Where else did you go?
Response: OK! :D Have a great week!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. :)
Response: It was my pleasure, you are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome sweetie, I am tired but good. Have a GREAT day, thank you. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you too. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you too. :)
Response: he hehe, you are welcome, thank you too, :D
Response: You are welcome. thank you too :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much.
Response: Yes, there is stunning beauty all over and the ruins...You are welcome and thank you! :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you too. :)
Response: You are welcome, I am glad to be the first. :) thank you for the heart
Response: Big fat grin on my face saying you are welcome, it was my pleasure! thank you for the VERY good rating
Response: We also have a red lava rock beach. Some are also sand, while others are rocks and pebbles. :)
Response: You are welcome! It was my pleasure. thank you VERY much for the heart :D
Response: You are welcome, I wish it could have been more. thank you for the heart :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the extra rating. :D
Response: You are welcome. thank you for the rating :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: ((hugs)) ;) It is a big surprise I haven't repeated any. thank you for the heart
Response: As I am praying for you! ((hugs)) :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. :D
Response: May the Lord Bless you, AMEN!
Response: I tried VERY hard to keep every bit of the map but...anyway, maybe next time. ;l Thank you very much forBlessing me with your kind words and the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome sweetie, thank you VERY much for the heart. :)
Response: I am VERY happy that you liked them. :D Thank you kindly for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart! :D
Response: You are welcome my dear. Thank you very much for your heart. It makes me feel good. :D I would like to be your penpal.
Response: OK! That is a relief. thank you very much for the heart, it makes me feel good to see it...
Response: I am glad you got your stuff and like it. Thank you for the heart. :D
Response: thank you, I got your name in another swap, so look out for more from here...
Response: You are welcome. It feels good to share my bounty. Thank you for the heart! :D
Response: The lie was about the kids. I loved my M-I-L and I have been married for 21 years. :) Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I cringe when my boys jump off the cliffs there but they love it. Thank you for the heart. :D
Response: Oh goodie! I was hoping you would like it. You are welcome. Thank you for honoring me with a heart! :)
Response: You are welcome sweetie. I am lucky. :) Thank you very much for the heart! :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. :D
Response: he he he, I didn't like her, I loved her she was great! :P I would have had five, not seven. Thank you very much for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the fabulous five and the gorgeous heart! :D
Response: Thank you very much Mary! :D
Response: I am VERY VERY VERY sorry that I did not put a name on it. :( Thank you for giving me a heart anyway. I sure do appreciate it!
Response: You are welcome. It isn't so bad when there is a cool breeze. Today the wind is high and hot! YUK! lol Thank you VERY much for the heart! :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart! :D
Response: Youa re welcome! :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you too! :)
Response: You are welcome. I got a tickle to be able to send an Al. card from Greece, lol! Thank you very much for the heart, it makes me feel good! :D
Response: You are VERY welcome. It is an amazing place to live. If I didn't have to work 7 days a week in the Summer I would say it is almost perfect. :P I appreciate the heart, thank you ! :D
Response: I have wanted to get a digital camera for years. I have gone through three of them, two of them were gifts. One quit on me. The second one was stolen. The third one we had to stop using. We would take about ten photo's and then have to replace the batteries. My daughter just bought one. I hope she will share it with me. lol Thank you very much for the heart. :D
Response: I hope your Dad is better as you read this. thank you very much for the heart, I sure do appreciate it. I don't mind waiting! :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome. There is one on my face bigger than his right now because of the heart you gave me, thank you very much! :D
Response: You are welcome sweetie. I hope you visit. thank you VERY much for the heart :D
Response: You are welcome. I am always happy to see your name as my partner. :D I sure do appreciate the heart, thank you!
Response: You are welcome. I hope you get to visit. thank you VERY much for the heart :D
Response: You are welcome. :D thank you VERY much for the heart
Response: You are welcome! God Bless You! thank you VERY much for the heart, I appreciate it ((hugs))
Response: You are VERY welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: I talk too much and sometimes it carries over to my writing, lol! Thank you very much for the heart. It doesn't matter at all about being late. I just appreciate being rated. thank you :D
Response: I am excited too! Thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: he he he, It would be wonderful if you gave the cards to your sister. Congratulations to the newly weds! he he he, you cracked me up, thank you! the heart is much appreciated... :D
Response: I am in Imerovigli in my super market. Did you pass by here? I am so glad you enjoyed the letter. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: uh-huh and great for swimming in
Response: You are welcome! :D Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: When you visit, make sure you make it to Santorini to meet up with me! :) It is beautiful! thank you for the beautiful heart
Response: That makes me happy! thank you kindly for the heart
Response: #2 oh no, What beat us in the #1 spot? lol PLEASE try to get here so I can finally meet a fellow Swap-Bot(ter) lol! thank you for the heart
Response: This is the hottest June in 21 years. To make up for this we had the worst Winter in 21 years. lol Usually July and August are the hottest. anyway...I prefer the heat, happy endings to your swaps...the heart is very pretty, thank you! ;P
Response: You made my day, thank you very much for your kind words and beautiful hearts!
Response: Hey, I thought it was the other way around...You surely must be sick of my cards? I don't get bored with wonderful swappers like you! Thank you for being a true SWEETIE!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart! :D
Response: have a great day :)
Response: You are welcome! I love the heart you gave me, thank you! :D
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the HEART :D It's so cool that you got it already! I sent it on the July 3rd!
Response: You are welcome! I am so blessed to live here. Thank you for the heart! :D
Response: You are welcome, it is a great place to live. Thank you for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much, God Bless YOU.
Response: AMEN! thank you God Bless you
Response: ((hugs)) GOD BLESS YOU TEN FOLD...
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart! I hope your Summer is a GREAT one!
Response: you are welcome
Response: he he he, just my kinds kitty, knows what it wants/likes and lets ya know...good kitty..((hugs)) for you and your kitty for giving a heart
Response: You are welcome! :D I am glad you like(d) it. thank you kindly for the heart :)
Response: You are welcome! :) thank you very much for the great heart :D
Response: You are so welcome. I hope you make it here. Please look me up when you do get here! It is an amazingly beautiful place. I am blessed to be able to live here.
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the great heart
Response: It is even better when you are here. thank you for the cool heart :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart. I do hope you like them.
Response: You are welcome, my dear. It is an incredible place. It absorbs or rejects people in some mysterious way. The ruins at the village of Akrotiri and also known as Akrotiri are a BIG MYSTERY. It is an incredible place and adds to the legend that this is "The Lost City of Atlantis". I appreciate the heart, thank you! :D
Response: Thank you for the gorgeous heart! :D
Response: you are welcome :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart! :D
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the great heart! :D
Response: You are welcome. I am happy to be here! Thank you VERY much for the pretty heart!
Response: Aaaahhh, schucks! I wish I could have given you a new idea! OH, well! :( I am glad you liked your bookmarks. Have a great Summer and thank you VERY much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. ((hugs)) Thank you VERY much for the heart. I appreciate it.
Response: Hello sweetie! Thank you very much for the heart and the lovely compliment. Hug your little for me and give her my thanks.
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart it is much appreciated!
Response: You are welcome. :) Thank you VERY much for the heart. :D
Response: You are VERY welcome. :D
Thank you VERY much for the heart. I appreciate it. That old donkey is retired now. Have a great day.
Response: You are welcome! :) I thank you kindly for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome! thank you VERY much for the lovely heart :D
Response: he he he, you are welcome...
Response: You are welcome! I enjoy sharing my bounty! Thank you VERY much for the pretty heart.
Response: You are welcome! :D
Response: You are welcome! :D Thank you very much for the HEART! ;)
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you very much for the heart! :D
Response: You are very welcome, thank you VERY mcuh for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you VERY much for the heart. :D
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you very much for the heart! :D The cable car ride is over too quickly otherwise, definitely the best option. lol I hope you get here somdeday.
Response: You are welome! Thank you VERY much for the heart! :D
Response: You are welcome. I like sharing my bounty. Thank you very much for the heart! :D We are doing better now. Things have calmed down. Everyone is trying and that is what we should be doing. Having tourists is giving us even more hope. Thank you for your concern. ((hugs))
Response: he he he The "mountains" were sent from in the "funny" category. I am very happy that you liked all of them! Makes my day even better. Thank you very much for the heart! :D
Response: I don't live on the caldera (cliffs). When the kids grow up and leave the house I would like to. I married a Greek-American and came here with him. Thank you very much for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome! :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou VERY much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: thank you very much for the heart
Response: Yes, I find it funny too. You are welcome. thank you very much for the heart, :)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: OH boy, I am VERY sorry. I usuallly write, Debra (TexyDeb) on my cards. My apology for failing to do so. That must have been frustrating for you. I am glad you liked the silly donkey. Thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you very much for the heart! :D
Response: I am glad you liked it sweetie. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, it gives me happiness to share my bounty. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: No bear from me but you are welcome. ;) Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome my dear. thank you very much for the heart, :D
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome sweetie. Thank you very much for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart! :)
Response: YOU are welcome! thank YOU for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart! If you write me, I will write you! ((hugs))
Response: YOu are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: :D You are welcome! thank you very much for the heart
Response: You cheered me right up! thank you very much for the heart and the message...((hugs))
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. The ruins here on Santorini (Akrotiri) are also incredible. ;)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. I will be here waiting for you all. :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the heart. :)
Response: You're welcome! I will be here waiting for you. :D Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you very much for the heart. I will be here waiting for you. :D
Response: You are welcome. I will be waiting here for you. Thank you very much for the heart. God Bless You!
Response: I try to give a little extra when I can. I am glad you liked what I sent. Thank you very much for the heart. Santorini was dull and gray this past Winter. That was the first time in 21 years. So Santorini is almost always so bright and beautiful. ;)
Response: Thank you for the heart. I will be here waiting for you and then we can visit Crete again together! :D
Response: You are welcome! :D
Response: thank you very much for the heart
Response: Oh my dear you are very welcome! Thank you very much for the heart and kind words.
Response: Whew! thank you very much for the heart, I am so relieved that you like them
Response: You are welcome.( tyvm for the heart) He is Risen, Happy Easter!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you very much for the lovely heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am so glad you got them. Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: The pleasure is all mine, I assure you! :D thank you very much for the heart
Response: I am glad you got your card and liked it. thank you very much for the heart
Response: thank you very much for the heart, I love seeing your name in my swaps, your GREAT! The lst few days have been beautiful here! The wild flowers are in bloom too! YEAH!
Response: You are welcome! tyvm for the heart :D
Response: You're welcome! tyvm for the heart :D
Response: You're welcome! tyvm for the heart and I am glad you like the cards :D
Response: You're welcome! :D ty for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! :D Better late than never! ;) Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Change can be good! :D thank you very much for the heart!
Response: That is good and gives me releif! thank you very much for the heart
Response: The only thing that has chnaged is the amount of buildings. Those make the night views prettier. lol
thank you very much for the heart
Response: You are welcome. The beauty here is breathtaking! Thank you very much for the heart! :D
Response: "Let's continue to lift each other up in prayer--in spirit and in truth!" AMEN!
I thank you very much for the heart! :D I am glad you liked what I wrote and the card.
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you liked both cards! thank you very much for the heart :D
Response: You are welcome! :D Thank you very much for the heart! Give Ginger bunny sized snuggles and lovin'! Miss Thumper is like Bugs Bunny, crazy for carrots! :D
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. I appreciate it! :D
Response: You are welcome. I am not from here but I have lived here for 19 years. Thank you very much for the heart. :D
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for giving me a heart! Have a great day!
Response: Thank you for the heart and your comforting words. I am so glad you liked it! :D
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart! I appreciate it. Homemade would be GREAT! ((hugs))
Response: I am very happy that you liked what I sent. I hope you enjoy the teas. thank you very much for the heart, I appreciate it! <3
Response: You are welcome! I am so glad you liked it. thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the cute heart! I am glad you liked your card! I walked for 45 mins. yesterday with my husband. When we got home I decided 20 is enough for now. lol
Response: You are welcome.You are a sweetie, Thank you for the cute heart! It does my heart good that I can share with you and you enjoy it! ((hugs)) Deb
Response: I hope your vacation was relaxing. Thank you very much for the heart! I am so happy that you liked your card. It is a beautiful place to live and visit! I don't mind the late rating. I just started to worry! :D
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: lol, tyvm for the heart, I don't see these around here anymore. I am glad to have found a swap that used them, lol :P
Response: Thank you for the lovely heart! PLEASE, come over and we will walk as much as you want all over the island! :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. The views are incredible! :)
Response: God Bless YOU! You are welcome. Thank you very much for the pretty heart and setting up this swap.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the nice heart. It is VERY beautiful here! :P
Response: Hello, lovely lady! You are welcome! :) thank you for the pretty heart, I send up a prayer that your list will be met by you, for you, hugs, Deb
Response: You have made me so happy! thank you very very very much...times are lean and I didn't have a big choice of teas or wrapping supplies...and so on... It tickles me that you enjoyed the way I did your teas, and a big heart of thanks to you for my pretty heart... :D
Response: You are a sweetie! thank you very much for the heart...You are welcome. I also enjoy you as a partner! :)
Response: You are the best! thank you very much for the heart...
Response: Yes, I agree with you. We used to sell these cards at our store. Who know's how long it's been around. I would more say 80's than 90's, lol I love postcards. It was my pleasure to join. Thank you for being such a sweetie. I love the heart, thank you!
Response: No matter about the late rating. I am glad you got and liked your PC. The new year so far has only brought cold and that is the only problem for me. lol Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Sure wish we could have met up! oh well, next time! :) thank you very much for the heart, it makes my day even better
Response: Another map card from must have a dozen of all of them by now...oh, health and love for you and those you love, thank you VERY MUCH, for the heart...
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you like the card and it's stamp! Happy Holidays to you and those you love with faith, love and health! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! It was my pleausre! I hope you will like the cookies! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: It was an extra special meal. I am so glad you got that heart felt feeling that I had from what you read. thank you very much for the heart, best wishes for happy endings to all your swaps, Deb
Response: I so enjoyed sharing my experience by postcard. You are the only one who read the words from my heart the way I wrote and felt them. thank you very very much, :) Deb
Response: thank you for rating me, have happy days and endings
Response: thank you very much for the heart, you are welcome for the card, I will be here when you get here, :)
Response: I am glad you got your card. I wish that you will be able to come some day. thank you very much for the heart, TexyDeb
Response: You are welcome! :) I am also glad I joined the swap! I got four beautiful postcards and a lovely note from my partner. :)
Response: I feel blessd to live here. I am so glad you liked the card. Yes this is an island.
Response: I live on Santorini. It is beautiful.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked your card.
Response: You are welcome here anytime. It is incrediblly beautiful! I am glad you liked your card and stamp.
Response: I am glad you liked and got your card. The mail has a few flukes here. lol
Response: The water color changes and is so amazing. I am glad you liked your card.
Response: You are welcome here anytime. The beauty of the island lasts all year long.
Response: I am glad you liked it! you are welcome
Response: We are in Chaos as a country but we will make it. I am glad you liked the map card.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: It is a fantastic place to visit!
Response: You are welcome, I hope you will enjoy them!
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you got them! :)
Response: You are welcome! :) ty for the heart
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: he he he as in no local fresh water...We collect rain water or buy it from delivery trucks. lol It is a very beautiful place
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: You are welcome sweetie! tyvm Have a happy Summer.
Response: tyvm, I hope you are well <3
Response: You are welcome! It was my pleasure. It is very beautiful here.
Response: lol ty have a great day
Response: I was hoping the extra card would surprise you. I am glad you like them.
Response: lol tyvm for the happy rating
Response: tyvm, you are very kind, ty for the lovely rating
Response: You are welcome, ty for the love! ;)
Response: You are welcome. ty for the heart rating, Happy Summer to you
Response: You are welcome and very kind. I always hope that I won't bore you with the card or the notes I make. lol
Response: I am happier knowing you liked the card. Thank you very much for the very good rating.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the very good rating.
Response: You are welcome. ty for the lovely rating
Response: This is my first Summer in 20 years that I won't work 7 days of the week. I plan to make up for lost time! : )
Response: I am here waiting for you! yw : )
Response: You are welcome! Happy Spring back to you! The rating is excellent! tyvm : )
Response: I am glad you liked the card! : )
Response: I do hope you will try them and enjoy them! :)
Response: Oh, I am so glad the card went to someone who liked it as much as I did! : )
Response: It is very beautiful! I never tire of the view!
Response: Strange but true! : )
Response: you're welcome : )
Response: doesn't matter, : )
Response: : ) Weird that it traveled so long but wonderful that it finally got to you and not lost! : )
Response: I'll save a space on the beach for you. : )
Response: you're welcome : )
Response: :) Very pricey tea but very specail
Response: you're welcome : )
Response: Praise the Lord!
Response: I am glad you also found it weird! :)
Response: you're welcome : )
Response: Praise the Lord!
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: :P not to me I didn't put an address on it from me, lol
I am so glad you FINALLY got a card...
Response: You are welcome, ty for the great rating!
Response: and ty so much for the rating
Response: and ty for the beautiful rating
Response: You are welcome. The theme here used to be sky blue and white. It has changed a bit now. ty for the rating
Response: You are welcome, ty for the great rating.
Response: You are welcome, ty for the beautiful rating.
Response: I never get tired of the view. Even now when it is mostly gray and raining. :) ty for the amazing rating
Response: You are welcome, ty you for the lovely rating.
Response: You are welcome. ty for rating me
Response: You are welcome, ty for the great rating.
Response: You are welcome, ty for the rating.
Response: no problem, you are welcome, ty for rating me
Response: You are welcome, ty for the lovely rating
Response: Cool! I am glad you liked the card and stamp! ty for rating me
Response: You are welcome, ty for rating me!
Response: It is amazing here! You are so welcome! ty for the rating
Response: You are welcome! ty for rating me
Response: You are welcome. I love where I live. I feel it is a blessing.
Response: A Brother at Church said that when we read the Old Testament that we should remember that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have always been and always will be. I am going to look at like that on the next Samuel swap. thank you
Response: You are welcome here. Today is high winds, heavy rains and cold. lol Not the best time to visit. lol
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the great rating.
Response: lol you are welcome
Response: It is even better in real life. : ) thank you
Response: :) you are welcome
Response: The Brother who gives us lessons on Sundays suggested that we read the Bible all the way through and then re-read it until we leave this earth to wait for Jesus's return. I have started reading. I am enjoying these learning sessions too. thank you
Response: I hope you make it here when you come. I never get tired of the views here. I am blessed.
Response: aaaaahhhhhhh thank you very much
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the good rating. : )
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the good rating. : )
Response: Don't forget to stop by the island to visit me. : ) You are welcome and thank you for a good rating.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the blessing of a good rating. : )
Response: are very kind! You are welcome very much! Thank you for the good rating! :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the blessing of a good rating. : )
Response: Thank you for the blessing of a good rating. : )
Response: Thank you for the blessing of a good rating. : )
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the lovely rating. When you come, please stop by the island so we can meet! : )
Response: You are welcome, very much thank you for the adorable rating! :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the rating.
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the rating.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the rating.
Response: You put a huge smile on my face. I appreciate your offer. I have some stuff from the old days. If I work this year I will set us up a private swap. thank you very much for the high rating and the generous offer, Deb
Response: he he he I don't like shopping either. Once a week would be fine by me. ;) Thank you for the note and the rating!
Response: I do hope to see you here on the island. Thank you for the rating. :)
Response: thank you for the beautiful rating
Response: You are welcome! : ) thank you for the high rating
Response: I am glad you liked it. thank you for the good rating :)
Response: I'm the lucky one! :) thank you so much, you are welcome
Response: You are perfectly welcome! :) thank you for the great rating
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the good rating. :)
Response: I love getting postcards. Anytime you want just let me know. You are welcome, take care, Deb
Response: You are welcome. Both holidays were here at home quiet and relaxing. best wishes and thank you for the good rating, Deb
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the lovely rating! :)
Response: You are welcome. I am so very glad you liked your cards. Come on over! :) thank you for the good rating
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the nice rating. :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the rating! :)
Response: God Bless you even more in 2011! thank you for rating me
Response: It was a blessing for me. thank you for rating me
Response: It was my pleasure. thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome and thank you for rating me.
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: Thank you for the high rating, I appreciate the high rating.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the high rating. I also enjoyed this very much.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the high rating.
Response: You are welcome, it was my pleasure, thank you for the high rating.
Response: It was my pleasure, thank you for the high rating.
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked it enough to give me the best rating. I think it is a card not special in itself but representing something very special. :)
Response: That makes me very happy! :) You are welcome! thank you for the rating! <3
Response: You are welcome! :) It is a great place to live. thank you for the lovely rating
Response: You are welcome! :) <3 thank you for the special rating
Response: phew, thank you for the special rating... :)
Response: mmmeeeooowww! pppprrrrrrr! prrrrr! :P = kitty kisses
Response: :) You are very welcome! thank you for the good rating
Response: I am so glad! Thank you for the lovely little heart, it warms mine!
Response: I am glad you liked your card. Being here on swap-bot your kitty collection will grow like a weed. have fun and thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! I do hope you and your loved ones will enjoy them. thank you for the great rating
Response: he he he the most silly fun I have had in big grin...
Response: he he he, I am glad!
Response: You are welcome! I hope you and your family will enjoy them! the heart rating is lovely thank you very much
Response: You are welcome! Hug's to Miss Chloe! :) thank you for the heart
Response: :) You are welcome! You put a smile on my face. thank you for the heart
Response: It is nuts at feeding time! The dog helps by being jealous and trying to eat their food and hers at the same time...thank you for the heart...I am glad you liked your card :)
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating me :)
Response: AAAHHH, shucks, I wish you would have stopped by to see me. It is cool that you got my name after being here! thank you very much for the special heart! :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the special heart! :)
Response: :) Parakalo (you are welcome) thank you for the pretty heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the heart.
Response: I am not from here but I have lived here for almost 20 years. I have only left Greece 3 times in all these years. thank you for the heart
Response: I am glad to get a yum from you! Just let me know if you get a repeater card and I will replace it! thank you for the heart and have a great day
Response: You are welcome, have a good day.
Response: and you deserve hearts for your kind words, Oia is a great place to add to your list, thank you so very much, have a great day
Response: Almost every church has that blue on at least one dome. They are awesome to look at and in. thank you very much for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the nice heart it is much appreciated.
Response: Here they didn't get electricity in some villages until the early 60's. Be well, thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: You are very welcome! thank you so very much, the heart is awesome
Response: I am blessed to live surrounded by such beauty. I am so glad you loved your card. be well and thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the pretty heart
Response: Hello Miss Bendi! lol You made my day much better, thank for the heart and your kind words! :)
Response: I am sorry you lost your husband. My husband immigrated to America when he was 27 and left with me 17 years later. I am very happy that you liked your card, be well
Response: You are welcome, gorgeous and thank you for the heart.
Response: :P You are welcome to one of thank you for the pretty heart! :)
Response: :) Yep it is a menagerie! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you very much
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the pretty heart
Response: It is a VERY old song. I hope you will like it when you hear it. thank you for the lovely heart. The words to the song are awesome.
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart
Response: :) you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome much! :) thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome for the card and welcome here when you come! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart
Response: he he he If I ever play and win, I will fly you over and you can stay with me...
thank you for the pretty heart
Response: :) thank you for the nice words and the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heaart
Response: I have never done it but I hear it is fun. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome here at anytime! thank you very much for the heart
Response: You are welcome! All we have done so far is re-paint. We are using a temporary stove. thank you for the pretty heart
Response: It has been a lovely day. My computer is being repaired and paid for by a friend so it is also a lovely week. I am so blessed.
Response: aaahhh thank you and for the lovely heart...I do love where I live
Response: Let me know what other recipes you would like! ( you can also send me any that don't use mushrooms, lol) thank you so very very much for the heart...I love where I live
Response: I am so glad you liked the card thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: That is so cool that we got each others names! thank you for the lovely heart...
Response: lol... thank you for the cute heart, I appreciate it!
Response: You are so very welcome, thank you for the beautiful heart!
Response: he he he, It is about the only cards I have to share, I am glad you aren't bored with them! :P Thank you for the heart!
Response: It is so cool just thinking of the package! LOL! thank you for the gorgeous heart...
Response: OH! I am so glad it was a good card for you! and the heart is much appreciated!
Response: Tell me more about how you know about my thank you for the pretty little heart...
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the beautiful heart!
Response: You are welcome, thank you very much for the heart!
Response: I am glad you like your postcards. Thank you for the heart. It sure feels good to see it there. ;) My baby Sis uses her new name proudly! :) take care... :)
Response: I am sorry. I didn't realize 1 day would make much difference. I apologize. Thank you for the reminder of sending a PM.
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed your cards! thank you very much for the heart it makes my heart happier...
Response: thank you for the pretty heart I sure do appreciate it, I am glad you liked your card
Response: I am tickled to be your first! LOL! thank you for the heart they always make me feel much better...
Response: I am so glad that you got most of them. I am glad you like them!
Response: I am so glad you got and love your postie! It is a neat house, I don't live in one but I would like to when the kids leave home. lol thank youfor the extra heart rating! :)
Response: :) You are welcome! It does my heart good to know that you got cards that you liked! ((hugs)) best wishes and thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you liked the boys. have a great day and thank you very much for the heart and rating me, :) Deb
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating! :)
Response: I am very pleased that you love your postcard and the stamp! thank you for the much cherished heart best wishes, :)
Response: You are welcome! :) thank you for the heart, it much appreciated, best wishes from me to you.... :)
Response: lol, thank you for rating me and the heart makes me smile...
Response: thank you for rating
Response: It is lovely here. I am blessed. You are welcome! :)
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: I am glad you like your cards! thank you for the heart, :)
Response: I'm glad you liked your "different" postcard! :) You are very welcome! :)
Response: The best part of this is that you can use some of those recipes. Cool!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating me! :)
Response: You are welcome, it was my pleasure! :) Thank you for the heart rating! :)
Response: :) You are welcome! :) Thank you for rating with a heart! :)
Response: I have "misplaced" the spiral notebook that I kept track of things in. So I hadn't noticed. thank you for the pretty heart
Response: You are very welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! :) thank you for rating with a heart
Response: You are welcome. The sunset is good from allot of places here on the island. thank you for rating with a heart
Response: I am glad you lloved it! LOL! Thank you for the heart.
Response: I am glad you loved the card. You are welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: he he he, I grew up in TX. It snowed once. It was amazing. I am glad you loved the card, thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating me. It is an amazing place to live.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: I am glad you liked it! thank you for the lovely heart
Response: I sent you the last ones that I had read. I am glad you liked your card. thank you for the pretty heart
Response: You are welcome! It was hard to choose. thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: All is well that ends well! LOL! I am glad you liked the card. I will be here when you get here with a cold drink in my hand just for you! LOL! thank you for the festice heart!
Response: LOL! I am glad you liked it. You are welcome! thank you for the pretty heart
Response: I agree! lol you are welcome and thank you for rating
Response: thank you for rating
Response: thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the festive heart!
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the festive heart!
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the festive heart! We had some crazy weather but the last few days have been warm and it feels good.
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the festive heart.
Response: Thank you for the festive heart!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed reading about my four legged babies, LOL! Thank you for the festive heart!
Response: LOL! You are welcome! Thank you for the festive heart!
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the festive heart!
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the festive heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the pretty heart! I do hope they use them once they find them! LOL!
Response: ROTFLOL! That story was well worth the wait of a rating! thank you for making me Roll On The Floor and Laugh Out Loud! thank you very very much for the wishes and ((hugs)) Deb
Response: You are welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: I am so glad you loved what you got! You are welcome! thank you very very much for the pretty red heart
Response: You are welcome, best wishes for winning this hand! ;)
Response: he he he I interperted the UPCYCLED part into any and every bit of paper and scraps that I could use! he he he... I am glad you like the way I interpreted the instuctions and that you will use one and release some into the wishes and thank you for the pretty little heart...
Response: You made my Day! I am so glad you liked your card. I think it is an awesome card with an awesome view and that is why I chose it for you! LOL! You are welcome and thank you so very much for the heart and the uplifting words! ((hugs))
Response: You are very welcome! :) It is an amazingly beautiful place to live. I married a Greek American in America and moved here with him, a long time ago! thank you so the beautiful heart!
Response: I married a Greek-American and we moved to Greece together. Nice to meet you. I am glad you liked your card. thank you for the beautiful heart
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the beautiful heart! ;)
Response: You are welcome! I am so glad you enjoyed them all. thank you for the gorgeous heart
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you liked it! thank you for the cute heart
Response: I do hope at least some of the stuff you will enjoy. I so don't want you to be completely sad on Christmas morning. You are welcome and thank you for the heart. I appreciate it!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed the cards. You are welcome! thank you for the pretty heart
Response: You are welcome. I will be here to greet you when you get here. thank you for the lovely heart.
Response: It was my pleasure. My Mom sent him a Christmas card from here too. words escape me...
Response: I don't have anything "Halloween" here. I am so relieved that you liked what I chose from what I have available. best wishes and thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. It is one of my favorite views of the island. thank you very much for the heart
Response: It is awesomely beautiful here. I do hope you come here. I am glad you like your cards from me. You are welcome! thank you for rating with the heart ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you liked it. Thank for rating with the heart.
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart rating and noticing that I did try to make something different but that you would like
Response: You are welcome! lol Thank you for rating me. Don't forget "The Traveling Pants" filmed in Oia (ee-uh). lol
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating with a heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating with a heart.
Response: hey, better late than never, lol, thank you for rating with a heart
Response: It is finally cool enough that we are no longer swimming. lol you are welcome anytime, thank you for rating me
Response: Phew boy! I am so glad you all I like all the stuff and your family too, that is so cool! Thank you so much for letting me know and making my day GREAT! and for the heart! lol :)
Response: No, I have never seen dolphins here but the island is worth a visit. I will be here to greet you. I am glad you liked your card. Thank you for rating with a heart. Happy Halloween! ;}
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating with a heart. I do hope you try your new recipes. ;)
Response: thank you for rating me but I just got a message from you and made a package to send you tomorrow, I am toatlly confused????
Response: You are welcome, thanks for rating me.
Response: Welcome Home! I hope you had a good trip. I am glad you liked your bookmarks. thank you for rating with a heart
Response: You are welcome. There is one in our neighborhood and sometimes he startles us with his "laugh". thank you for rating with a heart :)
Response: You are welcme. I am glad you liked your stuff. I will be here to greet you when you come. thank you for rating with a heart :)
Response: It is a very beautiful and special place, I am blessed! ;) I am glad you liked the cards. Thank you for rating with a heart!
Response: I am so glad you could see it how I did! Thank you for rating with a heart!
Response: It's ok, I am still working out my tracking system so I hadn't noticed. lol I got some tips from a penpal so maybe next time I will remind you, lol! Have a great day and thank you for rating with a heart! ;)
Response: I am sorry for your loss. I am glad you liked the "C" card I chose. Thank you for rating with a heart.
Response: Doing fine now, thank you! I am glad the recipes sound yummy to you. thank you for rating with a heart
Response: thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome! Your message and the heart warmed me up and made me smile, thank you! :)
Response: I am glad you enjoyed your card, have a good one...thank you for the heart.
Response: I am finally doing good again, thank you. Thank you for the heart. It means more since I was so down back then.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart :)
Response: I am glad you liked it, thanks for rating me
Response: You are welcome! The box with the small wouldn't fit in your box, sorry! lol thank you for the heart
Response: that's ok, thank you for rating me with a heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating me
Response: you are welcome, thank for rating me
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating me
Response: I am glad you liked them. thank you for the heart
Response: I do love where I live and today as I got to watch the sunrise I thanked God for the umptent time for it. I am so glad you liked the card. thank you for the heart
Response: I am glad you liked it. It has helped me many times! thank you for the heart
Response: You are very welcome! thank you very much for the heart
Response: I always love hearing from you! Thank you for the heart. You shouldn't but big ((hugs)) and thank you. :))
Response: Big smile to you, you are welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. I do hope you will try them. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome. I am so glad you like them. I worked hard on them even tho they are simple. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart.
Response: lol, You are welcome! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating with a heart. :)
Response: You are welcome! :) thank you for the heart
Response: You are so welcome. I am happier knowing that you "loved" your parcel. I will be here to greet you! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! We have over 400 churches on the island now. The very beautiful church is still there in Fira (Thira is the ancient name for Santorini) and still the biggest on the island. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you liked them. They are very simple but it took me a long time to make them. lol thank you for the heart
Response: It is very yummy! lol I am glad you are going to try it. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, it has been all my pleasure and made me smile allot! best wishes and thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome. I do hope you will try them. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, lol, I will have to check your flckr album so that I don't re-send the same one, lol, thank you for the heart
Response: They are picked and soaking in water for the next 20 days. I am glad you liked the card. thank you for rating me
Response: I am tickled that you are enjoying your package. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! I so wanted to surprise you. I am glad to know that I helped to make your day better, best wishes and thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Hot or cold IS good! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! I hope you like the candy. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart :)
Response: You are welcome! :) thank you for the heart :)
Response: :( Oh no! So much for trying to surprise you! I am so sorry! I so hope you might salvage something. I married a Greek-American in America and moved here with him. thank you for the heart :)
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. ;)
Response: It is exciting to know that you are going to try your new recipes! You are welcome and thank you for the heart.
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: You are very welcome! I am so glad that you liked your stuff! Thank you for the heart.
Response: thank you for rating me with a heart
Response: ...big Grin on my face...I am glad you liked them, thank you for the heart!
Response: and he didn't even stop by to say hi, DARN! Come with him next time! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, dreaming for a little while is a good thing! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart...
Response: I do hope you will try them, thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart! I feel blessed to live here. Especially in the Winter when I am SAHM! :)
Response: You are very welcome! thank you for the heart :)
Response: I again apologize that you never got the first package! Thank you for your kindness and patience in letting me re-send! best wishes and thank you for the heart ((hugs))
Response: Stressfull but No problem, lol! Thank you very much for your patience and kindness in letting me re-send! ((hugs)) and for the heart! :)
Response: You are welcome! I almost had an ulcer worrying about this! I still feel bad! thank you very much for the heart...((hugs))
Response: I'll be here to greet you! thank you for rating me... :)
Response: You are welcome, thank you for letting me share my days with you for awhile and thank you for the heart :)
Response: thank you for rating with a heart, I am so glad you enjoyed your stuff :)
Response: You are welcome! The only important thing to me is that you will enjoy them! I thought they were really cool! thank you for the heart ((hugs))
Response: A big huge grin came right accross my face as I felt the pain and the love of our lives as I read...we are blessed! thank you for the heart! and reminding me of the joy's of being in a family...
Response: thank you for rating me and for the heart
Response: I will be here to welcome you when you come. thank you for the heart
Response: I am glad you liked the card, the heart did not appear but it does not only matters that you liked your card, thank you for your kind words, Deb
Response: thank you for the rating and the extra heart :)
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: It sure was a fun challenge and not knowing at all what we would get! thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: You are very welcome, thank you for the heart. :)
Response: thank you for the heart and rating me
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the pretty heart! :)
Response: You are welcome, I am lucky to live here.
Response: You are welcome, It was great fun. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, I am sorry you had to wait for a re-send.
Response: I will be here to greet you, thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: You are very welcome. I like giving and receiving info. lol thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome, I enjoy sharing and getting news from people's space, thank you for the heart, it makes my smile even bigger :))
Response: You are welcome, come on back it's still here and still incredible, thank you for the pretty heart especilly as it was my first recycled pages attempt! ((hugs))
Response: You are welcome! :) thank you for the rating plus a heart :))
Response: I will be here to greet you. You are welcome. I am so glad you will try them. thank you for the heart :)
Response: You are welcome, I love the feeling of feeling like a kid again. thank you so much for the heart... ;)
Response: You are welcome! I got to use up some "garbage" so that made me feel better. We have no recycling on the island. thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome! I will be here to greet you when you get here. thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart...
Response: You are welcome, thank you for rating me. :)
Response: You got your card already? WOW! thank you for rating me
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome! (thank you for the heart)
Response: :) You are welcome! thank you for rating me...
Response: It is a true story and just one of the many I have from working so many years in a super market! I am so glad you enjoyed it. It still makes me smile! thank you for the heart :)
Response: You are welcome! :) thank you for rating me...
Response: Reading your lovely words makes my heart soar. I am so glad you liked what I sent and how I sent. I was so excited when I sent it and you responded the way I hoped you would. Maybe the stamps fell off the envelope. The envelope was from a kids suprise bag but it was too cool to throw away. Thank you very much for the heart! :)
PS The envelope holding the stamps was a handmade from another swapper but I had to share at least one and protect your stamps. lol
Response: he he he I am glad you enjoyed the is a true story...the cereal is very yummy and low calorie??? go figure thanks for the heart... :)
Response: I was so sad that it was the last one but I am very happy that you are going to try the recipes. thank you for the lovely heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating me :)
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the great heart :)
Response: You are very welcome. I love sending people swaps and getting it right! thank you for the heart, it is so pretty... :)
Response: ((hugs)) The only tuff part is long hours seven days a week during the Summer! I am so glad you like the recipes and cards. come back and stay with us??? Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I love zucchini too. lol thank you very much for the heart...
Response: thank you so very much for the heart, be well!
Response: You are welcome! The views are incredible! thank you for rating me!
Response: I am so glad your are going to try the recipes. thank you very much for the heart, :)
Response: You are welcome! I am glad you enjoyed your little pack from me! thank you very much for the heart! :)
Response: I was hoping I sent things that you all would enjoy! I didn't send anything from your no list. Oh Well! I'll try harder next time. thank you for rating
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating me. :)
Response: You are welcome! I hope to get to swim again in Sept. Thank you for your kind wishes and the pretty heart! :)
Response: You are very welcome! :))
I am so glad you are gonna try the recipes! best wishes and thank you so much for the heart! I was sad that we sent out our last post cards for this swap! LOL!
Response: You made my day much brighter, thank you and you are welcome! ((hugs)) thank you very much for the heart :)
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating me
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome, I love postcards! thank you for the heart :)
Response: Come in the Winter, it usually rains and is cool to cold. lol, one day a week would be great... :)
Response: you are welcome, I hope you will try them, thank you for rating me
Response: :) You are very welcome! thank you very much for the heart!
Response: It is unbelievably yummy! You are welcome and thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: you are welcome thank you for the heart
Response: I am so glad you liked them, thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thanks for rating me
Response: You are welcome. I sure hope you enjoy it! thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: It was so worth it knowing that you enjoyed receiving it as much as I hoped you would! thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the pretty little heart :)
Response: he he he, I don't have my printer up and running yet so I try to make the cards special in my own You are welocme and thank you for the lovely heart :)
Response: You are welcome! I am so glad you got this one! thank you for the pretty heart. :)
Response: :) It was/is my pleasure! You are welocme! thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: I hope you can use the beads to make someting for yourself. thank you for the lovely heart
Response: You are welcome! thank you for rating me, Yes, I came from Tx. a long time ago!
Response: You are welcome! I am so glad you didn't have such an elephant! thank you for the pretty heart ((hugs))
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart! :0
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating me.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the pretty heart. ;)
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the beautiful heart! ;)
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the pretty heart! ;)
Response: :) thank you, and thanks very much for the heart
Response: I was so nervous trying to find things for the letters. lol I am relieved that you are enjoying them. That is the Summer version of the Kinder Egg. Happy Summer! Happy Swapping! You are welocme and thank you for the lovely heart!
Response: I am glad you are going to try the recipes. You are welcoem and thank you for that pretty heart! :)
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: :)) My pleasure and my big grin is all for you! thank you so are welcome!
Thank you for the pretty heart. The cookies are cake like. be well, happy cooking, baking... ((hugs))
Response: It was my pleasure! The more the merrier is what I say about recipes! ;) You are welcome, thank you very much for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome! It was fun! thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome! It is such a relief that they all got there! thank you for the pretty heart ((hugs)) ;)
Response: You are welcome. I am so glad you liked them. thank you for the pretty heart :)
Response: You are welcome. thank you for rating me
Response: thanks and hugs double back to you and especially for the pretty heart ;)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for rating me!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the awesome heart!
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: You are you welcome! I am truly blessed. thank you for the pretty heart
Response: I am so happy that you are gonna try some! thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: I am so glad you are gonna try it. My kids ate it but they will eat almost anything! lol I am so lucky! You are welcome and thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: That was what popped into my head when I saw that card! lol You are welcome! thank you for the pretty heart!
Response: You are welcome. thank you for the pretty heart, I do hope you like the pudding.
Response: lol I dream of the day I have my printer working, thank you for the compliment and the heart.
Response: You are welcome. I am truly blessed to live here! thank you for the pretty heart...
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: This was my first attempt. I was so nervous! You are welcome and thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: yep, it's perfect for that, lol, you are welcome, and thak you for the pretty heart :)
Response: You are very welcome. I am happier to know that you like them. thank you for the pretty heart :))
Response: he he he I said I would never fly or VISIT a foreign country...never say are welcome for the cards and thank you very much for the pretty heart :))
Response: you are welcome, I am glad you are going to try the recipes, and thank you for the pretty heart :))
Response: thank you for rating me :)) and for the pretty heart
Response: Yor are welcome. I am glad you liked your cards. Swimming in the Med. Sea is awesome and living here is a blessing for me. thank you for the pretty heart :))
Response: thank you for rating me, It is so yummy that you will want seconds! lol
Response: Give your sister the frame with my best wishes on her new home! ((hugs)) thank you for rating me and thank you for the pretty heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the pretty heart
Response: you are welcome, thanks for rating me
Response: Just add 1 teasoon of vinegar to regular milk and let it stand for 5 minutes. thank you for rating me.
Response: I am so sorry it got to you so late. I put a stamp on them and drop them in the mailbox. The mail service here is not the best. No dishonestty intended.
Response: You are welcome. They are 80% cotton because I couldn't find any 100%. I am so glad that you liked all three pairs. Thank you for the pretty heart.
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the pretty heart :)
Response: now sschlegel, you are going to tell me how they taste, lol, thank you for rating me. ;))
Response: Thank you for rating me.( I am glad this one got to you on time.)
Response: You are welcome! :) I do hope you try the recipes. Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you so much for the heart.
Response: I hope you do try it. Thanks for rating me. :)
Response: You are very welcome. I stamp the postcards and drop them in a mailbox. I am so very sorry that it was so late. thank you for the heart.
Response: I stamp the cards and drop them in a mailbox. When thy get picked up and sent is not in my control. I am sorry it got to you so late.
Response: you are welcome, thank you for rating me
Response: thank you for rating me
Response: I am glad you liked the bonus. thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you very much
Response: you are welcome, thank you so very much for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the GREAT rating :))
Response: This will be the fourth card that I have sent you. PLEASE, give me your correct mailing address.
Response: that was so cool to see the stuff I sent you like that, thank you so much for that and the great rating! ;)
Response: I was hoping you thought I was funny. thank you very very much for the heart
Response: I had been going crazy and having horrible withdrawals, lol I am glad you liked your card, thank you for the heart
Response: wish you were here and I am glad you liked the card
Response: We are already hot here! You are welcome for the card. I am glad you liked it!
Response: You are very welcome! thank you for the heart!
Response: that is so cool that you love Vermicelli! We call it Fee-they here! lol thank you for the heart!
Response: I work 6 up to 12 hours a day 7 days a week from May until November! I understand you!
Response: I am so very happy that you liked your stuff. You are very welcome! thank you for the heart! ;)
Response: You are very welcome! It is an amazing place to live. It has grown by leaps and bounds. thank you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! thank you for the heart! It makes my day that you enjoyed your stuff!
Response: NO WAY! COOL! thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome!
Response: I am glad you liked the card, you are welcome and thank you for the heart! :)
thank you for the heart and you are welcome
Response: Cheers! and thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: It is weird to find a Mexican place on a Greek island for sure! You are so welcome. thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, I miss the US, lol thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart and calling it a great swap, you are welcome!
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome, I am glad that you liked your stuff!
Response: It is so fun to make my partners happy. It makes me grin when I know someone is enjoying what I chose for them! you are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: you are welcome, thank YOU, for the heart ;)
Response: you are welcome, thank YOU for the heart, it is very beautiful, I am so blessed to live here ;)
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome
Response: You are welcome. I am so glad you are enjoying your package! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: It makes me happier knowing you like the postcard and the recipes. thank you very much for the heart!
Response: big huge smile on my face, I am glad you liked what I sent, I love tzatziki and wonder how I ever lived without it, I also love Santorini and it is magical here, thank you very much for the heart
Response: chocolate, mmmmmmmmmm...
Response: You are welcome! come on over...
Response: You are welcome and it makes me feel great knowing that you liked your package! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart :)
Response: I am glad you enjoyed the card, you are welcome and thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: thank you for the heart and you are welcome
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome to visit us at any time
Response: thank you for the heart, I am teary knowing you liked your book, I was so nervous!
Response: thank you for the heart, I am glad you got them and liked them! :))
Response: you are welcome
Response: thank you for the heart and kindness in letting me re-send!
Response: thank you for the heart and I am glad you liked my inchies
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome!
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome, I am glad you liked your stuff!
Response: you are welcome
Response: thankyou for the heart, you are welcome, I am glad you got your stuff and will enjoy it!
Response: thank you for the heart, I am glad you enjoyed the letter, you are welcome!
Response: thank you for the heart,you are welcome! I am glad you liked them!
Response: your are welcome, I am lucky! lol
Response: thank you for the heart, the card is strange! lol
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome
Response: you are welcome
Response: thank you for the heart, you are very welcome, I love Santorini and living here, I feel I am blessed!
Response: you are so welcome, I am getting better and better and some day hope to call myself an inchie artist!!! thank you for the heart :))
Response: thank you for the heart, I am glad you like them, I am still a newbie at this inchie art but I am loving it! You are welcome!
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome for the inches, I am a newbie :)
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome, I am a newbie and yes they were tiny cows ;)
Response: you are welcome :)
Response: You are welcome, I am very new at this and they took me a long time to make, I am glad you liked everything!
Response: You are welcome! I love postcards and my collection is growing like crazy, thanks to all of you here on Swap-Bot!
Response: thank you for the heart, I am glad you liked them. They were my first ones!
Response: You are welcome! ;)
Response: thank you for the heart, I am just learning ATC's
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome, I am glad you liked it
Response: you are welcome
Response: thank you, I hope you will try it some day
Response: thank you for the heart, my kids LOVE them, I hope yours will too, you are welcome
Response: thank you for the heart, you are welcome, I do try to pick with care :))
Response: you are welcome, several movies have been filmed here, it is amazingly beautiful, contact me when you get here, :)
Response: thank you for the heart, I am glad you will try some of the recipes, I was honest to point of feeling exposed, it makes me happy that you enjoyed your little treats
Response: thank you for the heart, it is incredibly beautiful here, the ocean is only dangerous during the wind, you are welcome :)
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart, I am glad you enjoyed your little treats, I was hoping it would be a surprise for you
Response: you are welcome :)
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart, I am so glad you liked your goodies and that you enjoyed my yungun's art :))
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. I am glad your daughters liked their surprise.
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart. I love where I live! I feel so blessed! I don't ever get tired of the views or the Sunrises and Sunsets!
Response: you are welcome
Response: you are welcome, look me up when you get here
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, TODAY!;)
Response: you are welcome, thanks for the heart, Happy Valentines Day
Response: you are welcome, Happy Valentines Day
Response: Happy Valentines Day
Response: You are welcome! thanks for the heart! happy Valentines Day!
Response: You are welcome! thanks for the heart, Happy Valentines Day!
Response: you are welcome, I am glad you liked them and that they got there safely, Happy Valentines Day
Response: I am glad it arrived safely. Happy Valentines Day
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. I am glad you apprciate the effort ! :)) Happy Valentines Day!
Response: You are welcome! thank you for the heart and Happy Valentines Day!
Response: you are welcome, Happy Valentines Day!
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart, Happy Valentines Day!
Response: I am sorry I had to re-send the stuff and that it took so long to get to you. I was very worried! thank you for the heart. Happy Valentines Day!
Response: thank you for the heart, Happy Valentines Day!
Response: I am happier knowing you will try them. thank you for the heart!
Happy Valentines Day
Response: you are welcome, thank you for the heart, don't forget to look me up when you get here,
Happy Valentines Day!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart, I never knew what I was missing food wise until I moved here, lol!
Happy Valentines Day!
Response: you are welcome, thanks for the heart, the zebra ones made me go hehe too, I am sure glad you got a hehe out of them! Happy Valentines Day!
Response: You are welcome, thank you for the heart, I am glad you don't think I was too personal. Happy Valentines Day!
Response: Happy Valentines Day!
Response: Happy Valentines Day!
Response: I am glad you are going to try them, thank you for the heart. Happy Valentines Day!
Response: Be sure to come visit when you get here. Happy Valentines Day!
Response: If people send me their address's I send them a thank you note in the mail. I look forward to getting any kind of mail! thank you very much :))
Response: I am so glad that you both enjoyed the chocolates. Did either one of your like one more than the others?
Response: It makes me so happy that you like the one I made! I am encouraged to make more now! thank you so much and it was my pleasure to send to you,
and of course you are very welcome, lol,
Response: I collect stamps for fun. I am glad you liked yours.
Response: I am glad you liked my first attempt at making a bookmark. Do to your comment I am going to keep trying. thank you
Response: What's a "bucket list"?
Response: You will have to look me up when you get here!
Response: I tried to attach notes to explain how and what the drinks thank you for the heart, I put my heart into that package, it makes me very happy that you will get some enjoyment out of it... :))
Response: I put in extra's becuae there wasn't much choice around here. I am glad you like the squishy ones. they are weird to feel! lol
Response: I am glad you were able to share your little surprises. You are welcome to visit us.
Response: I am glad you liked your card. thank you for the heart... :))
Response: You are very welcome. I am glad you liked the stuff. have a great Winter!
Response: thank you, I am glad you got your stuff! I also hope you will find some use for it all!
smiling Deb
Response: It is such a relief to know that you got your stuff and even enjoyed some of it! It would be wonderful to see you here. It really is very very beautiful!
take care,
Response: You are too kind! I am so relieved to hear that you enjoyed your stuff. What are ATC's and how will you use the paper's for them? thank you
Response: Oh,Goody! You got your stuff and you liked your lip gloss color! I haven't recieved yours yet! I am anxiously awaiting! thank you
Response: You are too kind! I am so happy to know that you enjoyed your stuff! I haven't recieved anything from you yet. I still have hope though!
thank you