Hearts ratings for chelle523
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Response: Ugh - so sorry that happened. I'm glad all of the postcards made it (and a bit surprised!) Thanks for the rating and the â¤ï¸
Response: Oh that's amazing! Yeah I seem to have an inordinate amount of random letter stickers so I thought they'd be great for this! Thanks for the rating and â¤ï¸. Take care
Response: I'm honestly shocked the wax seal made it! I just assume they get obliterated by the mail LOL Thanks for the rating and heart :)
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun making it. Thank you for the lovely rating. :)
Response: Ohmigoodness that's unbelievable! I'm fascinated by the trials and how incredibly tragic and unjust they were. I'm glad that you liked my list!
Response: Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it! The best thing about Magpie journals is that there aren't too many rules - they're just meant to be fun! :) And I'll keep hosting as long as folks keep joining the swaps! Take care â¤ï¸
Response: It did! Thank you so very much! â¤ï¸
Response: I'd love to be penpals! â¤ï¸
Response: I am now reading "Horrorstor" - OMG love it! Thanks for the recommendation! I haven't listened to the Lore podcast but did watch the show on Amazon, which I really liked! â¤ï¸
Response: They are vellum envelopes that I ordered on AlliExpress but Amazon has them, too! :)
Response: Hi there! Thanks so much for the wonderful rating! Librarians don't get paid very well in the U.S., either - it's lucky I am able to do the job! Thank you also for the compliment - I definitely do not feel 50! Take care!
Response: Oh wow - this is the best rating I've ever received! Thanks so much - I'm so glad you liked it! â¤ï¸
Response: I am so glad you liked the journal! I had lots of fun making it - and the unicorn just cracked me up! I look forward to swapping with you again! :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! And thank you so much for the handmade paper pad! It was so kind of you to make that for me. <3
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! And thank you for the letter :)
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! <3
Response: I am so glad you liked it! You are most welcome. I hope we can swap again, too!
Response: Oh, I am so glad you liked everything! I don't know how I thought you were sending to me! Lol But hopefully we can swap again! Take care! xoxo
Response: Thank you so much! xoxo
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You're quite welcome!
Response: I am *so* glad you liked it! It's one of my absolute favorite swaps to do! :)
Response: AAAHHH! I''m so happy you liked it! I had so much fun making the package (the mail lady thought I was nuts) but I'm so happy you liked the insides, too! Take care :)
Response: Haha! I'm so glad you liked everything - that was an absolute hoot to put together!
Response: You are quite welcome! I'm glad you liked what I sent :)
Response: Haha! No dice - you're super cool but 'tis my one and only skull. So far ;)
Response: LOL I'm surprised I still had that in my collection as I'm terribly phobic of them myself! Enjoy :)
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! This one was a bit nerve-wracking for me - sometimes what one thinks is funky and interesting might not be the same to someone else! ;) You're quite welcome!
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked what I sent! I love when I can send a variety of goodies. And I love to collage envelopes (or just about anything I get my hands on!) so I'm glad you liked it! Take care :)
Response: Aw, thank you - what an incredibly kind thing to say! Take care :)
Response: I have a feeling there's a whole mess of them at the post office somewhere! Happy New Year!
Response: You are so welcome, my dear! I hope your holidays are wonderful :)
Response: Nah - I'm from Kentucky, which probably says it all. :)
Response: Well, this may be the most perfect rating ever! Hope your holidays are amazing! :)
Response: Oh, I definitely understand Swap envy! - and you know me, I'm always looking for something whimsical (and Dr. Seuss is just so amazing!)
Response: Aw, I hope it was a good thing! *hugs*
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed this. It was hard for me in some ways, as it brought back so many memories, but good, too. I just love photos - they're the best way for me to feel close to those that I miss! :)
Response: Aw, I'm so glad! Thank you and the same to you! :)
Response: So glad it made it to you safely! Thank you for the <3.
Response: You are very welcome! I'm so glad it arrived safely :)
Response: We are a sick and twisted clan, aren't we? So glad you joined my swap, dear! :)
Response: Aw, I'm so glad - that's definitely what I hope for when I send a package! :)
Response: You are so welcome! I'm glad you liked them - I just love this series of swaps! :)
Response: Oh I'm so glad you liked it! It was a challenge for me, but I think it's helpful to open up a bit and share bits of myself even if they aren't always the pretty bits! Lol I'd definitely love to do this again! :)
Response: I completely agree - this is my favorite swap so far! Take care :)
Response: Well, I am glad! That's one of my favorites! :)
Response: I love rub-ons but they're always a challenge for me and SOOO frustrating when part of it doesn't transfer properly! Lol Thanks for the <3. :)
Response: Oh I know - I am shocked I've been able to hold out! Lol
Response: Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your niece but glad I was able to lighten the day just a little. Take care :)
Response: Thank you. Yes, I definitely did learn a lot and I am working on my blog as we speak - thanks so much for the encouragement! I'm trying hard to overcome that "fear of a blank page" and just jump right on in!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thanks for joining my swap!
Response: Haha - yes I was positive it would've wound up shredded on its way to you but I'm glad it got there in one piece! Take care :)
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! That one list alone made this swap worth it for me! Lol I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did! Take care :)
Response: Haha - I'm with you on that...can't get those moments of our lives back, can we? LOL Thanks for rating! :)
Response: Oh I know - I had forgotten it, too until I made the mistake of going through some of my grown children's keepsakes! I'm sure I'll stop crying eventually! Lol :)
Response: Awww, thank you - what a sweet thing to say! You're quite welcome!
Response: Yeah, I'm pretty sure my eyes rolled up into my head and nearly off my face when I saw that Kardashian book in the bookstore. Lol Thanks for the rating & the heart :)
Response: So glad you liked it! :)
Response: Thank you, dear :)
Response: Oh I would just adore to be your neighbor in some village in France! I totally agree about the European lifestyle - I think perhaps I lived there in another life! Lol And thank you - I know things will work out eventually, like you said, I just hate being stuck. I'll make sure and fill you in on the details of our trip. I'm working on a big letter right now! :) And thank you - I'm so insanely proud of my family. :)
Response: Oh I'm so glad you like the goodies! I almost sent you the wrong thing - Peanut M&Ms instead of peanut butter - luckily my hubby takes his peanut butter candies very seriously so he caught my mistake! Lol I love the vanilla (except that it always makes me hungry! Lol) Take care :)
Response: Haha! I'm so glad you liked them! As you know, I'm a cutout addict, too so it gives me an excuse to keep clipping when I can share some of my own stash! Lol Have a great week, dear! :)
Response: If you need a tour guide, I'll be more than happy to help! hehe :)
Response: You're quite welcome :)
Response: You are very welcome - from one HK lover to another! :)
Response: Yes, we will! Thank you for the wonderful comment! :)
Response: Ack - I'm sorry! I honestly didn't realize there was a difference. :( Thank you for being so understanding about my mix-up!
Response: You are quite welcome, my dear. I'm so glad you liked it. Can't wait to hear how Greece was ! Take care and hope to talk soon :) Hugs Xoxox
Response: Oh awesome! I'm glad you liked them :)
Response: Oh I'm glad you liked them!
Response: Haha! I think I'm going to read it again before the summer's out just to celebrate the 75th anniversary and all that :)
Response: Yeah, I admit I lean toward the obsessive with regards to GWTW! LOL How did you like TFIOS? And if you go see the movie, bring Kleenex! :)
Response: You're very welcome! :)
Response: Oh I'm so glad you liked it! The Magpie Journal is one of my all-time favorite swaps to do! :)
Response: Ohmigoodness! I wonder how in the world that happened? Lol I'm sorry it took so long to get to you, but I'm glad you finally got it!
Response: You're quite welcome :)
Response: I'm so glad you like it! I love that little bird's attitude! :)
Response: I'm glad you liked it - I was worried it was a bit weird, but it made me laugh for some reason! Lol
Response: Aww - I'm so glad you liked them! I'm new to it so I was a bit nervous!
Response: My son was very pleased that you liked the bracelet (lucky for me he still gives his mama hugs every day!) I'm glad you liked the package - take care of yourself! Peace, Michelle
Response: Aw, I'm so glad you liked it! I just love when I see that I've gotten you as a partner - gives me an excuse to go hunting for some tiny treasures for you! Take care, my dear :)
Response: No worries at all! I hope you're doing well. Take good care of yourself :)
Response: Yay! I'm so glad!
Response: Aww what a kind thing to say! Well, I look forward to having you as a reader :) Take care :)
Response: You are quite welcome and thanks for being so understanding! :)
Response: You're very welcome - I was glad to find the steampunk goodies! :)
Response: So glad you like it! I was inspired by my partner in the last round, who was wildly creative :) Happy swapping!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you liked my "junk" hehe :)
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: You're quite welcome :)
Response: Oh, I definitely sympathize! Hope spring comes soon! Take care :)
Response: Aw thank you! You're quite welcome for the extras. Isn't it funny when we have such similarities to random swap partners? One of the things I love best about swapping! Take care! :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked the letter! Your swaps make it so easy to open up and share. I look forward to swapping with you again (and I know I will!) Peace and love, Michelle
Response: Aw I'm so glad you liked them! I'm new at making these pages so I was a bit nervous!
Response: You're quite welcome :)
Response: Aww I'm so glad you liked it! RHPS has special meaning for me, too - my 14-yo son fell in love with it as a baby (believe it or not!) and used to go around the house singing the songs! LOL Take care and happy holidays! :)
Response: Thank you! These were my first SB pages so I was a bit nervous! Take care and happy holidays!
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I was so nervous about this swap! Thanks so much and happy holidays to you! :)
Response: Oh, it's an amazing store - so glad it's still around! Happy Holidays! :)
Response: Thank you! It is YUMMY! <3
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you liked them! If you ever want to borrow an "l", lemme know hehe ;)
Response: So glad you liked it! :)
Response: Oh awesome! But I'm telling you - cruising is the BEST! :) And if I ever need anyone to help me organize my vampire books, I know who to contact! LOL
Response: So glad you liked them! Take care :)
Response: Aw, I'm glad you liked them. I love SARK! Take care :)
Response: Aw thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the letter :)
Response: Glad you liked the "chunk"! Take care :)
Response: Oh, I'm glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun with this swap :) Take care!
Response: Aww, I'm so glad you liked the ATC and the extras! I loved this swap :) Take care and happy holidays! :)
Response: Awesome!!! I hope you like your surprises!
Response: You're quite welcome :)
Response: You're very welcome! :)
Response: Aww, I'm glad you liked them! Take care and have a happy autumn!
Response: I love rabbits, too! Glad you liked the "chunk". Take care!
Response: You are very welcome! I had fun with this and I'm glad you liked it :)
Response: Awesome! So glad you liked it! Take care :)
Response: So glad you liked the letter! :)
Response: Glad you liked your "chunk o cardboard"! Take care :)
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Hi there! I don't think we have video posted, but we do have some of our EVPs on our website: www.buckeyestateparanormal.com.
The website is still under construction, but the EVPs are there under "evidence". Thanks so much for the feedback! :)
Response: Oh awesome! Thanks so much for letting me know and for being so cool about my craziness! Take care!
Response: Thank you. I am trying to. :)
Response: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
Response: Aww thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it and glad you liked the postcards. Thanks for rating! :)
Response: Thanks so much for your kind words - that's so sweet! Yes, the divorce was really hard, but I think you're right - absence sometimes does make the heart fonder, and it definitely made us appreciate one another more. Take care! :)
Response: Oh, I'm so relieved! I felt like I repeated so much in that journal! lol (I'm a creature of habit!) I'm glad you liked the postcards. Hope I gave you some good media ideas to check out! Peace :)
Response: Thank you. I think it was a wonderful coincidence that we happened to be doing this swap right now. I know it helped me a lot to have someplace to share how I was feeling. It's good to be able to talk to someone that understands :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Feel free to send a note - I'd love to hear from you :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked the quote, and I totally agree - never too much kindess. I loved doing this swap - such a simple thing, but I love the thought that it might make a rough day brighter! Happy New Year! :)
Response: I'm glad he liked it! I'm sorry I didn't get to tailor it a bit more to his tastes - by the time I got your e-mail response I had the packages ready to go. lol But I am glad he liked it!
Response: Thank you for the kind words, dear! You are so welcome - I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! And if you're ever in Chattanooga, make sure you stop at the Moon Pie store - you'll love it! Peace and Happy Holidays! <3
Response: I'm so glad you like it! Thanks for the awesome rating. I was so worried about this one! lol ♥
Response: I've sent a response to your e-mail address. I have a screen capture that shows the message was sent to your Swap-bot e-mail (as directed by the swap creator) and was read by you on March 23. In the future, please check with people before rating them a "1", especially on e-mail swaps.
Response: LOL - yeah that was just a happy accident. I'm just a big fan of surveys.
Response: If you hadn't been so kind, I think I still would've dropped out. It's a true gift that you gave to me - just being willing to listen - and I appreciate it. Bless you :)
Response: You are quite welcome! I know how sneaky those e-mail addys can be - bouncing stuff back to people and not even letting us know! =) Enjoy your weekend! Peace.
Response: Hi Nathalie! Thanks for the comment. :) We have a lot in common, eh? I hope that's a good thing! LOL Peace :)
Response: Thank you! One thing I've never been called is boring LOL
Response: It's not just us, trust me. And honestly, does that "it's all going to the same place" argument even make sense?!? lol
Response: Yeah, I was really lucky to have both women in my life. :) And thank you :)
Response: Thank you very much :)
Response: Wow - I haven't found too many other people with that background! Cool :)
Response: Yeah, I just wasn't a smart kid. lol
Response: Congrats on the book!!!! I'm totally envious. :)
Response: Thank you - I appreciate that!
Response: Ohmigoodness, weren't those fun, especially on gravel? lol
Response: Aww, I'm glad! If I make somebody laugh, I feel like I've accomplished something with my day :)
Response: Awww...I hope I'm not a bad influence! But if you have one, definitely have it with Malibu rum. :)
Response: Thank you! What a kind thing to say! Take care :)
Response: It sure was! :)
Response: OOHHH I'm just so glad you finally got it!!! That was a great swap idea. :)
Response: Ohh, I'm so glad you liked the nickname! It was giving me serious anxiety, but it was well worth it. =) You are very welcome for the goodies - I'm so glad you could use them. It was great to swap with you - hope to do so again!
Response: Was there confusion? lol I'm so out of the loop!
Response: Yeah, but at least it's not lead paint, right? Although I have been kind of dizzy ever since... ;)
Response: Oh, don't I know it! Just be glad I didn't include a pic with it :)
Response: I agree - we ARE a lot alike! And thanks - I'm so glad you liked the envy & goodies. It's great to meet a kindred spirit. :) Peace.
Response: You are so welcome! You deserve it, hon.
Response: ACK - I didn't realize until I got my first letter from a swap partner that I'd done the swap wrong! I still had fun at it, though :)
Response: You are so welcome! It felt like the cheapest therapy ever, and I loved being able to connect with you. Peace :)
Response: You are very welcome! Have a great week!
Response: Thank you :) It was a wonderful swap, and yeah, I think it's all about your attitude in life. :) Peace & hugs to you.
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked them! I had so much fun putting this swap together. Peace :)