Swap-bot Time: March 19, 2025 4:16 am

All ratings for kpfree

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Comment: Thank you! Will watch the movie soon :)
Response: great! Yes, i am too as my brother never saw it as well. So we are going to watch it with our cousin and im going to see it again! its been years for me so i want to see what i forgot! It is a very speciail movie and this was made in the 90s! So enjoy and ill look forward to hearing from you! i hope that you enjoy it and find something interesting in it to think about. have a lovely day!
squince rated for Random Question Swap #6 on Jan 13, 2021
Comment: Such a well thought out letter, and your handwriting is so nice!!
Response: thank you Sarah for your kind words. I just write from my heart. I trust my heart as my internal compass. I follow where my heart wants to go. which swaps I am drawn to. just to keep on sharing and being a loving kinder person. Somedays it can be challenging. haha! be well!
Comment: Thank you so much! You seem like such a kind person and I will write you back soon!
Response: im a littel late in my letters. Will have some free time to write this week! Enjoy your day! Stay safe and looking forward to responding! Bye for now!
Burger1girl rated for A Note For You # 81 on Jan 2, 2021
Comment: I love the collage! I received a Buddha journal, I shall put the collage in that. The teas look wonderful! I love your letter, thank you for taking the time to put a great swap together!
Response: im so glad that you enjoyed the artwork that I sent over and the teas I included into the swap! I think while we can we as humans can connect and one of the ways is sharing ourselves thru our writings. thinking about our audience and just the fact that we are all humans here who are really just BEING! glad I could make a great swap for you, I am so happy to share loving kindness! Be well!
Comment: Happy New Year! I truly hope this year will be better for all of us in every way possible. 2020 was so difficult in so many ways. Sending positive thoughts your way that the unpleasantness you have been experiencing will be resolved. Stay safe and be well! xoxo
ddoherty6138 rated for Ho Ho Ho on Dec 31, 2020
Comment: Kyra great cat card and love your decorated envelope especially the French « la poste est arrivée » stamp. Bonne année.
Response: im so glad that you enjoyed the french stamp I found in some of my travels. It is so lovely small and carries a big punch! you cannot help but notice it! Merci! enjoy your day!
Carollee922 rated for Ho Ho Ho on Dec 27, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card. I hope you and your family had a great holiday!
Response: thank you we did have a small but lovely holiday. we were willing to make changes so we could all be here next year to celebrate another beautiful holiday! hope you had a nice one too!
SunflowerRose rated for One More Christmas Card on Dec 22, 2020
Comment: Love the card and letter. Merry Christmas
Response: thank you for your comment. I am a bit late getting back to posting a response. So glad that you enjoyed the card and letter. we are now into 2021. I hope that we can have a peaceful year and move forward in new ways to bring us back into a loving kind society. We are going to have to get this vaccine and get back to coming outdoors again. it does wear on us all. We miss not having a happy way in which to live! so lets hope for a great year and learn what we can about being our own best friends and sharing that with others! have a great year and keep being safe!
mchesser12 rated for SF~Simply Send a Postcard USA #2 on Nov 19, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the coffee pot/tea pot postcard. I really appreciate your note of encouragement.
Response: im läge at getting back to your comments for this swap. I am so glad that you enjoyed that tea and coffee postcard. im glad I could write something that would mean something to you. we. never know how much of a difference we can make with someone else. I feel very happy I could do that for you. receiving a postcard is really a very small thing and can mean so much to the receiver. thank you for your kind compliments.!
Comment: Thank you so much for the very nice card, letter & teas! I cannot wait to try them both! I have tried Paris & love it! 😁 And I can’t get enough of the postcard. Thanks again!
Response: Hope you are doing well Rachel. Getting back to all of the swaps that I did not respond to and just wanting to say hello there. I hope all is well with you. I imagine you guys have a lot of snow there. take cafe and be warm and safe!
Carollee922 rated for WIYM: FOOD POSTCARD on Nov 17, 2020
Comment: I got your card and felt the need to swing by Starbucks for a Crème Brule Latte and a cake pop. Have a great day
TryshaH81 rated for Small Tea Swap #25 on Nov 17, 2020
Comment: Hi!! Thank you for the yummy looking teas! I promise to write soon! Im way behind in letters but I will explain when I write.
Zypdoda rated for Remembering Sean Connery on Nov 16, 2020
Comment: ❤️ because you have great handwriting for such a small place as a PC. I put The Las Ceusade and The Rock on my PC and then the other night my hubs had First Knight on! I completely forgot about it. It was a favorite movie of mine in the 90’s. He was such a great actor ❤️💔❤️. Thanks for sharing!
susu707 rated for Art Swap on Nov 15, 2020
Comment: Your artwork was so beautiful, thank you so much for sharing it with me and I really enjoyed the tea samples you sent me.
Comment: Thanks for the great postcard and quote!
Response: Your welcome!
Comment: Thanks for the fun PC and your note. We have had a couple dustings of snow, and flurries that didn't stick a few times, but we usually don't get snow that stays on the ground until around the end of December. There seems to be less each year which, as a snowshoer, disappoints me.
CraftyShana76 rated for CS: postcard with quotes on Nov 4, 2020
Comment: TYSVM for the nice PC and I loved the quotes!!
mchesser12 rated for SF- No Rules PC #5- USA on Nov 3, 2020
Comment: Thanks for the Portland, Oregon postcard and for the great note. I am lucky to be a receiver of fresh veggies that my dad grows each summer.
Comment: Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Baba with me! Cats really do rule our hearts (and our homes!) and although I'd never admit it to the other cats, my own cranky cat Athena is my favorite because when she lets you pet her, you know you're special ;) Take Care and Keep Well my friend and thanks again for the wonderful swap!
Response: Thank you Rapsy for your kind words. So glad you enjoyed the swap! Glad that you have Athena and you feel so loved by her. I hope for all of us in the world the new year coming up will be a little kinder to us all. We’ve all been thru so much this year. That we can all move forward and come home to the moment with peace. Glad we could connect. Much peace and love sent to you and your family!
Comment: Thank you very much for the teas and the loose Sentimental Circus memo sheets :)
Response: Hope the teas work out for you and you stay well as we end the year of 2020! Glad you enjoy the Sentimental Circus stationery!
Tamawi rated for SF- No Rules PC #5- USA on Oct 18, 2020
Comment: Thanks for the book postcard. All is well so far at my home. I appreciate the quote you included. Stories are meant to be shared. 💗
Response: Yes I agree stories are meant to be shared! Be well and continue to be well as we go thru the winter
AnnaL rated for SMSUSA: Tea & 10 on Oct 16, 2020
Comment: Hi Kyra, thanks so much for your letter, printed tea image, tea & your letter, so sweet of you. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and be well, AnnaL.
Response: Thank you so much AnnaL!
squince rated for SF- No Rules PC #5- USA on Oct 15, 2020
Comment: Love it!
Response: Kool!
Comment: thanks sorry for the delay as the dr has taken my old headache meds and am waiting on prior authorization and its been about a month or two headaches never go away smh
Response: Hope your headaches are better! Seems like life these days can be called a headache! We are almost done with the election thank GOD! Hope there is no major problems with who is the winner and we don’t go into civil unrest! We need to end 2020 on a good note with all we have been through! Be well!
Comment: You don’t know how much I enjoyed your letter! I really did. Thank you for taking the time. We traveled through Oregon 2 years ago. I fell in love with it so I can see why everyone is moving there. Take care!💌
Response: It’s so fun to get mail from people here in swap bot! I’m so glad that you enjoyed the PC and had come thru Oregon! It is such a beautiful state! I’m so glad you enjoyed the letter and I wrote it from that place thwt is pure love. It just takes over and the pen goes and I never reread what comes thru from the heart. So glad you enjoyed it! We need these little tidbits in our day to day lives! It’s been such a difficult year so bless us all! Thank you so much for the kind post! I bow to you and your family!
Ukucaitie rated for SF- No Rules PC #5- USA on Oct 9, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much for the great scotch shortbread card! I loved reading all that you wrote and wish i could try one of your apple pies. My grandmother made shortbread sometimes and it was very good. Thank you!
Response: I’m so glad that you enjoyed the recipe card. I had been saving that card just for you. It would be good to have a great group for those of us who want to share recipe cards or make our own because we have dishes to share! Yum! Yes try the shortbread and let me know how it turns out! I love cookies and tea! Have a wonderful day! Bye for now!
becait rated for Why do you like tea? (USA) on Sep 14, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the tea! I love chocolate mint and it’s so cool that you’ve seen the tea field in Sri Lanka! How exciting! What a relaxing picture you painted of you writing my letter. I especially love the train mention because trains going over tracks is my favorite “bedtime” sound. I don’t currently live by a train but I used to and I miss it. I also don’t drink sugar in my tea often. I feel like it takes the taste away, but if I oversteep my green tea then I add sugar so I can drink and it’s not a waste 😂. I can’t wait to try the teas you’ve sent! (Ps: I love those quilts, when I was in high school I was in a quilt club, where we made squares and then our moderator would sew them all together at the end of the year and we’d donate the quilt!)
Response: I so loved reading your resonse! Thank you so much for sharing your thougths. I so appreciate that you could relate to what i shared and there was a connection! So glad that you were excited to try the teas that i sent you! The trains yes! Quilts yes! We had a great connection here and hope we can swap again in the land of Swap Bot! Thank you again! You made my evening! I have not been on much as i have been working in the garden and preparing for the winter. I came on today and just wanted you to know that your response did not go unnoticed...i am late in writing this and it meant so much to me! Thank you again!
Comment: Hi, thank you so much for your beautiful letter & kind words! You're letter made my day (one that hadn't started off so great). I love your nickname too! I look forward to seeing your swap. Ps I really like your collage art card!♥️
Comment: Glad no one around you is ill. I am grateful to say the same! :)
Tricia22 rated for OSS: Sender's Choice PC AUG on Aug 28, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the cat postcard, have a nice day🙂
Comment: Thank you for your post card
ckwini rated for 5-minute freewrites on Aug 18, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the freewrites! I enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing my own. I have family in Portland so I can understand what you are coping with and I can relate to the artwork you created. Thank you for sharing!
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt PC! Now that's what I call using all the space on the card! LOL! Have an awesome day and stay safe! Hugs, Diane
Response: Thanks Diane. I wonder if you remember sending me a wonderful little Recycled plastic purse made from plastic bottles and a cat motif was on it! I just love it! You were so kind to me. I’m so glad you liked the quilt pc! Quilts are so marvelous to have! Glad you could read all the words I did cram on it. Wanted to make it fun and create and give you a great feeling because I care! Thank you! 🎠🏰🎪📝
pentar757 rated for SF~Naked Blind PC Swap - USA on Jul 28, 2020
Comment: Hi, Kyra. Great postcard! Thanks! And, yes, I'm a boomer. Richard
Response: Thank you Richard for sending me the comment. It was appreciated. Glad to hear that you are a baby boomer as well! We have a lot in common. Hope we can swap again! It was fun sending you the postcard! Hope you are doing well! Stay safe! Bye for now!
stkirsch rated for SF~Naked Blind PC Swap - USA on Jul 28, 2020
Comment: I've actually been to the place on your postcard. It's even more peaceful in person!
Comment: I just love your postcard! The way you filled up every 1/8th inch with colorful doodles, mini-stickers, sayings, and writing such a nice note. Thank you for the Oregon map postcard. I've visited every state except Louisiana and Oregon. I finally found Woodburn!!😳 What a fun piece of mail to find in the mailbox today📪.
Response: Hi Karen! I am so glad that you enjoyed receiving the PC! I loved creating that for you. The creativity just takes over and i am just in the zone allowing whatever wants to come thru to make your day! I hope that you will try it sometime and see if you did not enjoy sharing and creating and just being your beautiful self! We all deserve to be happy loving and kind! Enjoy!
churlann rated for Brighten My Week Notecard July #1 on Jul 21, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the awesome card, note and extra PC. I will be hanging it up as a reminder. I'm glad you are staying healthy. We are too. Enjoy your summer. PS. Your card came on July 20th. And no post mark on it. Crazy times!!
Response: Isn’t life amazing how it shows up? Like no post mark on it? That was a gift to you! So glad that you are staying healthy as well. Pretty sad that some people are not aware of their actions and what it could cost them. Then weeks later if they get better they get the bill! If COVID does not take their lives then receiving the hospital bill WILL! YIKES! I hope people can really see wearing a mask and social distancing does matter even if their one thought says oh why bother? You know? We dont have time to play with our lives and how quickly now this is spreading! Thank you for your comments! I so enjoyed them! Continue to be well!
Comment: Thank you for the cheery post card. We do not have a garden but try to eat healthy.
Response: Glad that you enjoyed the PC! Yes eating healthy does matter. Raising food is not for everyone. So if you can eat healthy that is where it is at. I just have access and i love communing with the plants. I love growing food and then eating it! Hahaha! Have a wonderful day!
fbresnah rated for Cat Chat - Snailmail Version on Jul 18, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much for your cat letter! Baba looks like a beautiful cat! the one of mine that you like, the black and white, is named Precious she was an adult when I got her.
Response: Thank you Florence for your kind compliment. I really enjoyed seeing your pictures of Precious and your message was so welcomed! Glad we could connect adn hope we can do another swap sometime toggether. your cats are all so lovely! I enjoyed seeing them so much!
Comment: Thank you for the nice notecard and your gratefulness. You have a lot to be grateful for! Take care!
Response: Thank you so much! I agree most of us do have so much to be grateful for! I can walk and still remember and communicate with others! That is a gift when it comes to seeing what is happening with the pandemic! Take care!
Comment: Thank You, enjoyed reading your letter. Love the painting - I will be adding the copy you sent me in my journal, I love free will creating also.
Response: I’m so glad that you felt a connection to me another human who is being1. We have so much to offer ad share with each other and i feel so honored that you would put a copy of my art in your journal. Yes, creativity is so incredible to allow to flow of each of us. We dont always feel that way but it is true becuse it comes from a place that is not really about ME. It jus flows and wants to be expressed. Therefore it a very pure form of energy. Enjoy your day! I hope to start a group where swapping can be more open and transparent. Sharing and really feeling there is a community of people who are REAL! I feel it is time and to have worthwhile swaps that give us all a chance to commune with one another. A healthy exchange that is based in caring first! Bye for now!
kizzlets rated for Brighten My Week Notecard July #2 on Jul 13, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much for your letter, I enjoyed reading it! And, wow thank you so much for the postcards, I love them!!!
Response: Glad that you enjoyed everything with the swap. I knew you would love the PCs and so glad that i had them waiting to send them to you! That is Kismet when we can help one another and we just happen to have what someone else needs! I hope we see more of this happening and we come into a higher state of consciousness: Remembering we are ONE!
Comment: It's great that you have the space to grow your own food. I love fresh vegetables but the local farmer's market hasn't been around this summer because of the pandemic
Response: I hope that everyone is starting to find some peace after what you guys went thru i this spring with the pandemic. I am sorry that your are not able to grow a garden and maybe next year you can don a small container garden. Just growing some lettuce or something simple. You will probably enjoy it so much. We dont need much space to raise a little food. People are raising tomato plants in plastic milk cartons and hanging them on chain link fencing with some holes in the bottom of te container for allowing the water to pass. One never knows.. Yes, Covid 19 changed everything in any big city! So i know that this too shall pass. We dont know when and i am sorry that you were not able to get fresh veggies brought into you! I really do! I hope that we can all do our part to bring this virus to a close and move on taking what we have learned this year with us to actually fuel us along thru this huge change!
Comment: Thank you for your letter, I really enjoyed reading it! And thank you so much for the extras! I've never visited Oregon, might some day.
Response: Glad that you enjoyed the little sheets of stationery! I love that one too! I hope that you can come and visit Oregon after the virus in check. It is a beautiful place to visit and there is much to see and do in Oregon. There is a beautiful video made by OPB Oregon Public Broadcasting that shows all parts of Oregon and if you can get your hands on it and see it you wont believe will see! It was well done and put to music it will take your breath away. It was shot a lot of by drone. Your library might be able to borrow a copy as the libraries lend to out of state libraries very often and you will really enjoy it! Things I never saw and i am a native Oregonian. Enjoy your day/. Stay healthy!
theevidenceisme rated for P&M Thinking PC swap 2 on Jul 7, 2020
Comment: I had a very hard time reading your post card with all of the sentences going in different directions, but overall a fun looking postcard and I love the black and white photo. I cannot believe that 1995 was 25 years ago either! Doesn't sound that long ago.
Response: I am sorry that my writing which was going in different directions ended up being difficult to read. I took the chance that it would be somewhat recognizable. But some people cannot easily see it as i was the creator of it. So i am sorry for that! I dont think that they have enough room on the PCs for writing much. Then i get an Idea and off i go. I’m so glad that you enjoyed the Black and White Postcard and good ones are not easy to find! We are aging! Thank you for being a good sport about everything!
Comment: I also love the independent nature of cats! I have 5 at home.
Response: I love that you are a cat lover! Everything i learned well was i learned from a CAT! The big one is CATNAPS! Hahahaa! We are lucky to be owned by such felines! Thank you for your message!
Comment: Thank you :)
Comment: Thank you for your lovely words. I quite enjoyed reading your little known facts.
Comment: thank you for the great list. i'm a cat person myself...they sure seem to know how to "act cute" to get out of trouble
Comment: Kyra, Thanks so much for sharing. You seem like a kind and loving soul <3 I am happy that you have found something you love.
Comment: I really liked the points you wrote about yourself ! I really like your name by the way :)
Comment: Thank you so much for your post card! I have never been to the Oregon coast and I hope to go someday. 💗 I appreciate the beach scene.
Response: I’m sorry i am so late in writing a response as the weather has been so hot and most of my time has been working in the garden. So i wanted to thank you for the kind message and i do hope you come to the Oregon coast one day! Course i have not been there in some time myself! Stay well!
Comment: Thanks for the grate pc!
Ukucaitie rated for SF- Black + White Photo PC USA on Jun 30, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card! I will look up Garry Winogrand, thank you and the card does give me hope there is still good in the world thank you! I love the postman stamp!
Response: I am so glad that you enjoyed the PC! I think he was one of Amerca’s best photographers of he 20th Century! It was so touching that PC and so glad that you felt you can have hope again that there is still goodness in the world. That postman stamp is precious! Glad it brought joy in your life! You made my day too!
bambam rated for ESG: Summer Letter Swap on Jun 28, 2020
Comment: Thank you for your email and the pictures. I really enjoyed reading the email. I will try to write back soon. Take care and Stay safe 🙂
Response: Thank you Emma. I’m goad that you were able to read my swap! Just write if you want and can. I know we are all busy and.i dont want work made for you in your busy time. I always welcome people to feel free and write if they want to but not as a burden. What challenging times we are living in! So more friendship and kindness are needed everywhere! Bye for now!
Comment: Wow!! What an amazing swap! I am going to frame that postcard for my kitchen! The teas look delicious and I can't wait to try them. And thank you so much for the thoughtful note. 💌
Response: I’m so glad that you are going to enjoy the teas. I did try to pick out something you would enjoy as i am practicing kindness in all of my affirms! I think it is necessary right now in our challenging times! I figured you would love the PC. You are so welcome and i am so glad that you were so excited to receive my swap! Awesome! Have a wonderful day, week and year!
Comment: Thank you for the two yummy teas. The decorative envie was cute. Happy swapping.
Response: So glad that you enjoyed the teas! I think that they are pretty good myself as well! Happy Swapping to you!
Moxieroe rated for SMSUSA: Tell Me About . . . #17 on Jun 20, 2020
Comment: Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to read. I hope you don't mind if I write you back.
Response: No, I don’t mind if you write back! I’ll look forward hearing from you! Thank you!
Amyncognito rated for Postcard Swap #3 (USA) on Jun 19, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much for the cool Thiebaud card and note!
Response: So glad that you liked the PC! Glad that you found it kool! I love things that are kool and HOT! hahahahaha. Have a great day!
Coffeeegal rated for Brighten My Week Notecard June #2 on Jun 12, 2020
Comment: Thank you for your amazing card and letter. Its going in my garden junk journal my balcony garden is doing amazing. Carrots beets potatoes and lots more. I cant wait to move back to the country ♥️♥️
Response: I am so glad that you enjoyed the card and letter! We all can find ways to touch each other because we all basically in the same boat. You know? Happy to hear how much you love gardening! So happy for you!
Bhindblueeyes rated for OSS: SOC Ltr. May - US on Jun 12, 2020
Comment: Thank you so much for your SOC Ltr! I host this swap once a month publicly and will try to host every other month is OSS. Though the unicorns group is no longer, I still enjoy doing this swap :) Funny to realize when you're someone's first swap! :) As always, your letter was enjoyed, and your art is remarkable!! :)
Response: Thank you Amy for your beautiful compliments about my art! that you enjoyed the letter! I just keep on showing up in life and being there for others but also being aware too! I loved that you were my first swap partner! thank you so much for hosting this swap!
TwinMom rated for SMSUSA: Tell Me About ... #7 on Oct 30, 2019
Comment: Thank you so much! I really enjoyed reading your letter and the tea was great!
Comment: Thank you for resending! I enjoyed reading about Mary Oliver very much. I have sent you an invite back into the group if you are interested.
Response: Thank you Yvonne for giving me the opportunity to resend the swap! Mary Oliver spent her life being a poet and I thought she did some wonderful writing in her lifetime. Thank you for the invite!
Comment: Such lovely penmanship! Thank you for sharing part of yourself with me. Swapbot certainly provides us with opportunities to meet people we wouldn't normally come across in the regular day to day. Thank you for taking so much time on this swap!
Mugsie rated for Just for fun!! LOL on Oct 13, 2019
Comment: Kyra ~ awesome drawing! Wasn't that fun? Thank you so much for joining in!
Response: It was so much fun! Thank you for making a fun swap! It us good to have some fun and just play in the moment. We dont play enough at times!
Comment: Thank you for sharing facts about yourself with me. I'm curious on day and time i was born now myself. Be well!
Comment: Thank you, Never been Florida, no desire to go.
ttbishop rated for SMSUSA: Tell Me About . . . #5 on Sep 23, 2019
Comment: Thanks! I love your handwriting!
Comment: Love the Route 66 AZ PC thanks! I have been on some of it
Comment: Thank you for your lovely letter and tea. Im sorry its been a tough one. Youve had a garden for 5 years? Im just thinking about starting one but seems to be so overwhelming. I saw a vid where the gal shows how to grow lettuce right in the soil bag. lolololol Im gonna try that one. lolol
Response: Well, we cannot always have an easy year. We are to grow you know thru our difficulties and well that has been how it goes......Yes, ive learned to grow food now for 5 years and it is a challenge to learn to work with the temperatures. I imagine it would be challenging to create food where you live Kitty! Yes, try growing lettuce in a soil bag why not! :)
thecolorofinfinity rated for Love Yourself #3 on Aug 28, 2019
Comment: Thanks so much for your lovely swap + the extra goodies!
Response: You are welcome and hope that you are doing great! Thanks for letting me know you got your swap!
Comment: :)
Comment: Thank you for the cute Postcard. Danke! Your handwriting is great, liked your story. We had a golden cat like that during a holiday in Sweden. She woke us every morning at seven and then brought two more cats from that little town to be fed during our stay.
earthnk rated for I Got The Blues ~ Private on Mar 5, 2019
Comment: Thank you Kyra for your acrylics on cardboard artwork. Definitely bluesy blues 🙂 the the flashes of orange and red add pizzazz. I’ve never worked with gesso before. It does add an interesting dimension.
Comment: Thank you for the nice Map Card.
Comment: Sorry for the late rating, but thank you so much!
Comment: OMG I believe that among the hundreds of postcards I've received in the less-than-one-year I've been with SwapBot (and SendSomething and Postcard United) that this is THE most meaningful postcard I've ever received? Wow. You sound like the kind of person I'd love having long conversations with while drinking tea. I mean, I don't like tea, but I'm just feeling like that's probably your vibe! I love Rumi, and always love it when I run into someone else quoting him! Also love the pic, well, not - I mean, I like your interpretation of it, and I also guarantee you that I live completely in opposition to this kind of thing in that I smile at everyone, say hi to all, and start up conversations with anybody I'm near unless they are SUPER obviously not interested. But yeah, accurate then and still now, in general. Also, great prompt, and one I've been struggling with for quite some time now. If you PM me your address, if you like, I'll send you a letter and let you know what i've been thinking. (If not,no prob, I'll just keep working on it in my journal!) Have a lovely day!
Response: Hi Jennifer! I am sorry i am seeing this so late. Ive not looked at my ratings for awhile now. Will send you a pm now and YES you can write me and share with me what is going on in your world! I got your message loud and clear it and it was so beautiful to read!
kssunlover1947 rated for WOMAN art PC Feb USA on Feb 22, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the great card. I do not really know to much about different types of art. I like most that I have seen.
Comment: Thank you--that was a perfect postcard for my tastes!! Also, my first card from an alchemist!!😀
Comment: Thank you for the adorable card. Happy Valentines Day!
angelgram rated for Book Themed Postcard on Feb 8, 2019
Comment: Thanks For the Great Antique Book Postcard. Loved the image. You made a most interesting flipside with the embellishments and the writing in the round and your own tiny drawings and the penmanship.Thanks for making this swap great !
Response: So happy you enjoyed the postcard! Yes, somehow what ever comes thru in the moment seems to work. I love doodling and writing something thoughtful or entertaining for someone else. So glad you enjoyed it and all the little details on the back.
Comment: Thank you!
Vickyen rated for WIYM: Simple CAT PC Swap-USA on Jan 30, 2019
Comment: Hi Kyra! Thank you for the very cute cat pc and quote!! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
PostcardAl rated for Simply Send a Postcard USA #1 on Jan 24, 2019
Comment: Hello Kyra -- thanks for the great cat card. Best wishes for 2019! Al
paperlover rated for *MEGA* Happy Little Notecards #42 on Jan 20, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the owl notecard. Thank you for telling me about Kusama. I'm going to watch it on IMDb as soon as possible. I love inspirational movies. I found a great quote by Vincent Van Gogh: if you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.
Response: Love the quote And thank you for sending. It over! I think that you will really enjoy it! Thank you so much and glad you liked the card!
Comment: Here's to having a great 2019!
christy102194 rated for Happy Little Notecards #85 on Jan 19, 2019
Comment: lyrics were so meaningful during that time.. Now all we have is meaningless repetition :/ Congrats to you on the weightloss! I'm back on the wagon again - 10lbs down since the start of 2019 :)
Disneydezi rated for Simply Send a Postcard USA #1 on Jan 18, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the postcard it was tea-riffic! Loved the little tea doodle too, so sweet <3
bluerose3 rated for Simply Send a Postcard USA #1 on Jan 18, 2019
Comment: Thank you :)
Sacovey rated for Scatts PC Swap - C - US Only on Jan 18, 2019
Comment: Thanks for the postcard! I enjoyed it very much
tamtamlee rated for 2019 New Year Pen Pal on Jan 18, 2019
JenniferJo rated for OSS: Postcard - Grateful For ... on Jan 17, 2019
Comment: Thank you for sending in an envelope and the extra stamps!
squince rated for Two truths and a lie PC Swap on Jan 14, 2019
Comment: I'm going to say you didn't break your collarbone!
Response: Hello there! No it was not that answer! The lie was I loved and collected cats! I loved and collected horses but you would not have known that about me when i was young! Cats came later! Good try though!
shinyserra rated for *MEGA* Happy Little Notecards #42 on Jan 11, 2019
Comment: Wow, Yayoi is so impressive. I hadn't heard of her but I have definitely seen her work around. I will definitely have to watch the movie.
PinkFluffyUnicorn rated for Happy Little Notecards #85 on Jan 10, 2019
Comment: Thanks! I have animals as well and they didn’t like the fireworks going off at midnight either. Silly animals! Happy 2019!
Comment: Thank you for your amazing note! How cool you are an artist and creative too! Thank you for sharing some of your story :) I really loved reading it. xo
mejulia rated for 2019 Bucket List on Jan 10, 2019
Comment: I love your bucket list, thank you for sharing it with me. I think we have swapped before, I enjoy your visits.
stiffneck78 rated for A Holiday Card in the US #4 on Dec 19, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card and nice note. There was no tree put up this year, it came upon us too fast. I had thought about putting one up shortly after Halloween, but that did not happen as planned. Thanks again and I hope you and yours have a great holiday season.
pernie123 rated for Wishing You A Merry Christmas on Dec 15, 2018
Comment: Thank you for little sparkly card and greeting of peace. I agree with what you say. I do enjoy the magic of Christmas.
RooBaRoo rated for IU : SOC Oct 2018 on Nov 29, 2018
Comment: Yes, I got an SOC letter from you a second time. The specialized swaps do become a repetitive closed group after a while. Thank you for the positive vibes!
Comment: Thank you so much for the card and fun tea.
TwinMom rated for CALG: 🍵 Teabag And A CARD🎄 on Nov 24, 2018
Comment: I have been saving my Christmas cards until December but for some reason decided to open yours tonight. I am so happy I did! Your letter is Exactly what I needed to read! Thank you so very much! This is the best swap I have gotten in so long because your words were what I needed to hear! :)
Response: I’m so happy what was written meant so much to you! It brings me joy that i can share ideas and if it means something to another human who is being....it is truly a gift. It was awesome that we could connect. This is truly what i think Swap Bot is about and i like to swap for these reasons. So happy for both of us as that is the true meaning to being on the planet and being human. We are understood and we feel a kindred connection! Happy happy Holidays!
deesides rated for Hometown postcard on Oct 31, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful illustrated Portland postcard! I think it might be my first one from there, but I know the city by its hipster reputation :D
blubutterfly rated for CHWH ~ Note Card and Tea on Oct 28, 2018
Comment: Hi Kyra! Thanks for the great card, tea and the long letter! It is a small world sometimes isn't it! I've been looking at the various MCT oils and learning a lot, mostly that I have to read the labels more carefully lol, the first one I bought didn't actually have enough of the "right" MCTs in it!! I never thought of putting it in my hot chocolate, it's getting to the time of year when I have a mug before bedtime...winter is coming! Hope all is well with you:)
Response: Thank you for your great response! Glad that you enjoyed the long letter and card and tea! I just sat down with a cup of herbal apple cinnamon tea and was looking at my profile and ratings which I profess have not been up to date with respoding here of late. Thanksgiving was yesterday so i am a little late in this response! Doing well! Working in the studio but still dont have a heat source or blinds yet. All is well! Yes, i invested in some good coconut oil! I could tell the difference! Busy and working well! Hope you have a great holiday! Bye for now! Kyra
Jaymmers rated for Tea Swap & Inspiration- October on Oct 22, 2018
Comment: It sounds like we have a lot in common! Thank you so much for such a thoughtful swap!
Comment: Thank you so much for the tea and the kindness!
MsBellaDonna rated for PC Swap #4 on Oct 14, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the coffee and sweets postcard, I love it! We are getting much cooler weather here too after a very hot summer. The crisp air in the morning is very refreshing. Stay well! :)
suepier rated for Quotes on a postcard #23 on Oct 10, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the great bridges postcard from Oregon. I love bridges. The wedding was amazing and perfect. Everyone had a great time.
bearnbabs rated for CALG;Random Act of Kindness on Oct 8, 2018
Comment: Sorry. I thought I had rated you. Loved the letter and art work we truly soul-artistic sisters. Have a great day bearnbabs
Comment: I got extra happy when I saw peach tea. I made that right away to sip on while I read your [ very interesting ] letter. I envy that you can garden your own food. i have a very small yard - and we're only allowed to grow food in a space not seen by a sidewalk. Since we live on a corner, a small space on the side of the house is the only area I can do it in. Its kind of okay because apparently I am terrible. I couldnt even get tomatoes grow this year. I'll be out there as soon as I can next year getting the little patch ready for tomatoes to not grow in it again, haha. Thank you for your letter. I really enjoyed reading it.. I also love the orange ink color!
Response: I think I can give you some pointers about growing tomatoes as I had to learn this! They are a bit fussy until you learn what you need to do and then you will have no fail tomatoes. The kind of variety can mater too! I’m so glad you liked the peach tea too! It is quite nice isn’t it? Getting an interesting can be a gift in a given day and it’s a wonderful thing for al of us who like to write and share, a beautiful thing! Have a beautiful day!
AromaAlchemist rated for CALG Note Card & 2 Teas on Oct 4, 2018
Comment: I cant wait to try the teas, thank you for the letter :)
Ramya rated for Postcards With A Prompt #13 - US Only on Sep 29, 2018
Comment: Hello! How wonderful to receive your inspiring PC from Sri Lanka! Amazing to know you’ve traveled to Sri Lanka! Your artwork is beautiful. Peace to you friend as you continue to serve all. Your open heart is celebrated by my open heart. Oms. Happy Swapping
Response: Blessings to you Ramya! Thank you for your kind words. We just continue to walk with both hands open and not with fists closed. Open heartedness with ourselves and with everything is the way home to OM! Thank you and until we meet again, OM OM OM! Thank you!
myancey rated for Scattergories PC Swap - M - US Only on Sep 28, 2018
Comment: Thank you for pretty postcard.
Breadzim rated for Five things that make me happy #26 on Sep 26, 2018
Comment: I love everything that makes you happy!
Comment: Enjoyed reading & what nice printing you have! Also love the gnome PC. ... to “gnome” me is to love me.”... just read that phrase very recently & it came to mind with the PC. Lol.. Thank U Kyra!
Zefaniya rated for Five things that make me happy #26 on Sep 24, 2018
Comment: Great list!
katmandu rated for What are your goals this week? #13 on Sep 23, 2018
Comment: Absolutely LOVE this PC, looks like one of my babies I lost at 5 yrs old. His name was Picasso and he was so solid we called him our "brick"! You should post your art link here, I'd love to see your artwork! Thank you!
NRGordon rated for Quotes on a postcard #23 on Sep 22, 2018
Comment: Hi Kyra, Good to hear from you again. Thanks for the nice cover bridges card. We do have them in here but the Oregon bridges have a different look to them. Best Wishes, Neal
Response: Thank you Neal! I enjoyed hearing that you do have covered bridges where you love too! You can see the differences between the bridges from both states so neat! Have a great day!
Zefaniya rated for Quotes on a postcard #23 on Sep 22, 2018
Comment: Thanks! First day of fall and it's not hot out...YAY! lol
NRGordon rated for What are your goals this week? #13 on Sep 21, 2018
Comment: Hi Kyra, Thank you very much for the lovely card and your note. I used to listen to "Pirate" radio stations when I was a youngster. After the FCC cracked down, they were pressured into making unlicensed broadcast stations under five watts legal. Take Care, Neal
goinjenny rated for What are your goals this week? #13 on Sep 21, 2018
Comment: Thank you
Breadzim rated for PC Swap #4 on Sep 20, 2018
Comment: I loved your card! I think it's amazing that you're a food artist and you've grown this big garden. I think that's incredible. I hope you have lots of fun growing it bigger!
Response: So glad you enjoyed the card! I never realized how much physical work raising food takes! With commercial raising of food o pole tend to have vehicles that do most the work. I never sit as i garden and I move all th hoses myself wow! I’m worn out most days! What it has taught me is to appreciate food and the plant family! I truly respect our Mother Earth and will not be overweight as the body ages. Be well and happy!
Ramya rated for Spiritual Expression- private swap on Sep 17, 2018
Comment: Beautiful flags! I am honored to have a creation from you- I hung the flags in my Yoga room and the colors are perfect. Such a fun swap. 🕉
Response: Yes it was! Thank you Ramya for your gift as well! I looked at again last night as I worked for awhile in the studio. It was so beautiful open and just be with the art. I could feel the love flowing thru my hands as I touched it and turned the pages. Thank you!
goosey rated for Vacation Postcard 2018!! on Aug 9, 2018
Comment: wonderful pc! really enjoyed your description of buddha's birthday celebration!
meenaRN rated for Vacation Postcard 2018!! on Aug 8, 2018
Comment: Thanks for the San Antonio postcard. I have been there once or twice as a kid. I would love to enjoy the music scene now.
Lablauri57 rated for Vacation Postcard 2018!! on Aug 5, 2018
Comment: Thanks for the postcard, never been to the bridge
ArtsyEm rated for OSS: Postcard Plus #2 on Aug 3, 2018
Comment: Nice to hear from you Kyra, I hope you are staying safe with all the fires raging. Yes Mother Nature is quite humbling! Thank you for the card with your pretty drawing on the back:)
Comment: Hi! I loved the postcard and it was such fun to read your notes! Thank you for the birthday greetings as well.....I enjoyed reading about your cats too. I think you just may be a 'crazy cat lady'!!!(in a good way, of course)
LindaW rated for Act of Kindness on Jul 25, 2018
Comment: Thanks for the nice “recipe” on having a happy home and for the stamps.😃
Comment: Thanks!
mjhaertling rated for USA-Here Comes The Sun-July on Jul 16, 2018
Comment: I love that you used the hand dyed fabric for your card. The design does suggest the sun's rays. I like the various media everyone uses in these swaps. I am so sorry for this late rating. I am trying to get caught up again.
circlebfarms10 rated for Write a Letter Quick Swap #21 on Jun 21, 2018
Comment: love your handwriting. Enjoy your hiatus. keep busy and find time to enjoy each day
suepier rated for 5 Useless Facts PC on Jun 18, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the great cat postcard and the very interesting kitty facts.
Comment: Thank you so much for a great swap
Vee14 rated for Nice to Newbies - Fav Quote on a PC on Jun 13, 2018
Comment: Gracias!! hermosa PC <3
RooBaRoo rated for IU: SOC May on Jun 11, 2018
Comment: Thanks for the SOC letter plus regular letter, I enjoyed reading about your peaceful & fruitful life. Would you like me to write back?
Response: Yes, if you would to you are most welcome to write me back!
bluecrayons rated for 5 Useless Facts PC on Jun 8, 2018
Comment: Hi Kyra! I have been to Arizona, but it was years ago. The dry air was wonderful for my curly hair! (:
crochetjunkie rated for 5 Useless Facts PC on Jun 4, 2018
Comment: Love the facts!!! And it was fun to turn the pc around to read your items. Lol Thanks for joining my swap!
Brandiml79 rated for Write a letter quick swap #20 on Jun 4, 2018
Comment: Thank you!
soyprincesa2 rated for 5 Useless Facts PC on Jun 4, 2018
Comment: Love the many interesting useless facts. So cool!
Autumn5 rated for 5 Useless Facts PC on Jun 4, 2018
Comment: What neat facts - loved them! And the card is gorgeous :) Thank you!
Comment: Thanks for the great card!
gizmodust rated for May-eow - Cat Postcard Swap (USA) on May 26, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the Kitty card. I think it's fun when you run across a swap partner that shares your interests. I've been playing with a friends 6 baby kittens. One month old. Why do I fall in love so easily ?? Thanks again.
kclicquot rated for Scattergories PC Series - S on May 26, 2018
Comment: Thanks for the great postcard!!!!!
puffin902 rated for May-eow - Cat Postcard Swap (USA) on May 25, 2018
Comment: I've been staff!
Comment: I love, love, love this card. I hate how to post office smeared the front :(. Thank you much <3
crazyda79 rated for Theme: Butterflies on May 15, 2018
Comment: Such a beautiful letter! Thank you so much for everything! So lovely!
Response: You are so welcome! Enjoy!
TryshaH81 rated for Letter & Tea Swap on May 6, 2018
Comment: Thank you for an amazing swap. I look forward to trying the teas. Do you mind if I write back?
Response: So glad that you enjoyed the swap! Trysha i did receive your letter and will be writing back very soon! Thank you for your letter! Look for it soon!
Comment: Hello there, and thank you very much for the special package you sent me. I really enjoyed your words, and sharing of your beautiful artistic talents. The tea will be enjoyed, and the special things cherished...love the "rug"! You deserve a BIG HUG!!
Response: You are so welcome! Im glad that you are enjoying what it means to be human. We are all human and we can share and give open heartedly! Please pass your loving kindness on! That is how we create a kind loving world to see the world as kind and loving! Enjoy and may you be peaceful well and happy!
Comment: Thank you SO much for the wonderful teas and the lovely notecard! The coaster was absolutely incredible and I can’t wait to use it when drinking the teas! (P.s. I don’t know why but I can’t click to give a heart at the moment, I will come back later and try again)
Response: Im so glad to hear that your package arrived and all was well! I am glad that the teas worked for you and there was a notecard you could use! YES to drinking more tea and i hope that your tea rug works well for you! I thought it was kind of neat as it was being made. As i said an artist goofs around and finds out all kinds of things about putting things together! Hehe! Have a great day Alexandra! So glad we could be swap partners again!
knitterofhats rated for Happy Things #1. April on Apr 25, 2018
Comment: Thanks for lovely Oregon PC and cherry note!
Response: You are so welcome! Enjoy!
Comment: Thank you so much for the darling Kitty card. We are all doing well here. I hope you all are also. Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Diane
Response: Didnt you love that kitty card? I thought it was so cute and i knew that i had the right card when i saw you were my swap partner again! It is such a joy to swap with you Diane! 1
Comment: Thank you for nice card, question and quote. Food for thought!
Response: You are welcome!
widelo123 rated for Scattergories PC Series - M on Apr 18, 2018
Comment: Kyra, thank you for the great monopoly game postcard. I haven't played in ages. I think I will take it out the next time the grand kids come. Shirley
Response: Yes that sounds great to pull out the game Monopoly and play with your grand kids. I thought the postcard was perfect for this swap. When i find a fascinating post card i just have to buy it! So glad you enjoyed it too! Bye for now!
marles rated for SMSUSA: Happy Mail April 2018 on Apr 15, 2018
Comment: Thanks for everything!!
Response: You are welcome!
GoCindy rated for Botanical Postcard swap #1 USA on Apr 13, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the card and wonderful note! I love it all! Maybe someday I can go see the redwoods.
Response: So glad that you enjoyed the bontanical PC! Yes, i hope you get a chance to go walk in the Redwoods hopefully before they burn down! Some of those trees are so huge and old! They will take your breath away! So glad you enjoyed the PC and the note and yes we are all related by being human with lots of foibles and such! So glad i could share that PC with you! You are always welcome!
Karen07 rated for Botanical Postcard swap #1 USA on Apr 12, 2018
Comment: Georgia O'Keeffe is totally awesome. Thanks for the wonderful card! Keep making your own art and living with an artist's sensitivity to everything.
Response: So glad you enjoyed the postcard! Finding beautiful neat cards are not always easy. Ive saved a lot of them just for the right person in a swap! I hope we can go back and start making some wonderful new kinds of PCs! Yes to making art and to being sensitive. It is a marvelous way to truly live! We all could be a lot more open and trusting of others! Thanks for the great reminder!
Comment: Thank you!
Response: You are welcome!
Leekoba rated for Letter Set Letter USA #9 on Apr 10, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the letter and the wonderful tea, I will write back to you! Happy Swapping!
Response: Thank you! So glad you enjoyed the teas and letter! Whenever you write back will be purrr felt! Haha! Have a great day! Is this fun?
Comment: Love the card...reminds me of my Birman that I had.
Response: Oh I’m so happy that you loved the card! Have a great day!
Comment: Thank you for a beautiful Jetoy cat!
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful postcard! You’re dad sounds like an awesome person and he definitely had a good birthday! I would love to do a tea swap sometime! I wil message you to arrange it 🧡
Response: Wow Alexandra you received the postcard already to England from Oregon today? That is shocking as I mailed that only 5 days ago! So many miracles abound! YES to swapping some tea in the future. So happy for you that you enjoyed meeting someone else who knew someone who had your same birthday. When i think of my father i will think of you too now! That is exciting! Happy day to you!
BizzyBusMom rated for WIYM: Pick 1 PC (Apr 2018) on Apr 5, 2018
Comment: GREAT PC!!! Good for you for following the wisdom of your soul....... I would love to see some of your artwork and projects.... wishing you many blessing - thank you for sharing and the wonderful PC, I felt like we sat down and had a cup of tea!!!!
Response: I’m so glad that you enjoyed the PC! It is a gift to be able to have things on hand that you save just for the right person. Somehow how one knows when they sign up for a swap they hold the perfect card and the note comes from the heart. I hope to upload some of my art soon for others to see! We did in a way thru the ethers have a cup of tea! YES TO TEA! Until we swap again! Be well!
Comment: I love the card, its beautiful! Thank you so much for your kind words, they were so appreciated! <3
Response: We never know when we save a PC where or to whom we will send it to. I love finding the right postcard for someone waiting for it. The writing just seems to flow and it comes thru me to share with others. So glad that those words were appreciated. We never know how we can make someone’s day either by word or smile! Thank you for swapping!
Inez rated for Hello Stranger PC Swap INT Dec 2017 on Feb 19, 2018
Comment: Hi Kyra! Thank you for the lovely PC! I love snow! Today we are going on holiday to Europe! We are gonna ski and snowboard! With seeing this PC I am even more excited to go!
Bhindblueeyes rated for IU: SOC_Dec on Jan 4, 2018
Comment: Thank you for your letter! You have the most beautiful penmanship!! I also adored the picture of your artwork that you were kind enough to include. Thank you so very much!
Response: So kool your message ad thank you for your kind message. I always love this swap! Thank you for hosting this swap and other good things Amy! Happy New Year!
Comment: I loved reading your beautiful cat story and seeing George's sweet picture. The extras are great. Hurry back to swapping.
kydestar rated for CALG: Christmas Card & a Cup ofTea on Jan 3, 2018
Comment: Many thanks for the lovely card, note and tea. Hope you had an excellent Christmas and NY. Best wishes in 2018
tatntole rated for FF50-Quick Christmas Card Swap-USA on Dec 30, 2017
Comment: I do love candy but have stopped eating it. Thank you and Happy New Year
pynart2 rated for CALG: Christmas Card & a Cup ofTea on Dec 27, 2017
Comment: Loved your note and Tea. You have to love Papyrus. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
elinor rated for Just to Say Hello on Dec 13, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the lovely letter and art. I'll try to reply once all the Christmas chaos has passed :)
Response: Hi Elinor! Merry Christmas to you! Yes, Ill look forward to hearing from you! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Bye for now Kyra
Jafferty rated for Interest Me No. 53 on Dec 11, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the swap! I appreciated your notes about what you're reading. Thanks for sharing!
ASawvel rated for Interest Me No. 53 on Dec 10, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the interesting passage and comments. This book is somewhat interesting to me, but I doubt I will read it. Anyways, thank you for sharing!
Highlander18 rated for WPS - Snow Postcard #2 on Dec 9, 2017
Comment: Great card!! Thank you Gorgeous picture, guess it would be beautiful in summer, too!
Kellpepper rated for TGIF Weekend NoteCard #82 on Dec 8, 2017
Comment: WOW! Gorgous! I am speachless at your talent.
samsstuff rated for WIYM: Handmade PC-Bird on Dec 3, 2017
Comment: I love the PC & the way you described the thought process of putting it together. I hope you have a great holiday season!
carol rated for Collaboration PC #48 on Dec 1, 2017
Comment: Oh, this is lovely! I'm not sure what I'll do on it yet, but I'm looking forward to it! Thanks for the letter as well. It's always fun to swap with you! I enjoyed our phone conversation as well. Matt is doing much better, thanks!
suepier rated for AN My Favorite Thanksgiving Food on Dec 1, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful postcard. I also like cornbread stuffing.
PrairieKittin rated for Pass and Paste November on Nov 29, 2017
Comment: What a lovely painting of a tree! I'll try to do this card justice. Thank you!
BeckyG56 rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #43 on Nov 29, 2017
Comment: Great card to add to, and then send it home. Thanks for the cute thanksgiving print, so cute! The squash are impressive too~ good job!
NerdGirl985 rated for TGIF Weekend NoteCard #79 on Nov 24, 2017
Comment: What an absolute joy to hear from you again, Kyra! It sounds as though you had a wonderful weekend that was good for the soul and the body. I am fascinated by the intuitive painting class. I know there are times that I have tried to create and my judgement about what I was making got in my way. Thank you for sharing with me!! I also quite enjoyed the card and the wee, sweet cat on the front of the envelope.
aladyde rated for WIYM: DOMESTIC CAT POSTCARD SWAP on Nov 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the nicely decorated cute postcard.
marles rated for What are you Thankful for? on Nov 19, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the lovely letter. Not working this Thanksgiving. Will be having dinner at my daughter's. I'm in charge of dessert. I hope to see Oregon someday!
neecie rated for NOT my country touristy PC Nov 2017 on Nov 11, 2017
Comment: hey again, Kyra! great job stuffing so much in on that itty-bitty card: perfect momento/awesome trip note/love the mini painting = yay TREEs! lucky me ... star for you!
Response: Thank you and yes I write whatever comes to the mind that needs wants to be shared. I never know what will come thru but really focus on sharing humanity with another human being! Glad you enjoyed it! Be well!
Padoom rated for I have a pet - Postcard swap on Nov 11, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the fantastic Postcard!!! I love cats, such fun loveable animals! Pam 😊
suepier rated for WIYM: DOMESTIC CAT POSTCARD SWAP on Nov 10, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the cute kitty postcard.
smadronia rated for OSS: Senders Choice PC on Nov 9, 2017
Comment: I love this postcard! Talk about hands free book reading =P I didn't realize you were so close. Funny how you find other Swap Bot folks nearby :)
Candace rated for Book Themed Postcard! on Nov 9, 2017
Comment: Thank you!
marles rated for FF50:Giving Thanks Notecard on Nov 7, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the great card! Loved reading it!
Marcie24 rated for TGIF Weekend NoteCard #75 on Nov 6, 2017
Comment: What a great letter. I'm going to write you back. We would definitely be friends if we lived close
carol rated for Collaboration PC #47 on Nov 4, 2017
Comment: As always, great to hear from you. I love the PC! I'll actually be in Portland next week! Will PM you.
Comment: Thanks, great swap, interesting letter
Tessssssa rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #41 on Nov 2, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the postcard and lovely letter, I hope your friend feeks better soon!
rmrascal rated for IS: PostCard Swap on Oct 30, 2017
Johkup rated for KKL: Cat postcard and teabag on Oct 30, 2017
Comment: Such cute cards :) Thank you so much!
Comment: Thanks!
mjhaertling rated for 1 + 1 October on Oct 27, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the original drawing. Very interesting and thought provoking. Just why did that cat want to ride a skateboard anyway? Lol!
jlink rated for Touristy PC # 6 - Animal on Oct 24, 2017
Comment: love your washi assortment - I need to find some cute ones like those!
orneryswife rated for A Simple Woman's Day on Oct 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful letter and enjoyable responses to the questions. 😀
vlhafer54 rated for IS: PostCard Swap on Oct 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful PC. I visited Oregon a few years back and it is a gorgeous place.
Comment: Thanks for you neat postcard and wonderful random facts. I'm a tea person too, although lately I've taken to drinking iced coffee if it's REALLY sweet and flavored to the point that I can't taste the coffee.
Ramya rated for Nostalgic, "I remember" swap on Oct 20, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the kind letter! I love the drawings everywhere and all of the art references! I’m interested in the group you mention and I’ll check it out soon. How fun your letter and list were to read! I laughed as I read some memories and others jogged my own memories. Oh the things we’ve done:) Hoping to swap with you soon. Ramya
Comment: Hi Kyra... Thank you for the wonderful postcard of books. I do love the library! Your random facts are fun... I’m especially intrigued that you cooked for an Indian guru. I’ve eaten with gurus and I follow the teachings of an Indian guru... but I’ve not cooked for any of them! Sending you blessings as well. Happy Swapping
emilynhr rated for WPS - Quote on a Postcard #3 on Oct 19, 2017
Comment: Thanks!
aprilivy rated for IS: PostCard Swap on Oct 18, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much :)
mle rated for USA📭 Random letter + 2 tea bags on Oct 16, 2017
Comment: What a great letter! I gave the Kava tea bag to my son. He was just asking to try kava two days ago and you blessed me with some! Thanks! I'm attending a fermentation festival this coming weekend and very excited about it!!!!
Response: IT is so great that you received what you needed for your son! Awesome! So happy to hear that! I’m glad that you enjoyed the letter. Isn’t it great that we have these lives and until a great swap adn we can share them in small stories to write some of what we have lived..... even when some of the memories are sad, we share ourselves. So neat that you enjoyed it! I thought it was a great swap in which we can share oursvelcs a little deeper. We find out that we are all pretty much the same. We have crazy stories and joy and sadness. Hope your fermentation class is. Wildly fun! Enjoy!
mummsie rated for WIYM Postcard Alphabet - B - USA on Oct 16, 2017
Comment: Oh now that is just the cutest thing! Love it. I believe in believing.
Response: So glad that you enjoyed the PC! I was drawn to it in my stack and i felt you needed to have that sent to you! Yes believing is everything! Many blessings being sent your way! Bye for now!
loveualatte rated for AMMM: Hell0 Fall postcard on Oct 11, 2017
Comment: I loved the postcard! Thank you! Thank you for taking the time to draw it for me. It made me feel really special. ❤
Response: I’m so glad that you loved the postcard! It is so wonderful to make things by hand in our fast paced throw everything away society. It just felt right to make you something and that it helped make you really special because YOU ARE! Enjoy! Bye for now!
Rbrstmpr rated for OSS: Senders Choice PC on Oct 10, 2017
Comment: LOVE your card! The washi...the fact that you included the weather, something I've never thought to do, and the doodled border around my address. Thanks ever so much for the birthday wishes too!
Zoebolt rated for OSS: Senders Choice PC on Oct 10, 2017
Comment: I <3 The PC you chose! Covered bridges are the best!
TraceyHepburn rated for Letter swap #33 on Oct 6, 2017
Comment: Thank you for your lovely letter. In times of chaos and nonsensical violence, I remember the words from Mr. Rogers (remember Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood?) He said to always "look for the helpers". Look to the people who are helping, including the EMTs, doctors, nurses, police, firemen, even ordinary folks. No matter how crazy an event is, how much blood and hopelessness, there are ALWAYS helpers. Look for them. Be one of them.
ccmmsu rated for Pass and Paste September on Sep 30, 2017
Comment: Rec'd PC. I like having a theme to work with and accept your challenge! :D Thank you also for your sweet note regarding my shaky hands. It's going to be really nice to let my creativity go without worrying about whether or not my lines are straight enough or "good" enough. :) I really appreciate the freedom you've offered me with this! <3
Response: Hi Christine! I am so excited to see that you can be free with my art challenge! I’m so excited to see what your wonderful hands will create. It is such a gift to allow our limitations to be a part of everyday life so we can feel free to be ourselves moment to moment. I’m so happy you are in on this pass and paste swap! Thank you!
SGriffin rated for How's the weather today US PC Swap on Sep 30, 2017
Comment: Thank you! Love the crab card!
wolfeagle rated for Collaboration PC #45 on Sep 30, 2017
Comment: Nice postcard. Thank you. My grand babies are great. I love them living close to me as I get to see them a lot.
Response: That is so marvelous Angela about your grand babies being so close! Glad you liked the PC! Is it big enough for you haha! Don’t ask me what made me think of t for tooth though! Hahaha! Have fun with it!
Comment: Thanks for the quilt PC and the encouraging advice, Kyra!
Response: Glad that the swap meant something to you. We never know if some of the wisdom we gain in life can be passed along to someone else so they dont have to reinvent the wheel and learn from what someone else has learned! Ive been blessed to have by passed some very difficult lessons from learning from others life lessons! Enjoy!
Saba rated for Warm Cup Of Tea & A Letter To Read on Sep 26, 2017
Comment: Thank you! Your artwork is lovely and I enjoyed the tea selections.
Response: You are welcome Saba! Take care!
wolfeagle rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #39 on Sep 25, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much. This was actually postmarked twice, once in August and then 3 weeks later in Sept. It took over a month to reach me. So Crazy. But I always enjoy your letters. And too bad you can't mail pickles. ;D
Response: LOL wow somehow it must have done w bit of traveling thwt Swap there! I’m so glad thwt you enjoyed getting the swap finally! I’m stick pickling ad the plants don’t want to quit growing, in fact I will pickle some after I get back home tonight or I will start again tomorrow am......wish you lived close I would walk a jar over and you could enjoy them with your family Angela! We are all family here in so many ways! Have a great evening!
squince rated for WPS - Quote on a Postcard #3 on Sep 25, 2017
Comment: Love it!
Response: So Kool! Love those kitties!
TamiTam55 rated for IU: SOC Sept. on Sep 25, 2017
Comment: OMG, the perfect SOC letter. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.
Response: So glad thwt the SOC letter could bring something to you because as you know the thoughts just arise and I listen and write them down....thanks for being a great receiver Tammy! Here is to more swapping!
NerdGirl985 rated for Notecard letter swap #2 on Sep 23, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the card, Kyra. You seem like a very interesting woman. I love that you cultivate beauty and creativity in your life. I will definitely be hanging on to your letter with the eclipse stamp and postmark. Have an amazing day!!
Response: Hi Jennifer! So glad you enjoyed the note card and letter! I think life is an awesome mystery and I love being here on the planet! Yes everyday there is something I give back to the world and people. It’s easy leash in some ways.....but no matter what loving ur self leads to sharing with the world creativity and beauty! So glad I could get thwt eclipse postmark as long as I k you for wishing me an amazing day! Back at you sister friend! Be well!
Zefaniya rated for WPS - Quote on a Postcard #3 on Sep 22, 2017
Comment: Great quote!
Comment: Thanks for the crater lake pc! So cool ! Great postage cancellation, too and your organic garden sounds delicious.
SGriffin rated for Notecard letter swap #2 on Sep 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you!
PineappleTarts rated for Simple Touristy PC - US Only on Sep 21, 2017
Comment: Thank You
Comment: Great list! Thanks for including all addresses with BCC.
Comment: Thank you so much for sending your list of Happy Thoughts! I really enjoyed reading everyone's lists. I was surprised how easy it was after I got started. Hugs, Diane
Comment: Thanks for your lovely happy thoughts. I loved reading them. Lynn
jocatbaiao rated for 20 Questions - Email swap on Sep 13, 2017
Comment: I really enjoyed reading your answers! :)
MailLadyJane rated for 20 Questions - Email swap on Sep 12, 2017
Candace rated for 20 Questions - Email swap on Sep 12, 2017
Comment: I completely understand the growing pains with the traffic, but I'm one of the transplants!
Comment: Thanks for your happy thoughts!
Comment: WOW!!! I love your list, You have given me many things to think about being grateful for. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Comment: Thank you for sharing your little (big) bits of happy with us - and for joining my swap! :) I forgot quite a few happy moments that I remembered looking at your list... ha ha.
Comment: Received! thanks for your lovely list, some very nice things in there
Comment: I am in love with your list of Happy Thoughts. They flow beautifully. I think we share a similar path because it seemed that you expressed well what I often feel! Tears came to my eyes when I read "Living in MAGIC." Yes! Let's keep doing that. I wish you loads of magic...
MsBellaDonna rated for Join 8/24, Send PC 8/25~~US on Sep 9, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful postcard and your kind words about Zoey. She was as much family to me as any human... Ooh how I love fresh garden pickles! I have some nice Roma tomatoes here. So good! :)
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful PC. It's like an optical illusion. The blocks seem to be popping out at you.I love reading Jennifer Chilaverini's books. We need to do a swap where you write the message like you did. Upside down & right side up, or maybe around in circles. HaHa. It was fun reading it. Hugs, Diane
animal87x rated for Join 8/30, Send PC 8/31~~US on Sep 5, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the cute pc! I LOVE pickles!! You have my mouth watering lol.
CindyST rated for (PCG) I is for... on Sep 3, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the postcard :)
Response: you are weoclome Cindy! Have a great day!
Comment: Kyra, I absolutely LOVED the postcard that you sent and what you wrote on it. Thank you so much for taking the time to write from the heart. By the way, the Solar Eclipse postmark from your city's post office is beautiful.
JoMama rated for Collaboration PC #44 on Sep 1, 2017
Comment: Thank you. I look forward to finishing this! I also appreciate the kind letter. I hope you enjoy your busy season of canning. My husband wants to learn how to do that. So far he just makes pepper relish.
FundyGirl rated for Postcard with a Quote...Rnd Seven on Aug 31, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the lovely postcard and the wonderful quote.
squince rated for Join 8/23, Send PC 8/24~~US on Aug 30, 2017
Comment: Thank you!!!
Fieke rated for B&W PCs week 34 on Aug 29, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful owl !
Joellen rated for Bookish Quote 3 on Aug 29, 2017
Comment: The Cuypers Library of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is the largest and oldest art history library in the Netherlands and has been restored in its original state after intensive restoration.
Response: Wow, that is so exciting to hear! Thank you for letting me know that piecemeal of informations,
Comment: I got your lovely letter today. :) First of all thank you for getting the special eclipse cancellation. I collect postage and cancellations and will cherish this one. Second, thank you for the card. This is a special one and perfect for me. I enjoyed your letter. You have lovely handwriting. You are right about cherishing your health. I am no longer able to work due to my health, but I try to be thankful for what I do have.
Aew324 rated for Join 8/22, Send PC 8/23~~US on Aug 28, 2017
Comment: Always happy to meet a fellow fairy fan! We believe! Especially love it when the magic of the fairies comes to my mailbox! Thank you for writing a lovely message. AND the card has a total eclipse postmark: It is indeed a most magical fairy postcard!
karli rated for Lighthouse postcard swap - USA 8/2017 on Aug 26, 2017
Comment: Thank you for your card and your positive words! karolina
marinda rated for WPS - Cat Postcard #7 on Aug 26, 2017
Comment: Yay! An eclipse postmark! How fun. :) Thank you so much for the adorable Christmas kitty postcard! :)
Response: So glad that you enjoyed the kitty christmas pc! I had a great smile sending that one to you! Yes to the eclipse postmark too! I think that you have to ask for it but they will have the postmark for 30 days from the day of the eclipse. Enjoy!
kygirl rated for Happy Notecard August #2 on Aug 25, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the nice note card, I enjoyed reading about your busy summer!
Response: So g;ad that you enjoyed a letter from someone you really didnt know and could feel better after reading it. Enjoyed sitting down and writing the notecard and sending it to you too! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Bye for now!
neecie rated for Join 8/17, Send PC 8/18~~US on Aug 25, 2017
Comment: hi Kyra! thanks a trillion for that terrific card = TREEmendous!!! i hope you survived the eclipse tourists & mellowing out the end of summer ~ take care & thanx again =)
Response: Hi Gen! So glad that you enjoyed the pc! Don't you just love trees? So many times i walk around and notice them around where i live for one. A huge Cedar tree a block away is beckoning me to hug it! I am in awe of trees and they stand there waiting for us to notice them! Pretty selfless if you ask me! So awesome you thought it was TREEmendous! The eclipse as it brought all the people was crazy enough! Hours to drive and get anywhere Monday! Whew! The trees just witnessed man's frenetic energy! Haha! Thanks for your response and so happy for you! Have a great day!
Rimbar rated for Join 8/16, Send PC 8/17~~US on Aug 22, 2017
Comment: I simply love the PC you sent me. Thank you ever so much. Happy swapping.
Response: I's so happy that you loved your postcard! I so loved your postcard too! Isn't America amazing? IWe have so many different places to explore and i am not even mentioning some of the National Parks! We just have a vast world to explore both in places and people. I am so glad we could swap cards! thank you for posting this swap! We are all pretty darn amazing!
BizzyBusMom rated for Join 8/15, Send PC 8/16~~US on Aug 18, 2017
Comment: Thank you... I loved the card! AND the quote by Henri Matisse‼️ I agree!!!!
Response: That's so kool that you enjoyed the quote! Glad that u loved the card too! Yes, it's pretty awesome to live that quote and have fun doing it! Wow u got the pc right away! Yes to the USPS!
PrairieKittin rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #37 on Jul 19, 2017
Comment: Thank you! I love the extra on the letter, too! I'll do my best to do this card justice. :-)
BeckyG56 rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #36 on Jul 16, 2017
Comment: Kyra, thanks so much for the great note, and telling me about your berries and jam. You made my day reading about your life! I love the corning ware coffee pot, so vintage now! I'll add something to the card, and hope you like it!
Response: Hey Becky so nice of you to enjoy the letter! Just write from what is right there! We all have such fascinating lives......just small tiny acts of love do add up at the end of the day! So glad it spoke to you! I'm sure u will add something wonderful to the pc! Love swapping with you and see what you create too! Hope you are having a great summer!
mjhaertling rated for Collaboration PC #41 on Jul 16, 2017
Comment: This will be a fun card to add to. Thanks for the swap.
Response: So glad that you enjoyed the work that was sent your way! Am sure you will find something great to add to it ! Enjoy!
wolfeagle rated for AMA Sender's Choice -June on Jul 6, 2017
Comment: Thank you for a great postcard.
Response: Glad you received it and liked it! Never know what wants to come thru Angela! If it sounded a bit funky well y heart was in it!
squince rated for WIYM Postcard Alphabet - Q - USA on Jul 5, 2017
Comment: Love all your kitty washi!!
Response: Kitty washi tape is just so fun to send! Glad that you enjoyed it! It's nice to receive mail that makes one happy! Have a marvelous day!
crescendo rated for IU: SOC_June on Jul 4, 2017
Comment: Sometimes I ask those very same questions. Being human is such a bizarre experience. Love your cover letter as always with your art. Hope the garden is growing well! I have wild rabbits the past two years, so am letting go of the struggle.
Response: Hi Pat! It's wonderful to connect again! Kool that we could connect thru a letter and then the swap! hahaha! Oh yes being human if that is what we are and i do question that too, is bizarre. Being on a spinning planet hurling thru space with no ground below us seems very bizarre too! Hahaha! Yes, giving up the struggle is an amazing thing to see on the walk. Happy for you. Ive been looking at Fixations. Wow! Finished and unfinished business. Just seeing into the nature of things. Yet sitting in the. Presence! Happy you are letting go of the struggle.
judee0624 rated for WIYM - America Postcard on Jun 26, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the great card. So beautiful.
JoMama rated for Pass and Paste PC #38 on Jun 24, 2017
Comment: Love the pattern idea and I'm excited to try it!! Also loved the mail art on the envelope and letter! Thank you.
Tessssssa rated for Collaboration PC #40 on Jun 20, 2017
Comment: Thanks for your postcard, now let's think on what to ad to this :)
Response: Glad you got the postcard! I trust you will do something marvelous with the art! You share some great art with others! Enjoy!
ktk8 rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #35 on Jun 17, 2017
Comment: Oh wow what a fun postcard....now will I take the easy way out and draw a flower or something like the corkscrew.....HUMMMM always fun to swap with you.....THANKS Kyra!!!!
Response: You are welcome Katie! Do whatever your heart calls for and have fun making art! It's fun to swap with you too! Thank you!
Comment: Aww, I hope your mailperson read your sweet note :) And thanks for the pc of Nan Goldin! I am not familiar with her work but the photo on the card is great!
Response: No I did not ever hear from the post person as to whether they read the note or not! Ill imagine they did and were too busy or shy or both to leave a little note! Glad you liked the post card though! Enjoy!
carol rated for USA-Hearts PC-June on Jun 6, 2017
Comment: Lots to look at on this one! Thanks!
Tessssssa rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #34 on May 23, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the postcard and the lovely letter!
mjhaertling rated for Collaboration PC #38 on May 22, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the Collaboration PC. I love the playfulness of the envelope art and your attitude about life. Yes, LOVE is the key. Sorry for the late rating.
wolfeagle rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #33 on May 1, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the pc, and for sharing your garlic sketch in your letter. I love quick sketches. And, yes, I made the envelope also. I like doing the shaving cream method on them or using my gelli plate.
Response: So neat to see the great art you are creating Angela! I love it! YES to art!
EllenWilGraagPost rated for Pass and Paste PC #36 on Apr 27, 2017
Comment: Dear Kyra, thanks a lot for your mail (wow, again already!!) I enjoyed the letter as well as the envie and your quarter piece of art :-D I'll write back soon now! XOXO - Ellen
Response: Hey Ellen! I'm so glad that you got the letter and the swap! Kool! You are so creative yourself that i love sending you something! I loved all the goodies that you sent me and i just wanted to say i am so glad that you are my friend! Wish I could speak Dutch but hope you willl forgive me for not. I am so grateful you and i can write English together and share thru letters. I'm so happy to see that you did get the artwork to work on. I'm sending you love and tell me how your art opening went back in march! ? How is everyone there? Kool whenever you have time adn want to write i am excited to get anything you want to share! LOVE and HUGS! Kyra
BeckyG56 rated for Collaboration PC #37 on Apr 21, 2017
Comment: I didn't get caught up in the giraffe watch, but this card is cute! Thanks for the decorative envie, filled my mailbox with color. I'm going to save your drawing that you put on the envelope,what a treat! Thanks for the note,and great quote.
Response: Hi Becky who knew about the card and giraffes! Hahaha! Hope your art will enhance the card even more! Hey we are all teachers to one another. Glad that u enjoyed the thumb sketch and the quote. It's great to be inspired by life! Enjoy!
ktk8 rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #32 on Apr 13, 2017
Comment: As always it's a JOY to swap with you and find a TREASURE of art in my mailbox.... I will finish this and mail it home to Becky.... and I love your letter with the pencil drawing and philosophy on A R T......big hugs!!!
Response: Hi Katie! Kool that you got the PC for Becky and my letter to you! Hope you are having a beautiful day and know that you are loved! Enjoy! Life is a treasure and we are all blessed to be connecting and sharing life! Bye for now!
BeckyG56 rated for Collaboration PC #36 on Apr 6, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the encouraging letter. I appreciate the time you took to write to me. I enjoyed reading your technique for your background on the card. I'll add to it, and will send it onward.
Response: Kool Becky! I'm very grateful to have met you over several swaps now and want to touch friendships/pen pal friendships in a deeper way if it is possible. Thanks for making art with me!
wolfeagle rated for Collaboration PC #35 on Mar 28, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much. The colors you added, add depth and interest. Now to figure out what to add.
mamalynn rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #31 on Mar 23, 2017
Comment: Wow Kyra! That is such a beautiful card you started...I like your theme... will add to the best of my abilities <3 Thank you for your letter also...I will write you back!
Response: Hi Chelle! As u know I like to push the envie a bit on art. You will do a great job because I have no expectations! Just have fun and all will be fine with whatever u do with the card! It will be marvelous! Yes ok good will enjoy hearing from you!
BeckyG56 rated for Collaboration PC #34 on Mar 18, 2017
Comment: Finally arrived! Cute envie, and lovely artwork on the card! I'll use it for 35,and get it moving onward!
Response: Kool Becky! Sometimes waiting 16 days for something to get mailed in th USA does have its advantages! Hahaha! Enjoy!
missmandianne rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Mar 5, 2017
wolfeagle rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #30 on Mar 1, 2017
Comment: Thank you. I'm going through the exact same process of cleaning my art space. And I usually work in the large paintings also, over 3 feet. My dream/goal is to create some that are super large, like 2 or 3 stories. That would be awesome!
Response: Yes, now that would be awesome to paint such big paintings! Love your idea!
Comment: Loved the letter and art. I have been down with bronchitis and my mail piled up. Feeling much better now. I hear OR is a beautiful place to live and you sound so happy.
SuZignomeMoM rated for P-NS: Quotes postcard on Feb 13, 2017
Comment: ♥ I got the fantastically creative postcard you sent. I too like that quote very much. Thank you for sharing you art work with me. But you sure confused the postal people. They canceled the front of the card missing the stamp completely.
Response: Wow maybe that was their way of new for entertaining us! The person who ran that thru the machines must have read the postcard and was saying thanks for making my evening interesting..... who knows! Glad u enjoyed it. That was my last swap I mailed out and glad I could create the card. Isn't that a beautiful quote? Ill always carry that with me in my heart! Be well and have a great year swapping!
Comment: Thank you for sending me the photo of your creation since your actual postcard must have gotten lost in the mail. What you did is beautiful!
kittyhahahotbot rated for WPS - Cat Postcard #6 on Feb 9, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card! Love it! Oh and thank you for not covering up the kitty faux postoid image. Hay, enjoy your time off but dont go too far away. x
Response: Thanks Kitty for your kind words. Ill be around nad so glad that u liked hte faux kitty postage image! I loved that baout the card! Enjoy and we will be in touch! Sending love your way! You are a beautiful person and so glad we met here! You are one of the reasons why it is so fun to swap here!
HelenG6 rated for A Book Themed POSTCARD! on Feb 6, 2017
Comment: Thank you for you card and great info. No, I'm not aware of "Murchies," but I do enjoy general munchies! That's a problem.
Response: That's good as I loved your sense of humor! Yes munchies can be an issue hehehe! Hope that your new year goes well and you have a great time swapping! Check out Murchies tea co for sure as they make an awesome tea! Sorry I couldn't send any tea because sending bulk tea is not politically correct! Bye!
MadeByRori rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Feb 1, 2017
Comment: Thank you 💖
Response: You are welcome!
carol rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #29 on Feb 1, 2017
Comment: What a great start to this card! Thanks for the nice note too. I LOVE your giraffe!Sri Lanka sounds amazing. I'd never thought of visiting it, but after your description, I'm adding it to my list.
Response: So kool Carol! It's been an interesting adventure sending u so many exciting pass and pastes swaps! It's been fun getting to know you thru these wild and crazy swaps! I'm so glad we could chat in between the swapping. Stay in touch and let me know where u go in the world. There are so many great places to go! We will be in touch! Bye for now! Thank u for being you!
Carolien25 rated for TPW: Happy Holidays Swap on Jan 31, 2017
Comment: Thanks so much for the beautiful cards. :)
pbcquiltlover rated for P-NS: ad/free Postcard on Jan 27, 2017
Comment: What an awesome dental reminder! ROFL Thanks!!!
Response: Wasn't that a good ad card? I laughed so hard too! Hehe! It is good to be able to laugh these days! I love to be happy and know it is all good! Be well!
tgrlover rated for WIYM: COVERED BRIDGE POSTCARD SWAP on Jan 27, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the nice covered bridge postcard! The dog stickers made me smile :)
Response: I'm so glad you smiled over the dog stickers! We all need a lot of laughter these days! To take ourselves lightly! Hehe!
grethe418 rated for 2017 Plans Minizine on Jan 26, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the zine you sent me! Such great inspiration! And the envelope was wonderful! I hope 2017 will be absolutely awesome for you! Love Grethe
Comment: Hey Kyra :)! You didn't mention the swap anywhere, but I found you :D! Hah. Thanks for this awesome envelope. My brother says "hi" :)! I really loved the envelope. Have a great day.
Response: Wow thank u for letting me know I forgot the most important thing my I'd and the name of th swap! It was so fun creating your envie! Thank u for finding me! Hehe! Tell your brother hello back! Did you like the postcard? I felt u would find it interesting and if u dont feel free to pass it on.....so glad u enjoyed the artwork...it's fun to express one's deep energies! Enjoy! If u look closely I put two F's near the owl. To the left side of it....just for u! It was fun to send that to u! Be well!
ainaignies rated for B&W PCs week 1 on Jan 23, 2017
Comment: Thank you for beautiful seven keys of life postcard
Roxannya1 rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Jan 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you and happy new year!
Comment: Dear Kyra! I gasped and grinned to see your familiar, smiling hand emerge from my mailbox yesterday -- and I smiled even wider to see the reverse, a Thiebaud kitty who is going on my mood board :) I often forget that weather and holidays can add time to a piece of mail's journey. Thank you for sharing your new year's wishes, positivity, and generosity always -- I love that you made a zine about this year's upcoming artistic endeavors! Thank you for being patient and kind with me; I have been behind responding to your breathtaking last letter and happy mail parcel (!!!) and promise that something will be on its way to you soon. (I have been fighting a sinus infection that I thought was early onset of spring allergies, since the temperatures have been so mercurial lately.) Sending hugs to you and your furbabies ♥♥♥
Response: Hi Avi! I am sorry that i was one who was so blessed to be graced by something.precious from you! You truly are gifted at sharing your love thru anything you send! I am so glad that you enjoyed the postcard that you received! It pales in comparison to what you share here on Swap Bot! Your attention to detail is such a gift to receive. I will pull out your pcs and letters and reread them in a quiet moment when i want to feel loved by you! LOVE YOU! Thank you!
Comment: I added your postcard into my journal for the year. I love the picture.
samsstuff rated for Unicorns: SOC Ltr. - Jan. 2017 on Jan 19, 2017
Comment: Thank you! We've thought about moving to Portland, in the past, but it's more expensive to live there, doesn't seem to be as interesting as it used to & there seems to be more snow there...
Response: Yes things have gotten way out of hand for cost of living there and I imagine in about 5 years or less people will be leaving in large numbers because they will not be able to save. Ad aocfrd to live there. We are seeing this phenomen happen whoever there is a decent city underpriced. The wealthy move in to start buying up the land and build all these expensive high rises only to see that the people move out and move on because they cannot afford to live in the city anymore. The developers come in and inflate http prices and then everyone pays for it later. Meanwhile they have moved on to the next Mecca or oasis to repeat this pattern nad thus we have overpriced cities. Portland now has so many inner city issues it is no longer fun to live in or get around town. bets advice Save your money!
jendoggie rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Jan 17, 2017
Comment: I can honestly say that I have not known a gnome. Happy New Year
Comment: Lovely - and some many media. Loved the use of gesso!
mollypop rated for Let's Get To Know Each Other on Jan 17, 2017
Comment: Thank you for sharing your information. Your information is quite an inspiration and your art is wonderful.
Response: Thank u Patricia! It was fun writing to u as u are too are an inspiration!
Highlander18 rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Jan 15, 2017
Comment: Very nice Covered Bridge, thank you!
Response: Kool!
Morris rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Jan 14, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the cat postcard, I have quite a collection of them and enjoy adding new ones! I would never put my cats on a leash either, they would think I'd lost my mind...
Response: So glad that you enjoyed collecting another different cat card. I know what you mean about putting a cat on a leash. Well. Not with my two cats. NO WAY! Just thought it was very different and felt you would find it off beat. Yes i wonder if animals do think sometimes we being humans do lose our minds. Someone once said that animals only become mentally ill when they live with humans. They do not on their own and. I did give that a lot of thought and I have to say i do agree with that statement.....Have a great year!
lou rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Jan 13, 2017
Comment: Many thanks for the fun postcard and Happy 2017!
Comment: Ok. This was seriously HiLaRiOuS!!! Also love that you wrote the time...I'm a night owl too, always doing my SB stuff around 2 am, lol! Thanks so much for the good laugh!
ktk8 rated for Collaboration PC #31 on Jan 13, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the resend....can't believe the USPS would shred the other.... can't wait to work on this one....... I have an IDEA already!!!! Big hugs and happy swapping!
Response: Kool Katie! I am so happy that one arrived to your place and is not tore up! Hope you will have fun with this!
ktk8 rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #28 on Jan 13, 2017
Comment: WoW very interesting postcard to work on... I like what you did Kyra......glad to say the USPS did better with this one...... big hugs!
Response: Ok you got both of them wonderful! I know what you mean. You will be doing one of the two other seasons left. I have one i have to finish and mail out. Working on it tonight! You are so fun Katie! Hugs back to you too!
Comment: Thanks for the great card, Kyra! Beautifully picked, and the long message on the back makes it extra special! After reading your message and looking at your profile, you sound like a person with a very well-lived life :) All the best for you!
Response: Hi Caddi! THanks for the great compliment on sending a card that was filled with loving kindness. I am glad that you enjoyed reading the message. I'm a real human being and i try to convey that in all that in do. Especially here because we are all humans who are being! I do try to live each day as it is my last. We never know.....and i am very grateful! Blessings to you in the new year and everyday!
Rosina176 rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Jan 12, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the Oregon postcard. I would love to visit there one weekend. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the suggestion. Happy New Year.
Response: Yes you will love coming to Portland and by all means make a quick run out here. Plan your trip a bit if you can but if not then you will see the next time you willl make sure to get out and see some beautiful sights we have here. I'm happy for you that you asked for that information and i was able to tell you about Portland! Hehehe!
quirkyish rated for *WIYM: Happy New Year Mail: USA on Jan 12, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the cute postcard! I will definitely take it to work and put it on one of my bulletin boards for my students to see!
Response: Wasn't that a beautiful card! Wow when I saw it i bonded to the scene and thought it was just so beautiful. Glad that you will let your kids see it and experience that photo too! Hope you are having a great year!
ihni rated for 2017 Plans Minizine on Jan 12, 2017
Comment: Thank you for your inspiring zine, and for the letter! It was a good read :)
Response: Kool that you found the zine inspiring! Happy New Year to you!
Millia rated for 2017 Plans Minizine on Jan 12, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely minizine, Kyra 💌 Your self made envelope is absolutely stunning too! I love the colors & the ambiance. Thank you for the small letter & your kind words 🌷 The world can be quite hard & harsh but luckily people like you make it a bit softer🌹 I'm wishing you a year full of inspiration & fairy lights ~
Response: Emilia thank you so much for your kind expressive words. I did love making this envie and glad that you enjoyed it too. It just evolved right there before ny eyes! Just got out of the way and allowed it to happen. Yes we can all use more kindness and i will be the first one to start if it will make a difference in our lives in the world. It is harsh and hard. We forget that we are all just love! We can step out of our fear and extend loving kindness and so glad i could do that with you! THank you!
jukejan rated for IS: Decorated envelope #6 INT on Jan 11, 2017
Comment: I openly laughed while standing at my mailbox with delight when I spied your envelope in the mail! So colorful and the contents a joy to me. Thanks so much!
Response: I'm so glad u enjoyed thta envie Jan! It was so fun to create for u! The message is always Let The Love In! Hahahaha! Glad it made your day! It made mine too creating it for u!
robelwilson rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jan 7, 2017
robelwilson rated for MEGA8 - postcards on Jan 7, 2017
spicemom rated for Christmas Eve / Day on Dec 30, 2016
Comment: Hi Kyra Thank you for the nice letter I enjoy reading them Spicemom
mamalynn rated for PRIVATE: Three of a kind - KKC on Dec 23, 2016
Comment: Oh my...what a super special mandala card! Thank you so much...your technique is inspiring...and I love your story about how it got together...the four words are so thoughtful...Thank you for creating such an amazing piece of art! Many hearts to you!
GeeLuv rated for Pass and Paste PC Dec on Dec 23, 2016
Comment: Got it! and I will add some holiday spirit to it.
Response: Kool!
ktk8 rated for PRIVATE: Three of a kind - KKC on Dec 16, 2016
Comment: Oh I do love this mandala and the sketch of the buddha also..... what a GREAT swap thank you so very very much.....many hearts to you
Response: Hi Kate! I'm so glad u like your Mandala! It was a stretch and yet there were some awesome things that came out of creating it. I just keep moving forward! Enjoy!
matt319 rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Dec 11, 2016
atanava rated for WIYM - Quote on a Postcard on Nov 29, 2016
Comment: Thank you. Nice quote by Zaha Hadid.
Comment: I resonated with your letter SO much! Also with what you have written on your profile. What a pleasure to get to read your thoughts again, and get to have more of your beautiful artwork. Thank you for the great swap!
Response: Hey thank you for being such a great sport to read the thoughts! Anyway it is great fun to see what is going on with the thoughts and to make time for more art. It's a great way to live in this moment just being kind! I know u get that! So awesome! Hope we get to do another swap together ! Have a great month of December. Looks like we are going to get some snow here soon! Brrrrr! Love to build fires ! Hope you are doing great! Thank u again!
Fabriqueen rated for A To Z Questions on Nov 25, 2016
Comment: I really enjoyed this swap and reading you answers and getting to know you better. Thank you! Hugs, Diane
Response: In ways we all share universal longings and fears and seeking unalloyed happiness.....so when u read some of the responses perhaps u saw that we share s common thread and that is being human! Yes we differ in personalities of course but we all long to be happy! Thank u for reading all that was written and hugs back to u!
tigerlily2110 rated for WIYM - Quote on a Postcard on Nov 23, 2016
Comment: Thnk you for he lovely postcard, and the quotes.
Babsmomof5 rated for AMMM: Mixed Media Postcard Fall on Nov 21, 2016
Comment: What a lovely postcard! We have several persimmon trees in our yard. We occasionally get fortunate enough to nab a ripe one before the wildlife does! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful art with me!
Response: I'm so glad u enjoyed the postcard Barbara! Persimmons are so beautiful and cutting them in half for the first time had me speechless! I'm grateful I could send u something that would mean something to u and then it was a gift that was meant to be shared! Thank u!
wolfeagle rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #26 on Nov 21, 2016
Comment: Love the envelope. Thank you so much.
Response: I'm so glad u did Angela! It's so fun creating it for u. It's a joy to share in the love and the gift of giving! Just as u do! Thank u for having the swaps that you host!
joybells2426 rated for AMA Sender's Choice-November on Nov 19, 2016
Comment: I LOVE the PC you made for me! It did indeed make my day. Thanks for the book and music recommendations. I love it when people tell me what they like. We do have the book Anno's Journey and my youngest kids loved it. Thank you for all the effort you put into this swap. I loved it!!
Response: Joy today is Saturday and I mailed the postcard on Thursday! Wow it flew there! Hehe. I'm so glad that u loved the PC! Oh I'm so glad ur kids and u have seen anno's journey! What a great book. Yes I too like it when one writes a bit about themselves or shares. Going to update my profile soon. It was fun creating the card for u and just having a great dialogue with u from the other swap and now this......i so appreciate your work in healing the planet. Did u get the snow theta a weather forecaster said u would get yesterday? I hope you are having the time of your life! This was fun! Be well! With loving kindness to u and your family!
jesslynne rated for USA Blind Postcard Quick Swap #9 on Nov 18, 2016
Comment: Thank you :)
pbcquiltlover rated for What I'm Reading PC on Nov 18, 2016
Comment: Found a few I missed and am rating some very old ones now - sorry! A heart is a heart and a 5 is a 5 no matter how long it takes, I guess...thanks for the swap!
camelsamba rated for Collaboration PC #29 on Nov 15, 2016
Comment: Got your starter mailart - hope my addition will be to your liking! Thanks for the turkey stickers and the funny chef note paper :^)
Response: It's all good. That is why we join this swap to share and create something greater than the sum of our parts! Hahaha! Don't worry it's all good!
Sakubik rated for LCL - I love doing this letter on Nov 4, 2016
Comment: Hey there, so sorry for this awfully overdue rating and thank you for reminding me! It was a pleasure reading your letter and seeing your pictures you attached. I wish you a happy upcoming winter season :) Though I can imagine gardening is rather a spring-summer thing :D
Response: Thank you for your rating and yes we are going into fall and winter now. So no gardening now as i dont have access to a greenhouse! Thanks for your kind compliments and it was fun being in this swap sharing something i love doing! Be well!
GrannysNamesake rated for Facts Of Your Area on Nov 1, 2016
Comment: Hi, I love your postcard, you make Hubbard sound like a delightful place. I know Oregon is beautiful. OK, now, I'm intrigued, I'd love to know what miracle brought you to Hubbard. Thanks for giving me your address, I'm goin' to send you a postcard in a few days.
Response: Kool! I'll look forward to it whenever it arrives! Thanks!
krspellman rated for (edited)MAE - YELLOW on Oct 30, 2016
spicemom rated for Cookie Exchange on Oct 30, 2016
Comment: Hi Kyra Thank u for the yummy recipes and I liked your Letter Spicemom
Response: So glad u did spicemom! This was kind of fun thinking about the recipes and then telling a little story about the recipes.....thank u so much! Happy holidays!
Comment: Thank you, the envelope was a work of art!
Eclectonote rated for ad/free card #23 on Oct 22, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the Powell's postcard, and yes, I've been there! I try to visit when I'm in town on business. I can spend so much time at Powell's - what a great bookstore.
samsstuff rated for Random (PC) - October on Oct 22, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the interesting PC & note! I do remember Video Killed the Radio Star (it was the first song played on MTV. Remember MTV? When it was actually Music TV?).
Comment: Thank you for your postcard. I will send it on in the next round. Take care. :)
thebeholder rated for A Simple Woman's Day #26 on Oct 11, 2016
Comment: For some reason it's not letting me give you a heart but you should have one! Loved reading your answers and you seem like a very peaceful person! I can't only imagine to have that kind of peace in my life someday.
Response: Thank you for the kind compliment. May you too find the peace that is here in all moments! Many blessings to you!
ktk8 rated for HD/HP Pass and Paste #24 on Oct 6, 2016
Comment: pretty envelope….nice card….can't wait to add another mandala…..fun swap!!!!
Created46 rated for AMA Sender's Choice-September on Oct 5, 2016
Comment: I think the east meets west works on your postcard and the colors were wonderful. Thank you for this postcard.
Comment: Like...WOW! I couldn't even open your amazingly covered envie for the longest time. It was so vibrant, busy and interesting. I love it!!! Then, I had to go and make a big cuppa so I could sit and read your wonderful letter! I cannot comment all here, so be expecting some correspondence from me in the near future. Thank you so very much Kyra...hugs 😊❤️
Response: Im so glad that you were moved by the creative juices moving thru! Awesome! I love to share and encourage others to openly share and make someone's day! So happy to create and share and yes will look forward to anything that.you might want to share! Kool!
nannydino rated for PNS: Something in the air on Oct 4, 2016
Comment: Hi Kyra, the postcard you sent is delightfully beautiful. I love your art ,the techniques you used to create and the colour is inspiring.I love it so ! Happy Autumn swapping to you :)xx
PrairieKittin rated for Pink and Brown Mail Art on Oct 4, 2016
Comment: I love the postcard! What an ingenious way of doing it. I would never have thought of using a paper towel to paint on. Thank you!!
Response: im so glad that you enjoyed it! I didn't know what would come thru when i started it. Then it was revealed to me. Yes to recycling paper towels and all that we discount fairly quickly. This came to me this summer and i have been using them for sometime now. It is all just getting out of the box and seeing what can be done and solving many issues! Glad that you are enjoying the postcard!
nsciambi rated for Autumn Goals Quick Swap #1 on Oct 2, 2016
Comment: Thank you, and good luck meeting your goals!
lagemaz rated for 26 Letters Of The Alphabet Recipe on Sep 27, 2016
Comment: Goat cheese instead of cream cheese! ♥ Looks delicious. Thank you for the lovely letter and the envie art (and your tea cozy is beautiful ;~)
Response: Yes goat cheese is the healthier choice. Thank you for the lovely compliment for the tea cozy! Hope all people can be inspired to live a wonderful life! Even if it is just a small cup of tea!
mejulia rated for Show us your country #2 on Sep 26, 2016
Comment: I love the postcard and the note, thank you so very much!
Comment: I loved reading your letter. Your tomato painting drawing is so pretty, I love how you can capture highlights. I was just out picking tomatoes this morning in the garden. I love that we have things in common and I hope we get to be partners again!
Response: Yes so kool! So you were outside picking tomatoes! Nothing like eating a fresh tomato! Its that time of the year! Picked peppers 3 varieties last night. Glad that you enjoyed the tomato drawing! Always working on something! Sounds like you are too! Hope we can be partners again! Glad that you enjoyed the letter! Life is beautiful!
sem6727 rated for 5 Things About You PC - INTL on Sep 25, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the PC :)
Response: You are welcome!
marclively rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Sep 23, 2016
Comment: Kyra, thanks for the snail mail!
Response: You are welcome Marc!
goldfinchmeadowlark rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Sep 21, 2016
Comment: Belated thank you for this most delicious-looking Thiebaud cake, Kyra! And the kawaii bunny sticker and gorgeous Venus stamp :) I want to hang this on my moon board, but I might always want cake, heheh. It was a good reminder to finally start using (and not just as reading material) chef/baker Caitlin Freeman's gorgeous Modern Art Desserts, in which she gives a taste of modern art history and instructions on how to create cakes and other confectionary treats inspired by the likes of Thiebaud, Mondrian (I want to make this beauty of a cake, which was served at the SFMOMA cafe before the museum's renovation, for my birthday next year!), Koons, Serra, and others. Thank you for your kind fall wishes (wow, it is finally almost actually the season on the calendar!) and reminder to take time to appreciate life, Kyra <3
Response: It was a pleasure to send that card to you Avi! I felt that you would love it! I always learn something from you Avi and i put it to good use! I dont know about Caitlin Freeman but will do some research about her gorgeous Modern Art Desserts! I am so glad that you loved the little treasures all over the postcard. Didnt you love that Venus stamp! Hehehe! I am taking tomorrow off to get into town and look around a bit. Just musing and doing a little shopping.....Am kind of excited! So excited to hear that you are excited about making yourself your birthday cake! Yes to a beautiful birthday! hehehe! Yes if you can remember just to know how lucky you are in this moment and to know that you are enough! Blessings to us all! Thank you for being here on swap bot and making a difference to all that YOU do!
kisforkechell rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Sep 20, 2016
CWarner rated for Just Because PC Swap..Rnd 24 on Sep 17, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the pretty card-Kyra. It's my first from the Columbia River Gorge! I liked what you wrote on it too, re. 9-11. I worked that day in a 38 story skyscraper in downtown Denver that had all but been evacuated because they didn't know how wide-spread the attacks were. As a travel agent, I spoke to stranded people all over the country-including a business traveler in NYC who ran for his life after the towers fell.That was a tough week to be a travel agent. I was in NYC last month and visited the 9-11 Memorial - such a moving experience. take care, Carol in Denver
Response: Thanks for your message Carol! That meant a lot to read what you remember about that day.....it was kind of interesting that i wrote out pcs that day too! Guess it was meant to be. Your story was touching and yes it must have been a very tough week to be a travel agent. You made a difference to all whom you talked to! Another earth angel! Love that! So kool that you got to see the 9-11 Memorial! Sending you hugs!
dandeliongirl rated for Just Because PC Swap..Rnd 24 on Sep 17, 2016
Comment: Loved the PC. Just wanted to let you know, in the future if you plan to use the cardboard as a PC put a regular .47 stamp on it. My postcard came postage due for .21 cents. Just thought I'd let you know...for the future!
Response: Wow i am so sorry for that! I have sent them out before and didnt have to put any extra stamps until i went over the size! I will be happy to mail you a stamp to use for your next swap look for that in the mail! I think i have your address! Sorry! :(
kayebubbly rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Sep 13, 2016
Comment: Thanks for sharing the tea quote! It is quite true!!! :D do u have a big garden?? I wish I have a garden.. I want to plant some leavenders!! I love how you love enjoying Mother Nature ☺️ Thank you for the PC! Going to my smash book :3
Response: So Kool that you are saving the PC! I do have a big garden and it is at a friends property as mine is not really suitable for growing a garden with a lot of sun! My friend property is 12 miles away from my home! Haha! I do love Mother Nature. have you noticed how she never asks for anything and just gives and gives? Now that is Selfless! I hope that you can have an opportunity to have a garden even if it is a container garden! Im boiling down tomato sauce as i write this on a tuesday evening at 10 pm! Enjoy your end of summer! Hello Fall!
widelo123 rated for Body of Water Postcard Swap on Sep 13, 2016
Comment: Kyra, thank yo u for the beautiful postcard of the Oregon Coast. Though it is the Pacific Ocean, it reminds me of the Atlantic Ocean in Maine. Both are spectacular. Shirley
janw1988 rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Sep 10, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the great postcard. I love horses but haven't ridden in many years. When we moved here there was a horse on the next property. He was 30 years old and has since passed on. I got to spoil him for a little while.
Response: Oh that is great to hear! How kind of you to spoil the horse! Loving kindness heals the planet! Blessings to the horse and i am sure he appreciated your loving kindness! Kool!
dandeliongirl rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Sep 10, 2016
FairyThyme rated for Book Themed Postcard Swap #1 on Sep 9, 2016
Comment: Kyra, thank you for the truly beautiful handmade postcard and poem. I have read a few books by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, also.
Response: So glad you enjoyed the handmade card and poem. Since i heard that poem, never forgot how beautiful drinking tea can be! Yes not everyone reads Geshe Kelsang Gyatso! Im very happy to hear this and may you be peaceful well and happy!
Missir rated for BIG SWAP #7 on Sep 9, 2016
Comment: What a cool postcard! Thanks for introducing me to that artist!
Response: So glad that you enjoyed the oistcard and the artist! Wonderful!
Comment: Thank you for the postcard. It sounds wonderful there!
Response: You are welcome! If you have not been to Oregon you need to come if you can.
Comment: Thank you for the postcard! Love the cats!
natasa20 rated for ad/free card #20 on Aug 25, 2016
Comment: Great card thank you for the story behind it too. I love cards that have a personal story behind it. We do live and learn don't we? Lots of love xx
Response: Isnt that so true! I am so glad that you enjoyed the personal story behind this swap from me! Yes we are here to learn and experience many things and all of it really is a return to LOVE......hahaha! Have a great September!
bbbhill6 rated for WIYM: Missing My Happy Mail on Aug 14, 2016
Comment: Thank you
Comment: Ok, this is seriously the most creative and amazing post card I've ever received! Thank you so much for sharing your he"art" with me!
Response: so glad that you enjoyed the handmade art! It is so fun to be creative and allow the art to flow thru! You are welcome! Enjoy!
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card from Oregon.
CWarner rated for PSUSA ~ Focus on the Positive P.C. on Jul 27, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the pretty card! I liked and agreed with all your listed things, and had to laugh at #4 about our mail and your adding "supposed" to be an item not tampered with. Honest to God, on the day this card arrived (yesterday) the mail in my box at my house was all for my next door neighbor, and my husband found your card on our front lawn! Thankfully the sprinklers weren't on.Happy swapping, Kyra!
Response: I haven't been on a lot due to the load i carry over the summer. Am sorry that i am responding to your comments so long afterwards! I laughed a good one at reading your comment here! Thanks for reminding that we should take nothing personal! hahahaha! Glad that the sprinklers were not on! Yes happy swapping to you too! Hope your summer is going well.....we are winding down now with all the summer activities! Enjoy!
kisforkechell rated for MEGA8 - postcards on Jul 26, 2016
Response: im kind of curious why did it take you so long to rate me? this swap was over a long time ago? Please let me know as i said i am curious!
marinda rated for WIYM - Cupcake on a Postcard on Jul 21, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the neat art postcard.
Response: Glad you enjoyed the art postcard! I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back in responding to your thank you!
bbbhill6 rated for Just to Say Hello #8 on Jul 18, 2016
Comment: Thank you for you card. You sound like a lovely person. Yes I'll write back soon. Thank you again.
Response: Kool! Enjoy hearing from you! Life is fun! We make the most of things in this moment. Enjoy and it was fun creating the cupcake swap! I am you sure you are a lovely person too!
tigerlily2110 rated for WIYM - Cupcake on a Postcard on Jul 18, 2016
Comment: Loved the quirky interpretation of the card. Both cupcake flavours sound yummy. Thanks for taking part.
Response: Your welcome and glad that you liked your postcard. After reading your profile i decided to really go out on a limb and create something that you would relate to and like! It was quirky! I am happy for you! It was fun taking part!
Comment: Loved the ferry pc and yes! Music is a huge part of ME. If I'm not listening to a book, I'm listening to music!!!
Response: So Kool! Glad you liked F is for Ferry! I thought it was kind of neat myself. Especially since i live close to it and can take it too! Enjoy and keep on listening to music!
Comment: Thanks😃
Response: Hello Robert! Thanks for rating me and as always i send you love. You are such a great fun person to swap with! Ive slowed down due to my summer load with being in swaps. But that doesnt mean i dont think of all of the wonderful people i have exchanged postcards with! Hope to connect with you soon! Thanks for being here and sharing your loving kindness to everyone! See you in the fall!
Comment: Thank you!!
aliprice rated for a snail on Jul 7, 2016
Comment: Thank you!
Response: Im so glad that you loved the postcard Ali! I loved creating the card for you! From one artist to another it is such a gift to be able to create freely! Sorry i didnt get to see what you sent someone else! Bet it was wonderful! Enjoy!
Comment: Hello :) Thank you for the wonderful postcard ^_^ Have a beautiful day! Take care xoxo
tcornell rated for Handmade Postcard on Jul 7, 2016
Comment: I LOVE the postcard you made for this swap, thank you!!!
Response: So glad that you enjoyed your postcard! I am seeing where my summer went and i know it has been awhile and i guess it was all involved in gardening and getting food ready for the fall and winter! Enjoy and happy summer!
Comment: Thanks for the Elk card! The card I sent my partner had Elk from Estes Park (CO) on it so we definitely think alike!
Camiliann rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on Jun 28, 2016
Comment: thanks for the resend
Comment: awww a Jetoy PC! thanks!
Comment: Thank You! Very cute the way you wrote all over the postcard. I really enjoyed reading it, thanks!
Comment: Thanks for the Portland, Oregon postcard and your words of wisdom. Very interesting and true!
marclively rated for MEGA8 - postcards on Jun 25, 2016
Comment: Kyra, my apologies for the late rating, thank you for the snail mail!
marclively rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on Jun 24, 2016
Comment: Kyra, my apologies for the rating delay, thank you for the snail mail!
Response: Hey marc apologies accepted and i am ok with it! thanks for thinking of me to write me and let me know. the other day someone was kind enough to send me a message and let me know i sent the message that belonged to someone else in he same swap! How kind of them to point it out. It was a late night! Hehehe. Enjoy!
marclively rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 7! on Jun 24, 2016
Comment: Kyra, my apologies for the late rating, thank you for the postcards!
Comment: You picked well--I love the text-based postcard you sent! I have been in a lot of postcard swaps lately but nothing else. Sometimes I do notecard swaps, but I haven't done a creative/challenging swap since the Art Box on the Go swap which was awesome! I think there's a mixed media postcard swap coming up soon; I may do that one. Thanks for thinking of my preferences!
Response: You are welcome! It is fun swapping with you and creating too! Ok, i might look and see if i can be on a couple more swaps now. Super busy with gardening,artwork and creating new foods for people who come to town that i asked to cook for! Be well!
Comment: Thank you!! 😍
Comment: Thank you for the great quote!
Comment: Love to Baba!
Response: love back to you! Letter arriving very soon! on Wednesday i cook for the guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I design all my own foods for him and doing desserts and salads. Everything is in season and local. Picking the berries for my dishes tomorrow am or in a few hours! Its been very intense here! Enjoy!
Comment: Thank you for the great Portland postcard! I love the pug sticker - what a cutie!!
Comment: Hi Kyra, thank you for the Wild Horses postcard. We too have a veggie garden. We just redesigned the raised garden beds. The kids love to help. I wish our yard was large enough to grow everything we eat. My husband is vegan so we eat lots of veggies!
goldfinchmeadowlark rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jun 22, 2016
Comment: Belated thank you for one of my favorite Jetoy Choo Choo images, kawaii kitty trio sticker, and healing message, Kyra :)
Comment: Thank you for the chicory B&W PC Kyra, I like it! I am one that goes for a sweeter salad and life :D I love the felt sticker and washi too, thanks again!
pbcquiltlover rated for Quote on a Postcard on Jun 21, 2016
Comment: Thank you - sorry for the late rating!
Comment: Dear Kyra, thank you for the gentle, calming tabby cat card, colorful cupcake sticker, but most of all, your positive, encouraging message and thoughts :) I am looking forward to sending a response to your Mission Statement and letter soon!
Comment: Thank you for the inspiring letter! I think I am going to frame the Lady of the Scribe photo and hang her above my desk! Thank you!! :D
Response: Oh so kool! I am sorry it is taking me some time to get back to you! Doesnt she speak to you? I am to share her as much as possible with people whom she speaks with! Thank you so much for having these wonderful swaps! Have a great week!
goldfinchmeadowlark rated for Your Mission Statement on Jun 21, 2016
Comment: Dear Kyra, belated thank you for sharing so much of your positive, encouraging thinking and mission statement :) I have been thinking of it often since I received it, and I apologize for being tardy in rating. I look forward to writing you soon about it, my own statement, and in response to your beautiful letter! Sending gratitude and light xo
matt319 rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jun 20, 2016
Comment: School is good! Thanks for the card!
alyhsnna rated for ⭐Easy Postcard Swap US⭐ on Jun 18, 2016
Comment: Hello neighbor LOL! Thanks for the lovely waterfalls card. I've seen a bunch of them, but not nearly enough of them. :)
LovelyLindaSwap rated for MEGA8 - postcards on Jun 18, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the card. I have never visited Oregon, but I hear it is beautiful.
Comment: Thank you for the PC!
robelwilson rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on Jun 15, 2016
Comment: Hi Kyra! Always love hearing from you- Hope you are having a great day!
skier11 rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jun 14, 2016
Comment: Beautiful card! I haven't gotten the chance to visit Crater Lake NP yet, but I hope to soon!
Melissahenning rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jun 13, 2016
Comment: Thank you!
TwoTurtles rated for Words that describe you postcard on Jun 12, 2016
Comment: Very nice postcard. Love the words you used to describe you. Very neat/nice handwriting! Thank You!
Karen07 rated for Jetoy Love! <3 on Jun 11, 2016
Comment: Love the card! Thank you! Hope your vacation dreams come true! 96 degrees! Wow! not that hot here in Florida!
babbleonlilith rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jun 11, 2016
Comment: Thank you.
Comment: Thank you!!
christy102194 rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jun 10, 2016
Comment: okay I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pc! thank you ^^
Comment: I love the coffee postcard ❤ And the poem is so nice... The red wheel barrow... I had it in school... Yes, when you read this poem, you can see the whole scene in your mind... :) Thank you 😊 And yes i know Sri Sri Ravi Shankar :) He has many followers. Millions look upto him. :) Have a beautiful day ✨ Much love ❤ Take care 😊
Comment: Thanks for the red flower pc
Comment: Don't know of any covered bridges in MT. Thanks for the pc.
Comment: Thank you so much for the awesome Oregon Trail postcard with Buffalo on it! It's great!!
squince rated for BIG SWAP #3 on Jun 9, 2016
Comment: xoxo
RNRISLOVE rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on Jun 9, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the great card and the fun facts about you. Pretty neat.
mchesser12 rated for WPS - Writing Prompt Postcard #4 on Jun 9, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the Salem, Oregon postcard and for sharing your "obsessions". My apologies for the late rating. This card was buried on my nightstand and I found it while cleaning.
Angenita rated for LCL- fabric flower postcard on Jun 8, 2016
Comment: This postcard is so pretty! Thank you a lot. I love all the details you put on it.
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful Organ Pipe National Monument (I love the musical reference :) and vivid Mexican gold poppies card and for sharing more about yourself! Looking forward to your letter and to writing you back about your mission statement!
Beach722 rated for USA Blind Postcard Quick Swap #9 on Jun 7, 2016
Comment: like the post card
Comment: Thanks so much for the A as in Apple card!
Dada rated for WIYM Dog, Cat, or Horse Postcard Swap on Jun 7, 2016
Comment: Thanks for sharing about your pets, and the quote by Leonardo da Vinci, The cats must love you lots! :)
Karen07 rated for WPS - Cat Postcard #5 on Jun 6, 2016
Comment: Great kitty card! Thanks!
LovelyLindaSwap rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 7! on Jun 3, 2016
Comment: Wow! You have a big garden! It must take lots of effort. I have trouble keeping up with mine, but mine is just a hobby.
Comment: Awesome card!!! Thank you very much!
slckad rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on Jun 3, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the wild horses postcard! I loved it!
Jenicat rated for MEGA8 - postcards on Jun 3, 2016
Comment: Hello, my friend. I always enjoy seeing mail from you. We do like a lot of the same things. Great minds think alike! 💜
AnitaMac rated for Something About Me PC #3 on Jun 2, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for the postcard and all the interesting facts about you. I will have a read of your favourite poem. I also have to say that I am impressed by the fact that you had your first art sale at 13! Take care and happy swapping.
kayebubbly rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on Jun 1, 2016
Comment: Love tulips! Omg I wish I could've visited this place when we went to Oregon . Thank you for sharing :] it's added to my scrapbook! Thank u!
squince rated for MEGA8 - postcards on Jun 1, 2016
Comment: Always love your cards!
matt319 rated for MEGA8 - postcards on Jun 1, 2016
Comment: Thank you!!
Comment: Thanks for the cute cat pc, Have a great summer
christy102194 rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on May 31, 2016
Comment: I definitely can agree we could all use a little more kindness and empathy on this planet!
Ohhedgehogs rated for MEGA8 - postcards on May 31, 2016
Comment: I am envious that you know how to bake! I do not. It is a mess every time.
tynesha rated for Daily Postcard Swap- Sign Up By 5/25 on May 31, 2016
Comment: Kyra, thanks for the Portland, OR card! It's great to do what you always love to do 😊 Creativity is limitless, and I hope you continue to enjoy your passion!
vlhafer54 rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 30, 2016
Comment: Thank you!
ShireSeamstress rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on May 29, 2016
Comment: Loved the postcard - always had a 'thing' for Cowboys 😊 My mum used to always sing the song: Momma don't let your babies grow up to be Cowboys'. 🐴
Response: Oh I loved that song Momma dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys! Yes i remember it too! I can understand your "thing" for cowboys! haha!
Comment: Lovely postcard, Kyra!! Thank you so much! Sounds like you had one heck of a busy day!! Hope you are enjoying the Memorial Day Weekend! Gabi
Response: Glad you enjoyed the postcard and yes i am having a great day over the weekend! Hope you are having a great time too!
orangekittens rated for Postcard Swao - FOOD on May 28, 2016
Comment: Yum 😋 yum
Response: Yum Yum back to you!
marissa477 rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on May 28, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the postcard.
Response: You are welcome Marissa!
justmesks rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on May 28, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the nice card. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Response: You are welcome and hope you have a nice weekend too!
Kvwanderlost rated for Postcrossing Obsessed? 9! on May 28, 2016
Comment: Thank you Kyra! I love the wonderful vintage PC from San Juan Capistrano Mission :D I would like to travel around California visiting all the missions! Thank you so much and have a nice weekend.
Response: So glad that you enjoyed that vintage card! It was a beautiful place to visit! You have a nice weekend too! You are welcome !
Trillium4283 rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 26, 2016
Comment: I am so impressed with your art! Thank you for such a unique postcard!
Response: im so happy that you enjoyed the art. Just have to express myself and hopefully it makes a person feel whatever they feel! You are welcome! Blessings to you!
jessske rated for WIYM: Pick 1 Postcard (May) on May 26, 2016
Comment: Hi Kyra, thank you for the beautiful and fully written postcard! I've also ridden horses, but that's a long time ago :) I stopped when I was 14. I loved to read about your garden! I also like gardening, it relaxes me. Big hug for your cats, greetings, Jessika
Response: thank you for your kind and expressive words. I am glad that you enjoyed the fully written card. oh so you too have ridden horses and yes for me too! A long time ago. Yes to relaxation and yes to the garden! Big hug back to you! Lets swap again soon!
Comment: Loooooove that you shared your aRt with me! Love your sentiments! THANK YOU! hugs, x P.s I'll have to look up gaia.com.:)
Response: So awesome you loved the art! YES to expressing yourself in any way you can! YES to looking up GaiaTV and i dont think you will be disappointed! let me know. Hugs back at you and hopefully we will swap again soon! Thank you!
goldfinchmeadowlark rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 25, 2016
Comment: Thank you for sharing with me both the tea card, lovely quote (I agree wholeheartedly :), and your afternoon, Kyra! Thank you for being a force for light and positivity :)
Response: You are welcome Avi! You are such a gift yourself in kindness and in sharing your life with others! Im so grateful!
sdin2pink rated for Something About Me PC #3 on May 24, 2016
Comment: Thank you for an adorable PC and sharing so many fun and interesting things about yourself! :)
Response: You are welcome!
Jenicat rated for WIYM: Pick 1 Postcard (May) on May 24, 2016
Comment: Another beautiful postcard from you. I love sea birds! I just saw the cute little fairy sticker. I was just outside this evening visiting my little garden. I rearranged things a bit and I moved my fairy girl and her pet frog into their new home. I wish I had a huge backyard to have a proper flower garden. We live in a condo in the city and we just have a small patio area. There is room for a little flower garden. It's enclosed, so I plan to make it my own little safe haven!I love working on it. I hope you've been doing well. I loved reading about your garden area and the fairies, gnomes, and animals. I would love to see pictures. I will also have to look into a daphne plant. Love to you and the kitties!
Response: Hi Jennifer you have a surprise coming! Your message was wonderful and i will send pictures to you soon as you will want to see what i have been doing and yet have so far to go! Loved hearing about your fairy garden and do what we can where we are! It is all wonderful! So glad that you enjoyed the sea birds! YES! Im so happy that you have a place to go to and feel the energies of the earth plants and of course the fairies are all around! They like to play tricks on us! Gnomes too! Claire came home after i got your letter finished and she was a bit shook up. Other cats want to play with her and harm her so i told her no more running off now. She stays in at night! She has such a good heart! Well the life of a cat! Haha! Yes to a daphne plant! They smell so good. Bloom early spring! Might depend on area when it blooms if you are in areas of spring being late! Enjoy Jennifer! Hugs to you and your kitties too!
amesie rated for Somewhere I've Traveled PC on May 23, 2016
Comment: Hi Kyra, thanks for the gorgeous card from Yellowstone National Park, and for telling me your travel story. I loved hearing from you (though sorry the trip was a bit of a disaster!)
Response: Thanks for your message! All we can do is laugh about the foibles we find ourselves in. I was a better person for going thru the experience! Learned a lot and would go back again just to smell the sulphur pits! Hehe!
Comment: Thank you for Crater Lake. I was there when I was a kid, many yrs. ago. Would love to go again.
Response: Kool! Hope you get to go again!
LivingInSong rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 21, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the pretty postcard, Kyra! Your artwork is very pretty. :)
Response: Thank you and loved what you sent me too!
barbzeven rated for Postcard Quick Send x 3 *May* on May 21, 2016
Comment: Multnomah Falls in the winter in stunning--thanks for sending!
Response: You are welcome!
zombuki rated for Postcard Quick Send x 3 *May* on May 21, 2016
Comment: I'm so lucky to have swapped with you again! I love the story on the postcard too.
Response: Glad that you enjoyed the story! We all have them inside of ourselves we just need to give ourselves permission to share what we feel in our heart!
Jenicat rated for Postcard Quick Send x 3 *May* on May 20, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the elk postcard with the Rumi quote. I've never seen wild elk. We don't have them around here. Maybe I will see one someday. 💜
Response: Hi Jennifer I was drawn to send you the Elk postcard. A fair amount of people hunt them here. I think that they are so beautiful course i cannot harm an animal......it is beyond what i imagine for any being.....am excited for you seeing them in nature!
Paulsmuffy rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 20, 2016
Comment: Love lighthouses, perfect card. Thanks!
Response: Kool! You are welcome!
Comment: Nice PC, thank you! Visited Portland a few years ago and loved it:)
Response: Kool! Those bridges were tucked in there and one had to look just a little bit! That was a great shot of the downtown scape of Portland
nsciambi rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 20, 2016
judgedbyabookscover rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 20, 2016
Comment: Thank You
Response: You are welcome!
Dada rated for Interest me no. 36 on May 20, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful handwritten letter and sharing your interesting read. ^^
Response: Chiayu glad that you enjoyed the letter and that it arrived! Kool!
crochetjunkie rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 20, 2016
Comment: Lovely card! Thank you!
robelwilson rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 20, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the Timberline Lidge PC and for sharing a little about you😃
Response: thank you and i have to say you are one of the best when it comes to sharing and always look forward to see what you write! Im so glad that you are a part of swap bot! Glad you liked the pic!
matt319 rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 19, 2016
Comment: Thank you! Loved reading your bio!
Response: thank you Matt and i enjoy when i see something coming from you! Isnt this interesting and fun! People are so generous! It makes me smile when i see someone has sent me some mail!
Jenicat rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 19, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the postcard and the great quote. I have not tried Paris tea. It was great to hear from you 😺
Response: Hi Jenny glad that you enjoyed the quote and postcard. Look for something soon coming to you! Be well! and love those kitties for me!
lawchick rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 19, 2016
Comment: Spectacular note and card. Your pizza looks amazing and thanks for the book reach...I'll have to check it out! I've never pickled or made bread and butter chips. Are they easy?
Response: Glad that you enjoyed the pc! I figured since you baked and cooked you would find the card interesting...Yes pickling is easy peasy....you need to have a little specialized equipment and then you have to spend time doing it......then in my case i am growing the veggies too! SO it is very labor intensive once you add on growing the food too! But it is a labor of love!
slckad rated for Write a letter quick swap #2 on May 19, 2016
Comment: Thank you for your beautiful letter! I enjoyed it!
Response: Kool and thank you!
Karen07 rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 19, 2016
Comment: I absolutely LOVE your card! Thanks so much!
Response: KOOL KAREN! You are welcome!
pbcquiltlover rated for Mega Postcard Swap - USA on May 19, 2016
Comment: Again, my lady of the most amazing writings! Your handwriting is as enjoyable as rich fudge and as intoxicating as a smooth sangria! Thanks for the kind words and amazing card! <3
Response: Im so glad that you enjoyed your postcard! Never saw myself as a writer but lately i see that i am a closet writer and want to share good things with others! Make them to see that they have stories too and we need to share them with one another! Thank you for the compliments on writing. That came from Engineering schooling! All that drafting we had to do years ago! You are amazing! Hugs to you!
Comment: It is always such a pleasure to get you as a swap partner---such an upbeat, creative, fun person!! Thank you for sharing a bit more about you! *hugs*
Response: Thank you and yes it is fun to hear from you too! All these things you see in me they are in you too! Hehehe! Hope we are in another swap soon!
zombuki rated for May Goals Postcard- USA Only on May 17, 2016
Comment: I love the postcard you sent, Jetoy cats, yay! I love your goals too, especially the fairy class, that sounds amazing, I would love to hear more about it. Thank you again!
Response: Yes aren't Jetoy cards amazing! A swapper here turned me onto them and she is an amazing person! She sent me my first card which i adored! Yes to fairies! I can keep you posted thru a message thru swap bot!
Comment: Wow, that was some story about your party, thanks for sharing. : )
Response: You are so welcome! Amazing what we learn!
Comment: Thank you so much :)
Response: You are welcome!
vlhafer54 rated for TGIF Weekend Note Card #5 on May 15, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the lovely note. Sounds like you have a good life. Enjoy!
seekingjoytoday rated for Touristy Postcard swap #4 on May 13, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the great card. I'm from Oregon and have lived all over the state, but Silver Falls is a park I've never been to, so I especially enjoyed it.
Response: Kool that we have living in Oregon as something we have in common! Glad that the postcard was enjoyed! So kool!
renmagpie rated for ISU: Stream of Consciousness May on May 13, 2016
Comment: I absolutely loved your letter - and never apologize for what comes out when you're in the stream...xo
Response: Yes so true! Glad that you loved the letter. I like to do stream of consciousness writing had have been doing it for years on and off. So glad that you get what it is really about! Thank you for the great reminder!
judee0624 rated for Touristy Postcard swap #4 on May 12, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the Mt Hood card. I've never seen it.
Response: Kool!
basykes rated for Just Because PC Swap..#24 on May 12, 2016
Comment: Oh my...those cakes look delicious! I have been a baker, but never attempted crossants...too easy to get them from someone else!
Response: yes true and after i made them once i decided that i wouldnt make them again! It is fun to bake isnt it? Enjoy!
Fabriqueen rated for USA Blind Postcard Quick Swap #9 on May 10, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for the cool PC! Hugs, Diane
Response: Hugs back to you Diane!
Comment: Thank you for the lovely PC...you're always so complimentary and bubbly, even in writing, I can't help but smile! I always look forward to mail from you. :) *hugs*
Response: So happy that we could commune thru pcs! I love sending out the postcards! That one was so beautiful of the roses! Hoped that you enjoyed it! You are always on my list to send send a good pc to!
kygirl rated for Interest me no. 36 on May 10, 2016
mitsugi rated for Something About Me PC #2 on May 10, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the lovely PC :)
Response: You are welcome!
Comment: Thank you for the lovely postcard of lighthouses.
Response: You are welcome!
Comment: What a nice note!!!
Response: thank you!
bgailk rated for Just Because PC Swap..#24 on May 9, 2016
Comment: Going somewhere for a "special" hot beverage is always a great date with my husband! Thanks!
Response: You are welcome!
Comment: Thank you!😃
mejulia rated for WIYM simple postcard swap on May 9, 2016
Comment: Great postcard and note. Thank you.
Response: You are welcome!
Comment: Thank you so much :)
Response: You are welcome!
quirkyish rated for Just Because PC Swap..#24 on May 8, 2016
Comment: I love the postcard you sent! Did you make it? It's awesome--typewriters and fonts are two of my favorite things! Thanks!
Response: kool that you loved the postcard and yes i did make it! It made me think of a story that i had long forgotten about my friends mom after reading your profile. that pink royal typewriter! haha! So glad i could create something for you! Enjoy!
atlantian rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 7! on May 7, 2016
Comment: Such an awesome bit of mail! Thanks for the treat. I to love those unexpected surprises. Thanks for fantastic handmade also. I would have given more hearts if I could!!
Response: glad you enjoyed the card! i am busy planting a garden now. Starting again! It was fun creating for you!
Comment: Thank you!
PrairieKittin rated for WIYM: Random postcard on May 7, 2016
Comment: Hey, neighbor! I have friends in Hubbard! Good to "see" you! Love the cat! Thanks for the card.
Response: You do? Do you ever come and see them? if you do you can let me know to see if i will be home and we can at least say hello! Just let me know if you ever come down this way! I know we do live close! Awesome!
Comment: Thank you for the letter :) I was really excited when it arrived :) I loved the thoughtfulness behind every answer and you made some really great points! Your artwork is great and I definitely enjoyed my first swap! Oh, and I'd heard of washi tape but had never come in contact with it so thank you for showing me. I'm definitely going to have to get some now!
Response: Kool Becca! I am so glad that you got the letter and enjoyed reading it. For a first swap for you i am so happy that it was a good experience. You will meet some wonderful people here!
Babytreese rated for What I'm Watching PC #2 on May 2, 2016
Comment: Thanks so much for the map card! Very interesting shows! I'll have to check out the doc and the station. Cheers! Theresa
vlhafer54 rated for What I'm Watching PC #2 on May 2, 2016
Comment: Thank you for sumptuous looking PC and I have Netflix so I'm going to have to check out My Beautiful Broken Brain.
Response: let me know what you think when you see the movie! Enjoy!
Comment: Double BS degrees! Wow! I just got my Masters last year... it seemed like it would never end. What kind of art do you do?
Response: Paint, collage, hand dye fibers, printaking, drawing, quitling then combining various methods to see what happens if i do this.....love it all!
Comment: Thank you for the teacup and saucer card (it reminds me of one of my favorite teahouses here :) and lovely, descriptive and evocative message and heart/striped drawing -- what a wonderful day you planned :) I remember talking with my mom's plants as I watered them as a child (and on the flip side, a funny/sad Archie one-panel comic in which Reggie's plants were drooping because of what he said). Hope you are feeling better! It's gloomy here on this second and final weekend of Jazz Fest, but I am trying to look on the bright side of things :)
Response: Avi Thank you so much for your sharing and just letting me know how much the postcard meant and your sharing of your week! Had unexpected guests for a few days this week and today after going out for a bit will come home to solitude and want to really sharp with you some things. Your letter is very precious to me. I am so grateful we met and you inspire me! Will have it in the mail on Monday! Thank you for being here on Swap bot making this forum a kinder more loving space! I am doing a bit better. Still feel a bit gloomy and this is not like me. I wonder if i am feeling the collective consciousness of the planet? With voting and what i can call crazy town that i must have slipped into a bit of a dark hole....Your sharing pulled me out of it! After that will make a pot of tea Swapping is so much fun! Love what you have to say! Thank you!
squince rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 7! on Apr 29, 2016
Comment: Thank you! <3 <3 Update: Loved the second card of your kitty!!!
Comment: :)
ashleybisping rated for Something About Me PC #2 on Apr 28, 2016
Comment: thanks!!
Comment: Thanks for the postcard! It was great reading your fun facts. I also read some of your profile--I wasn't sure where Hubbard is. I lived in pdx for seven years and loved it. Hope you are having a nice *sunny* spring!
ShireSeamstress rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 7! on Apr 28, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the tea and book themed PC! 💕
pbcquiltlover rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 7! on Apr 28, 2016
Comment: Love the cupcake - too bad we're so far apart - we'd get along great!!! Thank you! =) Got a 2nd? one from you - the pic of George. What a beautiful story! You were both lucky he found and adopted you. Thank you for sharing! <3
Comment: Thank you for the lovely PC!!! It's a pleasure to get to know you and hope we're swap partners again in future! *hugs*
Response: Hugs back at you and yes to another swap! Glad you enjoyed the PC!
Comment: Thank you for the awesome elvis stamp and kind message!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked the Elvis stamp. Have carried that with me since they came out in the 90s!
goinjenny rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 7! on Apr 26, 2016
Comment: Thanks
Response: You are welcome Jenny!
Response: How long did it take for you to receive the letter? Was it on time or late? Hope that having mail at the post office was fun for you! Enjoy and you have something else coming from me again! Enjoy! It is dated on the pc!
newrule rated for Somewhere I've Traveled PC on Apr 26, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the lovely postcard!
Comment: I have never been to Oregon! looks beautiful!
Response: Yes it is a beautiful place and i imagine your State has beautiful scenery as well! Enjoy!
Comment: I LOVE your postcard. The hand painted buddha is just what I needed along with the quote!!!!! Thank you so much!
Response: You are so welcome Marissa! enjoy and happy swapping!
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful postcard and note! Your home in Oregon sounds lovely!
Response: You are welcome! Happy swapping!
ladypudge rated for TGIF Weekend NC #2 on Apr 22, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for your sweet and absolutely BEAUTIFUL card!!!
Response: So glad you enjoyed the card! Kool!
Comment: An artist with a BS in microbiology? You sound like my soul sister (haha). Thanks for the lovely postcard :)
Response: Yes you got it. BS in Microbiology! Go figure! Hahaha perhaps i am your soul sister! haha! I liked the idea you are having them sent to you but to your daughter too! I liked that idea. Happy Earth Day 2016!
MoodyBlue rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 21, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the Oregon trail PC, it's a really cool one for my collection. :)
Response: Kool!
kdeorne1 rated for What I'm Reading PC on Apr 19, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the postcard. That sounds like an interesting book you are reading.
Response: Isnt it fascinating what one can learn and open to someone else just sharing that they are doing? I love that about Swap Bot and the interesting things i have learned about myself and others!
LovelyLindaSwap rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 19, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the Salem, Oregon card.
Response: kool!
squince rated for Daily Postcard Swap- Sign Up By 4/12 on Apr 19, 2016
Comment: Thanks!! namaste.
Response: Back at you and Namaste to you too! Hope you will have a great weekend!
Comment: Hi Kyra! Pretty postcard, thanks so much. I love the yellow rose sticker! I can not print a note like that, so straight and neat. I always write in cursive, old school 😉 I've been to Portland, so beautiful with all the trees!! Happy Spring to you also, Take care, Judy
Response: Thank you Judy for your kind message. Hehe yes i still write in cursive too! At least i know how! Hehe! Glad you enjoyed the sticker...from my stash from the past! Thank you for kindness!
JaneInSD rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 17, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the cool Mt. St. Helens card and the great story. I love it! :-)
Response: So glad that you enjoyed that story about my friend and her tie to Mt St Helens.....who knew this pc swap would bring this out in me because it has been years......thank GOD for memories and that we can share with others!
brooklynbunch rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 17, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the Niagara Falls card. I've been there 2 or 3 times but never bought any post cards. My favorite memory was eating at an outdoor cafe overlooking the falls and seeing a woman at a nearby table have her lunch stolen by seagulls. Susan (brooklynbunch)
Response: That is awesome Susan sharing your story! I was just so impressed with the falls it was deeply captivating and invigorating! Thanks!
Melissahenning rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 16, 2016
Comment: Loved the tulip post card! Thank you!
Comment: I love your artwork; thanks so much!
Response: Kool!
goinjenny rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 16, 2016
Comment: Thank you
Response: You are welcome! Thank you!
Comment: I liked all the random facts! And your handwriting is so neat! Thank you for the cool stickers too. :) Have a great day!
Response: thank you and you have great day too!
squince rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 15, 2016
Comment: Thanks!!
MargotBond rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 15, 2016
Comment: I would LOVE to visit Oregan...pretty 'green' card!
Response: Yes you will need to come and visit. Course the state is very different from place to place....if you can take a road trip thru the state and enjoy yourself. It is gorgeous!
Comment: I love the art card you sent, and the message as well. I didn't know much about Georgia O'Keefe, but now I think I'm going to look for a biography about her. Also I know what you mean about swapping taking time. I found this Postcrossing Obsessed swap to be my most time consuming yet- kind of funny since it's just writing out postcards! :)
Response: Isnt it amazing what we learn as we live and grow? Haha to swapping and to living! So glad that you found some interest in Georgia O'keeffe. I think you will find her very interesting. She can paint your favorite colors.....she felt them too! Im happy for you!
Snailmail rated for Postcrossing Obsessed?! 6 on Apr 15, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the personal message and very pretty card. You
junemoon rated for Write a letter Quick swap on Apr 14, 2016
Comment: Hi, Kyra, nice to hear from you again and thanks for the one of a kind paper and envelope. Yes, creating things is a great pleasure, for creator and for receiver.
Response: So kool June! Liked seeing your creations. Went to visit your page! You are an interesting person! Thank you!
Comment: Super cute PC you made. I absolutely love it! Carrots are a veggie we eat about 4 times a week in our house, so it was PERFECT!
Response: I am so glad that you enjoyed the little painting pc... we are blessed to have fresh food to eat when we go to farmers markets or grow our own food. Yes to health and vitality!
Briarstitch84 rated for Spring Letter Swap on Apr 13, 2016
Comment: Thank you for your beautiful letter! Nice handwriting too! I will write you back :)
Response: Thank you for being a great receiver and feeling like you would like to respond! Kool!
Rimbar rated for Quote on a Postcard on Apr 12, 2016
Comment: Loved the PC and the quote. Thank you. Happy swapping.
Response: thank you too!
ericabella rated for Random Postcard Swap #22 on Apr 12, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the lovely angel postcard, Kyra!
Response: you are welcome! Enjoy!
Aew324 rated for Speedy SC PC #5 on Apr 12, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the speedy pc! Cool card from a cool place.
Response: Glad that you liked the speedy time that postcard got to your box! Am happy for you! happy spring!
Lazycrochet rated for Quote on a Postcard on Apr 11, 2016
goinjenny rated for Speedy SC PC #5 on Apr 11, 2016
Comment: Beautiful card, thank you
Response: You are welcome!
mulkey rated for Daily Postcard Swap- Sign Up By 4/7 on Apr 11, 2016
Comment: Awesome to swap with a fellow Oregonian! Thanks for a beautiful pic of Mt. Shasta!
Response: Kool!
bgailk rated for Just to Say Hello on Apr 10, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the lovely letter; I enjoyed getting to know you and how you live.
Response: Kool and all we can do is open our hearts and share! Thanks for your kindness!
Comment: You make me feel lazy! Wow! You sound great! Thanks so much for the great card and fun facts!
Comment: Thank you for the gorgeous white tiger pc! Love it!!
Comment: What a great postcard...i LOVE it!!! I think your psychic sense got it right! Awesome random facts too :) Thank you so very much xxx
Response: It was fun sending your postcard and after reading your profile i just kind of "knew" intuitively! Isnt this fun? Thanks Susan for being a gracious receiver!
Angenita rated for LCL - strong woman mailart on Apr 6, 2016
Comment: Such an amazing package, thank you! I love your artwork, very beautifull. And I'm happy with the seeds, I'll be thinking of you while I eat that salade 😀 I didn't know your strong woman, but she sure is an inspiration.
Judykkm rated for Something About Me PC on Mar 29, 2016
Comment: I wish you can come over to my work office and decorate the sidewalks with chalk! What a great surprise that would be and so much fun! Thank you for the postcard - l love retro :)
Response: you are welcome and yes everyone can learn to make marks on the sidewalk! You can do it too!
cleverdisguize rated for Something About Me PC on Mar 28, 2016
Comment: Kyra, Thank you so much for the beautiful postcard. I so enjoyed reading all about you. Would so love to see some of your artwork. And I am right there with you on the free and single. No one else understands when I describe myself as blissfully single....but I have no doubt that you do. Thank you so much for sharing with me. Cheryl
Response: Hi Cheryl! I am so glad that you enjoyed the postcard! Glad that what i wrote was not too boring! haha! Yes to making any kind of art. Glad that we can share perhaps we should consider being pencils? What do you think? i would love to know more about you and i think we have some great things in common! I hope we can talk again and i can let you see some of my art! Kool and yes to rock and roll! haha!
Dorilee rated for Small Town USA on Mar 21, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the great card, I've never been to Florida, this is a special card for my collection.
Response: Hi Dorilee! Glad that you enjoyed the post card from Florida! I hope you can go to Florida someday! Go though in the fall and winter! Whew it gets hot! Glad that it was a special card for your collection!
Comment: Thanks for the interesting letter. It was womderful to see some of your art, and to learn a bit more about you. I loved the decorated envie, and appreciate the special stamp!
Response: Thank you for the comment on the letter that was sent to you. I write it and never read it and allow the hand to move across the page. Who knows what came thru! Haha! Glad that you enjoyed the envie and everything that came your way! We are all ONE! So kool i sent you a special stamp! Kool!
Comment: Thanks, Kyra, for the SoC letter with the big questions; and for the personal letter (and your picture -- you look younger than you are!) and for the prettty envie decorarions.
Response: Thank you June for the great comments. Yes questions can be big! Thanks for being a part of this meetup! It was fun to do this swap!

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