Fives ratings for porpie5
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Response: You're welcome! Hope you have fun with the zine!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are so welcome! We had two nice days of warm and now it's back to winter. I will hunker down and wait for spring! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! So nice of you to say so! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome!! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: Great! And I love the heart you gave me!
Response: You are welcome and thank you heartily for the heart!
Response: Thanks for noticing! haha
Thanks also for the heart!!
Response: You'tre welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Why thank you! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome and glad you have such good memories!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Why, thank you so much! Glad to give your day a boost!
Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Great!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hurrah! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Kitties will be kitties!
Response: Thank you so much and thank you for the heart!!
Response: Thank you and thanks for the heart!
Happy New Year!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Happy New Year!
Response: Glad you are doing well at last! Cheers!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy Christmas and joyous new year!
Response: Happy Christmas and joyous new year!
Response: Happy Christmas and joyous new year!
Response: You are welcome! Have a happy Thanksgiving weekend!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: YWC! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the blessings and the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: Aw! So sweet! Glad you like Alaska. I refuse to go, even though all our friends have gone and said it was wonderful.
My reason: I am afraid it will be cold during my short summer.
Response: YWC! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the nice note~ Glad you enjoyed my photos. So sorry for you all down there - my nephew & family are on the Atlantic side; praying for safety for you ALL!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: YW! Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: You are s welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome and thanks for the lovely heart!!
Response: haha! You are very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for catching the problem!
Response: You are welcome! Love to hear about smiles! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hahaha!
You're welcome and thanks for the rating!
Response: Aww! Thanks so much and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: haha! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Hummingbirds are en endless source of pleasure!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Nature is so satisfying! Thanks for the heart and have a great day!
Response: Thanks for the rating
Response: Thank you! for the kind words. Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Turkeys are very wiley animals and very aware of their surroundings. Sometimes I seE them in the yard, and by the time I get out my phone to take a pic, they have VANISHED!
Response: You are so welcome! We loved our trip to Israel in 2014.- lots of good memories!
Just today we saw a doe with twin fawms - so cute! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Today twin fawns walked right across ur lawn!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you liked the rainbow! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the kind and "punny" words! haha Thanks for the heart!
I just used two of your old photos for high school graduation cards! What fun! Thanks again!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you liked hem! Thanks for the (two) hearts!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hurrah! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you - just last night we found out she was diagnosed with breast cancer and will go go Vanderbilt in Nashville for treatment - such a shock! Praying for her recovery!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: So happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: No worries! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Yes, I am having a great day - the sun is out and it isn't raining! Hope your day is great, too!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Yay! You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Hafe fun! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart! Waffles go 'round!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Happy to make you smile! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart1
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the hearts!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you enjoyed our excursion! Thanks for the hearts!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: So cool! You are welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Your comment was very uplifting! So sorry about your vertibo and motion sickness - what a plague. But happy you can watch the birds and swap on Swap-bot! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thank you and thanks for the hearrrrt!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: Aw! Thank you for the kind words and thank you for the heart!
This grandma business is the best!
Response: You are welcome, and thanks for the heart! Small world, isn't it!
Response: Thank you very much! Love the heart!
Response: You are so welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: It was fun! Thank YOU!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thank you for the rating
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you got to see the total eclipse! Thanks for the kind words and the heart!
Response: Thank you SO MUCH! That was good to read this morning! Thanks also for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: Haha! You are welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart and the kind words!
Response: After sending your swap, our family sat and binge-watched Charlie Berens for an hour! haha
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart! It's snowing on and off here. The calendar says it's April, but I have my doubts. However, I heard the hummingbirds are already in Chicago.
Response: You are welcome! And thank you for the heart!!
Response: I love your comment! Amen!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, you are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart!
Happy St. Pat's day to you!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome and thank you again for praying! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart and kind words!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Great for you! haha! I hoped you could figure it out!
So happy you did!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Wow! That took a while! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart and the kind words! Love to hear the peepers!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Happy New Year and Happy Valentine's Day!
Response: You are welcome! God bless you back!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome!
thanks for the heart!!
Response: Me, too!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Merry Christmas and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Merry Christmas and thanks for the heart! Blessings to you, too!
Response: Haha! Glad you got a laugh over my dopey mistake! haha
I don't know where it got wet - maybe the carrier spilled water on it - or dropped it in a puddle on the PO floor?
Anything could have happened!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, so happy! Praise God!
Thank you for praying for Tarah. We praise God for small improvements. Thank you for the prophetic word!
God richly bless you!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy to pray! You are welcome! God bless you and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so sweet!
Thanks so much and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are certainly welcome and I do thank you for the heart!
I hope you have many happy travels!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!! Thanks for the heart!
Happy Swapping!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! It's a pleasure to please you! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: Thank you! I love it, too! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, I agree! You're welcome!
Response: I think so, too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart !
Response: Wonderful! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Aw, so sweet for your friend! Thanks so much for such a nice note! Happy New Year!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the lovely comment! I am relieved to learn that you got my swap! Thanks you so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Glad to help!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart! Glad you liked the letter! :-)
Response: So happy you liked them! You are welcome and thanks for the heart(s)!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Wonderful! hahaha! Happy to help!
You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy! You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're Welcome!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Wonderful! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the kind heart!
Response: You're welcome. thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words, Kathy! And thank you for the heart rating.
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
I just saw that I used the wrong email address for me and I thought maybe you did not get the swap, so I just sent you a duplicate. Just ignore that one. Thanks!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
I just saw that I used the wrong email address for me and I thought maybe you did not get the swap, so I just sent you a duplicate. Just ignore that one. Thanks!
Response: Thank you! Thanks for the heart!
Response: The hills beyond the lake were once ski hills.
You are welcome!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: It's all good!
Have a great day yourself!
Response: Great! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You made my day!
Glad you liked them! LOL
Thanks so much for the rating!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! We all need reminders; I forget so soon! Thanks for the hearts!!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: So happy you like them! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are totally welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Hearing that makes me so happy! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Van Gogh is one of my favorites! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you got it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you can create your own card!
Response: Thank you! Yes, I did have a wonderful birthday!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great! You're welcome!
Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the hearts!!!
Response: hahaha! That's funny! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for the load of hearts!!! You're welcome!
Response: Love it when I hit the sweet spot! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you so much!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: LOL Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: No worries! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: It was so much better than I expected! Thanks for the heart!
Response: hahaha! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Fun swap! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for your nice responses! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, how cool! Hope she likes it. You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes! Lard is the key! Thanks for the heart!
Response: No worries! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hi Carollee922, Thank you, but you don't need to write back (I suppose you can if you want) this was a one-time letter swap.
I'll probably sign up for another swap with a different subject if jannieb hosts another one.
Response: Thank you! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hahaha! I like Porpie, too!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the words of encouragement. That means a lot.
Also thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, dear! What happened to your ornament is such a sad event. I can feel for you so much.
Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the tears. I appreciate you so much.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Crushed horses made me sad, but life goes on. Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the nice coomment! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thank you! It actually worked! lol Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: I think it's hard, too. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: This was a fun swap! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome!Thanks for the heart! Thanks for joining my swap!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome - I know how slow mail is these days. Thank you so much for the kind words and so sorry your surgery and recovery has set you back. Prayers for a good recovery and may your swapping continue to be a good experience!
Response: You are so welcome and so kind! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I hope you re-schedule and then have something to look forward to! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Have a wonderful day!
Response: This was an experience in frustration! I spent hours trying to get a verse AND a photo on your profile. Finally, I just added the words to the photo. I don't know why I signed up fo this one. But thanks for the 5.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked the letter.. and my grandson liked his gifts! Yay!
We are all healthy and hope you are, too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Cool!
Thlanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you, Marc!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! That was fun!( I might be biased because it was my idea!) Thanks for picking it! And thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Merry Christmas and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Laughing is good! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Isn't the owl one cool? You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the book tip! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Hurrah! You are welcome and thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome and bless you! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: For heaven's sake! What's with the post office? Glad you got it!!! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Cool! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the reating!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! LOL Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, cool! Love his houses! You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Can't wait for 2020 to go. Our son's family has already put up their Christmas tree to hurry things along! ha!
You're so welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Sounds like a very good idea! Thank you! Thanks for the heart!
Response: What a great idea! You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart! If I remember to post a pic, I will. (I'll make myself a note)
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the blessing and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You have a wonderful day! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy you are happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much for the kind words AND the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you can use things I sent! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks fo much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great! You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Wow! So happy you are happy! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, I'm sure it takes so long and what a headache to clean up. You are so welcome. Your response made me so happy! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!! :-)
Response: No, sorry, I do not have any more like the letterpress card. I thought the moose track card was cool, too, but I don't collect them Glad you liked them! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: No worries! You are welcome and thanks for your petience and the rating.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the hearat!
Response: Why, you are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words and the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you can use them!
Thanks also for the heart!!
Response: Haha! I guess some cows like to chew the cud in beautiful scenery!
You are so welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! I enjoyed your swap very much! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, my! I have never found anyone who knew about so many cases!
About the Smiley Face killers - I am so perturbed that they haven't solved these crimes yet. It IS puzzling!
Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the welcome wishes! And thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the good wishes! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Oh so very sorry :-( - turns out I could not swim as they had closed the beach.
You are welcome and thanks for the lovely heart!
Response: You are welcome & thamks for the heart!
Response: Wow! Small world! You are very welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: Yes, it was. You are welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: Yes, it is sad, especially when the cause might be arson...
You are so welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for the kind words and the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: Wow! So happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words and a tabby remembrance! All is well and hope you are the same!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: Oh, good! I wasn't sure, but glad you like them! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: No, not feeling blue! So happy you liked the whale! hahaThanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Love your emojis! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are so welcome! Happy to please! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the 5 and the heart!!
Response: Good! Thanks for the 5.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! LOL
We are the blind leading the blind! lol Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome for it all! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are entirely welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! LOL
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome for everything! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so nice to say that! You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!! Purrrrr
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: OH! So sorry the card stuck! I think stickers would work. What a bummer! I thought the paint was dry, but maybe it takes a while. Thanks for your kind words! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, that's so nice of you to say! You are so welcome and thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart! Keep well!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart and good wishes!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh so sorry about your son, Dan. PTSD is so awful! I will pray for him and for comfort for you. Sending love.
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks immensely for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks fpr the lovely heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Have a wonderful week! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! It's nice to reminisce with your parents. Precious memories! Glad you enjoyed what I sent! You have a wonderulf summer and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! After it was all done, I was glad I learned to do it! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! thanks for the rating!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart! YOU be healthy and safe, too!
Happy swapping!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating! Thanks also for the postcard you sent! That was nice!
Response: thanks for the wishes and the rating!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!! :)
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating.
Response: Good! It's always good to laugh.
Thanks for the rating!
Response: That's a good one! You are very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and than you for the kind words! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Wow! You have been all over!
You are welcome and thank you so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the hearty-heart!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! It's good to think of those we love!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are very welcome! So happy for you! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are se welcome! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankds for the heart!!
Response: Oh, goodie! You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Glad it worked out.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked the card! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Wow! Good for you! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Congratulations on your accomplishment!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: It seems like a strange concept - white tea. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcomd.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the lovely heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Why, thank you for the rating and the lovely heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you very much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Sorry there was no return address - maybe it fell off. Anyway, thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Oh great! Have fun! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: You are welcome.
Response: No? I can't even recall what I put in there, so I'm clueless. So sorry! You were very generous to give me a 5. I will send you a surprise asap.
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you liked what I picked! Somehow, Temple Grandin was in Indiana where our grandson met her. I hope you get to meet her, too! Thanks for the heart!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
Response: Yes, it was a fun swap! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! You might have to hide the sparkles! haha
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ouch! Hurricane Season! It never takes a year off.
You are welcome for the swap and thank you for your kind words and the heart!
Response: Hahaha! I love your stories about your birds!
You are welcome and tanks for the kind words! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating and you have a great day, too!
Response: That makes me happy! You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Same for you! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Oh, you are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, thanks! I learn something very day! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome!! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you like them! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for the kind words and the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the kind words - we are still safe and hope you are, too!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! I spoke too soon - it went down to 43 tonight! Brrrr! Brisk! Spring is still coming? Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the kind words and the red heart!!! You rock!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are fine! Thanks for the rating and the kind words. Yeah, that was an unusual day!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating and the kind words!
Response: Happy swapping! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for your kind words! And thank you for the heart!!
Response: Great! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: That is so cool!! Thanks for telling me that! You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks so much for the kind words and the lovely heart!
G'day and cheers to you!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks very much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad for Micah! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart! Voting is good!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are so welcome! Cheers! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome!
Thanks for the rating and the heart!!!
Response: Yes, the clerk didn't bat an eye.
Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are so welcome! Happy Easter!! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you like them! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome and glad you liked them! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you found some to like! Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Haha! You are welcome! Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are welcome and thank you so much, Kylie! I am going to copy this list and I know I'll have fun seeing them! I think the only one on the list I've seen is The Dressmaker. Thank you so much and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you heaps for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!!
Response: Hurray! Glad you like them!
Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome!
Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Your comment put a smile on my face. Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you like them! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are so welcome and no need to apologize. Thanks for the kind words about my postcard! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Merry Christmas to you and thank you for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you so much for your touching words and the beautiful hearts!!! Praying for you to find where God wants you to be! God is good. Glory to God in the Highest! Amen and amen!
Response: You are welcome. I love to write that way as I like visuals. Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Hope you like them. Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you liked them!! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the kind words and the hearrrrt!!
Response: You are very welcome! I am so glad I joined your swap! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind words and the prayers. Thank you also for the heart.
Response: You are so welcome! :) Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Yes! That is so cool! Thanks for your kind words and thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are most welcome! Thanks heaps for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart! God bless you!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Hahaha! That was cute! You are welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: YOU are so welcome! Yay! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: YOU are so welcome! Thanks very very much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad all went so well! Thanks so much for your kind words and thank you so much for the heart!!!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks heaps for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, you are entirely welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for the heart! Happy Thanksgiving!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Well, my goodness! I didn't even know there was a story with them! Thanks for the tip. And thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks heaps for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: Cheers! You are welcome and thank you for the kind words! Thank you heaps for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words! And thank you for the heart!!!!
Response: So glad you liked them!! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You "R" very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, good! Thank you for your kind words! Little House on the Prairie is not only loved here in the USA. I once had a German penpal who yearned to go see where she grew up!
Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the great big heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words and the big red heart!! Hope you have a good time opening these!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Glad you like it! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome!! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad to give a giggle! Have a great day! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome. thanks for the 5.
Response: Well, ok then! Yay! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Why, thank you! Thanks also for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Glad the stickers were loved! :) Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! You have a great week as well! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Happy to make you happy! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the kudos and the nice rating!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Your response made me happy! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: Oh, you are so welcome! Glad to make you happy! Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, ! I'm glad you liked it!! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you like them! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! My pleasure! Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the sweet heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the (((heart)))!!
Response: You are welcome and so glad you liked the stuff! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: Oh, how cool! You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! I am ready, too! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! This swap was a challenge for me, so thank you for the kind words and the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for your positive comments! And thank you for the heart! Have a great day!
Response: You are so welcome! So happy my envelope made you smile! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the kind words and the heart! There sure are a lot of versions of the Bible. Glad you liked the extras Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Yes, I am! Thanks for the nice words and the heart!! Hope you are having a nice day as well!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart! Thanks again!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for loving it! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Whoa! The Dells figured into our dream vacation when our kids were small. So much has CHANGED! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Great! Glad you liked them! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked them! That makes me so happy! Thanks tons for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Wow! Glad you are happy! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! You had good questions! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you liked them! And thank you so much for the heart!
Response: Haha! Yes, they are cute! You are so welcome and thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome! Glad to make you happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you asked that question! That was fun to think about! Thanks for the good questions and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart and happy swapping! Have a great day!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Christmas in July! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh, you have heat as well! We cranked the AC today and then it rained and dropped 20 degrees! Glad you enjoy the snow globe! Yay! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank YOU for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks so much! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome~ thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks so much for the tips! That is a great help! You are welcome and I'm glad you liked them! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Oh, goodie! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words and the heart!! You have a wonderful day!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words and the heart!!! Bats! Yikes!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words and the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the kind words and the lovely heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks very much for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks to you for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the kind words and the lovely heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the kudos! And thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you like them! Thanks so much for the heart! I can't imagine dry summers!
Response: You are so welcome! And thank you for the good wishes! all is good! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart! You did a great job thinking up this swap!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart! You have a good summer as well!
Response: Great! You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for these tips! I always like to hear about new info from people who have experienced it first hand! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: So true! I must keep trying!
Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: Hope you see an oriole some day! Yes, I have a big family.You are welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the kind words - I'm 72 but I feel younger. Maybe some day you will get to go!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you can use the zine. Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you like them!!
Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Haha! You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! So sorry you were housebound because of the rain and cold! We have been to two weddings in CA around Memorial Day. The first, in Humbolt County was a muddy mess finishing with a downpour at reception time. The second was in Yosemite and it snowed! We all froze! Thanks so much for the note and the heart!!
Response: It's raining again today....
Thanks so much for the kind words and the heart!!
Response: Yes, I have been disappointed with a few of John Grisham's books. I feel like I'm taking a chance every time I start one of his new books. Zoo Nebraska was a real surprise and I was glad I read it. Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!!
Response: Why, you are so welcome! Thank you for the lovely comments!
Response: You're welcome! I am pretty tired of rain!! Have a great day! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! I didn't know they happened in Arizona. I saw one in Arabia (1891) in the movie "Hildago". Hildago is the horse's name!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Happy travels! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Rain today but it's warm, at least! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks heaps for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! I would imagine the monkeys are entertaining if it is not your plants they are wrecking! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: I got them in a swap - I guess you never know what will turn up, eh? Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are entirely welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Great! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! I thank you for the heart!!! Happy swapping!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! And thanks for the hearT!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Oh, goodie! You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: I know; my list is very long, too! You're welcome, and thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Oh! You're welcome!! So happy for you! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! And thanks for the lovely comments and the heart!
Response: Practicing patience! You are welcome and thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! I so appreciate the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the hearts!
Response: You're welcome! I hope the recipe works for you! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Yes, we had a wonderful Easter! Thank you!
And thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are entirely welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: I will send you a typewritten one. You said you liked handwritten, so I tried but I'm sorry; my handwriting is just awful, I agree.
I will re-send.
Response: Oh, coo! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Happy Easter! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Summer is taking its time! You are so welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Happy to spread joy! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are very welcome! I'm glad you let me know about the disaster! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Cacti are awesome!!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! So happy to share! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Haha! You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind wishes! Also, thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the good wishes - so lovely! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Whoo! Yes, it is! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: So true! Thanks for the kind words and prayers! Also, thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the nice comments! Also a big thank you for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! So happy for you! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the nice comment!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Yay! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome and thanks so much for the heart!! Happy swapping!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the 5!
Response: Oh, goodie! Glad you did! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!! Blessings!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the 5.
Response: We meet again!
I just Googled Pasaquan, and it looks very interesting! Thanks for the tip! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, dear! Hope it warms up soon for you! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Not to worry! I'm on vacation and not watching this very well right now.
Response: You are totally welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: Thank YOU and you're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Response: You are welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, my goodness! Walworth isn't that far from Elkhorn! That's crazy! Yes, the winters are so cold. I am sitting in the house, fully clothed, with a fuzzy blanket over me! Thanks for the heart and nice words! Have a lovely Christmas!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind comments and the lovely heart!
This is the site I used.
I copied it and keep it on my computer to refer to it when I make cards.
Thanks again!
Response: You are so right! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! You have a wonderful holiday, too! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart and the good wishes! Same to you as well!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the hearts!!
Response: You're welcome! You had a great idea! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad the key found a good home! Merry Christmas!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!! And Happy Thanksgiving to you
Response: You are so very welcome! Merry Christmas and thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, great! Happy to hear it! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome and thanks for the heart(s)!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! My pleasure! And thank you for the heart!!!
Response: No worries! Brrrr! We are freezing here! haha Thank you so much for the heart! That warms me up!!
Response: You are welcome and thank you so much for the kind words! Thank you so much for the heart and happy Thanksgiving to you!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are very welcome! My pleasure! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, goodie! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the big heart!!!
Response: You are surely welcome! Thank you so much for the beautiful heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks very much for the heat!!!
Response: Thank you so much! Hope you had a very happy un-birthday! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Not to worry! It's all good! Thank you so much for the heat!!!!
Response: It's very good! We're all cheese heads! haha Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the 5
Response: My pleasure! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks so much for the hearrrrt!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Happy cheesy eating! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! And thank you!
Response: Thank you! And thank you so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: YOu're welcome! Happy eating! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Happy listening! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, yes!!!! You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked reading them! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you for the kudos! Thanks for the rating!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thank you so much! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Why, thank you! Glad you liked it! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Yes, House on the Rock will take a whole day to get through it.
Response: Glad you got it!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you love love love it!!!!! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! And thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I'll get it out ASAP in an envie. You can send me a Colorado postcard of any of the CO high spots - Pike's Peak, Estes Park, Cheyenne Mt. - you get the idea! Could you send it en an envie? Thanks!! I buy the backs from Amazon. I'll send you an unused one along with the pc.
Response: You're welcome! And thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Your'e welcome! Such a little but annoying insect!
Response: OH, goody! Glad you liked it!! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked them!!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: That's crazy! What a pleasant coincidence! You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the 5.
Response: Well, then I don't know where I got it. I've never been to Southfield, either. You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the five.
Response: Hahaha! The worst part, it wasn't even mine - I took it out of a friend's pack! hahaha Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart! I didn't even look to see that your name was on already! I just put my sticker at the end. I'll be more aware now!
Response: Oops! Well, you never know what's in their head before you take them home! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read them!!
Response: Thank you so much - for the kind words and the big heart!! You made my day!
Response: Thanks for the five!
Response: Hahaha! Thanks for the 5.
Response: You are welcome! A good thought about Loretta and the buffalo! Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: Wow! How cool is that? So happy! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Yes, oh, why???? Thanks for the rating and the lovely heart!!!!!
Response: You're welcome! and thanks so much for the hearrrrrt!!!
Response: Oh, goody! You are very welcome and thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, goody! Thanks for being patient and thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! I just got home and the wedding was beautiful! I've never seen a more gorgeous bride! It was so good to get together with family! Thanks for the rating and the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you like it!
Thank you so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you so much for the heart and happy swapping!!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the hearttttt!!
Response: You're welcome to have it! I have no idea where it is! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: Thank you so much!
Response: OK! Great!! You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Yes! You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You are welcome! I love it when people like what I send! Thank you so much for the heart!!!!!
Response: Ohhhh! You are so welcome! And thank you for the heart!!!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Say "hello" to Lotte! You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and the heart!!!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart! I'm signing up for the next round...
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: Great! Glad you like them! Thanks for the five hearts!!!!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You are welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: So glad you like it! And thank you so very much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Hahaha! You're funny! I tried thinner ones, and they always came out printed upside-down and backwards. So I gave up! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so kind! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: That's it! That's it! It just makes me so happy! Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!!!! Dance! Dance! Dance!
Response: Thank you so much! I love the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! I'm glad it made you happy!!! Thanks for the heart! (And the little teddy bear icon) :-)
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart! I went for a walk this morning and it was pretty warm, so now I am cooling off inside! That's summer! Thanks again!
Response: What? Snow in June? Oh, hope it warms up for you but not as hot as here. I went outside to hang the hummingbird feeder and I came back in drenched! It's like a sauna out there! Glad you liked the card! Thank you so much for the rating and the lovely heart!!
Response: Ha! Thank you! Thank you so much for the bounteous heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome! Thank you so much for the big beautiful heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you very much for the beautiful heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! I thank you for the beautiful heart!!
Response: Oh, thank you for the rating and the big, beautiful heart!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!! Happy days!
Response: You are very welcome!!! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so very welcome!!! Thanks for the heart!!!!!
Response: You’re welcome.
Response: You are very welcome!!!! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Haha! Great! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: Ohhhh! Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, cool! You're entirely welcome! Thank you very much for the heart!!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome and thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Yes, it does! You are welcome and thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: I hope you get to come sometime! It's a big country and I haven't seen all of it yet!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Yes, we either have warm jacket weather or tank top weather - not much in between! You are welcome and thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome and I hope it all turns out ok for you! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are surely welcome! Glad you enjoyed the swap. Stay cool - we had a nice, dry day of about 75 today. Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart!!!!
Response: A friend gave me a box of postcards and that was one in there. You might be able to order them from Swap-bot. You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: I'm freezing to death in the house! You're welcome and thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Wow! You hit the jackpot!! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: High five! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Hahaha! That's funny! Glad you liked the card. Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You have a name-twin somewhere. I have one in California, one that I found online. Thanks for the kind words and thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh yay! Glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: No, but I can always get another one! Thanks for the heart!!! You rock!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart!!!
Response: What good news! Praise God! I like these exercises as well! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for your kind words! Yes, kids keep growing, not matter how old your photos are! haha
Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Why thank you for the kind words! That makes me so happy!
And thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Thank you! Enjoy your tea! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, cool! Glad you liked them and thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! My pleasure! I do hope you get to go to Israel! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!!
Response: Why, thank you so much! And thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart!!!
Response: Your comment made me smile! And your heart made me smile again! Thank you!!!
Response: You are very welcome! And thank you for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are entirely welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Very cool! You're welcome!
Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are beautiful, Christina! Thank you so much for the kind words and also thank you for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Thanks for praying!
Response: Thank you so much! Laughter is the best medicine. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you got a smile from my cards & letter!! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Hahaha! Great! Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, cool! Glad you liked them! Thanks for the nice comments and the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you, and thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: No worries! I understand! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!! Happy Easter!!
Response: No, thank YOU for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the hearrrrrrt!!!
Response: You're welcome and blessings to you as well! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Hahaha! Glad to spread cheer! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart! The sun is out - that's a start to spring....
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!! God bless you!!
Response: You're welcome! My pleasure! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the hearrrrrt!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You'e welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Thank you for the heart!!!!!!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: Why, you are so welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You are welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind words and the many hearts! You are very welcome! Thanks for the excellent rating!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the five!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart!! Glad you will enjoy them!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Thanks for the five!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: LOL Me, too! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, you needn't apologize. Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You are entirely welcome! Thanks for your kind words and glad you enjoyed the cards! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: I love spring/summer, too! We are glad the snow is melting, melting! So sorry about the sleet; it can be dangerous. Thanks for the five!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the five!
Response: Sturgeon SPEARING! That's something I have not seen yet, but I do know about thin ice! Glad all had a good time - as well as some sturgeon! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: YAH! Snow is melting here, too! Love it! Yes, swapping with eyes closed is a pig in a poke. As long as all swappers understand, it's all good! Thanks for the HEART!!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the 5.
Response: You are welcome! I love CO, too! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!!!
Response: Thanks for your kind words! Glad you can use them! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Maybe someday you will see Oregon. And thanks for the heart!
Response: Whoa! Enjoy your 80s! We are happy with 45* today! haha
Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you got a chuckle out of it! Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Thank YOU for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the kind words. We are in Georgia now but will be home by the end of the week! Thanks for the five!
Response: You're welcome! Business is booming in spite of the repairs going on. Friends are going to Key West and said it is not bad down there and is recovering well.
Response: Great! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! I'd like to go back to Disney World sometime! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are entirely welcome! Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: No worries! Thanks for the 5.
Response: You're welcome!! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the 5!
Response: You're very welcome! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Why thank you! We've been away, so just saw your rating! Thanks so much for your kind words and for the heart! Happy new year!
Response: Oh, my goodness! You are the first person I have ever had contact with who has relatives at Arlington. Thanks for telling me!
Response: Why, thank you for the heart!!
Response: You so very welcome! Thanks for the HEART! Merry Christmas!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You are so welcome! I am glad you appreciate them; not everyone does! Happy swapping and thanks for the heart(s)!!!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are entirely welcome! And thank you for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! It is ALMOST 60 here today! What's going on? Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Thank you for the kind words! Yes, love our deck and the view! It's colder here today, but should warm up soon (a little). Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, I am so happy you liked the things I sent! Have a great day!!! Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're entirely welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart!!!!
Response: Whoa! I didn't know that! Thanks for updating me! ha! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!
Response: Yes, corn and soybeans flourish in Iowa! haha Thanks for the heart!!! Have a great day!
Response: Oh, glad you got it! Hurrah! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you so much for the 5 and the heart!!! Glad you liked the PC. I wasn't sure whether it was a sunset or sunrise... it was beautiful in any case! Happy swapping!
Response: So true! thanks for the 5
Response: You are very welcome! Glad to be a part of a good day! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, you're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: So glad you liked it!!! Thanks for the heart!! As of today, it has cooled off some. Thanks agiain!!
Response: Thank you so much - you are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Iowa is not known as a touristy state. Mostly people just try to get through it. It does have its own charm, though. You're welcome!
Response: Oh, goody! Yes, mmmmm! Thanks so much for the heart!!! Thanks so much for your patience!
Response: You are very welcome! I love that stamp, too! Glad you collect them - not silly at all! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Oh you are welcome! Glad you liked it! We were going to GA, but I think we may skip going there for now. Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you! Today is my birthday, although we celebrated yesterday as we are packing to go on a trip tomorrow! Our nice neighbors invited us over for a cookout, so I won't have to cook - again! haha Thanks again for the wishes and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the connections to the card-makers! Glad you liked the stuffers. And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, lucky you! My nephew & fam live in OR & they drove to Bend to see it! Awesome! You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: OH! Lucky you for the 2014 eclipse! Something to look forward to! Yes, we got the Firebird in 1970 and now we only drive it in the summer! Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Oh, that makes me so happy! Thanks so much for the heart!!! Have a wonderful fall!!!
Response: You're welcome! I was hoping you would like it! Some day I will stop and take a look! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you heaps for the heart!!!!
Response: Oh, you're welcome! Glad you like it! And thanks for the heart!!!!!
Response: Thank you; no apologies needed; I am glad you got it!
Response: Oh, cool! Glad you liked them! Thanks for the kind words and the happy heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: No, the arrowheads belong to a friend of the family. He is very proud of his collection! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: That makes me so happy! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Haha! Don't blame you a bit! It takes 6 months for it to melt! Then the mosquitoes come out. Packers are looking' good! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Yes, I thought it was really different! You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart!!!!
Response: Yes! These swaps are going very well!!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for your encouraging words, too! Yes we have had 80 applicants and now they are narrowing it down. - lots of unsettled things now concerning our building, so we are looking to God for direction! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! I just so glad you liked the things I picked out! Those rubber stamps - a long time ago, the local post office threw them out and I rescued them. haha Glad you love them! Enjoy! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are more than welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Why, thank you for the lovely comments and the big heart! Yes, thank you, my summer is going very well! May yours be the same! Thanks again!
Response: Cool! You are welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Well, how cool is that! What a coincidence! I do love his architecture! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: So good! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you are a fan of Mannheim Steamroller! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Yes, I took the pic! I was driving back to my niece's house and saw the broad river in the sunset! Yes, that is true about small towns having a PO and at least one bar! Thanks for the 5 and the good post!
Response: Thanks for pointing out that not all rocks are in all places. I never even thought of that! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Yes, what a packet of papers! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! thanks for the heart!!
Response: Yes! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind words and the big heart! I love water, too! Thanks again!
Response: Sorry. I was trying to be speedy, I guess! Yikes!
I am sending you some sleeves today. So sorry!
Response: Haha! Yes, I doubt if the dollhouses were touched by any child's hand! Thanks for the nice words and the lovely 5 plus the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh, how sweet! Savor that pic!! You take what you can get on Mother's Day! Flowers are very nice!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thank you for the lovely heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for the kind words! Yes, I do like to be challenged, but I also like to do well! haha
You are welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: So true! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: A classic! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the complement on my zentangles! That's encouraging! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart - sorry about the loss of your view. So sad:-( I love water, too!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: You are welcome! So glad! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Oh, that makes me so happy! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome and a big "Thank you" for the heart!!
Response: Great! That makes me smile, too! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Is that a smile I see? Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: I'm so happy that you're happy! Glad you got the joke! haha Thanks for the wonderful comments and thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Glad it made you happy! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, so glad you loved them!!! Thanks heaps for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating! I love hearts!😀
Response: Haha! I thought it was going to be easy, too! Glad you got a giggle - sending health via postcards! haha Have a great day! What's the toast word in Ireland? Cheers?
Response: Thanks for loving the package and thanks so much for the hearts!!!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the 5!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Haha! There are other things to do, but everything takes money except sunbathing. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You learn something every day! Thanks for the heart! Happy swapping!
Response: Why, thank you for the five and the heart! I'm not very good at checking ratings, so no worries! Thanks again.
Response: You're welcome! Yes, the water is fantastic! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you were happy with the things I sent! Hug you back! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, so happy you like the enclosures! Thank you so much for the heart! Happy New Year!
Response: Thanks for the heart!! Merry Christmas and happy new year!
Response: You're welcome! I know how hard it is to wait!
Response: Thank you for the five.
Response: Thanks for the sympathies! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the five and the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank YOU for the five and the heart! Cheers!
Response: You are entirely welcome! Thanks so much for the five and the heart!! Sweet!
Response: You're welcome! Yes! Thank you for the five and the heart!! Merry Christmas!
Response: You're welcome! Stay strong through this cold snap! We are not used to the cold, either, but it's not down too -40 here - yet! Happy swapping!
Response: Won't be long now! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for the five and the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! thanks for the five!
Response: You're welcome! And no worries; thank you for the fivesy and the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the high five!
Response: Thank you for your kind words! You are entirely welcome and thanks for the heart!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!
Response: Wow! Thanks for the heart! You're welcome!!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the five.
Response: Glad you liked it! Good luck! Thanks so much for the heart!!!!
Response: Wow! Love the Charlottes! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Winter waits for no one. It just comes! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Goody goody! Glad you liked the Okplatki! Merry Christmas! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the beautiful heart!
Response: Oh, good! You are welcome. Thanks for the five!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the 5! So sad about that kayak! Makes me want to cry! Maybe next summer...
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked them! This was a fun swap!
Response: Oh, goody! Love and hugs to you! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thank you so much!!! And thanks for the page of hearts!! ((hugs))
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Haha! Thanks for the five!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks or the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Whoo! Whoo! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, it's a potato masher. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Sweet! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy you like it! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! I hoped you would like it! My sister-in-law is so talented! Hope you have a very happy day! God is good! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! I have not seen one in real life, either! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Goody! Goody! Glad you like the postcard! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Well, how nice! Thank you for the kind words! Hope you got to see House on the Rock and the Dells. I just feel so happy for you!
Response: Why thank you! I've heard lots of negative comments about Nebraska, but that's because the Interstate goes through the most boring part. You have to take the back roads! Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! So you know what I'm talking about in St. Maarten! You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, Colorado has changed, but the mountains are still there! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: Thank you for the wishes! We had a wonderful Colorado time! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart! I just threw my back out today. Pray for fast healing! Lying on my stomach typing this!
Response: So true! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!!
Response: I forgot to mention Crater Lake and Oregon Caves which are nice, too and not too far from Grants Pass. Around there is beautiful scenery and hiking trails. Hope you get to go!
Response: You're welcome! And I agree! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!!!
Response: Why, thank you for the kind words and relating your tea memories! I think tea is underrated here in the states! Thanks, I'm having a great week - hope yours is the same! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh goodie! Glad he did! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Oh, good! Glad you liked it. And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, goodie! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the info - glad you liked the animal, whatever it is! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So true! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Yes, it is! I couldn't get enough photos of it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Well, so glad you like it! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Why, thank you very much!
Response: Thanks! And thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Thank YOU for the heart!
Response: Chi-town! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Chicago! A never-forgettable experience is the top of the Willis (Sears) Tower!
Response: So happy you liked the package! No, I can't crochet, but glad you are so pleased with everything! Yay! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy you liked it! Thank you for joining my swap! Tweet! Tweet! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, I hope some day you can come to the USA. It is very big; I have not seen all of it and I live here! I was at the Amsterdam airport a long time ago; I was amazed at all the water! You, too, have a beautiful country.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so kind! Thanks for the good words and for the heart! Cheers!
Response: No worries, I'm just happy you liked the photos & such a nice response to my letter! The swap was a pleasure! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you let me know about it being missing. Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: I'm so sorry that you did not get anything. I sent all of them out at the same time. A "1" rating is very bad. We should try to work this out before you rate me down. I will resend some washi tape right away.
Response: Why thank you for your kind words! All the best to you!
Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, goody! Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hahaha! You don't see many, that's for sure! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, I have the same problem - but you never know - other people might like postcards that you don't! There's no accounting for tastes! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I hope so, too! The pics are nice, but the real thing is even better!
Response: Why, thank you! Glad you liked it! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Isn't it a beautiful place? Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, goody! Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart! I'm glad I learned how to do it! Yay!
Response: You're welcome! Happy swapping and thanks for the heart!
Response: Well, thank you! So happy you liked the stuff! Thanks also so much for the heart!
Response: Oh yes! Oh yes! Priceless! haha
Glad you liked the card & my postings! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thank you! Thank you! Thanks for the heart!
Response: What a nice connection - such good memories in the Dells, but haven't been for a while. Thanks for the kind comments and glad you liked the house. LOVE the heart!
Response: Have a wonderful time in Scotland on your next trip! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: *sniff*
You're welcome - *sniff* - *sniff*
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you loved it! Thanks for being in the group! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, we were happy to have missed the flood! And the statue was pretty impressive! Thanks for the 5.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hahaha! Wait until I tell my family! hahaha! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Cool! Thanks for the 5.
Response: I just saw daffodils blooming in my flower bed today! Yay! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are welcome! And glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Yepper! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, goody! Glad it made you happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay! You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Cool! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked the stuff! So glad people like different things - bear dancing is not something I think I want to attempt, but glad someone got a pic of it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, thank you so much! What kind words! Your comment made me smile! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Yes, USPS has been losing money lo, all these years, so rates have skyrocketed. It's crazy! Glad you like the cards and thank you so much for the heart!
Response: The country is very peaceful, to be sure. I can see how you would miss it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Haha! Glad you liked said bird! Stay warm and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Wow! That was fast!
Response: Oh, poor thing! Glad you saved the King! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it! I love the national parks! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! I have visited some of these places & they are amazing! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh yay! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great ! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much and thank you for the heart! We are going on vacay! Yay!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh, goody! You're welcome.
Response: Great! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! You're more patient than I .... I had to open mine right away!
Response: They are called 'Trading Card Pages'. They are also used for sending Pocket Letters. I will send you a packet of them.
Response: Thanks for the info. We never knew any of this! What kind of swap are you thinking about? I'm game!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome! Glad it pleased you!
Response: He sure is! You are very welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You are welcome! Have a great day!
Response: Oh, thank you for the very kind words! Bless you! Aad thank you for the heart. Praying for your mother...
Response: Hahaha! Yes, I really like Reacher. You are entirely welcome! I'm glad the second send got to you! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thank you SO MUCH! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, great! Thank you heaps for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the lovely heart!
Response: So sorry about the flood! Glad you liked my story!
Response: So sorry for your disturbing life. Hope you get settled soon. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for liking my pocket letter. Thanks for the kind words and for the heart!!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the heart! Have a great day!
Response: Glad you have a good sense of humor! Yes, I did not look up where you lived & CA is a big state! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ooooo! Goody! Glad you liked everything! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you! I had a wonderful birthday! Glad you liked everything. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Oh good the smoke is down! Hope you have a good time with the dotee doll! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, goody! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, indeed! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're entirely welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Ohhhh goody! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh you are so sweet! I hope you are doing better now! Kiwis are some of the best people I've ever met! Glad my stuff helped cheer you up! Thanks for the heart! Bless you!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: Oh, yay! Glad you like them! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for the kind words and the heart!
Response: Awww! Thank you so much!!! And thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you! Thank you!
Response: Oh, cool! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yeah, I spent a LOT of time making these and looking for the perfect containers. I was surprised at the cost of postage!
Response: GREAT! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Too bad you can't send rain to CA! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Yes, I keep forgetting that the older I get, the songs I like get older, too! haha! Thanks so much for the heart and thanks for joining this swap!
Response: You're welcome! Happy reading!
Response: Glad you liked them! Something different. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're entirely welcome . Thanks for the heart!
Response: The temps in Key Largo can really vary - so glad you got warm weather when you were there!!
Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Great! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words! Makes me happy! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them! So happy! Thank you so mud for the heerat!
Response: I'm so sorry. I added gems and outlined it with cloth. I also collaged the back. I feel bad that I didn't live up to your expectations.
Response: Thanks for the kind words! And thank you so much for the heart!
Response: Cool! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Ur Welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Wow! Small world! It's been rated one of the best county fairs in the Midwest. Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: I couldn't believe it, either! Oh,you lucky duck for going to Egypt. We are toying with the idea -no crowds & cheap, but not a very safe place right now. Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: You're welcome! It was interesting to watch the snowman shrink!
Response: So glad! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Glad you liked it! Was my first attempt! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank YOU! Loved your swap! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you thought it was funny! haha Thanks for the very beautiful heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh, goodie! Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you can use it all! You're welcome & thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Yes, I walk there quite often. It's better when it's not muddy! haha Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Yes, I love to walk there!
Response: You are heartily welcome ! Happy Easter & thanks for the heart!
Response: Well you are warmer than we are - today it is 46 and windy. Happy Easter and thanks for the heart!
Response: Cool! Glad you liked them! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks! Today is the first day of spring, so I have hopes that it will warm up soon. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay! Some authors are better than others. I'm reading one now that just didn't do it for me. haha. Thanks for the heart!
Response: No, I did not know that! I will sure tell all my friends named Jennifer!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! It was my grandson's! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay! Glad to spread ideas! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed them as much as I did! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy you like the photos! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, a comment about the name "Charlotte": it is a trending baby name now! Who knew?
Response: You are so very welcome! Have a wonderful new year and thanks for the heart!!
Response: No worries. I understand completely. Thanks so much for the heart and the kind words! Happy New Year!
Response: So happy you love it ! Happy new year to you & thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much! And thanks for the heart!!! :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart !
Response: Happy holidays to you! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So grand! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart !
Response: Oh, cool! Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart !
Response: Thanks for the heart !
Response: Great! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You rock ! Thanks for the heart !
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome - thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Wasn't that serendipity! Thanks so much for the heart and sharing how the LBI card made you feel! Hugs!
Response: Great! Thanks for the rating!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Cool! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome & much for the heart.
Response: Oh, you are very welcome & thanks for the heart!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: What kind words! Glad you can use them! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Haha! Glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the winter good wishes and thanks heaps for the heart!
Response: Yes, I am still getting cards! You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Cool! I never thought of colored snow before! Thanks for giving me that phrase! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Wow! You do get around! I suppose Alaska's scenery is more dramatic than Elkhorn's! LOL Hugs and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: That is so cool! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh, my! Thank you so much! Wonder how that happened? YOU deserve a heart! And thanks for the heart you gave me!
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank YOU for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart !
Response: Thanks & thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: So glad! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Me, too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: LOL And thanks for the heart!
Response: Welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything and yes, I agree - sometimes age does beget beauty. Thanks for the awesome heart!
Response: Made me so happy! Thanks for the awesome heart!
Response: Thank you and thank you for the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: OK! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great! So happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Goody! Thanks for the heart!
Response: That makes me happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy you like them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: LOL! Thanks for the "feel good" response! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: lol! Happy you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I had to check back to see what I had sent! Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your comment made me chuckle! I have done the exact same thing!
Hope you do get to enjoy Thai food someday! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you are getting warmer - you are TWICE as warm as we are! Enjoy! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome, and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the kind words! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! We sure enjoyed being out of the cold. Hang on- hope spring is not far away! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks! (((hug back)))
Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Wow! That was fast! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart! So appropriate for Valentines' Day!
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked the postcard for yourself! The envelope was made by another swapper. Thanks for the heart and a very happy new year!
Response: Glad you got it!
Response: Oh! Get well! Hope the tea helped! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy early Christmas to you, too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy you love it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Cool! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Good and you're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Merry Christmas!
Response: Cool! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Cool! Thanks for the heart!
Response: What a serendipitous choice for your postcard! I had so much fun doing this!
Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Great! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Cool! The book was a great adventure! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: I hope you do get to go! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so gracious! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: 'Unremarkable' is a nice way to describe it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the tip! That would probably help a lot! If I ever go back to Grants Pass, I will let you know! Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: Yes, it's a church somewhere in Germany... You are welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: haha! New cloud formations, maybe! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the 5
Response: Glad you like it! :{} Thanks for the heart!
Response: :{} Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the 5!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the heart!!! I know what you mean about hiking....
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Hey! Thanks for the heart!!!!
Response: Me so happy! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Thanks for the 5!!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!!
Response: No problem; glad you got them! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks so much for the heart!!
Response: Hahah! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it! And thanks so much for the heart!
Response: You are so kind!!! Thank you!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: It's always good to laugh! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the heart!!!
Response: I'm so happy you like it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I love it that you love it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: So happy for you!!! You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Oh cool! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: So glad you can use them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the kind words!
Response: Thanks for the 5!
Response: Thanks - got your letter today! Hope you are doing well!
Response: Me, too!
You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I am not home, so I haven't seen the card that was sent to me, and I can't rate it yet!
Response: My pleasure! Happy birthday!
Response: haha! You're welcome! :)
Response: Glad you found the CD interesting - I did take a chance... and you're welcome! :)