Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Thank my daughter. She has boxes of stickers. Glad you like them. Richard
Response: Always good to trade with you, Rich
Response: Sorry I shorted you. I'll try to remember to give you an extra next envelope swap. Be well!
Response: No, I don't think so. lol
Response: There are at least four feral Siamese in my neighborhood, none are friendly, if they were I would have them spayed or neutered like I had three of their kittens. They are very fertile and leave grey striped kittens everywhere, especially under my back deck.
Response: I am so sorry, I will resend this swap. Rich
Response: We have been having warm days and cold nights, some trees have changed and some have simply lost their leaves. All of my flowers are dead now from the frosty nights, but today (10/21/24) it got up to 80 degrees, so who know what is going on? ha ha
Response: We have 3 regular hummingbird visitors, they fight each other. Rich
Response: It's always a pleasure to trade with you.
Response: Sorry to hear that, good on your library. Rich
Response: Somebody I used to work with said he had been to all 50 and all the provinces of Canada, but he was a big ole liar, and when he started his stories we all just rolled our eyes. ha ha
Response: You're welcome. My college roommate lives in Vienna, Austria, and is always sending me antique photos and cards he buys at secondhand stores. I hope you like it.
Response: How cool. I really like it when people get a postcard from me that they like or brings back memories.
Response: I went to uni in Lafayette, Purdue.
Response: It's nice for me when I hear people like the choices I make for swap.
Response: Might be in the Philippines?
Response: Those barn postcard stamps are the only ones I can get around here.
Response: No worries, we all do it.
Response: You are very welcome
Response: You are very welcome
Response: You are very welcome
Response: Happy swapping to you also, many happy days too! Rich
Response: 20 years of trading!
Response: Yikes! I'll try to use stronger envelopes, glad the cards arrived okay. Rich
Response: I'm a man of few words, Silent Sam my wife calls me sometimes.
Response: To be honest, I've never had tofu. There are actually very few foods I don't like. I'll try it sometime. Rich
Response: Yes, that's a funny photo for sure. We have a tortie also named Toffee. Richard
Response: And thanks for your service.
Response: Indiana Dunes is fairly close to me. It became a National Park in 1966. Previously it was a state park, and before that it was a city park (Gary, Indiana). I have been going there since I was a boy.
Response: Great minds think alike!
Response: me too, thanks for the heart
Response: Sorry to hear that, would you like me to send another card?
Response: Zebras are my favorite mammal; penguins are my favorite bird.
Response: I can't wait to retire! ha ha
Response: No, the lie is that am tall, I'm only 5'9"
Response: I had to clear some stuff off to not be embarrassed, ha ha! Rich
Response: No, I was not spoiled because I was the youngest. My parents were not prepared for a "change of life" baby and I pretty much raised myself.
Response: Happy summer to you too.
Response: We only have one cat and she has her perch right in front of the picture window which has a feeder on it. We sometimes turn on the youtube channel that has birds or mice on it, she can watch those for hours.
Response: Caca is poo or crap, I wanted to use crap didn't think it was appropriate.
Response: My daughter loves riding, but we don't own any horses (we also live in town) so we have to rent them. :-)
Response: It looks like it is still open and services the very rural Native Americans who live in the Everglades.
Response: I don't remember what day I wrote that card, but Olivia might have been over her cousin's riding horses. Only horses outrate stickers. Thanks for the offer, I am sure she would be grateful for any. Rich
Response: We have a lot of "critters" in the woods behind our yard. White tail deer, possums, raccoons, feral cats, occasionally we see red fox and owls.
Response: Sure, use them when you need them for swaps.
Response: Indiana, 50 miles from Chicago. I LOVE prime rib and use any occasion to have it. ha ha! Happy New Year! Rich
Response: Thank you for the rating after my screw-up. Rich
Response: Just painted the living room and a LOOOONG hallway, I'm pooped.
Response: I am so sorry to hear this, hopefully you will find another place. Rich
Response: Hi, the old ones I inherited from my aunt and sister-in-law, both passed away now. I also bought several bags of old postcards (some used and some new and in fairly good shape) at Uncle John's Flea market. I haven't been there since Covid though. I have been buying new ones now from dealers on eBay and
Response: Sure, I'll create a second one.
Response: Thank you, party went off without a hitch. It did rain in the morning but by 1:00 pm when the party started it had stopped and we already had guests. Now I have Olivia's party to plan, but she doesn't graduate until...have to calculate...2025. rich
Response: Yes, I am fit as a fiddle, and was able to organize my nephew's graduation party. A rousing success too. Thank you for your concern. I always have to rest up after a trip too. Rich
Response: Glad it got to you finally.
Response: Seemed like it was just signage, wanted to be correct for you. Take care, Rich
Response: Honestly I've been to Indy maybe three times in my life. I know, I should be ashamed. Madison is along the Ohio River and there is a very nice state park near it. That's about all I know. Have a great time. Rich
Response: coleslaw, cabbage and carrots shredded and mixed with mayo or salad dressing. I love it. The Germans make it with vinegar instead of mayo. I like KFC coleslaw best.
Response: The one we have on our country fairgrounds you can walk through but not drive through as it was relocated to the fair grounds and doesn't actually go anywhere.
Response: I love cats of all colors, I hope I didn't offend you. To me it is sad that anyone wouldn't like cats, although mine is currently mad at me. :-)
Response: Our kids loved P&F but now they like anime and I can't get into that myself. Mostly now they are teens and like whatever it is that teens like. I haven't a clue.
Response: We only have one it my county. It's been moved to our county fairgrounds where it can be watched. Arsonists have burned many here in Northern Indiana.
Response: Nope, I live in a small town but there are farms in this area, many are being turned into subdivisions though. Farming is hard work and many of the farm kids would rather work in an office I guess.
Response: I'll send you some, like I said, I have a lot of them. Rich
Response: To be honest with you I don't care for the cabbage either. Rich
Response: Yes, me too, come on warmer weather!
Response: I have been waiting a long time to send that card. Glad you liked it.
Response: We have 45 miles of shoreline along Lake Michigan. But as far as I know only Michigan City has a harbor and lighthouses. There are two at each end of the harbor and they are identical.
Response: What was surprising about my card/
Response: Hi, Happy Thanksgiving, glad the package arrived and you are pleased with it. Sorry again for the mistake on my part. I really have to read more carefully. I was scolded in college because of that fault. Rich
Response: Hiya, yeah, our town is named after Lowell, Massachusetts, maybe the one in Michigan is too. Happy Halloween! Rich
Response: Is that the bull's eye lobster? I had those made years ago when I thought people who traded postcards would like computer generated cards. I was wrong. Now occasionally I make my own swaps where I can unload them. Some of the on-lines companies that print photos used to make postcards too. Not as many do, and those that do like Walmart charge a lot for them. Sorry I can't help. Just try doing a Google search for postcards. Good luck.
Response: Those are from the Current catalog, but those are several years old and they probably don't sell them anymore. They change their stock almost every season.
Response: Actually I had it set aside for an American partner but thought it might be a different card that you might normally get from an American. Best wishes, Rich.
Response: Sorry for the confusion. Glad you liked what I sent. Rich
Response: I like salty snacks rather than sweet ones.
Response: We plant in late May here as the weather is very unpredictable in early spring. The past few years we didn't get hard frost until late October.
Response: I am glad you liked the photos. My middle name is Alan too. Stay safe, Rich
Response: Hello, today February 5 we have 20cm of snow on the ground and it is currently (11:00) -9 C. I hope your winter is not too freezing. Be well. Rich
Response: Glad you received them and like them. Rich Be safe!
Response: Would you want me to start more over-sized postcard swaps? Rich
Response: Carole Lombard (born Jane Alice Peters; October 6, 1908 – January 16, 1942) was an American actress, particularly noted for her energetic, often off-beat roles in screwball comedies. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Lombard 23rd on its list of the greatest female stars of Classic Hollywood Cinema.
Response: It's never too late to receive a heart. Hope all is well with you. Rich
Response: Sorry to hear that. Wasn't it weighed with a mailing label? How much did you have to pay? I'll be happy to reimburse you.
Response: Thanks, I rec'd it the other day.
Response: Thank you for the rating, just rereading the swap I realize I had to do that too. Yes, alternative history is fascinating. Two of my favorites are "Man in the High Tower" about the US losing WWII and what happend to us Americans and "Salt and Rice" about all of Europeans dying from the Black Plague in the Middle Ages, so no white Christians to dominate world history.
Response: Mutt? but I don't remember which card I sent so it could be a mistake. Do you want me to send another?
Response: It was a brief banquet, not too many speakers which was okay with me. The oldest boy is a junior in high school so they will be leaving the nest soon. My baby girl has lots of years left with daddy though. lol
Response: Like most cities it's best not to stray too far from the touristy areas. Lots of immigrants from Africa, Syria, and even as far away as Afghanistan. The Middle East is full of trouble spots and people fleeing their home countries. Lots of stuff we don't hear about in our news programs. They are too full of fluff and Hollywood. I don't watch TV much for information about what is going on in our country or the world.
Response: Only 4 days to No. Ireland? Pretty good I think.
Response: Elizabeth has just run into the man who proposed to her. A rejected suitor and he acted like he didn't know her. She's kind of upset. I forget her exact words but I know she is wondering why he didn't acknowledge her.
Response: Happy Christmas to you too!
Response: I know, right? My handwriting isn't that bad. ha ha
Response: I think my daughter used end pieces that she had left over from her rolls. She does most of my sticker and washi tape work.
Response: You're welcome, Happy Easter
Response: Wow! It sure got there soon. Glad you like. Rich
Response: Thank you, I might have another one in January. I'm not sponsoring any swaps in December.
Response: Yes I scanned that postcard for the illustration of the swap.
Response: I was just watching a video of the Black Watch marching the Royal Mile. Look it up, great video if you like military parades.
Response: A friend in prison makes me holiday cards and I like to reuse them. I think he's a good artist.
Response: I am not a hunter so I'm not sure if we have quail or not. Occasionally someone will report a coyote and everyone panics. We have deer that come into our yard and cardinals are the state bird.
Response: I flew in an old plane like that from Turkey to Bulgaria when I was in the service.
Response: Actually there are several leaning bell towers like this one in Italy. This one is Pisa is just the most famous. There are several more in Pisa and about 7 or 8 in the rest of Italy. The one in Venice was more popular years ago than the one in Pisa.
Response: Our blooms in the early summer and is spread out under our lilac bush. Its flowers are yellow too.
Response: I have a bunch (all different) if you want to trade for some more.
Response: Sorry, I'll resend. three cards sent evening 8/20, again I'm sorry for not reading the swap. Usually I only sign up for stamped and mailed card swaps.
Response: Sorry, i goofed up.
Response: Hey, I went to school at Purdue, Lafayette too. Great town. Lowell up in the NW corner of Indiana. About 50 miles from Chicago. We get Chicago TV here. Have a great summer!
Response: I honestly don't remember what I sent. Would you like me to send another card? No problem at all. Message me if you want me to resend. I don't think you can respond to a response.
Response: Round barns used to be quite common in the Midwest. From what I've read they were easier and quicker to build. Not being an architect I don't know why that would be. Only a few left now. We have one on a working farm in our county. The farmhouse is also round.
Response: She thanks you. She does know she's adorable.
Response: Happy to send something you enjoy.
Response: You are probably right. Thanks for the heart. Rich
Response: Thank you for being patient with my mistake. I usually only sponsor naked swaps so I am using that as my excuse. Best wishes.
Response: Ich war in Giebelstadt und Berlin stationiert. Ich war auch in der Türkei und Arabien stationiert. Danke, Rich.
Response: Ha ha! I thought it maybe was some kind of bent coin. People do collect lots of different stuff. Happy Holidays.
Response: No, not yet, on my bucket list. :)
Response: glad you liked it
Response: hey, thanks for the info, glad you liked the card.
Response: I've been to Kokomo, but usually when I head the word I think of the Beach Boys' song. LOL
Response: Five shoeboxes full and I just traded most of my USA cards or I would have six or seven.
Response: Hope you're well now.
Response: Castles are my favorite too.
Response: Regular crossword puzzle books were surprisingly hard to find. Glad you like what I could find.
Response: you're very welcome
Response: glad you like it
Response: Isn't the water level rising or it's sinking or something? I read somewhere it would be gone by 2050.
Response: You marked that you rec'd on May 5.
Response: I buy plain backs, they have stickum on one side.
Response: No, not Keith. :-)
Response: I am very sorry. I have been having computer troubles and apparently didn't read the swap very well. I will send new cards tomorrow (11/5)
Response: I am very sorry. I have been having computer troubles and apparently didn't read the swap very well. I will send new cards tomorrow (11/5)
Response: I'm drinking some of that tea right now. I like strong black tea and I brew it in the coffee maker and keep some in the refrigerator. Raining like a son of a gun right now. Too bad because the boys wanted to go to the high school football game.
Response: So glad it finally got to you.
Response: You're quite welcome.
Response: I hate when that happens! :-)
Response: te olette tervetulleita
Response: I hope you enjoy them. I did.
Response: No worries, stuff gets buried on my desk all the time.
Response: Actually I don't collect stamps anymore. I save them for my goddaughter in Austria. She likes large pretty stamps.
Response: You're talking about the square card right? Yeah, I didn't know if he was upside down or right side up or just goofy.
Response: sorry, i sealed it up before i put the letter in.
Response: I bought some postage stamp albums at a yard sale. I use some stamps from there.
Response: I have friends who own a print shop. They make cards for me sometimes.
Response: There will always be sick people and pill pushers like me to sell to them.
Response: Yes, but they are the same ones over and over. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I buy most of my unusual cards on eBay.
Response: you are correct, give the lady a shiny new dime
Response: zebra steaks, yum.
Response: I don't believe I am related to Brigham Young. My family name used to be spelled Jung and that ancestor came to the States just before WWI. When the war broke out he quickly changed the spelling.
Response: I looked at your blog, thanks for showing my card.
Response: I will send cards to you in an envelope.
Response: Maybe the reindeer revolted and left him in the woods?
Response: You are quite welcome.
Response: I'm glad you like them. Part of the pleasure I get from swapping is when I really please my partner.
Response: Glad you got the second send. Happy New Year and thanks for hosting.
Response: Didn't think I had a fawn for you, but looked again and there it was. Enjoy.
Response: There is some fabric in the card, I don't know whether it's actually linen or some other kind of fabric. Hang on to those cards, they don't make them anymore.
Response: I have received it, thanks, good choice! ha ha ha!
Response: Yeah, that was from a photo I took. Winkflash was the company I think. I get some of my Christmas cards made there too.
Response: More like 100, you're quite welcome.
Response: Yes, the Colts play there. It's new, was built in 2008.
Response: Sorry, no cigar. We returned from Florida about a week ago. Kids had a great time at Disney. I'm not a redhead. :)
Response: It's a Mormon (Latter Day Saints) Temple.
Response: Amazed that it got to Germany in 4 days. Glad you like them. I have 22 more to send. :)
Response: Glad they were okay.
Response: Mailed for the third time on June 1st.
Response: Sorry, I'm not a real chatty person, but I'll try to do better in the future.
Response: they let you personalize or create postcards to send or keep.
Response: Hello, Susan. I did have a brother who lived in the Boston area but he's passed away. My father's family was of German origin and Young was spelled Jungmark until WWII when most of them changed it. I do have a few elderly relatives in Chicago who still use the old German spelling though.
Response: I happened to find a bunch of those at a flea market. I have a couple left I think.
Response: It is very hard to find cards where i live too. Mostly I buy them on-line.
Response: It just started snowing here. 4:46 p.m. central time, Friday the 5th. But we aren't due for a foot of the white stuff like ya'll are.